(1 Samuel 1-2) God’s Surprising Favor and Just Judgment: Hope for the Lowly


1. 神様は、強者を辱めるために、弱者に恩恵を与えることを選ばれた(1サム1:4-6,11-18)。

4 その よう な ある 日、 エル カナ は いけ に え を 献 げた。 彼 は、 妻 の ペニンナ、 そして 彼女 の すべて の 息子、 娘 たち に、 それぞれ の 受ける 分 を 与える よう に し て い た が、 5 ハンナ には特別 の 受ける 分 を 与え て い た。 主 は 彼女 の 胎 を 閉じ て おら れ た が、 彼 が ハンナ を 愛し て い た からで ある。 6 また、 彼女 に 敵対 する ペニンナ は、 主 が ハンナ の 胎 を 閉じ て おら れ た こと で、 彼女 を ひどく 苛立た せ、 その 怒り を かき立て た。[…]  11 そして 誓願 を 立て て 言っ た。「 万 軍 の 主 よ。 もし、 あなた が はし ため の 苦しみ を ご覧 になり、 私 を 心 に 留め、 この はし ため を 忘れ ず、男の子 を 下さる なら、 私 は その 子 を 一生 の 間、 主 に お 渡し し ます。 そして その 子 の 頭 に かみ そり を 当て ませ ん。」   12 ハンナ が 主 の 前 で 長く 祈っ て いる 間、 エリ は 彼女 の 口もと を じっと 見 て い た。 13 ハンナ は 心 で 祈っ て い た ので、 唇 だけが 動い て、 声 は 聞こえ なかっ た。 それで エリ は 彼女 が 酔っ て いる の だ と 思っ た。 14 エリ は 彼女 に 言っ た。「 いつ まで 酔っ て いる のか。 酔い を さまし なさい。」 15 ハンナ は 答え た。「 いいえ、祭司 様。 私 は 心 に 悩み の ある 女 です。 ぶどう酒 も、 お 酒 も 飲ん では おり ませ ん。 私 は 主 の 前 に心 を 注ぎ 出し て い た の です。 16 この はし ため を、よこしま な 女 と 思わ ない で ください。 私 は 募る 憂い と 苛立ち の ため に、 今 まで 祈っ て い た の です。」 17 エリ は 答え た。「 安心 し て 行き なさい。 イスラエル の 神 が、 あなた の 願っ た その 願い を かなえ て くださる よう に。」 18 彼女 は、「 はし ため が、 あなた の ご 好意 を 受け られ ます よう に」 と 言っ た。 それから 彼女 は 帰っ て 食事 を し た。 その 顔 は、 もはや 以前 の よう では なかっ た。




ハンナの一夫多妻制の結婚は、妻たちの間の争いを引き起こしました。これは、聖書の一夫多妻制の物語の中で繰り返されるテーマでした(創世記16:4、29-30)。二番目の妻は、子供ができないのでハンナをあざ笑った。ハンナの夫は、ハンナの心の苦しみに気づいてはいたが、ハンナの絶望の深さを理解することも、問題を解決することもできなかった。ハンナの不妊の原因はヤハウェにあり、ヤハウェだけがハンナの生殖能力を回復させることができるのだ、という話である。ハンナは、もしヤハウェから男の子を授かったら、ナジル人の誓いで育て、ヤハウェに仕えるために捧げることを誓った。祭司エリもハンナの心情に鈍感で、ハンナを誤解し、酒に酔った無価値な女と見なして、言葉で辱めた。ハンナはエリに、酔っているのではなく、自分の本当の感情を表現しているのだと優しく、しかししっかりと告げた。そして、エリは、自分の仕事である祝福をした。ハンナはエリの目に “好意 “を得ることを望み、彼女の名前はヘブライ語で “好意 “を意味する言葉をもじったものである。


2. 神様は、悪い祭司と対照的な卑しい女性をあがなわれた(1サム1:19-20,24-28)

19 彼ら は 翌朝 早く 起き て、 主 の 前 で 礼拝 を し、 ラマ に ある 自分 たち の 家 に 帰っ て 来 た。 エル カナ は 妻 ハンナ を 知っ た。 主 は 彼女 を 心 に 留め られ た。   20 年 が 改まっ て、 ハンナ は 身ごもっ て 男の子 を 産ん だ。 そして「 私 が この 子 を 主 に お願い し た の だ から」 と 言っ て、 その 名 を サムエル と 呼ん だ。[…]  24 その 子 が 乳離れ し た とき、 彼女 は 子牛 三頭、 小麦粉一 エパ、 ぶどう酒 の 皮袋 一つ を 携え て その 子 を 伴っ て 上り、 シロ に ある 主 の 家 に 連れ て 行っ た。 その 子 は まだ 幼かっ た。 25 彼ら は 子牛 を 屠り、 その 子 を エリ の ところ に 連れ て 行っ た。 26 ハンナ は 言っ た。「 ああ、 祭司 様。 あなた は 生き て おら れ ます。 祭司 様。 私 は かつて、 ここ で あなた の そば に 立っ て、 主 に 祈っ た 女 です。 27 この 子 の こと を、 私 は 祈っ た の です。 主 は 私 が お願い し た とおり、 私 の 願い を かなえ て ください まし た。 28 それで 私 も また、 この 子 を 主 にお ゆだね いたし ます。 この 子 は 一生涯、 主 に ゆだね られ た もの です。」 こうして 彼ら は そこ で 主 を 礼拝 し た。

シロでは、朝、ヤハウェの神殿の存在の前で礼拝し、その後、10時間ほどの道のりを歩いてラマに戻った。ハンナは、ヤハウェが奇跡的に彼女の不妊を癒し、彼女を覚えていて、彼女に好意を与え、息子を求める祈りに答えてくださったので、夫と通常の手段で妊娠した。彼女は息子に、ヘブライ語で “求める、与える、貸す “を意味する「サムエル」と名付けた。数年後、彼らはシロに戻り、3歳の雄牛を含む高価な犠牲を捧げ、ハンナはサムエルを神殿で永久に奉仕するために貸した。祭司のエリは、数年前に神殿を訪れたハンナが酔っ払っていたと間違って言ってしまったのだ。しかし、訂正されたエリは、彼女を祝福し、ヤハウェが彼女の願いをかなえてくださるようにと祈り、神はそれをかなえて、彼女に男の子を授けられた。ハンナの犠牲、サムエルの神殿での奉仕、サムエルの名前のヘブライ語表記は、神がハンナを寵愛し、エリの非難が間違いであったことを常に思い起こさせるものであった。



3. 神様は、恵みによる救いと正しい裁きについて、卑しい者たちから賞賛される(1サム2:1-2,6)。

1 ハンナ は 祈っ た。 「私 の 心 は 主 に あっ て 大いに 喜び、 私 の 角 は 主 によって 高く 上がり ます。 私 の 口 は 敵 に 向かっ て 大きく 開き ます。 私 が あなた の 救い を 喜ぶ から です。 2   主 の よう に 聖なる 方 は い ませ ん。 まことに、 あなた の ほか には だれ も い ない の です。 私 たち の 神 の よう な 岩 は あり ませ ん。[…]  主 は 殺し、 また 生かし ます。よみ に 下し、 また 引き上げ ます。



今日、人々は、イエス様への信仰による神様の恵みによって、神様の王国の一員とされています。イエスは子なる神であり、完全で神の律法に従順で、罪を償うために十字架で死に、死から復活し、高揚して昇天し、生者と死者を裁くために来られた。神の国の市民権は、人間の努力や功績によって得られるものではなく、神によって達成されたものである。私たちがまだ罪の意識で死んでいる間に、キリストが私たちのために死んでくださったという点で、神は私たちに無償の好意を示された。私たちが神の恵みを受けるための手段である信仰も、それ自体が神からの贈り物であり、誰も誇ることができないのです。 救いの最初から最後までのすべてのプロセスは、神の恵みが私たちに適用されているのです。


Intro: The book of 1 Samuel is structured around a series of risings and fallings of different characters, as God sovereignly worked behind the scenes to develop and structure the nation of Israel. On a more personal level, the book gives stories of families that destroy themselves through their sin, in contrast with acts of obedience to God’s commands. The acts of obedience throughout the book remind us that obeying God’s commands is the intended pattern for human life, and that when we disobey, we bring death upon ourselves, upon others, and upon our communities. Additionally, the book shows the need for a better leader who will save us from sin, which is King Jesus.

I. God chose to give his favor to the weak to shame the strong (1 Sam. 1:4-6,11-18)

Reread Verse: 4 On the day when Elkanah sacrificed, he would give portions to Peninnah his wife and to all her sons and daughters. 5 But to Hannah he gave a double portion, because he loved her, though the Lord had closed her womb. 6 And her rival used to provoke her grievously to irritate her, because the Lord had closed her womb. … 11 And she vowed a vow and said, “O Lord of hosts, if you will indeed look on the affliction of your servant and remember me and not forget your servant, but will give to your servant a son, then I will give him to the Lord all the days of his life, and no razor shall touch his head.” 12 As she continued praying before the Lord, Eli observed her mouth. 13 Hannah was speaking in her heart; only her lips moved, and her voice was not heard. Therefore Eli took her to be a drunken woman. 14 And Eli said to her, “How long will you go on being drunk? Put your wine away from you.” 15 But Hannah answered, “No, my lord, I am a woman troubled in spirit. I have drunk neither wine nor strong drink, but I have been pouring out my soul before the Lord. 16 Do not regard your servant asa worthless woman, for all along I have been speaking out of my great anxiety and vexation.” 17 Then Eli answered, “Go in peace, and the God of Israel grant your petition that you have made to him.” 18 And she said, “Let your servant find favor in your eyes.” Then the woman went her way and ate, and her face was no longer sad.

Contextual meaning: The book starts with the story of a barren woman named Hannah, who was in a polygamous marriage with Peninnah and Elkanah. Similar to the books of Judges and Ruth, Hannah’s story depicts a downward spiral into despair.

Historical Understanding: Polygamy was practiced several times in the Old Testament, but it always indicated a lack of trust in God’s provision in one wife. Marriage between one biological male and one biological female as a covenant before God has been God’s ordained plan for marriage from the beginning, and any other form of marriage is a sinful corruption that results in suffering. In the Old Covenant law, God warned against polygamy for Israel’s kings, as many wives would turn their hearts away from staying faithful to God (Deuteronomy 17:17). The same warning against polygamy applied to the citizens since the king leads the nation.

Point to Christ: Jesus taught about monogamy in his teachings about marriage, affirming that from the beginning, God made humans male and female, and that a man would leave his father and mother and hold his wife close to himself, and the two would become one flesh. Therefore, since God has made one man and one woman together as one through marriage, they should not be separated. The Apostles also taught that those who hold the office of elder must be devoted to only one woman. Monogamy has always been considered the ideal, and any other form of marriage is not in line with God’s intention for marriage.

Contextual Meaning: Hannah’s polygamous marriage led to strife between the wives, which was a repeated theme throughout the polygamous stories in the Bible (Genesis 16:4; 29-30). The second wife mocked Hannah since she couldn’t have children. Although Hannah’s husband recognized her emotional suffering, he could not understand the depth of her despair nor resolve the problem. The story says that Yahweh was the cause of her infertility, and only Yahweh could restore her fertility. Hannah vowed that if Yahweh granted her a son, she would raise him in the Nazirite vow and dedicate him to serve Yahweh. Even the priest Eli was insensitive towards Hannah’s emotions, misunderstood her, and humiliated her with his words, undeservingly regarding her as a drunk worthless woman. Hannah kindly but firmly told Eli that she was not drunk but was expressing her true emotions. Eli then blessed her, which was his job. Hannah hoped to find “favor” in Eli’s sight, and her name is a wordplay on the Hebrew word for “favor.”

Doctrinal Application: In the Christian worldview, all people, including the unborn baby, the poor, the orphan, the widow, and the barren, have high significance because they are made in the image of God. God delights in choosing what is weak to shame the strong (1 Corinthians 1:27). Christ is the ultimate example of this, coming from a poor and rural hometown, living as an immigrant in his childhood, never gaining wealth or political power, and being rejected by religious leaders and the government. He lived a life of perfect obedience to God and atoned for our sins through his death on the cross. In the story of Hannah, she was lowly as a barren wife in a polygamous marriage with no one to understand her pain. However, she had faith in God and took her sorrows to Him. When the priest said God had heard her prayer, it alleviated her sadness. By showing grace to Hannah, God introduced one of the most important changes in history, shifting the tribal society of Israel into a monarchy.

II. God vindicated the lowly woman which contrasts against the bad priests (1 Sam. 1:19-20,24-28)

Reread Verse: 19 They rose early in the morning and worshiped before the Lord; then they went back to their house at Ramah. And Elkanah knew Hannah his wife, and the Lord remembered her. 20 And in due time Hannah conceived and bore a son, and she called his name Samuel, for she said, “I have asked for him from the Lord.” … 24 And when she had weaned him, she took him up with her, along with a three-year-old bull, an ephah of flour, and a skin of wine, and she brought him to the house of the Lord at Shiloh. And the child was young. 25 Then they slaughtered the bull, and they brought the child to Eli. 26 And she said, “Oh, my lord! As you live, my lord, I am the woman who was standing here in your presence, praying to the Lord. 27 For this child I prayed, and the Lord has granted me my petition that I made to him. 28 Therefore I have lent him to the Lord. As long as he lives, he is lent to the Lord.” And he worshiped the Lord there.

Contextual meaning: At Shiloh, they worshiped Yahweh before his temple presence in the morning, then walked back to Ramah, which was about a 10-hour journey. Hannah became pregnant through normal means with her husband, as Yahweh miraculously healed her barrenness and remembered her, granting her favor and answering her prayer for a son. She named her son Samuel, a Hebrew wordplay on “ask, grant, and lent.” Years later, they returned to Shiloh and offered expensive sacrifices, including a three-year-old bull, and Hannah lent Samuel to serve in the Temple permanently. Eli, the priest, had falsely accused Hannah of being drunk when she visited the temple years before, but when corrected, Eli blessed her and prayed that Yahweh would grant her request, which God did by giving her a son. Hannah’s sacrifices, Samuel’s ongoing service in the Temple, and the Hebrew wordplay in his name were constant reminders of God’s favor to and vindication of Hannah against Eli’s false accusation.

Point to Christ: The wickedness of Israel’s priests was a recurring issue throughout much of Israel’s history, as the Old Testament repeatedly confronts the priesthood for their sins against God and lack of repentance and mercy. This issue persisted into the time of the gospels, as both John the Baptist and Jesus publicly challenged the Pharisees and other ruling religious sects for their failure to properly teach and follow the Old Testament law. Despite the desperate need for a prophet, priest, and king who could lead Israel properly, the ruling religious sects felt threatened by Jesus and falsely accused him in a sham court before having him crucified. However, Jesus was vindicated by his resurrection three days later, which proved his righteousness and demonstrated that God the Father was pleased with his death as a substitute sacrifice for our sins. Through faith in Christ, we are able to receive his righteousness, which was tested by temptations and proven by his perfect obedience unto his death on the cross.

Practical Application: Today, accusations from dominant religious sects persist. Those who live godly by faith in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution (2 Timothy 3:12). However, have courage, Christians. When you are slandered for your faith in Christ, do not be alarmed as if it shouldn’t happen. Jesus himself said it will happen to his disciples because he was slandered and persecuted. We aren’t greater than he is, so we should consider ourselves blessed when it happens (Matthew 5:10-12). Entrust your hardships to Yahweh in prayer, and trust in your future vindication when Jesus comes again to judge the living and the dead. When Jesus comes for judgment, everything that has been spoken in secret will be revealed for judgment (Luke 12:3). Those who have faith in Christ will be rewarded for their God-glorifying good works and we will be vindicated, and those who are still dead in their trespasses and sins will suffer permanent exile from the sacred temple presence of God for all eternity.

III. God is praised for his salvation by grace and his just judgment (1 Sam. 2:1-2,6)

Reread Verse: 1 And Hannah prayed and said, “My heart exults in the Lord; my horn is exalted in the Lord. My mouth derides my enemies, because I rejoice in your salvation. 2 There is none holy like the Lord: for there is none besides you; there is no rock like our God. … 6 The Lord kills and brings to life; he brings down to Sheol and raises up.

Contextual meaning: In response to God’s favor towards her, Hannah praised Yahweh in song, for he had turned her sadness into joy. Her song focuses on how God had reversed her situation and favored the lowly and brought down those who exalted themselves in pride, which is an ongoing theme in 1 and 2 Samuel as God causes people to rise and fall according to his sovereign plan. Hannah trusted that God will do what is right and just in the future, and she looked forward to a day when the unrighteous no longer oppress those who have faith in Yahweh. She knew such a day will come because Yahweh is both good and just, as she had personally witnessed in her life story.

Historical Understanding: Throughout church history, her song has been called the Magnificat because it magnifies the name of Yahweh. Jesus’s mother Mary’s song in Luke 1:46-55 has the same name, as Hannah’s song foreshadowed Mary’s song. The basic content and settings of both Hannah’s story and Mary’s story are the same. God intervened to give favor to each lowly woman by giving a son born in Bethlehem, and that son grew up to give deliverance to God’s people. However, while Hannah’s song anticipated a day when a king would come to rule Israel in righteousness, Mary’s song was the true realization of the day that the God-given king and kingdom had come near to give deliverance to God’s people, because the baby Jesus was within her womb. In his public teaching ministry, Jesus announced that through Jesus, the kingdom of God was at hand, and people needed to repent and believe the good news about Jesus. In Jesus, Israel’s righteous ruler had come. Through his teachings, miracles, and perfect obedience unto his death on the cross, he was publicly humiliated, and yet he was exalted as the result. At his crucifixion, he was mockingly given a crown, a royal scepter, a robe, and was declared to be the king of the Jews. And yet even though it was done mockingly, it was done truly. Through the death of Jesus, our enemies of death and sin and Satan were defeated, and God’s kingdom was started and continues to grow today. Jesus has been exalted to the right hand of the Father where he continues to rule and reign over his inaugurated kingdom. We anticipate the time when King Jesus comes again in judgment, when he will rule over his completed kingdom in righteousness, exalting the righteous and casting down the wicked.

Practical Application: Today, people are made part of God’s kingdom by God’s grace through faith in Jesus, who is God incarnate, perfect and obedient to God’s law unto his death on the cross to atone for sin, resurrected from the dead, ascended in exaltation, and coming to judge the living and the dead. Being made part of God’s kingdom is not achieved by any human effort or merit, but solely by God’s unmerited favor shown to us while we were yet dead in our trespasses and sins. Even our faith, the means by which we receive God’s grace, is itself a gift from God, so that no one can boast. Repent from your sinful unbelief and believe the good news of Jesus. Obey the gospel.

Closing Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank you for the story of Hannah. She was a woman who suffered greatly, being in a polygamous marriage and being mocked for her inability to have children. Thank you for the favor that you showed to her, and for working through her weakness to bring justice upon the false religious rulers of the time. Thank you for working through her circumstances to transition Israel into a monarchy, and for fulfilling the office of Israel’s king by sending King Jesus. We needed a better, righteous ruler who could obey your covenant law and not lead us into sin. Thank you that Jesus was perfectly obedient and willingly gave himself as a substitutionary sacrifice to atone for our sins. Thank you that through his humiliation, you have accomplished a great deliverance and have given your favor to all who have faith in Him. Help us to be obedient to King Jesus’s commands, and to follow him as he leads us. Help us to endure the hardships that come as we become more like Christ in his sufferings for the glory of His name. Amen.

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