(2 Timothy 3; Psalm 119) Transformed by God’s Word: The Life of Obedience and Delight


1. 神様の御言葉は、私たちをキリストのように変える力があります (2テモテ3:14-17)

14 けれども あなた は、 学ん で 確信 し た ところ に とどまっ て い なさい。 あなた は 自分 が だれ から 学ん だ かを 知っ て おり、 15 また、 自分 が 幼い ころ から 聖書 に 親しん で き た こと も 知っ て いる から です。 聖書 は あなた に 知恵 を 与え て、 キリスト・イエス に対する 信仰 による 救い を 受け させる こと が でき ます。 16 聖書 は すべて 004 神 の 霊感 による もの で、 教え と 戒め と 矯正 と 義 の 訓練 の ため に 有益 です。 17 神 の 人 が すべて の 良い 働き に ふさわしく、 十分 に 整え られ た 者 と なる ため です。


何千年もの間、聖書は、神様が聖なる方であること、人間は罪深いこと、そしてイエス様が私たちの代わりに死んで、神様の怒り、罪、死から私たちを救ってくださったことを、人々が理解するのを助けてきました。私たちの考え方を変え、聖書に書かれていることを信じることは、私たちの責任です。教会で働く人たちも、考え方を変えて、聖書に書かれていることに従わなければなりません。時々、教会の人たちは間違いを犯し、聖書を正しく理解しないことがありますが、それは聖書が間違っていたということではありません。聖書は今でも正しいのですから、私たちはいつでも聖書に立ち返って、何を考え、何をしなければならないかを考えることができるのです。自らをクリスチャンと呼びながら、聖書に書いてあることを信じず、 行わない人たちのようになってはいけません。聖書に書いてあることを信じ、イエス様に従いましょう。聖書が特別なのは、それが単に人によって書かれたものではなく、神 様によって霊感を受けて書かれたものであるからです。これは、神様が、ダビデや使徒パウロのような、聖書を 書いた人たちが、神様が言われたとおりのことを言うよう、助けてく ださったということです。つまり、聖書に書かれていることはすべて真実であり、神 様から出たものだということです。B.B.ウォーフィールドという有名な神学者は、これには聖書の中の一つ一つの言葉さえも含まれていることを示しました(ルカ24:27、44、ヨハネ5:39-40、1コリント15:3-4)。ですから、聖書は、私たちがクリスチャンとして信じていること の唯一の正確な情報源なのです。




2. 神様の律法は、完全に守られるなら、祝福をもたらします (詩篇119:1-8)

1 幸い な こと よ   全 き 道 を 行く 人々   主 のみ おしえ に 歩む 人々。 2 幸い な こと よ   主 の さとし を 守り   心 を 尽くし て 主 を 求める 人々。 3 まことに   彼ら は 不正 を 行わ ず   主 の 道 を 歩み ます。 4 あなた は 戒め を 仰せつけ られ まし た。   それら を 堅く 守る よう に。 5 どう か   私 の 道 が 堅く さ れ ます よう に。   あなた の おき てを 守る ため に。 6 そう すれ ば   あなた の すべて の 仰せ を 見 て   私 は 恥じる こと が あり ませ ん。 7 あなた の 義 の さばき を 学ぶ とき   私 は 直ぐ な 心 で あなた に 感謝 し ます。 8 私 は あなた の おき てを 守り ます。   どう か   私 を 見捨て ない で ください。




キリストと、私たちの罪を贖うために十字架につけられたキリストの完全 な従順を信じる者として、この詩篇は私たちの考え方を変えるはずです。イエス様は旧約聖書の律法に完全に従われ、旧約聖書の律法がキリストの律法を通して今日の私たちにもたらされる方法を教えてくださったので、キリストの律法は私たちのクリスチャンとしての信念と行動を形成し続けなければなりません。私たちの王であるイエスのように、私たちは心から神に従い、より神に近くなるよう努力しなければなりません。私たちは、イエスとその使徒たちが説明した神様のことばを信頼し、頼りにして、それが私たちの考え方を変え、私たちの人生を導くことができるようにしなければならないのです。



3. 神様の御言葉は、それを継続し、喜ぶ人のための知恵です ( 詩篇119:9-16)

9 どの よう に し て 若い 人 は   自分 の 道 を   清く 保つ こと が できる でしょ う か。   あなた のみ ことば の とおり に   道 を 守る こと です。 10 私 は 心 を 尽くし て あなた を 求め て い ます。   どう か   あなた の 仰せ から   私 が 迷い 出 ない よう に し て ください。 11 私 は あなた のみ ことば を 心 に 218 蓄え ます。   あなた の 前 に 罪 ある 者 と なら ない ため に。 12 主 よ   あなた は ほ むべ き 方。   あなた の おき てを 私 に 教え て ください。 13 私 は この 唇 で 語り ます。   あなた の 御 口 の さばき すべて を。 14 私 は   あなた の さとし の 道 を   どんな 宝 よりも 楽しん で い ます。 15 私 は   あなた の 戒め に 思い を 潜め   あなた の 道 に 私 の 目 を 留め ます。 16 私 は   あなた の おき てを 喜び と し   あなた のみ ことば を 忘れ ませ ん。




As we have been reading the story of Joshua, we have seen that Joshua was chosen by God after Moses to lead the Israelites. God told him to be brave and not be afraid because God would be with them and gave Joshua written instructions on how to live. Today, we are also given God’s Word in the Bible. Even in Japan, the Bible is easy to find, but we are sometimes tempted to not pay attention to it. But the Bible is not just any normal book. It is very special and important to God. He wants us to value and treat it with the highest respect. By paying attention to God’s Word, as revealed in Christ, and obeying Him by faith, we can know God in the perfect way. This morning, we will learn why it is important to pay attention to God’s Word and why we need to believe and obey it.

1. God’s Word is powerful to transform us to become more like Christ (2 Timothy 3:14-17)

14 But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have firmly believed, knowing from whom you learned it 15 and how from childhood you have been acquainted with the sacred writings, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. 16 All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, 17 that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.

Contextual meaning: The Apostle Paul wrote a letter to his friend Timothy, an elder in a Christian church, reminding him of the importance of teaching from the Bible as it is the only text from God and is useful for teaching people how to believe in Jesus, obey Jesus and correct us when we disobey Jesus. Paul also wrote about false teachers who were spreading myths and man-made commandments, and religious traditions that came from evil spirits, and urged Timothy to focus on teaching from the Bible and to teach others to do the same even if it causes them harm. He also reminded Timothy that he learned about Christianity from his grandma and mom and to make sure his ministry is teaching from the Bible because it is the only text that comes from God and can fully equip people with the correct Christian faith and practice.

Historical Understanding: For thousands of years, the Bible has helped people understand that God is holy, that humanity is sinful, and that Jesus came to die in our stead to save us from God’s wrath, our sin, and death. It is our responsibility to change our thinking and believe what the Bible says. Even people who work in the church must change their minds and obey what the Bible says. Sometimes people in the church make mistakes and don’t understand the Bible correctly, but that doesn’t mean the Bible was wrong. The Bible is still right, and we can always go back to it to figure out what we must think and what we must be doing. Don’t be like the people that call themselves Christians but don’t believe or do what the Bible says. Instead, believe what it says about Jesus and obey Him. The Bible is special because it is not just written by people, it is also inspired by God. This means that God helped the people who wrote it, like David, and the Apostle Paul, to say exactly what God wanted them to say. That means that everything in the Bible is true and comes from God. A famous theologian named B.B. Warfield showed that this even includes every single word in the Bible (Luke 24:27, 44; John 5:39-40; 1 Corinthians 15:3-4). So, the Bible is the only accurate source of what we believe as Christians.

Doctrinal Application: We should take those verses of the Bible to heart and make sure that we are paying attention when it is preached, and we should regularly read and strive to believe and obey what it teaches. We should try to live according to its teachings, and also make sure that we are sharing the message of Christ with others and helping them to understand it. It is important to keep in mind that the Bible is not just about what Christ has done in the past, but also about how we are to believe and obey Christ in the present, and the future hope we have in being made perfect as Jesus is perfect, when Jesus comes again.

Practical Application: The Bible is the word of God and should change our lives by leading us to faith in Jesus and obedience to him. It teaches us to love God and others, be kind, patient, thankful, and understanding. It also teaches us to use our gifts and talents to serve others and bring glory to Christ. We should strive to be like Jesus in our work and think about passing on the teachings of the Bible to future generations. For workers, this means training successors to serve and glorify God and being humble and compassionate in teaching. For those with responsibility over others, it means thinking about the long-term sustainability of the organization and the impact on future generations and leaving a legacy that blesses others in the name of Jesus.

Contextualize: The biblical authors had a different way of thinking compared to the traditional ways of American or Japanese thinking, which emphasizes the importance of following and preserving the traditions and teachings of the leaders of folk religions, rather than relying on personal faith and interpretation in a single holy book. However, the Apostle Paul emphasizes the importance of personal faith and the ability of individuals to understand and interpret the teachings of the Bible for themselves. Paul encouraged Timothy to be knowledgeable of the Bible so that he himself could be wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. We must each individually know God through Christ, not merely rely on our parents’ or pastors’ knowledge of God.

2. God’s law results in blessing if it is perfectly obeyed (Psalm 119:1-8)

1 Blessed are those whose way is blameless, who walk in the law of the Lord! 2 Blessed are those who keep his testimonies, who seek him with their whole heart, 3 who also do no wrong, but walk in his ways! 4 You have commanded your precepts to be kept diligently. 5 Oh that my ways may be steadfast in keeping your statutes! 6 Then I shall not be put to shame, having my eyes fixed on all your commandments. 7 I will praise you with an upright heart, when I learn your righteous rules. 8 I will keep your statutes; do not utterly forsake me!

Contextual meaning: Psalm 119 is a special song that talks about how great God’s Word is. It’s like a big list of all the good things about God’s Word and how it’s better than anything else. This poem is special because it’s written in a special way. Each section of the poem starts with a different letter of the Hebrew alphabet, which made it easy for kids that spoke Hebrew to remember. The whole song is like a big prayer, where the person singing it is talking to God about how much they love and believe in His Word. And even though the song is long, each part of it talks about a different thing. So when we read it today, we get to think about different ways that God’s Word is special and important. This encourages people to read and obey God’s Word, to express a love for it, and remain devoted to it. But because the person singing loves God’s Word so much and obeys it, it also helps us to understand that the song isn’t talking about us. The song can only be sung truthfully by someone better than us, someone who isn’t a sinner like we are. The song begins by saying that the one who listens to and obeys God’s law is blessed by God, because of the special agreement that Yahweh made with people called a covenant. The one who seeks after God with his whole heart and does nothing wrong, but obeys God all the time, will not be ashamed or forsaken by God.

Biblical Support: The first song in the book of Psalms, Psalm 1, talked about a better king who devoted himself faithfully to God’s Word. When God gave his laws to Moses long before these songs were written, he also gave special rules about what the king of Israel should do, including copying and studying God’s Word. This song is talking about a better king who committed himself to reading and obeying God’s Word. Even the best of Israel’s kings such as King David sinned against God. Such an obedient king can only be the true King of the Jews, Jesus.

Point to Christ: It’s important to remember that we do not obey God’s law perfectly, only Jesus came to obey God’s Word and show us its true purpose. The law gives blessings to those who perfectly obey it, but for those of us who do not obey God’s law, it exposes human sin. Christians have great joy because Jesus came to both keep God’s law and to absorb its penalty for sin so that all who trust Jesus can be released from guilt, share in Christ’s righteousness, and gain spiritual strength to obey his teachings (Romans 7:7-8:16; Galatians 3:13-14). As we are part of God’s kingdom through King Jesus, we must become more and more like our King by continuing to believe and obey what he said.

Doctrinal Application: As those who have faith in Christ and his perfect obedience unto the cross to atone for our sins, this Psalm should change the way that we think. Because Jesus obeyed the Old Testament law perfectly and taught us the ways in which the Old Testament law comes to us today through the law of Christ, the law of Christ must continue to shape our beliefs and actions as Christians. Like our King Jesus, we should strive to obey God from our hearts and become more like Him. We should trust and rely on God’s Word as Jesus and his apostles explained it, so that it can reshape our thinking and guide our lives.

Practical Application: As our King, Jesus models for us how to love God’s law and meditate on it day and night. The Apostle Paul, in his letter to the Romans, told them to be transformed by the renewing of their minds (Romans 12:2) and to present their bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God (Romans 12:1). This aligns with the expression of the person who sings Psalm 119 truthfully, as the singer longs for God’s guidance and protection, asking God to teach him his statutes and keep him from sin.

Contextualize: Traditionally, people focus on fitting in with and following the expectations of neighbors, rather than emphasizing a personal relationship with God through repentance and faith. Traditionally, people have followed many different beliefs and practices such as ancestor worship, nature worship, and Buddhism, rather than an emphasis on one specific holy book or set of commandments. However, the teachings of the Bible oppose these traditional ways of thinking. According to the Bible, we must believe and obey the teachings of Christ and his Apostles, even if it means people hate us, for they hated Christ too. Christ is the very revelation of God to us in the fullest sense, we don’t believe and obey the Bible because it mixes well with culture and leads to an easier life. We must submit to the authority of God’s Word and follow it, as it is the only accurate source of what we believe as Christians. It comes to us from God himself.

3. God’s Word is wisdom for the One who continues and delights in it (Psalm 119:9-16)

9 How can a young man keep his way pure? By guarding it according to your word. 10 With my whole heart I seek you; let me not wander from your commandments! 11 I have stored up your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you. 12 Blessed are you, O Lord; teach me your statutes! 13 With my lips I declare all the rules of your mouth. 14 In the way of your testimonies I delight as much as in all riches. 15 I will meditate on your precepts and fix my eyes on your ways. 16 I will delight in your statutes; I will not forget your word.

Contextual meaning: In these verses, the singer explains how the young person can keep his way pure by guarding it with God’s Word. He seeks God with his entire heart, knowing he needs God’s help to obey God’s law. He sings that following God’s teachings brings him blessing and wants to be taught, think about, and declare God’s laws, delighting in them as if they were all the riches in the world. He asks for God’s help to live in a godly way and ensure he doesn’t stray from God’s teachings. For those of us who are sinners (all of us), this song exposes our sin and need for Jesus, and serves as a reminder of the importance of understanding, obeying, and delighting in Christ who perfectly obeyed God’s law, so that we may be blessed by our connection to him by faith in Him.

Point to Christ: Jesus alone has loved God with all his heart, soul, mind and strength, was obedient to God, and made God’s law his highest delight. He fulfilled God’s law through his perfect obedience (Matthew 5:17). Jesus is the embodiment of the wise path that the Psalmist speaks of, and commands everyone to have faith in him in order to receive the blessings of God. By faith in Jesus’s atoning death and resurrection, we are forgiven and restored even though we were slaves to sin and strayed from the path of wisdom (John 8:34-36). Jesus also sent the Holy Spirit to guide us in understanding and obeying his teachings. In Jesus, we have the ultimate wisdom teacher, the only one in whom God the Father was well-pleased.

Closing Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank you for your holiness which is made known to us through the Bible. Thank you for exposing our sin and our need of Jesus through the Bible, and thank you for revealing Jesus to us through the Bible. Thank you for your grace towards us. We ask that you would help us to continue in repentance and faith in Christ this week as we strive to obey Jesus and his Apostles’ commands. Amen.

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