1. 神は契約の民に回復と祝福を約束された(エレミヤ30:8-11)
その 日 に なる と ─ ─ 万 軍 の 主 の ことば ─ ─ わたし は あなた の 首 の く びき を 砕き、 あなた の かせ を 解く。 他国 人 が 再び 彼 を 奴隷 に する こと は ない。 9 彼ら は 彼ら の 神、 主 と、 わたし が 彼ら の ため に 立てる 彼ら の 王 ダビデ に 仕える。 10 わたし の しも べ ヤコブ よ、 恐れる な。 ─ ─ 主 の ことば ─ ─ イスラエル よ、 おののく な。 見よ。 わたし が、 あなた を 遠く から、 あなた の 子孫 を 捕 囚 の 地 から 救う から だ。 ヤコブ は 帰っ て 来 て、 平穏 に 安らか に 生き、 脅かす 者 は だれ も い ない。 11 わたし が あなた とともに い て、 ─ ─ 主 の ことば ─ ─ あなた を 救う から だ。 わたし が、 あなた を 追いやっ た 先 の すべて の 国々 を 滅ぼし 尽くす から だ。 しかし、 あなた を 滅ぼし 尽くす こと は ない。 ただし、 さばき によって あなた を 懲らしめる。 決して あなた を 罰 せ ず に おく こと は ない。」
人類の歴史において、この約束された追放者の約束の地への復帰、約束された来るべき王、約束された新しい契約のすべてが一度に成就したわけではない。むしろ、神は段階的に約束を忠実に守られた。イスラエルの民はやがてバビロンへの追放から帰還した。しかし、彼らが戻ってきた時、ダビデ王がいたわけでもなく、ある種の栄光に満ちた終わりなき繁栄に入ったわけでもなかった。彼らは多くの悩みや問題を抱えていた。やがてダビデ王であるイエスが来られたが(マタイ1:1, 17、使徒2:29-36、13:22-23、32-39、ローマ1:3-4)、イスラエルの民にはほとんど拒絶された。しかし、イエスをダビデ王、主、救い主として信じたイスラエル人には、イエスは神の子となる権利を与えた(ヨハネ1:11-13)。悔い改めとイエスへの信仰によって、これらのイスラエル人は約束された新しい契約に入ったのである。民族イスラエルの大半はイエスを信じなかったため、新約に入ることなく、西暦70年にローマがエルサレムを征服したとき、イエスが一世代前に約束したとおり、エルサレム神殿と都の破壊を経験した(マタイによる福音書24章、マルコによる福音書13章、ルカによる福音書21章)。イエスは神から与えられた旧約の律法に完全に従った唯一のイスラエル人であったため、イエス自身は旧約の祝福をすべて与えられた(使徒言行録13章、ガラテヤ3章)。イエスはその完全な従順によって、神のために分離され、聖なる国民とされたイスラエルの目的を果たされたのである。今日、不信仰を悔い改めてイエスを信じる者は、新しい契約に入り、神の聖なる祭司の国の一員とされ、エレミヤ30章に約束された回復を与えられる。
2. 神は契約の民に苦しみとあがないを約束された(エレミヤ30:12-17)
12 まことに 主 は こう 言わ れる。 「あなた の 傷 は 癒 やさ れ がたく、 あなた の 打ち傷 は 痛ん で いる。 13 あなた の 訴え を 擁護 する 者 も なく、 腫れ もの に 薬 を 付け て、 あなた を 癒 や す 者 も い ない。 14 あなた の 恋人 たち は みな、 あなた を 忘れ、 あなた を 尋ねよ う とも し ない。 わたし が、 敵 を 打つ よう に あなた を 打ち、 容赦 なく あなた を 懲らしめ た から だ。 あなた の 咎 が 大きく、 あなた の 罪 が 重い ため に。 15 なぜ、 あなた は 自分 の 傷 の ため に 叫ぶ のか。 あなた の 痛み は 癒 やさ れ がたい。 あなた の 咎 が 大きく、 あなた の 罪 が 重い ため に、 わたし は これら の こと を、 あなた に し た の だ。 16 それ ゆえ、 052 わたし は 言う。 あなた を 食う 者 は みな、 かえって 食わ れ、 あなた の 敵 は みな、 捕らわれ の 身 と なっ て 行き、 あなた から 略奪 し た 者 は、 略奪 さ れ、 あなた を かすめ 奪っ た 者 は、 わたし が みな 獲物 として 与える。 17 まことに、 わたし は あなた の 傷 を 治し、 あなた の 打ち傷 を 癒 やす。 ─ ─ 主 の ことば ─ ─ まことに、 あなた は『 捨て られ た 女』、 『尋ねる 者 の ない シオン』 と 呼ば れ た。
12節で、主は “あなたの傷は治らない “と言われた。この文章では、”your “はヘブライ語では単数の女性代名詞である。エルサレムはシオンという名の女性として擬人化されている。誰も彼女を慰めに来ない。歴史的に、エルサレムはエジプトが軍事同盟によって自分たちを守ってくれると期待していた。しかし、エジプトは助けに来なかった。それどころか、エルサレムはバビロニアによって残酷に破壊された。抵抗する者は皆殺され、神殿は破壊され、町は破壊され、生き残った者はバビロンの奴隷となった。しかし神は、たとえ致命傷を負ったとしても、エルサレムに新しい命を与えると約束された。やがてバビロン人が滅ぼされ、神の民がその地に回復されるからである。
3. 神は契約の民と神との関係の回復を約束された(エレミヤ30:18-22)
─ ─ 主 は こう 言わ れる ─ ─ 見よ。 わたし は ヤコブ の 天幕 を 回復 さ せ、 その 住まい を あわれむ。 都 は その 丘 の 上 に 建て直さ れ、 宮殿 は その 定め られ て いる 場所 に 建つ。 彼ら から、 感謝 の 歌 と、 喜び 笑う 声 が 湧き 上がる。 わたし は 人 を 増やし て、 減らす こと は ない。 わたし が 尊く 扱う ので、 彼ら は 小さな 者 では なく なる。 その 子 たち は 昔 の よう になり、 その 会衆 は わたし の 前 で 堅く 立て られる。 わたし は これ を 圧迫 する 者 を みな 罰する。 その 権力 者 は 彼ら の うち の 一人、 その 支配 者 は その 中 から 出る。 わたし は 彼 を 近づけ、 彼 は わたし に 近づく。 いのち を かけ て わたし に 近づく 者 は、 いったい だれ か。 ─ ─ 主 の ことば ─ ─ あなた がた は わたし の 民 となり、 わたし は あなた がた の 神 と なる。」
One of the promises that God made in the Old Covenant law that he gave to the people of Israel through Moses was if they did not exclusively worship Yahweh alone, and disobeyed God’s law by worshiping other gods, then they would be exiled away from the temple presence of Yahweh as a form of divine judgment against them. The book of Jeremiah tells the story of the nation of Judah and how they continued to rebel against God until the promised judgment came. During Jeremiah’s lifetime, the nation of Judah was conquered and taken captive by the Babylonians, just as God has promised. The story is told from the perspective of the prophet Jeremiah, who was called by God to prophesy against Judah. Starting in chapter 30, Jeremiah shifts his topic from prophesying about the impending exile and captivity of Judah. Instead, he starts to give hope to Judah that their historic captivity will end after 70 years (which it did), and they will eventually return and be restored to the promised land (which also happened). What was lost will one day be found, what was abandoned will be recovered, what was wounded will be healed, and what was wicked will be destroyed. These verses not only gave hope to the Israelites, but they also give hope to us today as well.
1. God promised restoration and blessing to his covenant people (Jeremiah 30:8-11)
8 “And it shall come to pass in that day, declares the Lord of hosts, that I will break his yoke from off your neck, and I will burst your bonds, and foreigners shall no more make a servant of him. 9 But they shall serve the Lord their God and David their king, whom I will raise up for them. 10 Then fear not, O Jacob my servant, declares the Lord, nor be dismayed, O Israel; for behold, I will save you from far away, and your offspring from the land of their captivity. Jacob shall return and have quiet and ease, and none shall make him afraid. 11 For I am with you to save you, declares the Lord; I will make a full end of all the nations among whom I scattered you, but of you I will not make a full end. I will discipline you in just measure, and I will by no means leave you unpunished.
Most of the book of Jeremiah focuses on the sins of Judah and its punishment for disobeying the old covenant law, but in this chapter Jeremiah begins to give consolation to Judah by describing a future salvation for them. He described a promised national restoration and a promised new covenant. Remember that covenants were a historical way that someone in a more powerful position would condescend to a nation in a lesser position, so that the lesser nation would legally swear allegiance to the more powerful person and experience benefits if they obeyed the covenant law. If they disobeyed the covenant law, they would experience promised cursings. God’s people are unique in that it is not a conquering nation that gives them a covenant. Instead, God himself has graciously given his people a covenant, and that is how he always relates to his people. Starting in verse 8, God’s people are given hope that even though they had disobeyed God’s old covenant law, they will not remain in cursed captivity in Babylon forever. God promised to break Babylon’s power and release the exiles from captivity. In verse 9, God promised to give the Israelites a new David, which means God promised a new king in the line of David that rules and reigns over his people. God’s promise was that the Israelites who are in this new covenant will serve that new Davidic king. Under the rule of that promised Davidic king, God’s people do not have a need to fear other nations any longer.
In human history, this promised restoration of the exiles back to the promised land, the promised coming king, and the promised new covenant were not all fulfilled at once. Instead, God was faithful to keep his promises in phases. The Israelites eventually returned from exile in Babylon. But when they returned, they had no Davidic King, nor did they enter some kind of glorious unending prosperity. They had many troubles and problems. Eventually, their Davidic King Jesus did come (Matthew 1:1, 17; Acts 2:29-36; 13:22-23, 32-39; Romans 1:3-4), but he was largely rejected by the Israelites. However, to those Israelites that did believe in Jesus as their Davidic King, Lord, and Savior, he gave them the right to be the children of God (John 1:11-13). Through repentance and faith in Jesus, those Israelites entered the promised New Covenant. Most of national Israel did not believe in Jesus, and thus did not enter the New Covenant, and experienced the destruction of the Jerusalem temple and city in 70AD when Rome conquered Jerusalem, just as Jesus promised a generation earlier (Matthew 24; Markj 13; Luke 21). Because Jesus was the only Israelite ever to perfectly obey the Old Covenant law given by God, Jesus himself was awarded all the Old Covenant blessings (Acts 13; Galatians 3). By his perfect obedience, Jesus fulfilled the purpose of Israel, which was to be a nation set apart and made holy for God. Today, any who repent of their unbelief and have faith in Jesus enter the new covenant, are made part of God’s holy nation of priests, and are given the restoration promised in Jeremiah 30, which are expanded restorations of the blessings originally promised to the patriarchal fathers of Israel in the Old Testament.
2. God promised suffering and vindication to his covenant people (Jeremiah 30:12-17)
12 “For thus says the Lord: Your hurt is incurable, and your wound is grievous. 13 There is none to uphold your cause, no medicine for your wound, no healing for you. 14 All your lovers have forgotten you; they care nothing for you; for I have dealt you the blow of an enemy, the punishment of a merciless foe, because your guilt is great, because your sins are flagrant. 15 Why do you cry out over your hurt? Your pain is incurable. Because your guilt is great, because your sins are flagrant, I have done these things to you. 16 Therefore all who devour you shall be devoured, and all your foes, every one of them, shall go into captivity; those who plunder you shall be plundered, and all who prey on you I will make a prey. 17 For I will restore health to you, and your wounds I will heal, declares the Lord, because they have called you an outcast: ‘It is Zion, for whom no one cares!’
In verse 12, the Lord says “your hurt is incurable.” In that sentence, “your” is a singular feminine pronoun in Hebrew. Jerusalem is being personified as woman named Zion who is dying because her wound is too great. No one comes to comfort her. Historically, Jerusalem expected that Egypt would defend them by military alliance. However, Egypt did not come to the rescue. Instead, Jerusalem was brutally destroyed by the Babylonians. All who resisted were killed, the temple was destroyed, the city was destroyed, and any who survived were enslaved by Babylon. However, God promised to give Jerusalem new life even though she had a deadly wound, because the Israelites would witness the destruction of their enemies. God promised to give Jerusalem vindication because eventually the Babylonians would be destroyed, and God’s people would be restored to the land.
Some of these prophecies were for the immediate future, and some of them were for the far-off future. Knowing that helps us to understand these texts. Regarding the immediate future, God worked through historical processes to overcome the power of Babylon and provide a way for the exiles to return back to Jerusalem. God caused Cyrus the Great, the king of Persia, to rise in power until a new political order was established in the later part of the sixth century B.C. Under several other leaders, groups of Israelites began to return to Israel and rebuilt the temple and reestablished their way of life. However, those people were still under the control of foreigners because Persia still controlled them. Since a foreigner still controlled them, it doesn’t mean that the God failed to keep his promises even though God promised a foreigner would not control them. It just helps us to understand that God kept his promises in historical phases. The return of the exiles from Babylon resulted in the preaching of prophets such as Haggai and Zechariah, which resulted in a growing expectation for the great restoration and healing which was to come later in the person of Jesus.
In Jeremiah 30, the restoration promised to Lady Zion is largely a personification of the restoration of Jerusalem. However, because of the finished work of Jesus, a much better restoration and healing has been given to God’s covenant people. Through his death on the cross to atone for our sin, Jesus has mediated to us the new covenant in his blood, the new covenant promised in Jeremiah 30. In the new covenant, we do not have a mere restoration to a small strip of land in the middle east. But instead, we are restored into God’s sacred presence so that we can glorify him no matter where we live in the world, and do not need to be concerned about the oppression of the nations. That is because we have not merely been restored into God’s spiritual presence, but we are also guaranteed a physical restoration into his presence, which is a reversal of the divine judgment proclaimed upon all mankind. Jesus physically died, was physically buried, resurrected physically three days later, and physically ascended to heaven 40 days later. His physical victory over death guarantees the physical resurrection of those who have faith in him, because the redemption of our bodies will be like Jesus’s resurrection. The Bible teaches that the final condition of God’s people is not a disembodied ghost-like or angel-like existence. Rather, when Jesus comes to judge the living and the dead, we will all be physically resurrected from death. Those who have had faith in Jesus will be fully physical human beings, risen to live in God’s physical presence on earth, and experience the expanded blessings of God’s covenants physically forever and ever (Romans 8:22-23; Revelation 21:1-5). Nations may oppress Christians today or tell us that nobody cares about our sufferings, and the nations may even kill Christians which has happened historically even in Japan. However, because resurrection is guaranteed, Christians will be vindicated by God when Jesus comes again to judge the living and the dead. Because God is a faithful and holy judge, he himself will heal our wounds by judging our oppressors.
3. God promised restoration of his covenant people’s relationship with God (Jeremiah 30:18-22)
18 “Thus says the Lord: Behold, I will restore the fortunes of the tents of Jacob and have compassion on his dwellings; the city shall be rebuilt on its mound, and the palace shall stand where it used to be. 19 Out of them shall come songs of thanksgiving, and the voices of those who celebrate. I will multiply them, and they shall not be few; I will make them honored, and they shall not be small. 20 Their children shall be as they were of old, and their congregation shall be established before me, and I will punish all who oppress them. 21 Their prince shall be one of themselves; their ruler shall come out from their midst; I will make him draw near, and he shall approach me, for who would dare of himself to approach me? declares the Lord. 22 And you shall be my people, and I will be your God.”
In verse 18, reference is made to the tents of Jacob. Originally, the Hebrews were a group of nomadic wanderers. They lived in tents and moved from place to place. But as God had promised in the covenant that he gave to Abraham, his descendants eventually were established by God as a covenant nation in the promised land of Canaan. However, because of the exile to Babylon, once again they would become a nation of wanderers, because the Babylonians destroyed the land and cities. However, God promised to rebuild the fallen nation. Surprisingly, the way that God would rebuild the nation would not just be clearing the land and rebuilding the buildings. Instead, the nation was promised to be rebuilt by being a city of people who were filled with joy and praise, who would be honorable, who would multiply, become many in number, be a congregation established before God, whom God promised He would vindicate when they are oppressed. Their leader is not a foreigner, but one of their own, an Israelite King who is drawn into God’s presence because God himself drew Him. Because of the rule and reign of that King, God’s covenant people will be permanently united to God.
While these prophecies were given to Israel and Judah, they are not for them only. Because Christians are united to Jesus the perfect Israelite King through repentance and faith in Him, these promises spillover also to we who are Gentiles. We are filled with joy and praise, we slowly multiply in number, are a congregation established before God, and we will be vindicated by God. The restoration promised was not merely for the people of Judah and Israel but has expanded now to the entire world. This is because in the New Testament, the good news about Jesus is preached to not only Jerusalem and Judah, but also to Samaria, and the rest of the entire world (Acts 1:8). It is through faith in Jesus that we have entered the restoration promised in the New Covenant, our relationship with God has been permanently reconciled, and we have become part of God’s work of new creation. We are no longer our old sinful selves, but we have been made new creations in Christ Jesus our Lord (2 Corinthians 5:17).
Christians are not the same people that we were before we became Christians. Now we are becoming like Jesus himself. We have a great hope and responsibility to become more like Jesus as we obey his commandments in the New Testament, and yet all the changes for the better in a Christian’s life are from God, because they have been reconciled to God through the finished work of Jesus. It was Jesus alone who died to suffer the wrath of God in their stead on the cross. It was Jesus alone who resurrected from dead. It was Jesus alone who ascended to Heaven where he prays for us today. It was Jesus alone who sent the Holy Spirit to those who have faith in Him so that we can obey His commands by the power of his resurrection.
Gracious Father, we thank you for the promises of restoration and blessing found in Jeremiah 30, fulfilled in Jesus Christ. May we live in obedience and gratitude, empowered by the hope of resurrection and being with you forever because we already have a renewed relationship with you. As a congregation established before you, help us to be witnesses of your love and redemption. Grant us strength to persevere in faith, knowing that we are new creations in Christ. We commit ourselves into your hands, trusting in your sovereignty. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.