(Joshua 24:14-18; Luke 7:11-17; Mark 16:1-8) God’s Miracles Among His People


1. 神様の奇跡の結果、民は神様の契約の律法に従った (ヨシュア記24:14-18)

14 今、 あなた がた は 主 を 恐れ、 誠実 と 真実 を もっ て 主 に 仕え、 あなた がた の 先祖 たち が、 あの 大河 の 向こう や エジプト で 仕え た 神 々 を 取り除き、 主 に 仕え なさい。 15 主 に 仕える こと が 不満 なら、 あの 大河 の 向こう に い た、 あなた がた の 先祖 が 仕え た 神 々 でも、 今 あなた が た が 住ん で いる 地 の アモリ 人 の 神 々 でも、 あなた が た が 仕えよ う と 思う もの を、 今日 選ぶ が よい。 ただし、 私 と 私 の 家 は 主 に 仕える。」   16 民 は 答え た。「 私 たち が 主 を 捨て て、 ほか の 神 々 に 仕える など、 絶対 に あり 得 ない こと です。 17 私 たち の 神、 主 は、 私 たち と 私 たち の 先祖 たち を エジプト の 地、 奴隷 の 家 から 導き 上ら れ た 方、 そして、 私 たち の 目 の 前 で あの 数々 の 大きな しるし を 行い、 私 たち が 進ん だ すべて の 道 で、 また 私 たち が 通っ た あらゆる 民 の 中 で、 私 たち を 守っ て くださっ た 方 だ から です。 18 主 は あらゆる 民 を、 この 地 に 住ん で い た アモリ 人 を 私 たち の 前 から 追い払わ れ まし た。 私 たち も また、 主 に 仕え ます。 この お方 が 私 たち の 神 だ から です。」



ヨシュアは、まさに神の契約の仲介者の一人であり、契約の民に神の偉大さを思い起こさせ、神に従うように呼びかけたのです。ヨシュアが神の契約の民に念を押したのは、単に歴史的な物語を語っただけではありません。ヨシュアは神の契約の民に、神の契約の律法に従うように警告していたのです。それは、神の契約の民の一人であることの意味です。神が私たちの人生に介入して契約を与え、信仰によって神に従うようにと呼びかけてくださることです。神だけが、その恵みによって私たちの人生に主権的に介入し、私たちの愛と献身にふさわしい方です。しかし、私たちは皆罪人ですから、そのような神への献身は不可能です。しかし、それでも神は私たちの献身に値する方であり、献身を命じておられるので、それは言い訳にはなりません。私たちは、神以外の何ものにも霊的な満足を見出すことができるのです。この物語の悲しいところは、この世代の直後、イスラエル人はヤハウェに霊的な満足を見出す代わりに、他の神々に従うことを選んだことです(士師記10章)。イスラエルの歴史の残りの部分は、神が士師、王、預言者を通して介入され、イスラエルに神だけを崇拝することに戻るよう命じられた物語である。ヨシュアの時代のように、イスラエルの民が神だけを礼拝することを誓って再集結することは、二度となかった。最後に、父なる神は、ヨシュアと同じヘブライ語の名を持つ御子イエスを遣わされました。イエスは、私たちのより良いヨシュアとして、神のもとに戻るよう民に命じられました。十字架につけられて引き上げられることで、すべての人をご自分のもとに引き寄せます(ヨハネ12:32)。これは、神がイエスにおける契約を通して、どのように私たちを見下されたかという偉大な奇跡なのです。イエスは十字架上の贖いの死、その流された血によって、あらゆる国の人々に神の宮廷に来るように呼びかけ、その血による新しい契約の発表を聞き、私たちの救いのためにイエスだけを信じる信仰を持つように命じておられるのです。イスラエルの時代と同じように、今日も多くの人々がイエスに従うと約束しながら、すぐに聖書の神と並んで、先祖の神々、周囲の国々の神々、物質的無神論の神々に仕えるように戻っていきます。その選択は重大な結果をもたらす。神は嫉妬深い恋人であり、その民に自分だけに忠実であるように戻るように命じるからである。ヨシュアはそれを端的に表現した。”今日、誰に仕えるか選びなさい “と言ったのである。ヨシュアは契約の仲介者として、自分とその家族はヤハウェだけに仕えると言ったのです。ヨシュアは、神がその契約の民のためになさった奇跡に、信仰をもって応えたのです。同様に、私たちも、私たちの罪を贖うために十字架の死に至るまで完全な従順によって私たちに神を現されたキリストにおいて、神が私たちに見下してくださった奇跡に信仰をもって応答すべきなのです。彼はヤハウェに完全に仕えたので、私たちは信仰によって彼に従うべきなのです。

2. 神様が人々の間に住まわれた時にイエス様がされた奇跡は、私たちに希望を与えてくれます (ルカの福音書7:11-17

11 それから 間もなく、 イエス は ナイン という 町 に 行か れ た。 弟子 たち と 大勢 の 群衆 も 一緒 に 行っ た。 12 イエス が 町 の 門 に 近づか れる と、 見よ、 ある 母親 の 一人息子 が、 死ん で 担ぎ出さ れる ところ で あっ た。 その 母親 は やもめ で、 その 町 の 人々 が 大勢、 彼女 に 付き添っ て い た。 13 主 は その 母親 を 見 て 深く あわれみ、「 泣か なく ても よい」 と 言わ れ た。 14 そして 近寄っ て 棺 に 触れ られる と、 担い で い た 人 たち は 立ち止まっ た。 イエス は 言わ れ た。「 若者 よ、 あなた に 言う。 起き なさい。」 15 すると、 その 死人 が 起き上がっ て、 もの を 言い 始め た。 イエス は 彼 を 母親 に 返さ れ た。 16 人々 は みな 恐れ を 抱き、「 偉大 な 預言者 が 私 たち の うち に 現れ た」 とか、「 神 が ご 自分 の 民 を 顧み て くださっ た」 と 言っ て、 神 を あがめ た。 17 イエス について の この 話 は、 ユダヤ 全土 と 周辺 の 地域 一帯 に 広まっ た。


前の話では、百人隊長が大きな信仰を持ち、イエス様は彼の病気のしもべを 癒されました。しかし、この物語では、やもめは大きな信仰を持っていませんでした。彼女が信仰を持っているかどうかは、全く言及されていません。むしろ、イエス様はこのやもめを思いやる気持ちの表れとして行動されたのです。イエス様から応答を得るために、大きな信仰を持つ必要はないのです。イエス様が奇跡を起こされたのは、イエス様ご自身が栄光を受けるためであって、人々が信仰の深さによって栄光を受けるためではありません。神は天上におられ、ご自分の望まれることをすべてなさるのです。イエス様の名声がこの地方に広まったのは、人々の信仰ではなく、イエス様の憐れみと行動によるものだったのです。

キリスト者として、この物語は私たちに未来への希望を与えてくれる。やもめの息子を死からよみがえらせたのと同じ声が、いつか裁きのために全地球に 響くでしょう。良いことをした者は生き返り、悪いことをした者は滅びのために生き返るのです(ヨハネ5章)。イエスは、復活の時、全人類はその行いによって救われるのではなく、その行いによって裁かれると教えられました。彼らは、神の恵みによる救いに由来する行い(あるいは、罪深い心に由来する悪い行い)によって裁かれるのです。

3. 神様がイエス様を通して人々の間に住まわれたように、イエス様の奇跡は私たちに救いを与えました(マルコの福音書16:1-8

1 さて、 安息日 が 終わっ た ので、 マグダラ の マリア と ヤコブ の 母 マリア と サロメ は、 イエス に 油 を 塗り に 行こ う と 思い、 香料 を 買っ た。 2 そして、 週 の 初め の 日 の 早朝、 日 が 昇っ た ころ、 墓 に 行っ た。 3 彼女 たち は、「 だれ が 墓 の 入り口 から 石 を 転がし て くれる でしょ う か」 と 話し合っ て い た。 4 ところが、 目 を 上げる と、 その 石 が 転がし て ある のが 見え た。 石 は 非常 に 大きかっ た。 5 墓 の 中 に 入る と、 真っ白 な 衣 を まとっ た 青年 が、 右側 に 座っ て いる のが 見え た ので、 彼女 たち は 非常 に 驚い た。 6 青年 は 言っ た。「 驚く こと は あり ませ ん。 あなた がた は、 十字架 に つけ られ た ナザレ 人 イエス を 捜し て いる の でしょ う。 あの 方 は よみがえら れ まし た。 ここ には おら れ ませ ん。 ご覧 なさい。 ここ が あの 方 の 納め られ て い た 場所 です。 7 さあ 行っ て、 弟子 たち と ペ テロ に 伝え なさい。『 イエス は、 あなた が たより 先 に ガリラヤ へ 行か れ ます。 前 に 言わ れ た とおり、 そこで お 会い でき ます』 と。」 8 彼女 たち は 墓 を 出 て、 そこ から 逃げ 去っ た。 震え上がり、 気 も 動転 し て い た からで ある。 そして だれ にも 何 も 言わ なかっ た。 恐ろしかっ た からで ある。   124〔 彼女 たち は、 命じ られ た すべて の こと を、 ペ テロ と その 仲間 たち に 短く 伝え た。 その後、 イエス ご 自身 が 彼ら を通して、 きよく 朽ちる こと の ない 永遠 の 救い の 宣言 を、 日 の 昇る ところ から 日 の 沈む ところ まで 送ら れ た。 アーメン。〕


イエス様の復活は、自分自身の死を打ち負かしただけでなく、他の人の 死も打ち負かしたのです。イエス様の復活は、今日の世界で様々な死の力に押しつぶされようとしている人々にも希望を与えます。人々が罪と死に押しつぶされる方法の一つは、神とその律法に反抗する奴隷状態のために、神の国の一員になることができないことです。神の国に入るということは、より良い人生を送るための手本としてイエスに従えばよいというものではありません。人類はみな、罪と死の奴隷となった罪の性質を持っているので、私たちの心の変化が必要なのです。私たちは無力であり、死と墓場から自分をよみがえらせることはできません。しかし、イエスの完成したわざのおかげで、私たちには偉大なヒーローがいます。彼は私たちの前に進み、罪と死からの身代金を提供し、キリストの完成したわざを信じる人には神の御前での永遠のいのちを保証してくれます。彼の死は、彼に信仰を持つ人々の罪を十字架につけました。キリストの復活は、キリストを信じる者に永遠のいのちを与え、新しいいのちのうちに歩むことができるようにしたのです。これは、キリストの死と復活を信じるすべての人にとっての良い知らせです。あなたは、キリストの死によって罪が贖われ、キリストの復活によって新しい命が与えられることを信じることによって、神の国の一部となることができるのです。


Intro: We have been reading through the Old Testament book of Joshua for the past several weeks. In the book of Joshua, it has told the story of how God saved Israel by being faithful to his covenant promise to them that they would inherit the promised land of Canaan. To accomplish that great feat, God gave the Israelites power to conquer their enemies. With the recent rise of secularism and the likeminded worldview of deism before it, many people have rejected the idea that God could supernaturally intervene in human history through miracles. However, the Bible reveals that God does in fact accomplish supernatural miracles in human history, and provides evidences along with it. But beyond the evidence of the miracles is something even more important than the satisfaction of our evidential curiosities. When God intervenes in human history through miracles, he is revealing his character to humanity. This morning we will see what several different miracles in the Bible reveal about God’s character.

1. God’s miracles among his people result in them obeying God’s covenant law (Joshua 24:14-18)

Reread Verse: 14 “Now therefore fear the Lord and serve him in sincerity and in faithfulness. Put away the gods that your fathers served beyond the River and in Egypt, and serve the Lord. 15 And if it is evil in your eyes to serve the Lord, choose this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your fathers served in the region beyond the River, or the gods of the Amorites in whose land you dwell. But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” 16 Then the people answered, “Far be it from us that we should forsake the Lord to serve other gods, 17 for it is the Lord our God who brought us and our fathers up from the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery, and who did those great signs in our sight and preserved us in all the way that we went, and among all the peoples through whom we passed. 18 And the Lord drove out before us all the peoples, the Amorites who lived in the land. Therefore we also will serve the Lord, for he is our God.”

Contextual meaning: This is the last part of the book of Joshua. It talks about a special ceremony called a covenant ratification. In this ceremony, the people of Israel renewed their promise to follow God. This was the second time they did this, and it was done in a way that was similar to how powerful rulers of countries made agreements with lesser countries, called a suzerain-vassal treaty. In this case however, the powerful ruler is the king of God’s kingdom, God himself. A long time before this ceremony took place, God helped Abraham by promising to make his family big and give them their own land, the land of Canaan. God also helped the Israelites escape from Egypt and get to that promised land by doing miracles to cause the inhabitants of the land to greatly fear Israel and their God. All of those things that led to the conquering of the peoples in the promised land were because of God’s great covenant love, not because the Israelites did anything special. As a result, at the time of this ceremony, the Israelites wanted to be good followers of God’s law.

Historical Understanding: Sometimes people want to know who God’s covenant people are. When these people agreed to God’s covenant, it wasn’t just some group of people saying fancy words being said to no one. First, God has to condescend to a people through covenant and do things in history to help his people that cannot be based on anything that they’ve personally done. And second, God’s people must choose to follow him as he has revealed himself and obey the commands that he has given as part of his covenant. Those who do so are part of the covenant people of God. Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, their ancestors, Moses and his wicked generation, and Joshua and his generation were all part of God’s covenant people.

Point to Christ: Joshua who was just one of the mediators of God’s covenant who reminded the covenant people of God’s greatness and called them to obey him. Joshua’s reminder to God’s covenant people was more than just telling a historical story. Joshua was warning God’s covenant people to obey God’s covenant law. That’s what it means to be one of God’s covenant people. It’s about God intervening in our lives by giving us a covenant and calling us to obey him by faith. Only God has sovereignly intervened in our lives by his grace and is worthy of our love and devotion. Because we are all sinners however, we are incapable of such devotion to God. However, that is no excuse because God is still worthy of our devotion and commands it. We are to find our spiritual satisfaction in nothing less than God. The sad part of this story is that immediately after this generation, the Israelites chose to follow other gods instead of finding spiritual satisfaction in Yahweh (Judges 10). The remainder of the history of Israel is the story of God intervening through judges, kings, and prophets, to command Israel to return to the exclusive worship of God alone. Never again did the Israelites reunite in commitment to worship God alone as they had done in the time of Joshua. Finally, God the Father sent God the Son, Jesus, bearing the same Hebrew name of Joshua. As our better Joshua, Jesus commands his people to return to God. By being raised up in his crucifixion, he draws all men to himself (John 12:32). This is the great miracle of how God condescended to us through covenant in Jesus. By his atoning death on the cross, by his shed blood, Jesus calls forth to people from all nations to come to the court of God, to hear the new covenant in his blood announced, and commands that we have faith in Jesus alone for our salvation. Just like in Israel’s time, many people today promise to follow Jesus, but they quickly go back to serving the gods of their ancestors, the gods of the nations that surround them, the gods of materialistic atheism, alongside the God of the Bible. That choice has serious consequences, as God is a jealous lover that commands his people to return to be loyal to him alone. Joshua put it plainly: he said, “choose this day whom you will serve.” Joshua, as the covenant mediator, said that he and his family would serve Yahweh alone. Joshua responded in the faith to the miracles that God had done for his covenant people. Likewise, we should respond in faith to the miracle of God condescending to us in Christ who revealed God to us by his perfect obedience unto his death on the cross to atone for our sins. He served Yahweh perfectly, and we should follow him by faith.

2. God’s miracles as he dwelled among his people through Christ give us hope (Luke 7:11-17)

Reread Verse: 11 Soon afterward he went to a town called Nain, and his disciples and a great crowd went with him. 12 As he drew near to the gate of the town, behold, a man who had died was being carried out, the only son of his mother, and she was a widow, and a considerable crowd from the town was with her. 13 And when the Lord saw her, he had compassion on her and said to her, “Do not weep.” 14 Then he came up and touched the bier, and the bearers stood still. And he said, “Young man, I say to you, arise.” 15 And the dead man sat up and began to speak, and Jesus gave him to his mother. 16 Fear seized them all, and they glorified God, saying, “A great prophet has arisen among us!” and “God has visited his people!” 17 And this report about him spread through the whole of Judea and all the surrounding country.

Contextual meaning: The gospel of Luke is an investigative report of Jesus’s life, written for non-Jewish people who were familiar with the God of Judaism but needed to know that Jesus is the full revelation of Him to humanity. Luke’s gospel covers Jesus’s advent, ministry, rejection, death, and triumph, with a focus on his interaction with marginalized people such as women, children, and the poor. The book of Luke and its sequel, the book of Acts, pay special attention to protecting widows. Jesus is not called a mere prophet or teacher in the Greek language, but the Lord, which is the Greek translation of the Old Testament name of God, Yahweh. Jesus is Yahweh, and he demonstrated his ability to do miracles by raising the dead, but there was a great risk for him to do so according to the Old Testament law. Approaching the dead would make Jesus ritually unclean. Regardless, Jesus raised the dead man, he showed his personal authority to do so with his mere words, something that previous Old Testament prophets had not done. Jesus did not become unclean by approaching the dead body. Instead, the dead man’s body received life. Jesus is greater than the prophets and has all authority in heaven and on earth, even authority to rise the dead. The people at the funeral responded with fear and recognition that Jesus was doing things only God can do.

Practical Application: In the previous story, the centurion had great faith, and Jesus healed his sick servant. However, in this story, the widow did not have great faith. It is never mentioned whether she has faith at all. Instead, Jesus acted as an expression of his own compassion for the widow. It is not necessary to have great faith to receive a response from Jesus. Jesus worked miracles so that he would receive glory for who he is, not so that people would receive glory because of the greatness of their faith. God is in the Heavens and does all that he pleases. It was the compassion and actions of Jesus, not the faith of the people, which caused his fame to spread in the region.

Doctrinal Application: As Christians, this story gives us hope for the future. The same voice that raised the widow’s son from the dead will one day be heard all across the earth for judgment. All that are in their graves will come out for judgment by Christ, those who have done good will be raised to life, and those who have done evil will be raised for destruction (John 5). Jesus taught that at the resurrection, all of humanity will not be saved by their works, but they will be judged by their works. They will be judged by the works that came from their salvation by God’s grace (or the bad works that came from their sinful hearts).

3. God’s miracles among his people through Christ give us salvation (Mark 16:1-8)

Reread Verse: 1 When the Sabbath was past, Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James, and Salome bought spices, so that they might go and anoint him. 2 And very early on the first day of the week, when the sun had risen, they went to the tomb. 3 And they were saying to one another, “Who will roll away the stone for us from the entrance of the tomb?” 4 And looking up, they saw that the stone had been rolled back—it was very large. 5 And entering the tomb, they saw a young man sitting on the right side, dressed in a white robe, and they were alarmed. 6 And he said to them, “Do not be alarmed. You seek Jesus of Nazareth, who was crucified. He has risen; he is not here. See the place where they laid him. 7 But go, tell his disciples and Peter that he is going before you to Galilee. There you will see him, just as he told you.” 8 And they went out and fled from the tomb, for trembling and astonishment had seized them, and they said nothing to anyone, for they were afraid.

Contextual meaning: The gospel of Mark aims to establish faith in Jesus as both divine and human and make people his disciples. Chapter 16 provides an evidential account of Jesus’s resurrection, the greatest miracle of all time. Before this, Jesus was condemned in a false trial by religious leaders who saw him as a threat to their power. Though innocent, Jesus was crucified and suffered God’s wrath as a substitutionary atoning sacrifice. Verified dead, Jesus was entombed, and three days later, two women found the tomb unsealed and opened. They saw a messenger from God who told them that Jesus had risen from the dead and would meet his disciples in Galilee. Jesus’s miraculous resurrection proves his innocence and vindicates him. As a completely obedient substitute, Jesus has atoned for the sins of his covenant people and been exalted to share the spoils of his victory over death with those that have faith in Him. (Isaiah 52:15; 53:11-12).

Practical Application: Jesus’s resurrection was not only the defeat of death for himself, but the defeat of death for other people as well. Jesus’s resurrection gives hope to those who are also being crushed by the various forces of death in the world today. One way that people are crushed by sin and death is they are unable to become part of God’s kingdom because of their enslavement to rebelling against God and his law. Entering God’s kingdom is not a matter of simply following Jesus as an example of how to live a better life. We require a change in our hearts because all humanity has a sin nature that is enslaved by sin and death. We are helpless and cannot raise ourselves out of death and the grave. But because of the finished work of Jesus, we have a great hero who has gone ahead of us and provided a ransom from sin and death that guarantees the eternal life in God’s presence for anyone who has faith in the finished work of Christ. His death has crucified the sins of those who have faith in Him. His resurrection has given eternal life to those who have faith in Him, so that they can walk in newness of life. This is good news for anyone who will trust in the death and resurrection of Christ. You can become part of God’s kingdom by trusting in Christ’s death to atone for your sins and his resurrection to give you newness of life.

Closing Prayer: Heavenly Father, we are thankful for these Scriptures that remind us that You demonstrate your power and authority and truth through miracles, and that You intervene in the lives of Your covenant people because of Your great covenant love. You have done amazing things in the past to help the people that you have called your own, and You continue to do so today. We pray that You would help us to obey the commands of Jesus and his Apostles and to follow Him by faith. Deliver us from temptation and give us grace to follow You and to serve You alone. Thank you for the great miracle of the coming of Jesus Christ, who came to earth as our better Joshua to provide us salvation and resurrection life so that we can obey him. Help us to find our spiritual satisfaction in Him alone and to flee idolatry. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.

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