1. 復活したイエスは、弟子たちに教会での働きのための力を与える(ヨハネ20:19-23)。
19 その 日、 すなわち 週 の 初め の 日 の 夕方、 弟子 たち が い た ところ では、 ユダヤ 人 を 恐れ て 戸 に 鍵 が かけ られ て い た。 する と、 イエス が 来 て 彼ら の 真ん中 に 立ち、 こう 言わ れ た。「 平安 が あなた がた に ある よう に。」 20 こう 言っ て、 イエス は 手 と 脇腹 を 彼ら に 示さ れ た。 弟子 たち は 主 を 見 て 喜ん だ。 21 イエス は 再び 彼ら に 言わ れ た。「 平安 が あなた がた に ある よう に。 父 が わたし を 遣わさ れ た よう に、 わたし も あなた がた を 遣わし ます。」 22 こう 言っ てから、 彼ら に 息 を 吹きかけ て 言わ れ た。「 聖霊 を 受け なさい。 23 あなた が た が だれ かの 罪 を 赦す なら、 その 人 の 罪 は 赦さ れ ます。 赦さ ず に 残す なら、 そのまま 残り ます。」
2. 復活したイエスは、疑う者に自らの復活を証明する(ヨハネ20:24-29)。
24 十 二 弟子 の 一人 で、 デドモ と 呼ば れる トマス は、 イエス が 来ら れ た とき、 彼ら と 一緒 に い なかっ た。 25 そこで、 ほか の 弟子 たち は 彼 に「 私 たち は 主 を 見 た」 と 言っ た。 しかし、 トマス は 彼ら に「 私 は、 その 手 に 釘 の 跡 を 見 て、 釘 の 跡 に 指 を 入れ、 その 脇腹 に 手 を 入れ て み なけれ ば、 決して 信じ ませ ん」 と 言っ た。 26 八日 後、 弟子 たち は 再び 家 の 中 に おり、 トマス も 彼ら と 一緒 に い た。 戸 には 鍵 が かけ られ て い た が、 イエス が やって来 て、 彼ら の 真ん中 に 立ち、「 平安 が あなた がた に ある よう に」 と 言わ れ た。 27 それから、 トマス に 言わ れ た。「 あなた の 指 を ここ に 当て て、 わたし の 手 を 見 なさい。 手 を 伸ばし て、 わたし の 脇腹 に 入れ なさい。 信じ ない 者 では なく、 信じる 者 になり なさい。」 28 トマス は イエス に 答え た。「 私 の 主、 私 の 神 よ。」 29 イエス は 彼 に 言わ れ た。「 あなた は わたし を 見 た から 信じ た の です か。 見 ない で 信じる 人 たち は 幸い です。」
3. 復活したイエスは、信じる者に復活の命を与える(ヨハネ20:30-31)。
30 イエス は 弟子 たち の 前 で、 ほか にも 多く の 142 しるし を 行わ れ た が、 それら は この 書 には 書か れ て い ない。 31 これら の こと が 書か れ た のは、 イエス が 神 の 子 143 キリスト で ある こと を、 あなた が た が 144 信じる ため で あり、 また 信じ て、 イエス の 名 によって いのち を 得る ため で ある。
多くの人は、信じるとはどういうことなのかを知りたがっています。トマスの場合、信じるということがどういうことなのかがわかります。信じるということは、イエス様の主張が真実であることを宣言し、その真実の論理的結 果に身を委ねることです。私たちは、イエスがメシアであり、旧約聖書に約束された救い主であること、そして、旧約聖書の神の救いの約束がイエスの人において成就していることを告白しなければなりません。私たちは、イエスが子である神であること、イエスが十字架にかけられ、死者の中からよみがえったことを告白しなければなりません。もし、それらのどれかを否定するならば、私たちは信仰を持っていないのです。しかし、私たちは今日、トマスのようにイエスの肉体を見ることで信じるのではありません。その代わりに、私たちは使徒たちの証しを信じることによって信じます。新約聖書に書かれた彼らの文章を通して、私たちは今日、キリストを正しく見て、救いをもたらす真理に同意し、それを告白することを学びます。私たちはそれらの真理に同意しなければなりませんが、キリスト教の信仰は単なる知的な同意ではありません。コミットメントもまた、キリスト教信仰の一部です。クリスチャンとしてのコミットメントとは、イエスが私たちの創造主であり王であるために、私たちの人生を支配する権利を持つ神であるイエスに自分を服従させるという個人的なコミットメントである。創造主であり王であるキリストへのコミットメントなしにキリスト教の真理を告白することは、まったく真の信仰とは言えません。
Intro: During Jesus’s earthly ministry, there were twelve disciples who remained more consistently with Jesus. However, among those twelve disciples, there was an inner circle of disciples that were closer to Jesus. One of those disciples was named John, and he wrote one of the four gospels that tell the dramatic story of Jesus’s life, death, and resurrection. John structured his book around seven great miracles that demonstrated that Jesus’s claims about himself must be true, and that Jesus accomplished our salvation as a lone sufferer without the help of his disciples. John portrayed Jesus as the answer to the universal longings of humanity (light, bread, water, life) and the fulfillment of the Jewish feasts and rituals. John’s gospel is unique because it confronts its readers with the need to choose whether to believe or disbelieve the things that Jesus said about himself.
1. The resurrected Jesus empowers his disciples for church ministry (John 20:19-23)
Reread Verse: On the evening of that day, the first day of the week, the doors being locked where the disciples were for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood among them and said to them, “Peace be with you.” When he had said this, he showed them his hands and his side. Then the disciples were glad when they saw the Lord. Jesus said to them again, “Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, even so I am sending you.” And when he had said this, he breathed on them and said to them, “Receive the Holy Spirit. If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven them; if you withhold forgiveness from any, it is withheld.”
Contextual meaning: The disciples had met together on that same Sunday evening as the resurrection. They were inside with the doors locked because they were afraid of the Jewish religious leaders. Several days before, they had observed the torture and crucifixion of Jesus because of his religious claims. As Jesus’s disciples, they were afraid they would experience the same kind of death as their teacher. Despite the door being locked, Jesus came and stood among them as they assembled. By doing that, Jesus prepared them for their future ministry of establishing the early Christian Church. Jesus proved to them that he can meet with them anywhere they assemble. Jesus gave them the normal greeting of peace, but he gave them the greeting twice in the same story, which indicated that the Jesus was giving them different reasons to be at peace despite the threat of physical sufferings. The risen Jesus stood among his disciples as they congregated together, and showed them his pierced hands and his pierced side. The joy that resulted when they saw the risen Christ among them was a fulfillment of the joy that Jesus had promised earlier in John’s gospel. Jesus said that their sorrow will change into joy because Jesus will see them again, and no one will be able to take away their joy (John 16:20-22). The risen Jesus’s presence with them was meant to give them peace even if they were threatened by physical persecution. Jesus then greeted them with peace a second time. The second time, in his greeting of peace, Jesus said that as the Father had sent him, Jesus was sending his congregation of disciples. Jesus sending the disciples was not a onetime action, just as the sending action of God the Father sending God the Son (Jesus) was not a onetime action. In all of Jesus’s ministry, he was being sent by the Father. In his conception, in his childhood, in his teenage years, in his ministry as an adult, and in the events surrounding his death and resurrection, Jesus was sent from the Father to do his will. Likewise, those who have faith in Jesus are sent by him into the world to represent Him congregationally and do what he commanded. When he said this, he breathed onto them and told them to receive the Holy Spirit. The breathing onto the disciples should remind us of God creating our first ancestor, Adam, by breathing life into him. Because Jesus had obeyed the Old Testament law even unto his death on the cross to atone for our sins, he was resurrected in exaltation over death, which was theologically necessary for Jesus to begin his work of New Creation in his disciples. In this story, the reason that Jesus gave the Holy Spirit to the disciples was so that they would be able to obey his command to pronounce forgiveness of sins or withholding of forgiveness of sins based on whether or not a person is repenting with faith in Christ because of the work of the Holy Spirit. In other words, when the congregation of disciples pronounces forgiveness of sins upon those who repent and have faith in Christ, or withholds the forgiveness of sins from those who refuse to repent and have faith in Christ, the congregation does so by the power of the Holy Spirit, whom Jesus sent to his congregation of disciples. In the Jewish context, this idea of binding and loosing, or declaring or withholding forgiveness, is the activity of a judge that is declaring someone guilty or innocent of a crime. The church being given authority to make a divinely backed judgment about someone’s guilt or innocence of sin based on their profession of faith in the gospel is a great means of peace given to us by Jesus. No matter what the world says regarding who is Christian and who is not Christian, it is the congregation of Jesus’s disciples itself that has the authority to determine who is a Christian and who is not a Christian. The rights for judgment are not given to those who are outside of the congregation that has faith in what the Apostles have written in the New Testament.
2. The resurrected Jesus proves his own resurrection to the doubting (John 20:24-29)
Reread Verse: Now Thomas, one of the twelve, called the Twin, was not with them when Jesus came. So the other disciples told him, “We have seen the Lord.” But he said to them, “Unless I see in his hands the mark of the nails, and place my finger into the mark of the nails, and place my hand into his side, I will never believe.” Eight days later, his disciples were inside again, and Thomas was with them. Although the doors were locked, Jesus came and stood among them and said, “Peace be with you.” Then he said to Thomas, “Put your finger here, and see my hands; and put out your hand, and place it in my side. Do not disbelieve, but believe.” Thomas answered him, “My Lord and my God!” Jesus said to him, “Have you believed because you have seen me? Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.”
Contextual meaning: As we near the conclusion of John’s gospel, we find there have already been several ways that Jesus’s disciples responded to the evidence of Jesus’s resurrection. Peter and John raced to the tomb, did not see Jesus, but John believed. And then Mary met a man who uttered her name, and she recognized him to be Jesus, and began to report that she had seen Jesus, which fulfills certain promises given by Jesus in his farewell. To the skeptic, those stories seem suspicious. And then the disciples were in the upper room together, and they did not merely see evidence of the resurrection, they saw Jesus himself. They all saw him, heard him, they were breathed upon by him, and received the Holy Spirit. There were multiple witnesses that all saw, heard, and experienced the same thing. That’s a story that would hold up to the scrutiny of most people. We might wonder what better evidence for the resurrection of Jesus could be given than. However, in the final scene, a week after the resurrection had occurred, one of the twelve disciples, Thomas, was meeting together with the other disciples in the locked room. Thomas was like we who come from an empirical mindset. Thomas was a skeptical individual and required hard evidence to believe in the resurrection of Jesus. He had not seen the empty tomb. He had not heard or seen Jesus like the other disciples had. Thomas had not been there to see Jesus the first time that Jesus had appeared. For him, faith seemed impossible, because so much time had passed since the resurrected Christ had appeared to his disciples, and because he demanded to see and touch Jesus’s resurrected body. On first reading, we are meant to wonder what Thomas’s response is going to be to the story of the resurrection. But once again, Jesus appeared and stood among his disciples, and again gave his greeting of peace. When he appeared, he directly answered the doubts that Thomas had, and then commanded the doubter not to become unbelieving, but to become believing. This is another measure of peace that Jesus gives to his congregation of disciples. The resurrected Jesus himself answers the questions and doubts that we may have, in his presence among his congregation. When Thomas saw the physically resurrected Jesus, and his doubts were addressed, he believed. Physically seeing Jesus is not necessary for faith however, because there is a blessing that Jesus gave for those that do not see the physically resurrected Christ personally, and yet believe. Jesus addresses we who would not see Him physically. Today, if we want to see Jesus, we must read and hear the Scriptures. Reading and hearing the Scriptures are how the Holy Spirit works in our hearts so that we believe and go deeper into belief. In the story, not only did Thomas respond by believing that Jesus was alive, he also responded with faith that Jesus was God himself. Confessing Jesus as Lord in faith and committing oneself to obey Him by faith is the correct response of those who are investigating the life of Jesus by reading John’s gospel. John’s gospel started out identifying Jesus as the Word made Flesh, God dwelling among humanity. Those who saw Jesus but did not believe alleged that Jesus made himself equal with God (5:18). Jesus had said that He and God the Father are one (10:30). Jesus had said that the Father is in Him and He is in the Father (14:9-11). Jesus said, “Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father (14:9). When Thomas declared Jesus to be his Lord and his God, he used the Greek term which is the translation of the Hebrew word for YHWH, the Old Testament God. The right conclusion of John’s Gospel is that Jesus is not merely a sir, a teacher, or a master, but the very God of the Old Testament, fully revealed to humanity. He is physically resurrected, not as a ghost or a vision, but as a genuine man who speaks and listens and serves and leads, in human history. He is the same physical man who died upon the cross and has defeated sin and death by his resurrection. Jesus physically defeated and got up and walked away from sin and death, and by means of his resurrection, we must follow him.
3. The resurrected Jesus gives his resurrection life to those who believe (John 20:30-31)
Reread Verse: Now Jesus did many other signs in the presence of the disciples, which are not written in this book; but these are written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name.
Contextual meaning: John finishes this section of his gospel with an explanation of why he wrote his gospel the way that he did. Out of all the things that Jesus did in his life, all the miracles he performed, he selected seven of them in particular to structure his gospel around. John chose those seven miracles on purpose, so that we would read his book, and conclude by believing that Jesus is both the Messiah and God the Son, and receive life in his name.
NT Doctrinal Application: When you are encouraging your friends to have a saving faith in the biblical Christ, or if you are looking to have a deeper faith in Jesus yourself, utilize John’s gospel. Understanding the purpose for which a book of the Bible was written and then using it for its stated purpose is what the Holy Spirit intends that you do. That is the way we should preach and teach the Bible and use it for ourselves as well.
NT Practical Application: Many people want to know what it means to believe. In the case of Thomas, we see what it means to believe. Belief involves declaring that Jesus’s claims are true and committing oneself to the logical conclusion of those truths. We must confess that Jesus is the Messiah, the promised Savior of the Old Testament, and that the Old Testament promises of God to save are fulfilled in the person of Jesus. We must confess that Jesus is God the Son, that he was crucified, and is risen from the dead. If we deny any of those things, we do not have faith. However, we don’t believe today by seeing the physical body of Jesus like Thomas did. Instead, we believe by faith in the testimony of the Apostles. It is through their writings in the New Testament that we see Christ correctly today, and learn to agree with the truths that bring salvation and confess them. We must agree with those truths, but Christian belief is not mere intellectual agreeing. Commitment is also a part of Christian belief. The commitment that we make as Christians is a personal commitment to submit oneself to Jesus as God, the one who has the right to rule our lives because he is our Creator and King. Confession of Christian truths without a commitment to Christ as our Creator and King is not true belief at all.
Closing Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank you for John’s gospel. Thank you that Jesus came to reveal God to us, and for what He accomplished for us through His life, death, and resurrection. Thank you for sending the Holy Spirit to all who believe, so that we can proclaim the good news of Jesus to all nations. We pray for those who are tempted to doubt. Please overcome their unbelief, so that they may have faith in Jesus and have peace in his resurrection and have eternal life. Please help us to remain steadfast in our faith, even when we are threatened with persecution or doubt. Thank you for your love, your grace, and your mercy, which sustain us through all of life’s trials and tribulations. In Jesus’s name we pray, Amen.