(Joshua 3:5-4:7) Faithful to His Covenant: Remembering God’s Promise


1. 神の契約の民は、聖別され、神に従順に従うようにと言われました(ヨシュア3:5-8)。

5 ヨシュア は 民 に 言っ た。「 あなた がた は 自ら を 聖別 し なさい。 明日、 主 が あなた がた の ただ中 で 不思議 を 行わ れる から。」 6 ヨシュア は 祭司 たち に「 契約 の 箱 を 担ぎ、 民 の 先頭 に 立っ て 渡り なさい」 と 命じ た。 そこで 彼ら は 契約 の 箱 を 担ぎ、 民 の 先頭 に 立っ て 進ん だ。   7 主 は ヨシュア に 告げ られ た。「 今日 から 全 イスラエル の 目 の 前 で、 わたし は あなた を 大いなる 者 と する。 わたし が モー セ とともに い た よう に、 あなた とともに いる こと を 彼ら が 知る ため で ある。 8 あなた は 契約 の 箱 を 担ぐ 祭司 たち に『 ヨルダン川 の 水際 に 来 たら、 ヨルダン 川 の 中 に 立ち 続け よ』 と 命じ よ。」





2. 神の臨在は、神の契約の民を力づけた(ヨシュア3:9-17)。

9 ヨシュア は イスラエル の 子 ら に 言っ た。「 ここ に 来 て、 あなた がた の 神、 主 の ことば を 聞き なさい。」 10 ヨシュア は 言っ た。「 生ける 神 が あなた がた の 中 に い て、 自分 たち の 前 から カナン 人、 ヒッタイト 人、 ヒビ 人、 ペリジ 人、 ギルガシ 人、 アモリ 人、 エブス 人 を 必ず 追い払わ れる こと を、 あなた がた は 次 の こと で 知る よう に なる。 11 見よ。 全 地 の 主 の 契約 の 箱 が、 あなた がた の 先頭 に 立っ て ヨルダン川 を 渡ろ う と し て いる。 12 今、 部族 ごと に 一人 ずつ、 イスラエル の 部族 から 十 二人 を 取り なさい。 13 全 地 の 主 で ある 主 の 箱 を 担ぐ 祭司 たち の 足 の 裏 が、 ヨルダン 川 の 水 の 中 に とどまる とき、 ヨルダン 川 の 水 は、 川上 から 流れ 下る 水 が せき止め られ、 一つ の 堰 と なっ て 立ち止まる。」   14 民 が ヨルダン川 を 渡ろ う として 彼ら の 天幕 から 出発 し た とき、 契約 の 箱 を 担ぐ 祭司 たち は 民 の 先頭 に い た。 15 箱 を 担ぐ 者 たち が ヨルダン川 まで 来 た とき、 ヨルダン川 は 刈り入れ の 期間 中 で、 どこ の 川岸 にも 水 が あふれ て い た。 ところが、 箱 を 担ぐ 祭司 たち の 足 が 水際 の 水 に 浸る と、 16 川上 から 流れ 下る 水 が 立ち止まっ た。 一つ の 堰 が、 はるか かなた、 ツァレタン の そば に ある 町 アダム で 立ち上がり、 アラバ の 海、 すなわち 塩 の 海 へ 流れ 下る 水 は 完全 に せき止め られ て、 民 は エリコ に 面し た ところ を 渡っ た。 17 主 の 契約 の 箱 を 担ぐ 祭司 たち は、 ヨルダン 川 の 真ん中 の 乾い た ところ に しっかり と 立ち止まっ た。 イスラエル 全体 は 乾い た ところ を 渡り、 ついに 民 全員 が ヨルダン川 を 渡り 終え た。





III.       神の契約の忠実さは、後世に記憶されることでした(ヨシュア4:1-7)

1 民 全員 が ヨルダン川 を 渡り 終える と、 主 は ヨシュア に 告げ られ た。 2 「民 の 中 から 部族 ごと に 一人 ずつ 十 二人 を 取り、 3 その 者 たち に 命じ よ。『 ヨルダン川 の 真ん中、 祭司 たち が 足 を しっかり と とどめ た その 場所 から 十 二 の 石 を 取り、 それら を 携え て 渡り、 あなた が た が 今夜 泊まる 宿営 地 に 据え よ。』」 4 そこで ヨシュア は、 イスラエル の 子 ら の 中 から 部族 ごと に 一人 ずつ、 あらかじめ 任命 し て おい た 十 二人 を 呼び出し た。 5 ヨシュア は 彼ら に 言っ た。「 あなた がた の 神、 主 の 箱 の 前、 ヨルダン 川 の 真ん中 へ 渡っ て 行き、 イスラエル の 子 ら の 部族 の 数 に 合わせ て 各自 が 石 を 一つ、 その 肩 に 担ぎ なさい。 6 それ が あなた がた の 中 で、 しるし と なる よう に する ため だ。 後 に なっ て、 あなた がた の 子ども たち が『 この 石 は どういう もの なの です か』 と 尋ね た とき、 7 あなた がた は 彼ら に こう 言い なさい。『 ヨルダン川 の 水 が 主 の 契約 の 箱 の 前 で せき止め られ た の だ。 箱 が ヨルダン川 を 渡る とき、 ヨルダン 川 の 水 は せき止め られ た。 この 石 は イスラエル の 子 ら にとって 永久 に 記念 と なる の だ。』」



キリスト教における記念の重要性は、キリストを通して、教会の信徒として共に 主の晩餐を取るようにという命令によって、私たちにもたらされます。キリストの働きを思い起こすことは、私たちを励まし、悔い改めてキリストへの信仰を継続するよう促すはずです。イエスは、私たちが主の晩餐を取るとき、それはイエスが来られるまでの死を宣言するものであると教えられました。それはまた、キリストの血による新約の象徴でもあるのです。主の晩餐を取るとき、私たちはイエスの贖いの犠牲と、彼が新しい契約を確立した方法を覚えているのです。キリストの贖いの犠牲は、キリストとキリストのうちにいるすべての人々のために、旧約に従った約束の報酬を確保しました。十字架上の死によって、イエス様は、信仰を持つすべての人のために、救いと永遠の命を確保されました。



The book of Joshua tells the story of how the Israelites came to dwell in the promised land. Many centuries earlier, God had made a covenant with the ancestor of the Israelites who was named Abraham. One of the covenant promises that God made to Abraham was that his ancestors would come to live in the land of Canaan. After many centuries, the Israelites were approaching the Jordan River, which was the eastern boundary of the land of Canaan. They camped next to the Jordan River for three days. Finally, the time came for them to cross into the promised land. But they couldn’t cross the Jordan River on their own. The Jordan River had overflowed and was impossible to cross by foot. The Israelites needed God’s presence to help them to obey God’s command to cross over the Jordan River. And after they crossed the Jordan River, the future generation of Israelites would need a way to remember that God had fulfilled the second of his promises made to Abraham. In this chapter, we will see that by God’s intervention, God’s covenant people were able to enter the promised land and were given a memorial for future generations to remember God’s faithfulness.

1. God’s covenant people were told to be consecrated and to follow God in obedience (Joshua 3:5-8)

5 Then Joshua said to the people, “Consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the Lord will do wonders among you.” 6 And Joshua said to the priests, “Take up the ark of the covenant and pass on before the people.” So they took up the ark of the covenant and went before the people. 7 The Lord said to Joshua, “Today I will begin to exalt you in the sight of all Israel, that they may know that, as I was with Moses, so I will be with you. 8 And as for you, command the priests who bear the ark of the covenant, ‘When you come to the brink of the waters of the Jordan, you shall stand still in the Jordan.’

Contextual meaning: The Israelites were told to consecrate themselves because Yahweh was going to do miraculous works. Consecration involved a practice of ritual washing, washing one’s clothing, and abstaining from physical relations (Exodus 19:10-15). Joshua commanded the Levite priests to take the ark and go before the people, and they obeyed. The Ark of the Covenant, also known as the Ark of the Testimony, was an important symbol of God’s sacred presence among the people. It was not Joshua but God who led his covenant people into the promised land. God promised to Joshua that he would begin to exalt him so that people would know that God was with him like God was with Moses prior to Joshua. God would make it clear to the Israelites that Joshua was God’s chosen covenant-mediator, in the same way that Moses was. The priests were to be commanded to go out in front of the people into the overflowed Jordan river and stand in the river. God would lead his covenant people through the waters of the Jordan River on dry land, just as God had led his covenant people through the waters of the Red Sea on dry land.

Point to Christ: Obedience to God’s commands as written was important. God is sovereign and has permitted or ordained all circumstances that come to pass. Because God is sovereign, we especially have personal responsibility to obey God’s commands. God’s sovereignty does not eliminate the importance of personal choices. We have a responsibility to be obedient to God’s commands as written, because God is our creator and King. Because of the first sin of our ancestor Adam, who represented humanity accurately in the Garden of Eden, all humanity has fallen into sin and disobeys God’s commands. Thankfully, there was one who obeyed God perfectly: Jesus Christ, God the Son. He was fully God and yet fully man, and lived a life of complete obedience to God’s law even unto his death on the cross to atone for our sins. He did not stay dead, but rose from the dead three days later. Today, because of his perfect obedience, he has been given the name above all names, and has been exalted and sits at God’s right hand in Heaven. Through his substitutionary sacrifice on the cross, Jesus has mediated a new covenant to us in his blood, along with the law of Christ. For those of us that have faith in Christ, we are given grace to obey God’s commands in the power of Christ’s resurrection.

Practical Application: Today, we must each consider our lives in the light of Christ’s obedience to God’s commands. First, you must recognize your need to repent and have faith in Christ. Thankfully, by God’s grace through faith in Christ, you can be saved from God’s wrath and sin and death. Through Christ’s finished work to die to atone for your sins on the cross, he has secured salvation for those who have faith in him. Secondly, you must ask yourself how specifically are you disobeying the commands of Christ and his Apostles? We must strive to repent of disobedience and renew our minds with Christ-like thinking. And thirdly, we must obey the commands of Christ and his apostles in the power of his resurrection.

Contextualize: According to Jesus, we must obey God because of the great salvation that Christ has provided for us. Because of Christ’s finished work which reveals to us who God is, and to secure our salvation on the cross because of his great love for us, we now must respond in obedience to God’s commands as an expression of our love for God fully revealed through Christ. Jesus said “if you love me, keep my commandments.” (John 14:15). The Apostle John taught “For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments. And God’s commandments are not burdensome.” (John 5:3). Obedience to God is not a way to repay a debt to God or as an attempt to earn his favor. The cultural idea of reciprocation which involves responding to an action or gift with a similar action or gift, does not reflect the relationship between God and Christians. While it is true that God’s love and grace towards us should inspire us to love and serve him in return, our obedience to God must never be a means of repaying a debt to God or trying to improve our relationship with Him. Our reconciliation and relationship with God are a gift of grace, provided through faith in Christ and not based on our own merit or works (Romans 5:8; Ephesians 2:8-9).

2. God’s presence empowered God’s covenant people (Joshua 3:9-17)

9 And Joshua said to the people of Israel, “Come here and listen to the words of the Lord your God.” 10 And Joshua said, “Here is how you shall know that the living God is among you and that he will without fail drive out from before you the Canaanites, the Hittites, the Hivites, the Perizzites, the Girgashites, the Amorites, and the Jebusites. 11 Behold, the ark of the covenant of the Lord of all the earth is passing over before you into the Jordan. 12 Now therefore take twelve men from the tribes of Israel, from each tribe a man. 13 And when the soles of the feet of the priests bearing the ark of the Lord, the Lord of all the earth, shall rest in the waters of the Jordan, the waters of the Jordan shall be cut off from flowing, and the waters coming down from above shall stand in one heap.” 14 So when the people set out from their tents to pass over the Jordan with the priests bearing the ark of the covenant before the people, 15 and as soon as those bearing the ark had come as far as the Jordan, and the feet of the priests bearing the ark were dipped in the brink of the water (now the Jordan overflows all its banks throughout the time of harvest), 16 the waters coming down from above stood and rose up in a heap very far away, at Adam, the city that is beside Zarethan, and those flowing down toward the Sea of the Arabah, the Salt Sea, were completely cut off. And the people passed over opposite Jericho. 17 Now the priests bearing the ark of the covenant of the Lord stood firmly on dry ground in the midst of the Jordan, and all Israel was passing over on dry ground until all the nation finished passing over the Jordan.

Contextual meaning: Joshua commanded the people to listen to God’s words. Joshua told the people the way that they would know that God’s presence was among them and that God would defeat those that lived within the promised land. God’s presence was what made the crossing of the Jordan and defeating the Canaanites possible. The God of the Bible is not the god of a national religion. He is not limited to one people or to one area. Yahweh has authority over the entire Earth and is not limited by a national border such as a mere river. As such, leading his people through the river into a new nation was within his sphere of authority. God’s covenant people needed to know that they were not entering into another country to conquer by their own authority, but because the Ark of the Covenant, the symbol of God’s presence, God who is sovereign over all the earth, was leading them into Canaan to bring divine judgment upon the Canaanites. Nor did God’s covenant people need to look for new gods to follow because they were in a new land. Yahweh is God over all the Earth, and his covenant people can remain faithful to him no matter where they live. Twelve men were selected. One man was selected to represent each tribe. They were to witness the miraculous way in which God stopped the water so that the Israelites could cross the river.

Just as God had promised, When the priests carrying the Ark of the covenant stepped into the waters of the Jordan River, the Jordan river stopped flowing and instead piled up about 30km upstream. That created a 30km area of dry riverbed, making crossing the Jordan River a miraculous but rather simple task.

Historical Understanding: It was God’s presence that made the crossing of the Jordan River possible. It was the Ark of the Covenant, the symbol of the presence of God, that went before the Israelites. By going into the promised land, God’s covenant with Abraham had reached its second stage of fulfillment (Genesis 12:1-3; Deuteronomy 12:5).

Contextualize: There is a cultural belief that self-discipline, self-improvement, and personal determination and effort will lead to success. However, it is not through our own self-effort that we attain spiritual success. Instead, it is Christ’s presence, through the work of the Holy Spirit, that empowers us to put our sins to death and walk in newness of life in obedience to Christ. As believers, we each have the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit leads us, comforts us, and empowers us, by pointing us to follow Christ by faith as he has been revealed to us in the Bible. Through reliance upon his presence and power as he points us to Christ in the Bible, we can achieve spiritual success.

3. God’s covenant faithfulness was to be remembered by future generations (Joshua 4:1-7)

1 When all the nation had finished passing over the Jordan, the Lord said to Joshua, 2 “Take twelve men from the people, from each tribe a man, 3 and command them, saying, ‘Take twelve stones from here out of the midst of the Jordan, from the very place where the priests’ feet stood firmly, and bring them over with you and lay them down in the place where you lodge tonight.’ ” 4 Then Joshua called the twelve men from the people of Israel, whom he had appointed, a man from each tribe. 5 And Joshua said to them, “Pass on before the ark of the Lord your God into the midst of the Jordan, and take up each of you a stone upon his shoulder, according to the number of the tribes of the people of Israel, 6 that this may be a sign among you. When your children ask in time to come, ‘What do those stones mean to you?’ 7 then you shall tell them that the waters of the Jordan were cut off before the ark of the covenant of the Lord. When it passed over the Jordan, the waters of the Jordan were cut off. So these stones shall be to the people of Israel a memorial forever.”

Contextual meaning: After the Israelites had finished passing through the Jordan River, they were commanded to take stones from the Jordan River and pile them up as a memorial for future generations to remember and give thanks for God’s faithfulness to keep his covenant promises. When future generations saw the river stones, they could ask their parents what the memorial meant. That way, parents would be able to explain to their children how God had been faithful to keep his covenant promises. God did not do miracles among each generation. Miracles were not a normal part of the daily lives of God’s covenant people.

Historical Understanding: The importance of memorials in Christianity comes to us through Christ by the command he gave to take the Lord’s Supper together as a church congregation. Remembering Christ’s work in our lives should encourage and inspire us to repent and continue with faith in Christ. Jesus taught that when we take the Lord’s Supper, it is a proclamation of his death until he comes. It is also a symbol of the New Covenant in Christ’s blood. When we take the Lord’s supper, we are remembering Jesus’s atoning sacrifice and the way that he established the new covenant. Christ’s atoning sacrifice secured for Christ and all those who are in Christ the promised rewards for obeying the Old Covenant. By his death on the cross, Jesus secured salvation and life eternal for all those who have faith in Him.

Contextualize: The Bible teaches that it is important to think on future events such as the second coming of Christ, and to memorialize the past event of the finished work of Christ to atone for our sins by dying on the cross. It is important to remember and give thanks for the ways that God has been faithful to us through Christ in his finished work to fulfill God’s covenant promises, and to consider how we must live in the light of Christ’s faithfulness.

Closing Prayer: Heavenly father, thank you for being faithful to fulfill your covenant promises. Thank you for the covenant promises that we have in Christ. Thank you for the forgiveness of sins that we have because of the finished work of Christ. Thank you for the promise that we get to be in his sacred presence forever. Thank you for the memorial you have commanded to us so that we can remember your faithfulness to your promises that was fulfilled in Christ. Amen.

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