(Joshua 23:1-16) Remembering and Obeying God’s Covenant


1. 私たちは、神様が契約の約束を忠実に守ってくださることを忘れてはなりません(ヨシュア記23:1-5)。

1 主 が、 周囲 の すべて の 敵 から イスラエル を 守っ て 安息 を 与え られ てから、 多く の 日 が たち、 ヨシュア は 年 を 重ね て 老人 に なっ て い た。 2 ヨシュア は 全 イスラエル、 その 長老 たち、 かしら たち、 さばき 人 たち、 つかさ たち を 呼び寄せ て 彼ら に 言っ た。「 私 は 年 を 重ね て 老人 に なっ た。 3 あなた がた は、 自分 たち の 神、 主 が 自分 たち の ため に、 これら すべて の 国々 に 行っ た こと を すべて 見 て き た。 あなた がた の ため に 戦っ た のは、 あなた がた の 神、 主 で ある。 4 見よ。 私 は ヨルダン川 から 日 の 入る 方 の 大海 まで、 これら の 残っ て いる 国々 と、 すでに 私 が 絶ち 滅ぼし た すべて の 国々 を、 相続 地 として あなた がた の 部族 に くじ で 分け た。 5 あなた がた の 神、 主 ご 自身 が、 彼ら を あなた がた の 前 から 追い払い、 あなた がた の 目 の 前 から 追い出さ れる。 あなた がた の 神、 主 が あなた がた に 告げ た よう に 彼ら の 地 を 占領 し なさい。


2. 私たちは、神様が契約の約束を守ることによって、その力を発揮されることを警告する必要があります(ヨシュア記23:6-13)。

6 また、 モー セ の 律法 の 書 に 記さ れ て いる こと を、 ことごとく 断固 として 守り 行い なさい。 そこ から 右 にも 左 にも 外れ ず、 7 これら の 国々、 あなた がた の 中 に 残っ て いる、 これら の 異邦 の 民 と 交わら ない よう に する ため で ある。 彼ら の 神 々 の 名 を 口 に し ては なら ない。 それら によって 誓っ ては なら ない。 それら に 仕え ては なら ない。 それら を 拝ん では なら ない。 8 ただ 今日 まで し て き た よう に、 あなた がた の 神、 主 に すがり なさい。 9 主 は、 大きく て 強い 異邦 の 民 を あなた がた の 前 から 追い払わ れ た。 だから 今日 まで、 あなた がた の 前 に 立ちはだかる こと の できる 者 は、 一人 と し て い なかっ た。 10 あなた がた は 一人 で 千人 を 追う こと が できる。 あなた がた の 神、 主 ご 自身 が、 あなた がた に 約束 し た とおり、 あなた がた の ため に 戦わ れる からで ある。 11 だから あなた がた は 自分自身 に 十分 に 気 を つけ て、 あなた がた の 神、 主 を 愛し なさい。 12 しかし、 もしも、 あなた が た が 再び 堕落 し て、 これら の 異邦 の 民 の 生き残っ て いる 者、 すなわち、 あなた がた の 中 に 残っ て いる これら の 者 たち と 親しく 交わり、 彼ら と 姻戚 関係 に 入り、 あなた が た が 彼ら の 中 に 入っ て 行き、 彼ら も あなた がた の 中 に 入っ て 来る こと が あれ ば、 13 あなた がた は、 この こと を しっかり と 知ら なけれ ば なら ない。 あなた がた の 神、 主 は、 もはや これら の 異邦 の 民 を あなた がた の 前 から 追い払わ れ ない。 彼ら は あなた が た にとって、 罠 となり、 落とし穴 となり、 あなた がた の 脇腹 に むちとなり、 あなた がた の 目 に とげ と なる。 そして、 あなた がた は 自分 たち の 神、 主 が お 与え に なっ た この 良い 地 から 滅び 失せる。





3. 私たちは今日、キリストにある者だけが土地を受け継ぐということを警告する必要があります (ヨシュア記23:14-16)

14 見よ。 今日、 私 は 地 の すべて の 人 が 行く 道 を 行こ う と し て いる。 あなた がた は 心 を 尽くし、 いのち を 尽くし て、 知り なさい。 あなた がた の 神、 主 が あなた が た について 約束 さ れ た すべて の 良い こと は、 一つ も たがわ なかっ た こと を。 それら は みな、 あなた がた の ため に 実現 し、 一つ も たがわ なかっ た。 15 あなた がた の 神、 主 が あなた がた に 約束 さ れ た すべて の 良い こと が、 あなた がた に 実現 し た よう に、 主 は また、 すべて の 悪い こと を あなた がた に もたらし、 ついに は、 あなた がた の 神、 主 が お 与え に なっ た この 良い 地 から あなた がた を 根絶やし にさ れる。 16 主 が あなた がた に 命じ られ た、 あなた がた の 神、 主 の 契約 を 破り、 行っ て ほか の 神 々 に 仕え、 それら を 拝む なら、 主 の 怒り は あなた が た に対して 燃え上がり、 あなた がた は、 主 が お 与え に なっ た この 良い 地 から 速やか に 滅び 失せる。」

ヨシュアは人々に、神の契約の律法に従い続けるように警告しましたが、それはそれによって救いを得るためではありません。むしろ、ヨシュアは、神がすでに約束された契約の祝福である土地を与えることによって彼らを救われたので、神の契約の律法に従い続けるように人々に警告したのです。ヨシュアという名前は、”ヤハウェが救う “という意味であることを思い出してください。ヤハウェは、彼らに与えた契約の約束を果たすことによって彼らを祝福したという意味で、彼らを救われたのです。神がその契約の誠実さを保ったので、民はそれに応えて、神の契約の律法に従い続ける必要がありました。そうでなければ、モーセとイスラエルの民が約束の地に入ることを拒んで40年間追放されたのと同じような追放が待っているのだ。それは、ノアの時代の人々が大洪水によって追放されたときのような追放であろう。彼らは邪悪な行いのために、溺れて大地から切り離されたのです。また、アダムとエバがエデンの園で神の契約の律法に背き、神の神聖な臨在から追放されたときと同じような追放になるでしょう。神の契約の律法に従わないことは、常に神の裁きと追放につながります。ヨシュアは、イスラエルがその契約の律法に従わないなら、ヤハウェは彼らをその地から滅ぼすと、非常に明確かつ直接的な方法で警告しました。イスラエルがその地から追放された後、約束された女の種であり、地のすべての家族が祝福されるイエスによって、契約の約束が成就されます。私たちの偉大なヨシュアは、霊的に世界を征服し、征服し、義をもって永遠に支配することによって、神との契約の民を導くのです。


イエスがそうであったように、私たちも自分の周りに住む人々の罪深い考え方や偶像崇拝に身を委ねる誘惑から逃れなければなりません。私たちは、偶像崇拝や政治的手法を利用する者が最終的に勝利するのだと考えるように、罪深い誘惑にかられます。他人の人生を破壊する利己的な人間が支配し治めるのだと思いたい誘惑に駆られます。イエスの時代のイスラエル人も、罪深くそのように考える誘惑に駆られました。 ローマ人を何とかして自分たちの地域から追い出すことができれば、それこそがメシアが支配できる道だと考えていたのです。しかし、イエス様が与えてくださる救いは、そうした罪深い考え方よりもずっと大きなものなのです。イエスは、新しい天と地を受けるのは柔和で謙遜な者であると教えられました。信仰によって彼と結ばれた者は、彼に似た者となります。新しい天と地を受け継ぐことは、単なるカナンの地を受け継ぐことよりもずっと良いことです。地の相続は、武力や征服や政治によってではなく、イエス様への信仰によって結ばれたものへの神の恵みの賜物として与えられるのです。イエス様の完成された救いの御業を信頼する者に与えられる相続財産です。そして、私たちは、将来、新しい天と地を受け継ぐとしても、すでにそれを受け継ぐ者であると考えるべきなのです。使徒パウロは、自分が何も持っていなくても、すべてを持っていると言いました(2コリント6:10、1コリント3:22)。今、財産や名声や支持者を得るために戦う誘惑に駆られているクリスチャンは、悔い改めて、キリストの視点から物事をありのままに見る必要があるのです。イエスの完成したわざのゆえに、私たちは新しい天と新しい地を受け継ぐ者なのです。私たちは何も持つことができませんが、それでもなお、すべてを所有しているのです。



Intro: Joshua 23 and 24 are Joshua’s goodbye speech given to the people of Israel. Just like Moses had done with the previous wicked generation, Joshua said goodbye because he knew his time as a leader was coming to an end. In the first part of his speech, Joshua only addressed nine and a half tribes, while the second part of his speech was addressed to all the tribes of Israel. Joshua told the people to remember that God had fulfilled his covenant promises. Because God was faithful to fulfill his covenant promises, Joshua reminded them that they needed to obey the old covenant law, which was the book of Deuteronomy. He warned them not to disobey God’s covenant law and reminded them of the cursings that would come if they disobeyed.

1. We must remember that God is faithful to his covenant promises (Joshua 23:1-5)

Reread Verse: 1 A long time afterward, when the Lord had given rest to Israel from all their surrounding enemies, and Joshua was old and well advanced in years, 2 Joshua summoned all Israel, its elders and heads, its judges and officers, and said to them, “I am now old and well advanced in years. 3 And you have seen all that the Lord your God has done to all these nations for your sake, for it is the Lord your God who has fought for you. 4 Behold, I have allotted to you as an inheritance for your tribes those nations that remain, along with all the nations that I have already cut off, from the Jordan to the Great Sea in the west. 5 The Lord your God will push them back before you and drive them out of your sight. And you shall possess their land, just as the Lord your God promised you.

Contextual meaning: About 30 years after the Israelites had conquered the promised land, Joshua knew he was approaching the end of his life. He gave a speech and reminded the tribal leaders and people of Israel of all the great things that God had done to bring them into the promised land. Joshua here is clearly teaching a historical, covenantal, and redemptive understanding of the Bible. Joshua warned the people that the restful condition that they were experiencing was not permanent for Israel and they could not presume that God would always bless them. If they continued to obey God’s covenant law, they would experience God’s promised covenant blessing of rest in the land. However, if they disobeyed God’s covenant law, they would experience God’s promised covenant cursing of exile.

2. We need warned that God demonstrates his power through keeping his covenant promises (Joshua 23:6-13)

Reread Verse: 6 Therefore, be very strong to keep and to do all that is written in the Book of the Law of Moses, turning aside from it neither to the right hand nor to the left, 7 that you may not mix with these nations remaining among you or make mention of the names of their gods or swear by them or serve them or bow down to them, 8 but you shall cling to the Lord your God just as you have done to this day. 9 For the Lord has driven out before you great and strong nations. And as for you, no man has been able to stand before you to this day. 10 One man of you puts to flight a thousand, since it is the Lord your God who fights for you, just as he promised you. 11 Be very careful, therefore, to love the Lord your God. 12 For if you turn back and cling to the remnant of these nations remaining among you and make marriages with them, so that you associate with them and they with you, 13 know for certain that the Lord your God will no longer drive out these nations before you, but they shall be a snare and a trap for you, a whip on your sides and thorns in your eyes, until you perish from off this good ground that the Lord your God has given you.

Contextual meaning: Because there were other nations that lived in the promised land that worshiped gods of their own making and did not worship Yahweh, God’s covenant people would be tempted to give into cultural adaptation, intermarriage, and the mixing of Yahweh worship with the worship of other idols. The covenant that Yahweh had given to Israel was not an unconditional promise of covenant blessing. The people of Israel had gotten used to receiving great strength from God so that they could drive the nations out of the promised land. It was as if God had given each one of them the power to defeat a thousand of God’s enemies. The people of Israel would only receive the covenant blessings if they obeyed God’s covenant law. If they disobeyed God’s covenant law, they would receive the promised covenant cursing. If Israel intermixed their religion with the religions of the other nations, they would be exiled from God’s sacred presence and would no longer dwell with Him. Physically, that meant they would experience destruction, death, and dissolvement of their covenant nation if they intermarried with pagans and did not exclusively worship Yahweh.

Historical Understanding: Later in Israel’s history, under the rule of Israel’s kings, this message of covenant cursing for disobeying God’s law became even more threatening. King David’s son, King Solomon, intermarried with pagan women in order to form international alliances. As a result, Israel began to worship pagan gods, and the covenant kingdom dissolved as it split into several kingdoms. None of the kingdoms that remained were spared from destruction for their covenant disobedience. Both kingdoms were physically destroyed and taken into exile, just as God had promised. When the two kingdoms were finally taken as exiles to Babylon, this message continued to be important. God’s covenant people did not serve a powerless God that had been defeated in battle. Unlike the idols of the nations, God had his own purposes that he had carried out successfully. Israel did not need to search for another god, one whom could fight and win the battle with modern weapons or modern forms of politics. People who were tempted to abandon God’s written word and give into modern sensibilities needed to repent and think biblically. The answer for life’s problems was not giving into Babylon’s ways of thinking or politicking. What they needed most was to remember God’s written word and believe and obey it. God proved his power to both conquer and to wield powerful nations, and God has chosen to give his covenant blessing through covenant obedience. When the Israelites were exiled from God’s presence, it proved that God also had the power to exile those who were not faithful to obey his covenant law.

Point to Christ: While no human was able to obey God’s covenant law because of our sinfulness, thankfully, Jesus came and fully obeyed God’s covenant law even unto his death on the cross to atone for our sins. Today, those who have faith in Jesus are united to Him and his perfect obedience and righteousness are imputed to them.

New Testament Application: Today, God is still faithful to his covenant and with it comes a warning. Those that fall away from the Christian faith, or those who never have faith in Christ to begin with, will be exiled from God’s sacred presence in divine punishment when Jesus comes again to judge the living and the dead. Hell is real, and those who go there will suffer apart from God’s sacred temple presence for all of eternity. Only those who have faith in Christ will be welcomed into God’s sacred presence.

3. We need warned today that only those in Christ inherit the land (Joshua 23:14-16)

Reread Verse: 14 “And now I am about to go the way of all the earth, and you know in your hearts and souls, all of you, that not one word has failed of all the good things that the Lord your God promised concerning you. All have come to pass for you; not one of them has failed. 15 But just as all the good things that the Lord your God promised concerning you have been fulfilled for you, so the Lord will bring upon you all the evil things, until he has destroyed you from off this good land that the Lord your God has given you, 16 if you transgress the covenant of the Lord your God, which he commanded you, and go and serve other gods and bow down to them. Then the anger of the Lord will be kindled against you, and you shall perish quickly from off the good land that he has given to you.”

Point to Christ: Joshua warned the people to continue to obey God’s covenant law not because it would earn them salvation. Instead, Joshua warned the people to continue to obey God’s covenant law because God had already saved them by giving them his promised covenant blessing of the land. Remember, the name Joshua means “Yahweh saves.” Yahweh had saved them in the sense that he had blessed them by fulfilling his covenant promise that he had given to them. Because God had remained true to his covenant faithfulness, the people needed to respond by continuing to obey God’s covenant law. If they did not, there would be another exile, similar to the exile that Moses and the Israelites suffered when they were exiled for 40 years from the promised land for refusing to enter into it. It would be an exile like what the people of Noah’s day suffered when they were exiled by the great flood away from the face of the earth for their wickedness. And it would be an exile similar to what Adam and Eve suffered when they disobeyed God’s covenant law in the Garden of Eden and were exiled away from God’s sacred presence. Disobedience of God’s covenant law always results in divine judgment and exile. In a very clear and direct way, Joshua warned Israel that Yahweh would destroy them from the land if they did not obey his covenant law. After Israel was exiled from the land, the covenant promises would be fulfilled in the promised Seed of the woman in whom all the families of the Earth will be blessed, a greater Joshua to lead God’s covenant people who would conquer, subdue, and rule the world in righteousness forever.

Doctrinal Application: But unlike the covenant blessing of the promised land of Canaan for the people of Israel, God’s covenant people today do not inherit some small piece of land in the middle east. Instead, according to Jesus’s sermon on the mount, those who are made citizens of God’s kingdom through faith in Christ alone inherit the entire earth (Matthew 5:5). But we could never earn such a blessing, because we are all sinners who have disobeyed God’s covenant law and deserve divine judgment and exile from God’s sacred presence. This is the good news: That Jesus came, God the Son, born as an Israelite into God’s old covenant nation. Jesus, the true Israelite, obeyed God’s old covenant law perfectly, even unto his death on the cross to atone for the sins of his covenant people. God the Father poured out his wrath against sin upon Him instead of upon those who have faith in Him. He rose from the dead three days later in triumph over our great enemies of sin and death. Because of Jesus’s perfect obedience, he has been awarded with all of the covenant blessings of the Old Covenant, and he gives those covenant blessings to those who are united to Him by faith. And Jesus mediates a new covenant to us today, called the New Covenant in Christ’s blood. In that new covenant, we have forgiveness of sins, redemption to become more like Christ, and the promise of glorification and being with Christ forever. Because of Christ’s finished work we have been given an inheritance that is imperishable, undefiled, and unfading, kept in heaven for you, who by God’s power are being guarded through faith for a salvation ready to be reveled in the last time (1 Peter 1:4). When Jesus comes again to judge the living and the dead, Christ’s kingdom alone will be left standing. Therefore, let us be thankful for receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, and thus let us offer to God acceptable worship, with reverence and awe, for our God is a consuming fire (Hebrews 12:25-29)

New Testament Application: Like Jesus did, we must flee the temptation to give into the sinful ways of thinking and the idolatry of those that live around us. We are sinfully tempted to think that it is those who utilize idolatry and political practices who win in the end. We are tempted to think it is the selfish person who destroys the lives of others who gets to rule and reign. The Israelites in the time of Jesus were sinfully tempted to think that way too. They thought that if they could somehow force the Romans to leave their region that it would be the way that Messiah could rule. But the salvation that Jesus gives is much greater than those sinful ways of thinking. Jesus taught that it was the meek and humble that would receive the new heavens and the new earth Only Christ was truly meek and humble. Those who are united to him by faith become like Him. To inherit the new heavens and the earth would be so much better than inheriting the mere land of Canaan. Inheritance of the earth does not come by force or conquest or politics, but as a gift of God’s grace to those that are united to Jesus by faith in Him. It is the inheritance that is given to those who trust in the finished work of Jesus for their salvation. And we should think that even though we will inherit the new heavens and the new earth in the future, we are already the inheritors of it. The Apostle Paul said that even though he had nothing, he had everything (2 Corinthians 6:10; 1 Corinthians 3:22). The Christians that are tempted to fight to get fortunes and fame and a following now need to repent and see things as they are from Christ’s perspective. Because of the finished work of Jesus, we are those who will inherit the new heavens and the new earth. We can have nothing, and yet we still possess everything.

Summary: In summary, Joshua’s farewell speech reminded Israel of God’s fulfilled covenant promises and warned them against disobedience of God’s covenant law, which would lead to God cursing them. They would suffer destruction and be exiled from the land if they did not obey God’s law. Today, we must hear the warning given to us in the New Testament, that only those who have faith in Christ will inherit the earth. Those who do not have faith in Christ will be exiled from God’s sacred presence into hell and suffer God’s divine judgment there for all eternity. Repent, and have faith in Christ’s death to atone for your sins, and continue in faith and repentance in obedience to his commands by the power of his resurrection.

Closing Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank you for fulfilling your covenant promises to your people through the perfect obedience of Jesus. As we think about Joshua’s farewell speech, we are reminded o your great power and might that has been demonstrated through the conquest not merely of the promised land, but as Christ defeated his great enemies of sin and death. Help us to remember that your old covenant law has revealed our sin and our need for Jesus to come and die to atone for our sins. Thank you for his death, and for his resurrection. Deliver us from temptation, and in the power of Christ’s resurrection, help us to love you and worship you exclusively. Help us to trust in God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit as our only source of salvation and hope. We also ask for your mercy and forgiveness because Christ’s blood was shed so that our sins would be erased. We confess that we have failed in intermingling with the pagan cultures of the world, we have devoted ourselves to created things rather than giving you thanks in all things, and we have disobeyed your laws. Help us to repent and to trust in the finished work of Christ. We thank you that because Jesus was taken outside of the city and died in our stead, that we no longer face the consequences of disobeying your covenant, which are destruction, death, and being cast out of your kingdom. We pray that we would be reminded of the fullness of your blessings because we are united to Christ by faith. By the power of your holy spirit, help us to remember your covenant faithfulness and your covenant love for us. Amen.

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