(1 Samuel 2:12-17,22-25,30-34;4:1-11) The Judgment of Wicked Priests


1. ヤハウェの犠牲、名誉、崇拝者が、悪しき祭司たちによって軽んじられた(1サム2:12-17,22-25)。

12 さて、 エリ の 息子 たち は 010 よこしま な 者 たち で、 主 を 知ら なかっ た。 13 民 に 関わる 祭司 の 定め について も そう で あっ た。 だれ かが、 いけ に え を 献 げ て いる と、 まだ 肉 を 煮 て いる 間 に、 祭司 の 子弟 が 三又 の 肉 刺し を 手 に し て やっ て 来 て、 14 これ を 大 鍋 や、 釜、 大釜、 鍋 に 突き 入れ、 肉 刺し で 取り上げ た もの を みな、 祭司 が 自分 の もの として 取っ て い た。 この よう な こと が、 シロ で、 そこ に 来る イスラエル の すべて の 人 に対して なさ れ て い た。 15 そのうえ、 脂肪 が 焼か れる 前 に 祭司 の 子弟 が やって来 て、 いけ に え を 献 げ る 人 に「 祭司 に 焼く ため の 肉 を 渡し なさい。 祭司 は 煮 た 肉 を あなた から 受け取ら ない。 生 の 肉 だけ だ」 と 言う ので、 16 人 が「 まず 脂肪 を すっかり 焼い て、 好き なだけ お 取り ください」 と 言う と、 祭司 の 子弟 は、「 いや、 今 渡す の だ。 で なけれ ば、 私 は 力ずく で 取る」 と 言っ た。 17 この よう に、 子弟 たち の 罪 は、 主 の 前 で 非常 に 大きかっ た。 この 人 たち は 主 への ささげ 物 を 侮っ た ので ある。 […] 21 主 は ハンナ を 顧み、 彼女 は 身ごもっ て、 三人 の 息子 と 二人 の 娘 を 産ん だ。 少年 サムエル は 主 のみ もと で 成長 し た。   22 さて、 エリ は たいへん 年 を とっ て い た が、 息子 たち が イスラエル 全体 に 行っ て いる こと の 一部始終 を、 それに 彼ら が 会見 の 天幕 の 入り口 で 仕え て いる 女 たち と 寝 て いる こと を 聞い て い た。 23 それで エリ は 彼ら に 言っ た。「 なぜ、 おまえ たち は そんな こと を する のか。 私 は この 民 の 皆 から、 おまえ たち の し た 悪い こと について 聞い て いる の だ。 24 息子 たち よ、 そういう こと を し ては いけ ない。 私 は 主 の 民 が 言いふらし て いる うわさ を 聞く が、 それ は 良い もの では ない。 25 人 が 人 に対して 罪 を 犯す なら、 神 が その 仲裁 を し て くださる。 だが、 主 に対して 人 が 罪 を 犯す なら、 だれ が その 人 の ため に 仲裁 に 立つ だろ う か。」 しかし、 彼ら は 父 の 言う こと を 聞こ う と し なかっ た。 彼ら を 殺す こと が 主 のみ こころ だっ た からで ある。


2. ヤハウェは、悪しき祭司たちに裁きを下すと宣言しました(1サム2:30-34)。

30 それ ゆえ ─ ─ イスラエル の 神、 主 の ことば ─ ─ あなた の 家 と、 あなた の 父 の 家 は、 永遠 に わたし の 前 に 歩む と わたし は 確か に 言っ た ものの、 今や ─ ─ 主 の ことば ─ ─ それ は 絶対 に あり 得 ない。 わたし を 重んじる 者 を わたし は 重んじ、 わたし を 蔑む 者 は 軽 ん じ られる から だ。 31 見よ、 その 時代 が 来る。 その とき、 わたし は あなた の 腕 と、 あなた の 父 の 家 の 腕 を 切り落とす。 あなた の 家 には 年長 者 が い なく なる。 32 イスラエル が 幸せ にさ れる どんな とき にも、 あなた は わたし の 住まい の 衰退 を 見る よう に なる。 あなた の 家 には、 いつ までも、 年長 者 が い ない。 33 わたし は、 あなた の ため に、 わたし の 祭壇 から 一人 の 人 を 断ち切ら ない で おく。 その こと は あなた の 目 を 衰え させ、 あなた の たま しい を やつれ させる。 あなた の 家 に 生まれ て くる 者 は みな、 人 の 手 によって 死ぬ。 34 あなた の 二人 の 息子、 ホフニ と ピネハス の 身 に 降りかかる こと が、 あなた への しるし で ある。 二人 とも 同じ 日 に 死ぬ。


神は、エリが神を敬うよりも、エリの息子たちを敬ったことでエリを裁かれた。この物語には、ヘブライ語の言葉遊びがあります。エリ神権は、シロの神殿に来る人々に、生贄の脂肪をヤハウェに渡す代わりに自分たちに渡すように要求した。エリとその息子たちは重くなり、”重さ “を持つようになった。彼らは、自分たちの考え方の中で、ヤハウェに「重さを与える」ことを拒んだのです。それで、エリが死んだとき、彼は自分の “重さ “のために倒れたので死んだのです。誰かを敬うということは、自分の忠誠心の重みを与えることである。エリは、神に与えるよりも息子たちに重さ(忠誠心)を与えてしまった。息子たちに忠誠を尽くすことは、必ずしも罪深いことではありません。罪深いのは、息子たちに対する忠誠が、神様に対する忠誠よりも大きかったことです。

神様は、被造物に対して、神様への忠誠を尽くし、誰よりも重んじることを要求され ます。神よりも人に忠誠を尽くすことは、福音そのものを否定することであり、偶像崇拝の一形態である。キリストの完成された御業によって、神がその民のためになされたことの大きさを体験した人は、喜んで神だけに最高の忠誠を捧げるべきです。


3. ヤハウェは、自分のシンボルをお守りとして使ったイスラエルと悪しき祭司たちを裁いた(1サム41b-11)。

1 サムエル の ことば が 全 イスラエル に 行き渡っ た ころ、 イスラエル は ペリシテ 人 に対する 戦い の ため に 出 て 行き、 エベン・エゼル の あたり に 陣 を 敷い た。 一方、 ペリシテ 人 は アフェク に 陣 を 敷い た。 2 ペリシテ 人 は イスラエル を 迎え撃つ 陣 備え を し た。 戦い が 広がる と、 イスラエル は ペリシテ 人 に 打ち 負かさ れ、 約 四 千人 が 野 の 戦場 で 打ち殺さ れ た。 3 兵 が 陣営 に 戻っ て 来 た とき、 イスラエル の 長老 たち は 言っ た。「 どうして 主 は、 今日、 ペリシテ 人 の 前 で われわれ を 打た れ た の だろ う。 シロ から 主 の 契約 の 箱 を われわれ の ところ に 持っ て 来よ う。 そう すれ ば、 012 その 箱 が われわれ の 間 に 来 て、 われわれ を 敵 の 手 から 救う だろ う。」 4 兵 たち は シロ に 人 を 送り、 そこ から、 ケルビム に 座し て おら れる 万 軍 の 主 の 契約 の 箱 を 担い で 来さ せ た。 そこ に、 神 の 契約 の 箱 とともに、 エリ の 二人 の 息子、 ホフニ と ピネハス が い た。 5 主 の 契約 の 箱 が 陣営 に 来 た とき、 全 イスラエル は 大 歓声 を あげ た。 それで 地 は どよめい た。 6 ペリシテ 人 は その 歓声 を 聞い て、「 ヘブル 人 の 陣営 の、 あの 大 歓声 は 何 だろ う」 と 言っ た。 そして 主 の 箱 が 陣営 に 来 た と 知っ た とき、 7 ペリシテ 人 は 恐れ て、「 013 神 が 陣営 に 来 た」 と 言っ た。 そして 言っ た。「 ああ、 困っ た こと だ。 今 までに、 こんな こと は なかっ た。 8 ああ、 困っ た こと だ。 だれ が この 力 ある 014 神 々 の 手 から、 われわれ を 救い出し て くれる だろ う か。 これ は、 荒野 で、 ありとあらゆる 災害 を もっ て エジプト を 打っ た 014 神 々 だ。 9 さあ、 ペリシテ 人 よ。 奮い立て。 男らしく ふるまえ。 そう で ない と、 ヘブル 人 が おまえ たち に 仕え た よう に、 おまえ たち が ヘブル 人 に 仕える よう に なる。 男らしく ふるまっ て 戦え。」 10 こうして ペリシテ 人 は 戦っ た。 イスラエル は 打ち 負かさ れ、 それぞれ 自分 たち の 天幕 に 逃げ、 非常 に 大きな 打撃 と なっ た。 イスラエル の 歩兵 三 万人 が 倒れ た。 11 神 の 箱 は 奪わ れ、 エリ の 二人 の 息子、 ホフニ と ピネハス は 死ん だ。






Intro: The book of 1 Samuel is structured around a series of risings and fallings of leaders of national Israel, as God sovereignly reshaped the tribal-leader nation into a nation led by a king. In today’s story, the Elian priests committed great atrocities against God in his temple presence because they did not know Yahweh. The problems within Israel’s priesthood were not merely personal problems, but also national problems. Israel did not know Yahweh very well either. The priests refused to know and honor Yahweh according to his Word, so He brought judgment upon the Elian priesthood, and Israel with them.

1. Yahweh’s sacrifices, honor, and worshipers were disrespected by evil priests (1 Sam. 2:12-17,22-25)

Reread Verse: 12 Now the sons of Eli were worthless men. They did not know the Lord. 13 The custom of the priests with the people was that when any man offered sacrifice, the priest’s servant would come, while the meat was boiling, with a three-pronged fork in his hand, 14 and he would thrust it into the pan or kettle or cauldron or pot. All that the fork brought up the priest would take for himself. This is what they did at Shiloh to all the Israelites who came there. 15 Moreover, before the fat was burned, the priest’s servant would come and say to the man who was sacrificing, “Give meat for the priest to roast, for he will not accept boiled meat from you but only raw.” 16 And if the man said to him, “Let them burn the fat first, and then take as much as you wish,” he would say, “No, you must give it now, and if not, I will take it by force.” 17 Thus the sin of the young men was very great in the sight of the Lord, for the men treated the offering of the Lord with contempt. … 22 Now Eli was very old, and he kept hearing all that his sons were doing to all Israel, and how they lay with the women who were serving at the entrance to the tent of meeting. 23 And he said to them, “Why do you do such things? For I hear of your evil dealings from all these people. 24 No, my sons; it is no good report that I hear the people of the Lord spreading abroad. 25 If someone sins against a man, God will mediate for him, but if someone sins against the Lord, who can intercede for him?” But they would not listen to the voice of their father, for it was the will of the Lord to put them to death.

Contextual meaning: Hannah was the harshly treated wife in a polygamous marriage and had been declared worthless by the priest Eli even though she had come to the temple at Shiloh to seek help from Yahweh. But in contrast to Hannah, it was the priest Eli’s sons who were worthless, because they did not know Yahweh. Their lack of knowledge of Yahweh was proven by the practices of the priests and their servants at the Temple at Shiloh. They were part of the priest’s family, but the priest’s family sinned greatly against God by profaning God’s name within his temple presence. The priest permitted their servants to behave in a way that threatened violence against the worshipers. They thrust the fork into the kettle while the sacrifices were yet being offered to get a random piece of meat. The Old Testament law prescribed which parts of the animal sacrifice were legal for priests to eat. They were not permitted by the Old Testament law to select meat at random. The priests were not permitted to do whatever they wanted to in worship even if it was part of their culture’s accepted way of doing worship. Furthermore, they demanded raw fatty meat for roasting, which was not prescribed by the Old Testament law. The fats were to be offered to Yahweh through the boiling process. Furthermore, roasting was not a prescribed way for priests to eat the sacrificial meats. If the worshiper did not comply with the demands of the priest’s servants, the priest’s servants sinned against them by threatening violence. Furthermore, the priest’s sons sinned against their nation and had sexual relations with the women serving at the entrance of the temple. Eli, the head priest, should have immediately deposed and restrained his sons and had them punished for such criminal acts according to the Old Testament law. However, all he did was give them a half-hearted warning. The entire priesthood, except for the young son of Hannah, Samuel, was faithless and corrupt. The sacrificial temple system at Shiloh had become defiled by the sins of the priests. The author says that they did not listen to the warning of their father because it was the will of Yahweh to put them to death. God effectively unrestrained their sinful hearts, giving them over to their sins, hardening their hearts like God had done to Pharoah in Egypt, so that they would suffer the full penalty for their grievous sins of disrespecting the sacrifices, honor, and worshipers of Yahweh.

2. Yahweh declared that he would bring judgment against the evil priests (1 Sam. 2:30-34).

Reread Verse: 30 Therefore the Lord, the God of Israel, declares: ‘I promised that your house and the house of your father should go in and out before me forever,’ but now the Lord declares: ‘Far be it from me, for those who honor me I will honor, and those who despise me shall be lightly esteemed. 31 Behold, the days are coming when I will cut off your strength and the strength of your father’s house, so that there will not be an old man in your house. 32 Then in distress you will look with envious eye on all the prosperity that shall be bestowed on Israel, and there shall not be an old man in your house forever. 33 The only one of you whom I shall not cut off from my altar shall be spared to weep his eyes out to grieve his heart, and all the descendants of your house shall die by the sword of men. 34 And this that shall come upon your two sons, Hophni and Phinehas, shall be the sign to you: both of them shall die on the same day.

Contextual meaning: A prophet that isn’t named declared to Eli that Yahweh will bring divine judgment upon his family because of their grievous sins. No one will become old in Eli’s family, and the priest’s sons will die on the same day. The prophecy that none of the descendants of his house would reach old age was more fully fulfilled later among his descendants in 1 Samuel, when King Saul slaughtered the priests of Nob. Of the priests of Nob, only Abiathar escaped and was subsequently exiled from the kingdom. The deaths of the immediate sons within the Elian priesthood served as a sign that the divine judgment upon the Elian priesthood would certainly come to pass.

Historical Understanding: God judged Eli for honoring Eli’s sons more than Eli honored God. There is a Hebrew wordplay going on in the story. The Elian priesthood demanded that the people coming to the temple at Shiloh give them the fat of the sacrifices instead of giving it to Yahweh. Eli and his sons became heavy, they had “weight.” They refused to “give weight” to Yahweh in their thinking. And so when Eli died, he died because he fell because of his “weight.” To honor someone is to give them the weight of one’s own loyalty. Eli gave more weight (loyalty) to his sons than he gave to God. Being loyal to his sons wasn’t necessarily sinful. What was sinful was that his loyalty for his sons was greater than his loyalty for God.

NT Doctrinal Application: God requires his creatures to give their full loyalty to him, and to give him more weight than anyone else. Giving more loyalty to people than to God is a denial of the gospel itself and is a form of idolatry. The person who has experienced the magnitude of what God has done for his people by the finished work of Christ should gladly give his highest loyalty to God alone.

NT Practical Application: Today, we are commanded to honor people in government. The Apostle commands us to honor the emperor, for example. And we are to pray for people in government so that they may rule well so that we may live peaceful lives. However, when those in authority rebel against God, while we may still be loyal to them, our loyalties must be more in submission to God. We must encourage them to repent, for we must obey God rather than men.

3. Yahweh judged Israel and the evil priests for using his symbols as good luck charms (1 Sam. 4:1b-11).

Reread Verse: 1b Now Israel went out to battle against the Philistines. They encamped at Ebenezer, and the Philistines encamped at Aphek. 2 The Philistines drew up in line against Israel, and when the battle spread, Israel was defeated before the Philistines, who killed about four thousand men on the field of battle. 3 And when the people came to the camp, the elders of Israel said, “Why has the Lord defeated us today before the Philistines? Let us bring the ark of the covenant of the Lord here from Shiloh, that it may come among us and save us from the power of our enemies.” 4 So the people sent to Shiloh and brought from there the ark of the covenant of the Lord of hosts, who is enthroned on the cherubim. And the two sons of Eli, Hophni and Phinehas, were there with the ark of the covenant of God. 5 As soon as the ark of the covenant of the Lord came into the camp, all Israel gave a mighty shout, so that the earth resounded. 6 And when the Philistines heard the noise of the shouting, they said, “What does this great shouting in the camp of the Hebrews mean?” And when they learned that the ark of the Lord had come to the camp, 7 the Philistines were afraid, for they said, “A god has come into the camp.” And they said, “Woe to us! For nothing like this has happened before. 8 Woe to us! Who can deliver us from the power of these mighty gods? These are the gods who struck the Egyptians with every sort of plague in the wilderness. 9 Take courage, and be men, O Philistines, lest you become slaves to the Hebrews as they have been to you; be men and fight.” 10 So the Philistines fought, and Israel was defeated, and they fled, every man to his home. And there was a very great slaughter, for thirty thousand foot soldiers of Israel fell. 11 And the ark of God was captured, and the two sons of Eli, Hophni and Phinehas, died.

Contextual meaning: The Philistines were an Aegean seafaring people that settled in the land of Canaan and brought continual trouble upon the Israelites. When the Israelites were faithful to Yahweh, Yahweh fought their battles for them. However, when they were unfaithful to Yahweh, Yahweh opposed his own people and turned them over to be defeated by their enemies. As time continued, the national spiritual condition of Israel became poorer, just as the spiritual condition of the Elian priests was poor, because the word of God was rare in those days (3:1). As a result of their unfaithfulness to Yahweh, the Israelites would all suffer a great defeat by warring against the Philistines. Many thousands of Israelite soldiers died. After the loss of the first battle with the Philistines, Israel’s elders brought the Ark of the Covenant out from Shiloh. The Israelites completely misunderstood the Ark of the Covenant as if it was similar to the gods of the nations that surrounded them. Basically, they mistakenly thought that the Ark of the Covenant was a good luck charm. But the God of the Bible, whose presence the Ark of the Covenant symbolized, has completely sovereignty, as he permits or ordains all circumstances that happen for his own glory. Luck is a weak idea, a very big downgrade when compared with the idea of God’s sovereignty. God is in the Heavens and does whatever he pleases (Psalm 115:3), as this story would prove. In the second battle when they brought the symbol of God’s presence with them into battle, five times as many people died, including the priest’s sons. Everyone, including Israel’s enemies, was afraid that the Ark of the Covenant would give Israel enough luck to win the battle, but everyone was mistaken. The divine judgment that Yahweh had promised began to come upon his people. The Ark of the Testimony, the symbol of Yahweh’s presence among his covenant people (Exodus 25:22), left the Israelites and went to the Philistines. But the symbol of God’s sacred presence didn’t go to the Philistines as if God lost control of the Ark of the Testimony. The symbol of God’s sacred presence went to the Philistines to bring divine judgment upon the Philistines as well.

Historical Understanding: Eli’s sons made the mistake of thinking that because they bore the name of God’s people and possessed the symbols of God’s presence among them, that they were in command of God’s power. They mistakenly thought that they could control the power of God by carrying his symbols into situations where they needed control. But God does not share his glory with people and does not submit to our desires. We are his creation, God is not our creation. He is the Lord, not us. God is unlike pagan religions where the gods are manipulated by prayers, offerings, or a show of devotion. As his creatures, we must submit to him in our prayers, not the other way around. That is how Jesus taught us to pray as well. In every line of the Lord’s Prayer, the person praying is seeking submission to God.

NT Doctrinal Application: Many people carry a cross with them, or a Bible, or try to maintain a friendship with a pastor or missionary because they mistakenly think that it brings them a measure of good fortune or blessing from God. Some people even mistakenly think that becoming a pastor or missionary will bring them better circumstances. Many people treat prayer the same way, thinking that by saying a prayer every day and especially during hardships, it will increase the chances of an improved outcome of the situation. However, when we relate to God in those ways, we are committing the same sins as the evil Elian priesthood. Instead, those who have faith in Christ already have all the blessings in Heavenly places in Christ Jesus our Lord.

NT Practical Application: Instead of thinking of God or symbols of God like a good luck charm, we must change our minds to agree with the clear teachings of Jesus and his Apostles and think through the possible ways we could respond in obedience to Jesus. We must examine our motivations and assess our behavior and be open to being transformed by the Word of God, not decorate ourselves with Christian symbols hoping for an improved outcome. When our work seems unfulfilling, or our careers or relationships are not progressing as we had hoped, we should follow Jesus as our Lord rather than treat him like a good luck charm.

Closing Prayer: Heavenly Father, as we think about the story of Eli and his sons, we see the consequences of failing to honor and worship You according to Your Word. We ask for forgiveness for any ways we have dishonored You or placed our loyalty in anything or anyone above You. May we always give You the weight of our loyalty, and may we honor those in positions of authority while remaining obedient to You. Help us to live lives that honor You and lead others to know and honor You as well. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.

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