(Joshua 2:1-3,8-13; 6:15-25) God Conquers in Unexpected Ways: Triumphing over Enemies and Rescuing from Judgment


1. 神様は、思いがけない人を通してご自分の目的を達成される (ヨシュア記2:1-3,8-13)

1 ヌン の 子 ヨシュア は、 シティム から、 ひそか に 二人 の 者 を 偵察 として 遣わし て 言っ た。「 さあ、 あの 地 と エリコ を 見 て 来 なさい。」 彼ら は 行っ て、 ラハブ という 名 の 遊女 の 家 に 入り、 そこ に 泊まっ た。 2 ある 人 が エリコ の 王 に、「 イスラエル 人 の 数名 の 男 たち が 今夜、 この 地 を 探ろ う として 入っ て 来 まし た」 と 告げ た。 3 それで、 エリコ の 王 は ラハブ の ところ に 人 を 遣わし て 言っ た。「 おまえ の ところ に 来 て、 おまえ の 家 に 入っ た 者 たち を 出せ。 その 者 たち は、 この 地 の すべて を 探ろ う として やって来 た の だ から。」




エリコを征服するとき、神様は思いがけない人、それも悪い人を通して、神様の 約束を達成するために働かれました。神様の約束は、単なる思いつきではありません。エリコの町は、実際にあった場所です。エリコが征服されたとき、神の契約の民の一部が、神の契約の律法のもとにそこに住み始めたのです。今日、私たちは神から人や場所を征服するように命じられてはいません。しかし、神の新しい契約の民として、全世界に出て行って弟子とするように命じられているのです。全世界へというのは単なる思いつきではなく、現実の場所です。私たちは、自分の考えをすべて征服し、キリストの捕囚のもとに置くように命じられているのです。ある意味で、世界に行って、人々にイエスに従うことを教えることによって、神は私たちを通して、神の裁きに値する人々をキリストのために霊的に征服するために働いておられるのです。私たちは暴力によって征服するのではなく、イエスに敵対するあらゆる霊的な砦を打ち壊すことによって征服するのです。私たちが働き、生活する場所は、クリスチャンが生活し、働き、キリストの命令に従って霊的に征服する場所であるべきです。神の恵みによって、ある人は神を恐れ、邪悪な道から立ち返り、イエスを主とし救い主とする信仰によって、憐れみと恵みが示されるようになるのです。

2. 神の敵は滅びに専念し、神の民に勝利が与えられる(ヨシュア記6:15-21

15 七日 目、 朝 早く 夜 が 明け かかる ころ 彼ら は 起き、 同じ よう に し て 町 の 周り を 七 周 回っ た。 この 日 だけは 町 の 周り を 七 周 回っ た。 16 七 周 目 に 祭司 たち が 角笛 を 吹き鳴らし た とき、 ヨシュア は 民 に 言っ た。「 ときの声 を あげよ。 主 が この 町 を あなた がた に 与え て くださっ た から だ。 17 この 町 と その 中 に ある すべて の もの は 主 の ため に 聖 絶せよ。 遊女 ラハブ と、 その 家 に ともに いる 者 たち だけは、 みな 生かし て おけ。 彼女 は 私 たち が 送っ た 使い たち を かくまっ て くれ た から だ。 18 あなた がた は 聖 絶 の 物 には 手 を 出す な。 あなた が た 自身 が 聖 絶 さ れ ない よう に する ため、 すなわち、 聖 絶 の 物 の 一部 を 取っ て イスラエル の 宿営 を 聖 絶 の 物 と し、 これ に わざ わい を もたらさ ない よう に する ため で ある。 19 ただし、 銀 や 金、 および 青銅 や 鉄 の 器 は すべて 主 の ため に 聖別 さ れ た もの で ある。 それら は 主 の 宝物 倉 に 入れ よ。」 20 民 は ときの声 を あげ、 祭司 たち は 角笛 を 吹き鳴らし た。 角笛 の 音 を 聞い て 民 が 大声 で ときの声 を あげる と、 城壁 は 崩れ落ち た。 そこで 民 は それぞれ、 まっすぐ に 攻め上り、 その 町 を 攻め 取り、 21 町 の もの を すべて、 男 も 女 も 若者 も 年寄り も、 また 牛、 羊、 ろば も 剣 の 刃 で 聖 絶 し た。



3. 神様は、神様が献身していると見なされるものを、神の裁きから救われる (ヨシュア記 6:22-25)

22 ところで、 ヨシュア は この 地 を 偵察 し た 二人 の 男 に 言っ た。「 あの 遊女 の 家 に 行き、 あなた が た が 彼女 に 誓っ た とおり、 その 女 と その 女 に 連なる すべて の 者 を 連れ出し なさい。」 23 偵察 し た 若者 たち は 行っ て、 ラハブ と その 父、 母、 兄弟、 彼女 に 連なる すべて の 者 を 連れ出し た。 彼女 の 親族 を みな 連れ出し、 イスラエル の 宿営 の 外 に とどめ て おい た。 24 彼ら は その 町 と その 中 に ある すべて の もの を 火 で 焼い た。 銀 や 金、 および 青銅 や 鉄 の 器 だけは 主 の 家 の 宝物 倉 に 納め た。 25 しかし、 遊女 ラハブ と、 その 一族 と、 彼女 に 連なる すべて の 者 を ヨシュア が 生かし て おい た ので、 彼女 は イスラエル の 中 に 住ん で 今日 に 至っ て いる。 エリコ を 偵察 さ せよ う として ヨシュア が 送っ た 使い たち を、 彼女 が かくまっ た からで ある。




In the second chapter of Joshua, we find one of the most famous stories of the Bible. It’s a story of danger, secrecy, and cleverness. The Israelites were getting ready to enter the new land promised by God and saw a walled city there. They wanted to know what it was like and who lived there, and how they would possibly be able to conquer the people that lived in such a fortified city. So, they sent in scouts to check out the city. When the scouts returned, God gave the Israelites a plan so that he would bring divine judgment upon the city, but spare some of the people that lived there from the divine judgment. Through this story we can find great hope because we find how people today can likewise be saved from God’s divine judgment.

1. God works through unexpected individuals to accomplish his purposes (Joshua 2:1-3,8-13)

1 And Joshua the son of Nun sent two men secretly from Shittim as spies, saying, “Go, view the land, especially Jericho.” And they went and came into the house of a prostitute whose name was Rahab and lodged there. 2 And it was told to the king of Jericho, “Behold, men of Israel have come here tonight to search out the land.” 3 Then the king of Jericho sent to Rahab, saying, “Bring out the men who have come to you, who entered your house, for they have come to search out all the land.” … 8 Before the men lay down, she came up to them on the roof 9 and said to the men, “I know that the Lord has given you the land, and that the fear of you has fallen upon us, and that all the inhabitants of the land melt away before you. 10 For we have heard how the Lord dried up the water of the Red Sea before you when you came out of Egypt, and what you did to the two kings of the Amorites who were beyond the Jordan, to Sihon and Og, whom you devoted to destruction. 11 And as soon as we heard it, our hearts melted, and there was no spirit left in any man because of you, for the Lord your God, he is God in the heavens above and on the earth beneath. 12 Now then, please swear to me by the Lord that, as I have dealt kindly with you, you also will deal kindly with my father’s house, and give me a sure sign 13 that you will save alive my father and mother, my brothers and sisters, and all who belong to them, and deliver our lives from death.”

Contextual meaning: The leader that God chose to lead God’s covenant people to conquer Canaan, Joshua, sent two men to go check out the city of Jericho and report back to him. They stayed at a woman named Rahab’s house, who was not a good person. However, her house was a good place for them to hide while they spied out the land. The king of the land found out that they were there, and sent people to catch them. However, Rahab lied to protect them and said that they already left. The king’s men believed her and left. Some people think that Rahab did a good thing because she helped the Israelites to conquer Jericho. However, lying is always wrong, even if you think the motivation is right. When we read what the rest of the Bible says about the woman named Rahab, we learn that she had faith in God and helped the Israelites, and she is remembered in the Bible as an example of someone who had faith in Yahweh based on what she had heard. Amazingly, Rahab was even one of Jesus’s ancestors. (Hebrews 11:31, James 2:25, Matthew 1:5).

Historical Understanding: This story shows that God conquers his enemies, which are also the enemies of his covenant people, in unexpected ways. He even works through immoral people in order to accomplish those purposes. Thanks to Rahab, the spies went back and told Joshua that the people of Jericho were scared of the Israelites and that God would help them win the battle. The story of Rahab is really important in the book of Joshua because she was a Canaanite, which means she was part of the group of people that God was going to defeat. But because she had faith in God, she was spared from battle and became part of the Israelite community. This story shows that even though God is angry and forces bad people away from his sacred presence in judgment, he is also kind and merciful, even to bad who repent, because of their faith in Christ.

Point to Christ: In the New Testament, Jesus welcomed prostitutes that repented to become his disciples. They surrendered their former identities of sexual sin to become part of God’s story of redemption. The bad things that they had done in the past did not stop Christ from changing them and welcoming them into his community. Not even Rahab’s former Canaanite identity stopped God from bringing her to himself. The story of Rahab foreshadowed the justification of Gentiles by faith in Christ. This story should confront the sinful way of thinking that assumes that God cannot bring those that repent of their sexual immorality, even from nations that rebel against God, into God’s kingdom through faith in Christ (Galatians 2:6-9; Hebrews 11:31; James 2:25).

Practical Application: In conquering Jericho, God worked through unexpected individuals, some of them bad people, to accomplish his promises. God’s promises were not just ideas. The city of Jericho was a real place. When Jericho was conquered, some of God’s covenant people started to live there under God’s covenant law. Today, we are not commanded by God to conquer people or places. However, as God’s new covenant people, we are commanded to go into all the world and make disciples. Into all the world is not just an idea, its real places. We are commanded to take every thought captive to Christ. In a sense, by going into the world and teaching people to obey Jesus, God is working through us to spiritually conquer for Christ those who deserve divine judgment. We don’t conquer through violence, we conquer by tearing down every spiritual stronghold that stands in opposition to Jesus. The places where we work and live should become places where Christians are living and working and spiritually conquering by obeying Christ’s commands. By God’s grace, some will fear God, will turn from their wicked ways, and will be shown mercy and grace by faith in Jesus as their Lord and Savior.

2. God’s enemies are devoted to destruction, but victory is given to God’s people (Joshua 6:15-21)

15 On the seventh day they rose early, at the dawn of day, and marched around the city in the same manner seven times. It was only on that day that they marched around the city seven times. 16 And at the seventh time, when the priests had blown the trumpets, Joshua said to the people, “Shout, for the Lord has given you the city. 17 And the city and all that is within it shall be devoted to the Lord for destruction. Only Rahab the prostitute and all who are with her in her house shall live, because she hid the messengers whom we sent. 18 But you, keep yourselves from the things devoted to destruction, lest when you have devoted them you take any of the devoted things and make the camp of Israel a thing for destruction and bring trouble upon it. 19 But all silver and gold, and every vessel of bronze and iron, are holy to the Lord; they shall go into the treasury of the Lord.” 20 So the people shouted, and the trumpets were blown. As soon as the people heard the sound of the trumpet, the people shouted a great shout, and the wall fell down flat, so that the people went up into the city, every man straight before him, and they captured the city. 21 Then they devoted all in the city to destruction, both men and women, young and old, oxen, sheep, and donkeys, with the edge of the sword.

Contextual meaning: God chose the Israelites to force the wicked Canaanites out of the city of Jericho by working through the Israelites as a conquering force. Joshua told the army to approach the city and carefully obey his commands. On the seventh day, they were to shout and the walls of the city would collapse and they would be able to go into the city and conquer it. They were only allowed to save the woman named Rahab, her family, and the metal objects which were to go to Yahweh’s treasury. They were commanded to destroy everything else. That is because the wicked Canaanites, the people who lived in the city, worshiped false Gods and did very bad things, and God wanted the Israelites to stay away from living in that sinful way. God wanted the Israelites to be a holy nation, and by destroying the bad things, they would be able to stay holy and pure.

Point to Christ: We’ve already concluded that Rahab was shown mercy and grace through faith in Yahweh as God. However, the rest of the people were devoted to divine judgment. The judgment came suddenly, with a great shout and the blast of a trumpet. Likewise, when Jesus comes again to judge the living and the dead, he will come down from heaven with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first (1 Thessalonians 4:16-17). He will consummate his kingdom and will bring an end to civilization as we know it. In the same way that the Israelites were victorious in the conquest of Jericho, those who had faith in Jesus will be victorious in the final judgment. The dead in Christ will rise first and will be caught up together in the clouds to meet Jesus in the air. That means that believers in Christ will not experience divine judgment, but instead they will be with their conquering king. The story of the city of Jericho being destroyed also foreshadows John’s Apocalypse. In John’s Apocalypse, those who have faith in Jesus follow Him as he uses a sword and wins the battle against evil. In the story of Jesus defeating his enemies, kings work together against Jesus (Joshua 10-11; Revelation 12) and there are seven trumpets blown in the last battle (Joshua 6; Revelation 17-18), which is similar to the story of Jericho. Eventually, all the kingdoms of mankind will be devoted to destruction forever (Revelation 17-18). Only God’s kingdom in Christ will remain (Revelation 20:7-10). These stories of destruction might seem scary to us, but they are all part of the larger story of the man that would be born of the woman to crush the head of the serpent that tempted our first ancestor Adam to rebel against God in the garden of Eden. The man born of the woman, the serpent crusher, is Jesus, and Jesus will come to defeat those that war against God. Only those who repent and have faith in Christ who lived in perfect obedience to God’s law unto his death on the cross to atone for our sins and three days later resurrected from death, will be shown God’s grace and mercy when he comes again to judge. It is important to note that we are not the ones who bring physical divine judgment upon anyone. We are commanded to repent of our sins and have faith in Christ, and to teach others to also obey the commands of Christ. It is Christ alone who will wield physical divine judgment when he comes again. He will come again based on his own timing, without using human conquest or Christians as a means for divine judgment. Christians are not commanded by Christ to engage in physical violence or physical wars against other people.

3. God will save from divine judgment that which He considers devoted to Him (Joshua 6:22-25)

22 But to the two men who had spied out the land, Joshua said, “Go into the prostitute’s house and bring out from there the woman and all who belong to her, as you swore to her.” 23 So the young men who had been spies went in and brought out Rahab and her father and mother and brothers and all who belonged to her. And they brought all her relatives and put them outside the camp of Israel. 24 And they burned the city with fire, and everything in it. Only the silver and gold, and the vessels of bronze and of iron, they put into the treasury of the house of the Lord. 25 But Rahab the prostitute and her father’s household and all who belonged to her, Joshua saved alive. And she has lived in Israel to this day, because she hid the messengers whom Joshua sent to spy out Jericho.

Contextual meaning: The Canaanite woman named Rahab who let the Israelite spies stay with her was saved from the destruction of her city. The men who she hid came back and helped her and her family survive the destruction. But because they were Canaanites, they had to stay outside the camp of Israel until they were declared religiously clean. However, because of her faith in God which resulted in good works towards God’s covenant people, she eventually was welcomed into the Israelites and became one of them. Interestingly, the city was burned with fire, and other than the salvation of Rahab, the only things that survived the destruction were the items made out of precious metals.

Point to Christ: In 1 Corinthians 3:13-15, the Apostle Paul refers to the idea that our good works, like the precious metal items in Jericho, will be tested by fire. Just as the metal items of Jericho were devoted to Yahweh as through judgment fire, so our actions and deeds will also be put to the test through judgment fire to see if they are worthy. The foundation of our good works must be faith in Christ and obedience to his commands. If our good works survive judgment, then we receive the reward of giving Christ the glory for the good works that he has done through us by his grace. In the story of Jericho, the metal items that were devoted to Yahweh were saved and placed in the treasury even though everything else was destroyed. This is similar to the idea that if our good works are the result of Christ in our lives and glorify him, then they will survive. If our works do not come from Christ and do not glorify him, then they are burned up by judgment. We still get to be with God forever, but our actions and deeds that were not for Christ will be judged as a permanent loss. Everything that was devoted to the Lord was saved, and everything that was not devoted to the Lord was burned. Today, those who are united to Christ through faith in Him are devoted to him. We are made holy because of the holiness of Christ. Your identity is connected to the leader that you belong to. If you merely belong to humanity, then you face divine judgment along with the rest of sinful humanity. If you merely belong to a mere pastor or church, then you will be judged as unholy because your pastor is a sinner and your church is full of sinners. But if you are united to Christ by faith in Him, then you are declared holy, devoted to God, because Christ is perfectly righteous and was wholly devoted to God.

Summary: In summary, the story of Jericho and Rahab illustrates how God conquers his enemies through unexpected ways, even working through immoral people who repented and had faith in Christ. As God’s new covenant people, we are commanded to go into the world and make disciples, tearing down spiritual strongholds and bringing every thought captive unto Christ. That means we are to be obedient to Christ even in our thinking, even when it may be uncomfortable or difficult, as it is through obedience to God’s commands that we can see God’s plans unfold and he accomplishes his redemptive work in the world.

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