Daniel 5:1-8, 22-30: The Handwriting on the Wall: The Fall of the Unrepentant Ruler



1. 支配者によって神は冒涜され、神は不思議な方法で応えられた(ダニエル5:1-8

1 ベルシャツァル 王 は、 千人 の 貴族 たち の ため に 大 宴会 を 催し、 その 千人 の 前 で ぶどう酒 を 飲ん で い た。 2 ベルシャツァル は、 酒 の 勢い に 任せ て、 父 ネブカドネツァル が エルサレム の 宮 から 持ち出し た 金 や 銀 の 器 を 持っ て 来る よう に 命じ た。 王 と その 貴族 たち、 および 王 の 側室 たち や 侍女 たち が その 器 で 飲む ため で あっ た。 3 そこで、 エルサレム の 神 の 宮 の 本殿 から 持ち出し た 金 の 器 が 運ば れ て 来 た ので、 王 と その 貴族 たち、 および 王 の 側室 たち や 侍女 たち は その 器 で 飲ん だ。 4 彼ら は ぶどう酒 を 飲み、 金、 銀、 青銅、 鉄、 木、 石 の 神 々 を 賛美 し た。   5 ちょうど その とき、 人間 の 手 の 指 が 現れ、 王 の 宮殿 の 塗り 壁 の、 燭台 の 向こう 側 の ところ に 何 かを 書き 始め た。 王 は、 何 かを 書く その 手 の 先 を 見 て い た。 6 すると、 王 の 顔色 は 変わり、 いろいろ と 思い 巡らし て 動揺 し、 腰 の 関節 は ゆるみ、 膝 は がたがた 震え た。 7 王 は 大声 で 叫び、 呪文 師、 カルデア 人、 占星術 師 たち を 連れ て 来さ せ た。 王 は バビロン の 知者 たち に 言っ た。「 だれ でも、 この 文字 を 読ん で その 意味 を 私 に 示す 者 には、 紫 の 衣 を 着せ て 首 に 金 の 鎖 を かけ、 この 国 の 第三 の 権力 を 持た せる。」 8 その とき 王 の 知者 たち が みな 入っ て 来 た が、 彼ら は、 その 文字 を 読む こと も、 王 に その 意味 を 告げる こと も でき なかっ た。



2. 神は罪深い支配者に立ち向かうために預言者を遣わされた(ダニエル5:22-24

22 その 子 で ある ベルシャツァル 王 よ、 あなた は これら の こと を すべて 知っ て い ながら、 心 を 低く し ませ ん でし た。 23 それどころか、 天 の 主 に 向かっ て 高ぶり、 その 宮 の 器 を 自分 の 前 に 持っ て 来さ せ、 あなた と 貴族 たち と あなた の 側室 や 侍女 たち は、 それ を 使っ て ぶどう酒 を 飲み まし た。 あなた は、 見る こと も、 聞く こと も、 知る こと も でき ない 銀、 金、 青銅、 鉄、 木、 石 の 神 々 を 賛美 し まし た。 しかし あなた の 息 を その 手 に 握り、 あなた の すべて の 道 を ご 自分 の もの とさ れる 神 を、 あなた は ほめ た たえ ませ ん でし た。 24 その ため、 神 の 前 から 手 の 先 が 送ら れ て、 この 文字 が 書か れ た の です。



3.  神は神を冒涜する支配者に適切な裁きを下される(ダニエル5:25-30

25 その 書か れ た 文字 は こう です。『 メネ、 メネ、 テケル、 ウ・パルシン。』 26 その ことば の 意味 は こう です。『 メネ』 とは、 神 が あなた の 治世 を 数え て 終わら せ た という こと です。 27 『テケル』 とは、 あなた が 秤 で 量ら れ て、 目方 の 足り ない こと が 分かっ た という こと です。 28 『011 パルシン』 とは、 あなた の 国 が 分割 さ れ、 メディア と ペルシア に 与え られる という こと です。」   29 そこで ベルシャツァル は 命じ て、 ダニエル に 紫 の 衣 を 着せ、 金 の 鎖 を 首 に かけ させ、 彼 が この 国 の 第三 の 権力 者 で ある と 布告 さ せ た。   30 その 夜、 カルデア 人 の 王 ベルシャツァル は 殺さ れ た。






In last week’s story, Daniel served under King Nebuchadnezzar II of Babylon because the Israelites had been exiled to Babylon. However, eventually King Nebuchadnezzar II was succeeded by King Nabonidus, who was the final king of the Neo-Babylonian Empire. During King Nabonidus’s rule, he exiled himself from Babylon to Tayma, Arabia. While he was in exile, his son Belshazzar served as king in his stead as a regent. In previous chapters, Daniel had served as a wise counselor to the king because God had given him the ability to interpret the king’s dreams. With this regent-king Belshazzar in power, Daniel was able to resolve another mystery that the king of Babylon needed help with.

1. God was blasphemed by the ruler, and God responded in a mysterious way (Daniel 5:1-8)

1 King Belshazzar made a great feast for a thousand of his lords and drank wine in front of the thousand. 2 Belshazzar, when he tasted the wine, commanded that the vessels of gold and of silver that Nebuchadnezzar his father had taken out of the temple in Jerusalem be brought, that the king and his lords, his wives, and his concubines might drink from them. 3 Then they brought in the golden vessels that had been taken out of the temple, the house of God in Jerusalem, and the king and his lords, his wives, and his concubines drank from them. 4 They drank wine and praised the gods of gold and silver, bronze, iron, wood, and stone. 5 Immediately the fingers of a human hand appeared and wrote on the plaster of the wall of the king’s palace, opposite the lampstand. And the king saw the hand as it wrote. 6 Then the king’s color changed, and his thoughts alarmed him; his limbs gave way, and his knees knocked together. 7 The king called loudly to bring in the enchanters, the Chaldeans, and the astrologers. The king declared to the wise men of Babylon, “Whoever reads this writing, and shows me its interpretation, shall be clothed with purple and have a chain of gold around his neck and shall be the third ruler in the kingdom.” 8 Then all the king’s wise men came in, but they could not read the writing or make known to the king the interpretation.

This story starts like Nebuchadnezzar’s story did last week. The kingdom and monarchy seemed to be flourishing. The royalty was enjoying its successes. But the enjoyment of success, even for the king, was not a guarantee that success will last, especially when the king rebelled against the one true living God by worshiping idols. After drinking wine at the royal celebration, perhaps a little bit too much, Belshazzar wanted to drink from the gold vessels that they had taken from Jerusalem when Jerusalem had been conquered a generation earlier. Perhaps they were merely the finest vessels in the king’s possession, but more than likely he wanted to drink from those sacred vessels to prove that his gods had subjugated other gods such as Yahweh through war. He used the vessels while praising his national gods that they had created. However, when the hand appeared and began to write on the wall, it showed the king was powerless before the one true God, Yahweh. Previously, the king had great confidence, but his confidence was taken away once the divine hand and writings appeared, as he became greatly afraid and called for his official diviners to come and give an interpretation of what was written.

Today’s God’s writings have been given to us in the Bible. Because God has spoken himself to us in these last days through Jesus Christ, God the Son, whose Apostles recorded his teachings in the New Testament, we should be very careful to pay attention to what has been written.

2. God sent a prophet to confront the sinful ruler (Daniel 5:22-24)

22 And you his son, Belshazzar, have not humbled your heart, though you knew all this, 23 but you have lifted up yourself against the Lord of heaven. And the vessels of his house have been brought in before you, and you and your lords, your wives, and your concubines have drunk wine from them. And you have praised the gods of silver and gold, of bronze, iron, wood, and stone, which do not see or hear or know, but the God in whose hand is your breath, and whose are all your ways, you have not honored. 24 Then from his presence the hand was sent, and this writing was inscribed.

Daniel had been asked by the king to give an interpretation of the divine writings, for which Daniel would be rewarded with lavish gifts. The offer of lavish gifts threatened to influence the interpretation to be favorable towards the king. But instead of giving a favorable interpretation, Daniel gave not only an accurate interpretation, but Daniel preached a sermon regarding incoming divine judgment to the king. Daniel refused to allow any potential for rewards to influence the nature of his message. Daniel refused the gifts, and told the king to keep them for himself. Daniel did not speak indirectly to the king, but spoke directly and confronted the king because the king had sinned against Yahweh by not only drinking from Yahweh’s sacred vessels, but also by praising false gods. Daniel not only interpreted the writing on the wall, but he also interpreted the king’s heart and proved that he had rebelled against God and deserved the divine judgment that was coming. This was a typical theme among the prophets that God sent to kings. Through the prophets, God demonstrates that it is not the king who is truly in authority. Instead, it is God who is in authority, and the king will be held accountable by God for the things that he did as he ruled. Belshazzar knew about God, he ignored the facts, he exalted himself, he desecrated the sacred objects, he worshiped idols, he disregarded God. Belshazzar was responsible for his attitudes and actions of rebellion against God. In other times in history, the prophets likewise confronted the kings. King David was confronted by the prophet Nathan, and the King of Ninevah was confronted by Jonah. In those cases, the kings repented of their sin. However, Belshazzar did not repent.

Those who repent can experience God’s grace no matter their pasts. However, those that continue in their rebellion will suffer God’s wrath regardless of what they do in the present. If God did not love humanity, he would not give such warnings. But he does love humanity and is patient so that all would come to repentance. But most people follow the example of this pagan king. Many people trust in their idols, or in the security of the palace they have built for themselves. But they cannot escape God’s wrath for their rebellion against him. Even those that bestow lavish gifts upon the preacher cannot save themselves from the wrath of God. In secular societies, people might not be trusting in idols to save them from God’s wrath. However, they do trust in money, reputation, power, sex, or escapism to offer them a reprieve from this world’s pain and difficulties. However, those products of human effort are just as undependable as Belshazzar’s idols. They cannot save from the wrath of God. The only thing that can save anyone from the wrath of God is the finished work of Jesus Christ upon the cross. He obeyed the old covenant law with perfect obedience. He bore our sins in our body and offered himself to God as a substitutionary sacrifice to atone for our sins. When he was on the cross, God poured out his wrath upon Jesus in the stead of anyone who has faith in Jesus. Therefore, repent and have faith in Jesus. Trust that his substitutionary death on the cross atoned for your sins. Trust that by his resurrection from the dead, you have been risen with him and empowered to obey his commandments. Trust that by his resurrection, you also have the hope of being raised from death when Jesus comes again to judge the living and the dead. And trust that because of his atoning death upon the cross, your relationship with God has been reconciled. You are no longer a rebel against God, but instead you have been made a child of God by faith in Christ.

3. God’s send appropriate judgment upon the blasphemous ruler (Daniel 5:25-30)

25 And this is the writing that was inscribed: Mene, Mene, Tekel, and Parsin. 26 This is the interpretation of the matter: Mene, God has numbered the days of your kingdom and brought it to an end; 27 Tekel, you have been weighed in the balances and found wanting; 28 Peres, your kingdom is divided and given to the Medes and Persians.” 29 Then Belshazzar gave the command, and Daniel was clothed with purple, a chain of gold was put around his neck, and a proclamation was made about him, that he should be the third ruler in the kingdom. 30 That very night Belshazzar the Chaldean king was killed.

The writings on the wall were words that are measurements of currency, but also are verbs to weight out the measurements of currency. But behind those words, Daniel drew inspiration for a sermon to preach to the king. In the sermon, the king was not offered a personal relationship with God, only dealt a blow of impending justice by the division of the kingdom of Babylon, which vindicated Daniel and Daniel’s God, Israel’s God, Yahweh. Such a sermon was not without an opportunity to repent. Such messages in the past had been responded to with repentance by other kings, and God showed mercy to the king. However, King Belshazzar’s story tragically ends not with him acknowledging Yahweh, but only acknowledging Daniel. The preaching of sermons always serves the purpose for which God intends. For some listeners, the sermon drives them to God, and for some listeners the sermon drives them further away from God. In the case of Belshazzar, he did not regard God at all. He does not say a single thing to honor God. But the king did regard Daniel. Daniel was awarded the lavish gifts that the king initially promised. But that night, the kingdom of Babylon fell. The ruling king-regent was killed. God wielded Cyrus the Great who invaded Babylon and killed King Belshazzar during the party.

Psalm 2 talks about God laughing when nations and kings rebel against God and his purposes. God knows they always will end up falling into the traps that they themselves have created. Why is God portrayed in such a way? It is because hearing God’s laughter is important for proud rulers who rebel against God. Mockery is a way that God can get through to the proud-hearted. It is also important for those who are oppressed under such sinful rulers, who come to realize that sinful rulers will be torn down in time because of God’s providential care for humanity.

God brought Belshazzar’s kingdom to an end. God’s measuring standard proved that the king was lacking in righteousness. The king challenged God, and the king lost. God saw the king’s sin just as he sees everyone’s sin, and the time of judgment came, as it will for all who refuse to repent and submit to God. There is a day coming when every knee will bow – in heaven and on earth and under the earth – and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father (Phil 2:10-11).

Today, the story of Daniel and Belshazzar serves to remind us that governments that rule in opposition to God will be destroyed by God. While we as Christians may suffer under their rule and reign for a time, that rule and reign will not last forever. And that gives us hope for the future. Governments inevitably end teaching some kind of ideology, morality, sexuality, political system, and system of spirituality that is in opposition to the teachings of the Bible. However, in Daniel 5 we see a preview of what will happen to them when Jesus comes again to judge the living and the dead.

As we close our time in Your Word, help us to remember the foolishness of Belshazzar.. Grant us wisdom to identify and repent of idols in our lives. Help us to identify how we are not treating with reverence that which you have declared to be sacred. As the kingdoms of this world rise and fall, help us to live knowing that it is Jesus alone who should rule and reign in our hearts. Help us to bring every thought captive unto him, that we would be obedient to his commandments, for the glory of his name. In Jesus’ name, we pray, Amen.

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