(1 Peter 1:13-2:1) Preparing for Christ’s Second Coming: Finding Hope and Purpose in Difficulties


1. 神は困難を利用して、あなたを聖別されます。ですから、自分自身を準備しましょう。キリストの再臨を願い、困難に対してはっきりと考え、聖くなりましょう(1ペテロ1:13-16)。

13 ですから、 あなた がた は 心 を 引き締め、 身 を 慎み、 イエス・キリスト が 現れる とき に 与え られる 恵み を、 ひたすら 待ち望み なさい。 14 従順 な 子ども となり、 以前、 無知 で あっ た とき の 欲望 に 従わ ず、 15 むしろ、 あなた がた を 召さ れ た 聖なる 方 に 倣い、 あなた が た 自身、 生活 の すべて において 聖なる 者 となり なさい。 16 「あなた がた は 聖なる 者 で なけれ ば なら ない。 わたし が 聖 だ からで ある」 と 書い て ある から です。


私たちや他のクリスチャンが人生の苦難に直面したとき、”今、私の生き方を形作っているものは何か “を問うべきです。圧倒的に多いのは、個人的な欲望です。人は自分の欲望によって行動する。欲望は悪いものではないし、苦しみの原因でもない。堕落した人間の問題は、欲望があることではなく、間違ったものを欲することなのだ。人は、自分の罪深い欲望を、キリストとともに十字架につけられたと考え、その代わりに、キリストを信じ、キリストの復活の力によってその命令に従うことによって、神を讃えることを欲望しなければならないのです。しかし、聖書のキリストを信じる信仰によって神を知らなければ、神を讃えることはできないのです。新約聖書からキリストという人物を理解することは、神の従順な子供となるために必要なことである。神は聖なる方(罪人から義として離れている)であり、あなたにもすべての行動において聖なる者となるように命じています。あなたはキリストのような生き方をしようと努力しているのですから、クリスチャンでない人たちとは違うはずです。もし、あなたの周りにいる未信者の人たちと同じように話し、考え、行動するなら、あなたはクリスチャンではありません。クリスチャンになる前に持っていた罪深い欲望に戻ることは、神の御名を積極的に誹謗中傷していることになるのです。あなたは、あたかもキリストが聖なる存在ではなく、生きている人と死んだ人を裁きに来ないかのように生きているのです。もしあなたがキリストの名を守り、キリストを正しく代表することに深い関心を持っているなら、古い罪深い欲望からキリストのように分離して行動することにも同様に深い関心を持っているはずです。それは社会から切り離すという意味ではなく、キリストを信じ、キリストに従い、キリストのように聖なる振る舞いをもって社会で行動するという意味です。もしあなたがクリスチャンであるなら、あなたは神によって個人的に選ばれ、あなたが住む場所でキリストの聖性を表すことによって、キリストを讃えることができるのです。

2. 神は公平に裁かれるので、キリストの血によって私たちを先祖の役に立たない道から救い出してくださった神を健全に恐れて生きましょう(1ペテロ1:17-21)。

17 また、 人 を それぞれ の わざ に したがっ て 公平 に さばか れる 方 を 父 と 呼ん で いる の なら、 この世 に 寄留 し て いる 時 を、 恐れ つつ 過ごし なさい。 18 ご存じ の よう に、 あなた が た が 先祖伝来 の むなしい 生き方 から 贖い 出さ れ た のは、 銀 や 金 の よう な 朽ちる 物 には よら ず、 19 傷 も なく 汚れ も ない 子羊 の よう な キリスト の、 尊い 血 に よっ た の です。 20 キリスト は、 世界 の 基 が 据え られる 前 から 知ら れ て い まし た が、 この 終わり の 時 に、 あなた がた の ため に 現れ て ください まし た。 21 あなた がた は、 キリスト を 死者 の 中 から よみがえら せ て 栄光 を 与え られ た 神 を、 キリスト によって 信じる 者 です。 です から、 あなた がた の 信仰 と 希望 は 神 に かかっ て い ます。


ある人は、自分は先祖のせいでそうなったのだから、自分の考え方や行 動を変えることはできないと思っています。多くの人は、先祖から行動を教えられたり、まだ死んでいない先祖と関係が続いていたりするために、自分の罪深い生き方を無視したくなります。それらの先祖は、私たちがどのように振る舞うかについて期待を持っています。しかし、そのような価値のない、あるいは無意味な生き方は変えることができるのです。あなたの人生の変化は可能であり、最小限の変化だけではありません。思い切った変化も可能です。クリスチャンであるあなたは、両親や祖父母から教えられた罪深い考え方や行動の奴隷ではありません。キリストの死によって、あなたはそのような罪の束縛から解放されたのです。過去に他の人があなたにしたことのために、あなたは罪から抜け出せないのではありません。あなたは、キリストに従順に生き、キリストのようになるために自由にされたのです。

3. 神様は、御言葉によってあなたがたに上からの新しい霊的誕生を与えてくださったので、キリストのような純粋な兄弟愛をもって互いに愛し合いなさい(1ペテロ1:22-2:1)。

22 あなた がた は 真理 に 従う こと によって、 たま しい を 清め、 偽り の ない 兄弟 愛 を 抱く よう に なっ た の です から、 きよい 心 で 互いに 熱く 愛し合い なさい。 23 あなた が た が 新しく 生まれ た のは、 朽ちる 種 からでは なく 朽ち ない 種 からで あり、 生き た、 いつ までも 残る、 神 の ことば による の です。 24   「人 は みな 草 の よう。 その 栄え は みな 草 の 花 の よう だ。 草 は しおれ、 花 は 散る。 25   しかし、 主 の ことば は 007 永遠 に 立つ」 とある から です。   これ が、 あなた がた に 福音 として 宣 べ 伝え られ た ことば です。 2   1 ですから あなた がた は、 すべて の 悪意、 すべて の 偽り、 偽善 や ねたみ、 すべて の 悪口 を 捨て て、



The letter of 1 Peter was written to Christians that were forced to flee their countries because the established religious authorities were violently persecuting the Christians. But when the Christians settled into new countries, the communities they lived in also did not share their beliefs. Since Christianity was a minority religion at the time, the first century Christians practically lived as exiles wherever they lived. Because the perspective of Christians should be biblical instead of cultural, they tend not to be awarded with the same material benefits as those in their community and are treated harshly. It may become difficult to provide for their own family. It may be difficult to build relationships. But when Christians focus on their difficulties, they tend to fall into despair and lose hope. Like with other New Testament letters, the Apostle wrote a letter to the Christians and encouraged them not to think on what they lack socially or physically, but to think on the spiritual blessings that they have in Christ (1 Peter 1:1-12). It is a great privilege to be a Christian living as an exile in a place where Christianity is a minority religion. Along with all the spiritual blessings that we have in Christ, Christians are given great responsibilities because we are made part of Christ’s work of New Creation. The Apostle Peter gives several commands to such Christian exiles to live with Christlike holiness.

1. Since God uses difficulties to sanctify you, prepare yourself by thinking clearly about difficulties by hoping in Christ’s second coming, and be holy (1 Peter 1:13-16)

13 Therefore, preparing your minds for action, and being sober-minded, set your hope fully on the grace that will be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ. 14 As obedient children, do not be conformed to the passions of your former ignorance, 15 but as he who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct, 16 since it is written, “You shall be holy, for I am holy.”

Contextual meaning: Because those of us who have faith in Christ are truly blessed to become more like Christ through enduring hardships for his name’s sake, we must think clearly about the situation we are in and set our hopes on the right thing. That is why we are called to be sober-minded. That command doesn’t mean we aren’t to be drunk. We are commanded not to be drunk elsewhere in the Bible. Being sober minded means that we are to think clearly in regards to our hardships by thinking about what will happen in the future. If we merely think about the hardships, we can easily become emotionally overwhelmed and then desire to sin against God and others. However, when Jesus Christ comes again, he will come to judge the living and the dead for the works that they have done during their lives. The great hope of Christianity is not that Christians escape hardships. The great hope of Christianity is not that we merely go to heaven or get to be with our Christian loved ones again. The great hope of Christianity is that we will see Jesus face to face and be with Him. When we see him, we who have been effectually called to salvation through faith in Christ’s finished atoning work on the cross for our salvation will not be cast out of his sacred presence into a place of eternal exile to suffer torment forever. Instead, we will be given a final revelation of grace, we will see Christ face to face, and we will be fully and immediately transformed to be like Christ is, completely holy and without sin. That is our final hope as Christians. We are commanded by the Apostle to set our hope fully on that. Because glorifying God and enjoying Him forever in perfect holiness is the great hope of Christianity, living with Christ-like holiness now must also be our desire, even though it will be a struggle against the indwelling sin in our hearts this side of eternity. But we don’t live with Christ-like holiness now apart from God’s grace. It was a work of God’s grace when he effectually called us to salvation when we first heard about Jesus and believed. It will be a work of God’s grace when we see Christ face to face and are fully transformed to be like he is without sin. And right now, we can live more and more holy like Christ because God’s grace is active in our lives. However, if we do not hope to see Christ face to face, then we will desire to go back to the evil sinful lifestyle that we had prior to faith in Christ. Instead, we are commanded to prepare ourselves by recognizing that God effectually called us to salvation by the work of the Holy Spirit when we first became Christians, and recognizing that we who have faith in Christ are God’s children meant to resemble God the Father, and by continuing to desire to see Christ face to face. Living with that perspective that God has given us grace, is continuing to give grace, and will give us final grace will result in holy conduct rather than wicked conduct when we suffer hardships. Judgement is coming for the wicked. However, those of us to whom God has shown grace, and is showing grace, we will be with Christ forever when he comes again. As Christians, we must prepare our minds by living holy by God’s grace and looking forward to being in his holy sacred physical presence.

Practical Application: When we or other Christians face hardships in our lives, we should ask, “What is shaping the way I live right now?” The overwhelming majority of the time, it is personal desires. People act upon their own desires. There’s nothing wrong with desire, nor is it the cause of suffering. The problem with fallen humanity isn’t the existence of desire, but desiring the wrong things. One must consider his sinful desires to be crucified with Christ by saying no to them, and instead desiring to glorify God by believing Christ and obeying his commands by the power of Christ’s resurrection. But if you do not know God through faith in the biblical Christ, you will be unable to glorify God. An understanding of the person of Christ from the New Testament is necessary to be an obedient child of God. God is holy (set apart from sin to righteousness) and commands you also to be holy in all your behavior. Because you are striving to live a Christ-like lifestyle, it should set you apart from those that are not Christians. If you speak, think, and act the same way as the unbelievers that live around you, then you are not a Christian. By going back to the sinful desires you had before becoming a Christian, you are actively slandering the name of God. You are functionally living as if Christ is not Holy and is not going to come to judge the living and the dead. If you have a deep concern about upholding the name of Christ and rightly representing him, you should have an equally deep concern about conducting yourself with Christ-like separation from your old sinful desires. That doesn’t mean that we separate from society, instead it means we believe and obey Christ, and conduct ourselves in society with Christ-like holy behavior. If you’re a Christian, you have been personally chosen by God to glorify Christ by representing his holiness as an exile where you live.

2. Since God judges impartially, live with a healthy fear of God who ransomed us from the useless ways of our ancestors by the blood of Christ (1 Peter 1:17-21)

17 And if you call on him as Father who judges impartially according to each one’s deeds, conduct yourselves with fear throughout the time of your exile, 18 knowing that you were ransomed from the futile ways inherited from your forefathers, not with perishable things such as silver or gold, 19 but with the precious blood of Christ, like that of a lamb without blemish or spot. 20 He was foreknown before the foundation of the world but was made manifest in the last times for the sake of you 21 who through him are believers in God, who raised him from the dead and gave him glory, so that your faith and hope are in God.

Contextual meaning: Since we know God who judges with impartiality, we are to think and behave accordingly. We must fear God. This fear isn’t anxiety or horror of God, but it is the healthy response of a human approaching the sacred presence of God. God is holy, and contrasts sharply with sinful humans. He is our Creator and King, and we are his creation made to glorify Him. When we suffer hardships, we should conduct ourselves with New Testament ethics born out of a healthy fear of God. We should remember that God ransomed believers in Christ out of the pointless ways of our ancestors. In the same way that the OId Testament Israelites were delivered from their enslavement in the foreign land of Egypt, so too those who become Christians were brought by God out of their own ancestors’ enslavement to sin, death, and Satan. But to deliver us from our ancestors’ ways of sin, death, and enslavement to Satan, something costly enough to purchase our redemption from those slave masters was necessary. No one can be redeemed from their ancestors’ ways of sin, death, and enslavement to Satan through any human means. The only thing costly enough to purchase our redemption was the life of God the Son, Jesus. Only Jesus was a sufficient atoning sacrifice, like the sacrificial lamb in the Old Testament, that was without blemish or spot. And just as the sacrificial lamb was chosen beforehand for an atoning sacrifice that would come later, only Jesus was chosen before the foundation of the world but was manifest in the last times for the sake of you who have faith in Him. Jesus’s death powerfully freed us from of the ways of our ancestors. And only Jesus was resurrected from the dead and has entered glory in exaltation. As Christians, we confidently look forward to God resurrecting us into a Christ-like exaltation as well, as we will live righteously with him in glory forever.

Practical Application: Some people think they cannot change their thinking and behavior because they are what they are because of their ancestors. Many people are tempted to excuse their sinful lifestyle because they were taught behavior by their ancestors, or they have ongoing relationships with their ancestors that have not yet died, and those ancestors have expectations. However, those worthless or pointless ways of living are changeable. Change in your life is possible, and not just a minimal amount of change. Drastic change is possible. As a Christian, you are not enslaved to the sinful thinking and behavior that your parents or grandparents taught you. By the death of Christ, you have been set free from such bondage to sin. You are not stuck in sin because of what others have done to you in the past. You have been set free to live in obedience to Christ and become more like Him.

3. Since God by his Word has given you new spiritual birth from above, love one another with a pure brotherly Christ-like love (1 Peter 1:22-2:1)

22 Having purified your souls by your obedience to the truth for a sincere brotherly love, love one another earnestly from a pure heart, 23 since you have been born again, not of perishable seed but of imperishable, through the living and abiding word of God; 24 for “All flesh is like grass and all its glory like the flower of grass. The grass withers, and the flower falls, 25 but the word of the Lord remains forever.” And this word is the good news that was preached to you. 1 So put away all malice and all deceit and hypocrisy and envy and all slander.

Contextual meaning: When someone first becomes a Christian through repenting from sinful unbelief and begins to have faith in Christ, their thinking has started to change. But not only has their thinking begun to change, but also their identity and morality has begun to change. Part of the message about Christ is the command to believe what he says and obey his commands. Jesus commanded his disciples to love God and love other people in the specific ways that Jesus taught us to. Because the Word of the Lord remains forever, that love for God and others is something that must powerfully endure in our lives, even as we live as exiles in our own communities. We are commanded to love other people in general, but we are especially commanded to show brotherly love to others that are Christians, since we have received spiritual birth into the same spiritual family. Brotherly love is defined by Christ and his Apostles according to what they have commanded in the New Testament regarding our relationships towards one another within the church. Therefore, with the goal of brotherly love within the church in mind, the Apostle Peter tells us to put away that which is not loving towards one another. We are commanded to put away all malice, all deceit, and hypocrisy and envy and all slander. The Apostle Peter basically tells us to be a church that loves one another from a pure Christ-like love, to be closely familiar with one another like brothers and sisters, to practice openness, honesty, grace, mercy, forgiveness, and to genuinely care for one another as family. These Christian ethics are not rooted in cultural or societal morals or definitions but are rooted in the salvation that God has given to us in Christ. Christian ethics are permanently rooted in Christ, they do not change based on culture.

Closing Prayer: Heavenly Father, we once again thank you for Christ. We thank you that you send him, to give us spiritual birth from above. Thank you for setting us free from the pointless ways of our ancestors. Thank you for sending him to teach us to live with brotherly love. Help us to conduct ourselves with holiness with a healthy fear of judgment. By the power of your holy spirit, help us to become more and more like Jesus Christ.

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