(1 Kings 8:27-30; Psalms 33:13-19) Prayers Heard from Heaven: Trusting God’s Presence and Love



I. 神は天におられ、民の予期された祈りを聞かれる(列王記上8:27-30

27 それにしても、 神 は、 はたして 地 の 上 に 住まわ れる でしょ う か。 実に、 天 も、 天 の 天 も、 あなた を お 入れ する こと は でき ませ ん。 まして 私 が 建て た この 宮 など、 なおさら の こと です。 28 あなた の しも べ の 祈り と 願い に 御 顔 を 向け て ください。 私 の 神、 主 よ。 あなた の しも べ が、 今日、 御前 に ささげる 叫び と 祈り を 聞い て ください。 29 そして、 この 宮、 すなわち『 わたし の 名 を そこ に 置く』 と あなた が 言わ れ た この 場所 に、 夜 も 昼 も 御目 を 開き、 あなた の しも べ が この 場所 に 向かっ て ささげる 祈り を 聞い て ください。 30 あなた の しも べ と あなた の 民 イスラエル が、 この 場所 に 向かっ て ささげる 願い を 聞い て ください。 あなた ご 自身 が、 あなた の 御 住まい の 場所、 天 において これ を 聞い て ください。 聞い て、 お 赦し ください。



今日、イエスは私たちと共にいると約束し、私たちに聖霊なる神を遣わしてくださったので、私たちはいつでも、どこにいても、神に祈ることができます。しかし、私たちはどのようなことを祈るべきなのだろうか。もちろん、イエスはその模範となる祈りの中で、祈るべきさまざまなことを教え、私たちが優先順位をつけて考えることができるように、それらのことを祈るべき順序を示された(マタイ6:9-13)。イエスの模範となる祈りが優先されなければならない。しかし、旧約聖書が新約聖書にどのように引き継がれているかを考えるとき、ソロモンが祈ったことが新約聖書でもイエスを通して祈ることができることに注意しなければならない。31節と32節で、ソロモンは正義の祈りを予期していた。真実を見極め、正義を実行することが難しい場合がある。そのような場合、神は有罪の者を断罪し、無罪の者を潔白にするよう求められるべきである。ソロモンは賢明な王として知られていたとはいえ、すべてのケースを正しく裁くことはできなかった。今日の裁判もそうだ。私たちのほとんどは正義を執行する者ではない。だから私たちは、法的な事件で真実が明らかになるように祈り、正義が正しく下されない法的な事件では、神が生者と死者を裁くために再び来られるときに正しい裁きを下してくださることを信じるべきだ。イエスが再び来られるときには公平さを欠くことなく裁かれるのだから、私たちは今、イエスに恐れおののいて従順に生きるべきなのだ(1ペテロ1:17)。ソロモンはまた、民が罪を悔い改めるとき、神がその民を敵から救い出してくださるよう祈った。イエスの完成された御業のゆえに、神は私たちを神の怒りから救い出してくださったのだから。イエスが私たちの代わりに十字架上で身代わりの贖いとして死んでくださり、私たちを神の怒りから救い出してくださったことを神に感謝することができる。 また、ソロモンは備えの祈りを予期していた。神の民は罪を犯し、それが彼らの地に自然災害をもたらした。ひどい干ばつに見舞われたこともあったが、預言者たちの祈りによって救われた(列王記上17-18章、ヤコブ5:17-18)。干ばつは自然なことなので、多くの人はそのような祈りは実を結ばないと考えるだろう。しかし、使徒ヤコブは、病気のような多くの人が自然なことと考えるようなことについても祈るようにと教えている。ソロモンもまた、イスラエルがその罪のゆえに被るであろう自然災害のリストからの解放を祈っている。今日、私たちの神への反逆のゆえに、自然災害は人類を苦しめ続けている。しかし、神の憐れみのゆえに、私たちは自業自得としか言いようがない。それでも自然災害が起こるのは、イエスが生者と死者を裁くために再び来られるときに起こる、もっと悪い裁きに備えよという警告のためである。私たちは、自分の罪を悔い改め、十字架上で死んだときに私たちの代わりに神の怒りを受けたキリストを信じることによって、裁きに備えることができる。また、部外者のためにも祈らなければならない。ソロモンは、諸国民が神の救いを知り、神を礼拝するように祈り、信仰を持つ者が諸国民への祝福であることを思い起こさせた(創世記12:1-3)。福音書では、イスラエルは神殿を民族主義的な誇り、戦争、経済的利益の場として用いて罪を犯した(ヨハネ2:13-17)。しかし神は、あらゆる部族、言語、民族の人々の救いを望んでおられる。悔い改めとイエスへの信仰によって救いがあるというメッセージは、世界のすべての国に対するメッセージなのだ。キリスト教は西洋人だけの宗教ではない。あらゆる国の人々が不信仰を悔い改め、イエスへの信仰を持ち、教会に加わるように祈ることは、私たちにとっても正しいことなのだ。また、ソロモンは勝利を祈っている。先ほどの敵に対する勝利の祈りと同様、これも戦争についての祈りである。しかし、キリストにおける神の国は、物理的な戦いによって前進するのではなく、霊的な戦いによって前進するのである。私たちを罪に誘惑する霊的な敵に勝利するために、神の助けを祈る必要がある(エペソ6:10-20)。そして最後に、ソロモンは最悪の事態を想定して、回復の祈りを予期していた。このような状況では、人々は罪のために亡命を余儀なくされる。私たちは、イエスがエルサレムの町から送り出されて「追放」されたことを神に感謝することができる。イエスは私たちの罪をその身に負い、私たちの身代わりのいけにえとして死んでくださった。私たちはもう、神の前から追放されることを恐れる必要はない。神との和解は、キリストの死によって確保されたのだ。悔い改めを続け、イエスのようになることで、神に似た者となる私たちの霊的成長は、キリストの死によって保証された。私たちの神との永遠は、キリストによって保証された。イエスの完成された御業によって神と和解した私たちは、天から神が私たちの祈りを聞いてくださるので、神にそのような祈りを捧げることができるのです。

II. 神が信頼されるべきなのは、私たちを知り尽くしているにもかかわらず、神の大きな愛が忠実だからである(詩篇33:13-19)。

13 主 は   天 から 目 を 注ぎ   人 の 子 ら を すべて ご覧 に なる。 14 御座 が 据え られ た 所 から   地 に 住む すべて の 者 に 目 を 留め られる。 15 主 は   一人ひとり の 心 を 形 造り   わざ の すべて を 読み取る 方。 16 王 は   軍勢 の 大き さでは 救わ れ ない。   勇者 は   力 の 大き さでは 救い出さ れ ない。 17 軍馬 も 勝利 の 頼み には なら ず   軍勢 の 大き さも 救い には なら ない。 18 見よ   主 の 目 は 主 を 恐れる 者 に 注が れる。   主 の 恵み を 待ち望む 者 に。 19 彼ら の たま しい を 死 から 救い出し   飢饉 の とき にも   彼ら を 生かし 続ける ため に。

詩篇33篇では、歌い手は神の行為と御言葉を賛美している。今朝読んだ詩篇の箇所では、神の全知に対する賛美が含まれている。もちろん、神は創造主であり王として宇宙の外におられる。しかし、神は私たちの近くにもおられる。つまり、神は私たちの頭上におられ、しかも世界の出来事に介入される。神は天から、地上で繰り広げられるすべての活動を見守っておられる。人々の行動を見るだけでなく、私たちの決断、私たちの考えや動機そのものも見ておられる。私たちの内側から外側に至るまで、すべての人の形成に積極的に関与しておられる。それゆえ、私たちの内側から外側まで、すべての人のことを知っておられる。私たちが自分自身のことを知る以上に、私たち一人ひとりのことを詳しく知っておられるのだ。人々が常に誘惑されるのは、互いの偉大さに目を向け、困難な状況に遭遇したときに救いを与えてくれる人類の偉大な制度に信頼することである。私たちは数の力やテクノロジーを信頼しがちで、安心感を与えてくれるものに目を向ける。 しかし、神は人の心の内を知っておられる。人類は神への反逆のために、貪欲を満たし、不正を行う計画を立て、共に策謀をめぐらす。国の支配者は軍隊を集め、戦士を訓練して力と技を身につけさせる。将軍は軍馬を集め、現代ではミサイル、戦闘機、戦車を集める。しかし、各国の軍隊は、知らず知らずのうちに、神の主権的な計画に従って仕組まれた出来事に依存しており、神の介入によって破壊されることもあれば、維持されることもある。神は天から見下ろして、力を蓄えた者に救いを与えるのではない。神に希望を抱く者だけが、神の救いの注意を受けるのである。



Prior to this month’s Christmas lessons, we had been studying through the books of Jeremiah and Daniel. In those books, the Israelites had disobeyed God’s Old Covenant law and had been sent as exiles away from God’s sacred temple presence. And yet even though they were exiles living in Babylon, and they were far away from the temple presence of God, God’s presence was still with his covenant people in Babylon, because God is omnipresent. That is a concept that is taught throughout the entire Bible. Even before the exile to Babylon, the Israelites knew that God’s presence is everywhere. This morning we will begin our first reading from the 8th chapter of 1 Kings. This chapter took place before the Israelites were exiled to Babylon, even before the kingdom had become divided into two kingdoms. In this chapter, Solomon and the community finished building God’s temple in Jerusalem, the capital city of the kingdom of Israel, which was still united. The Ark of the Covenant, which was a symbol of God’s sacred presence among his covenant people, had just been brought into the completed temple. God had just given his blessing upon the temple by filling it with the glory-cloud of his sacred presence. King Solomon repeated the covenant promises that God had made to his father, King David, announcing that those promises were fulfilled by the completion of the temple. But part of the Old Covenant law said that if the people ever rebelled against God and worshiped idols, then they would be exiled away from God’s temple presence. Because of the threat of the covenant curse, if they were ever actually exiled away from God’s temple presence, then how could they worship God?

I. God is in Heaven and hears the anticipated prayers of his people (1 Kings 8:27-30)

“But will God indeed dwell on the earth? Behold, heaven and the highest heaven cannot contain you; how much less this house that I have built! Yet have regard to the prayer of your servant and to his plea, O LORD my God, listening to the cry and to the prayer that your servant prays before you this day, that your eyes may be open night and day toward this house, the place of which you have said, ‘My name shall be there,’ that you may listen to the prayer that your servant offers toward this place. And listen to the plea of your servant and of your people Israel, when they pray toward this place. And listen in heaven your dwelling place, and when you hear, forgive.

When Solomon dedicated the temple so that the community could use it to worship God, it was one of the most important events in the whole Old Testament. King Solomon praised God for his faithfulness to keep the promises made to his father King David, and gave an important prayer for God to bless the temple, to condescend to mankind to dwell with his people and to hear the prayers they offer in God’s name. King Solomon prayed for seven different conditions that people would comprehensively encounter as they interacted with God at the temple. For example, the king prayed for people who would come to the temple that had sinned, that God would forgive them. He prayed for foreigners that would come and pray towards the temple. And King Solomon’s prayer also anticipated Israel’s eventual exile. The seventh and most important petition that Solomon made was that when God’s people pray towards the temple, that God would hear them. Solomon did not pray that God would hear them from the Temple. Instead, Solomon prayed that God would hear from Heaven. The purpose of the temple was to provide a place where prayers could be received, and then God could act from Heaven. This is like how an embassy serves as a place in another land. The embassy has full authority to represent the foreign kingdom and is a place where mediator between kingdom and citizen living abroad can take place. That’s how the Old Testament temple worked as well. The temple was a place of mediation, where sacrifices could be made to atone for rebellion against God’s law, and people could make prayers to God, and God would hear those prayers in Heaven. Even when the Temple was destroyed and the people were exiled, God still heard from heaven, because God is in a sense always present with his people wherever they are.

Because of the person and finished work of Jesus Christ, we have something better than a physical temple building. We have been given Jesus himself. One time Jesus went to meet a woman at a well, and to talk to her about himself. In his conversation with her, he told her not to be surprised, but there was a time that was coming when God’s people would not worship him at a temple building, but in spirit and in truth (John 4:21-24). Because the Jews rejected their God, who was incarnate in the person of Jesus, their temple complex was destroyed. Today, God is worshiped through faith in Jesus, who continues to mediate for us in Heaven as our great high priest. Furthermore, God has sent his Spirit to us, which allows us to commune with God (Ephesians 2:18).

Today, because Jesus has promised to be with us and has sent us God the Holy Spirit, we can pray to him wherever we are, whenever we want, and he will hear us. But what kind of things should we pray for. Of course, in his model prayer, Jesus taught us different things to pray for and he gave us the order in which we should pray those things, to help us prioritize our thinking (Matthew 6:9-13). His model prayer must take priority. However, when we think through how the Old Testament is brought forward to us into the New Testament, we should note that the things which Solomon prayed for come to us can still be prayed for through Jesus in the New Testament. In verses 31 and 32, Solomon anticipated a prayer for justice. There are times when it is difficult to determine the truth and execute justice. In such cases, God should be called on to condemn the guilty and clear the innocent. Even though Solomon was known for being a wise king, he couldn’t possibly judge correctly in all cases. Such is the case in courts today. Most of us are not the ones that execute justice. So we should pray for the truth to come out in legal cases, and trust that in legal cases where justice cannot be properly rendered, we should pray that God will render correct judgment when he comes again to judge the living and the dead. Because Jesus will judge without impartiality when he comes again, we should live with fearful obedience to him now (1 Peter 1:17). Solomon also prayed that God would rescue his people from their enemies when they repent of their sins. Rescue from the consequences of sin something that we should thank God for, because God has rescued us from God’s wrath because of the finished work of Jesus. We can thank God that Jesus died as a substitute atonement in our stead on the cross, rescuing us from the wrath of God. Also, Solomon anticipated a prayer of provision. God’s people sinned, which brought natural disasters upon their land. There were times of severe drought, which was only relieved by the prayers of the prophets (1 Kings 17-18; James 5:17-18). Many would consider such a prayer to be fruitless because drought is natural. However, the Apostle James taught us to pray about things which many would consider to be natural, such as sicknesses, because our prayers have great power as they are working. Solomon also prays for deliverance from a list of natural disasters which Israel would suffer because of their sins. Today, natural disasters continue to plague mankind because of our rebellion against God. They could be worse than they are, but because of God’s mercy, we only lightly experience what we deserve. The reason that natural disasters still occur is because they serve as a warning to us to prepare for a much worse judgment that will come when Jesus comes again to judge the living and the dead. We can prepare for judgment by repenting of our sin, and having faith in Christ, who suffered God’s wrath in our stead when he died on the cross. Also, we should pray for outsiders. Solomon prayed for the nations to know and worship God for his salvation, and reminded those who have faith that they are a blessing to the nations (Genesis 12:1-3). In the gospels, Israel sinned by using the temple as a place of nationalistic pride, warfare, and economic gain (John 2:13-17). But God desires the salvation of people from every tribe, language, and nation. The message that there is salvation through repentance and faith in Jesus is a message for all nations of the world. Christianity is not just a religion for Westerners. It is right for us also to pray that people from all nations would repent of their unbelief, have faith in Jesus, and join the church. Also, Solomon prays for victory. Like the previous prayer for victory over one’s enemies, this is also a prayer about war. However, the kingdom of God in Christ is not advanced through physical warfare, but spiritual warfare. We need to pray for God’s help to gain victory over spiritual enemies that tempt us to sin (Ephesians 6:10-20). And lastly, Solomon anticipated prayers for restoration, for worst case scenario situations. In these situations, people are going into exile for their sins. We can thank God that Jesus was “exiled” by being sent out of the city of Jerusalem, bearing our sins in his body, where he died as a substitute sacrifice in our stead. We do not need to fear being exiled from God’s presence any longer, because our being reconciled with God, our spiritual growth in becoming more like God by continued repentance and becoming more like Jesus, and our eternity with God is secured because of the finished work of Jesus. We can pray such prayers to him because he hears us from Heaven because we have been reconciled to God by the finished work of Jesus.

II. God should be trusted because his great love for his own is faithful despite knowing us fully (Psalm 33:13-19)

The LORD looks down from heaven; he sees all the children of man; from where he sits enthroned he looks out on all the inhabitants of the earth, he who fashions the hearts of them all and observes all their deeds. The king is not saved by his great army; a warrior is not delivered by his great strength. The war horse is a false hope for salvation, and by its great might it cannot rescue. Behold, the eye of the LORD is on those who fear him, on those who hope in his steadfast love, that he may deliver their soul from death and keep them alive in famine.

In Psalm 33, the singer givers praise to God for his acts and for his Word. Included in the Psalm in the verses we read this morning is a praise to God for his omniscience. Of course, God is outside of the universe as its creator and king. However, God is also near to us. That is, God is high above us and yet he intervenes with world events. From Heaven, God watches all activities as they unfold on earth. He not only sees the actions that people do, but he also sees our decisions and our very thoughts and motives. He is active in the formation of every person from the inside of us to the outside of us. And therefore he knows every person from the inside of us to the outside of us. He knows us each in better detail than we know ourselves. The constant temptation of people is to look at the greatness of each other, and to trust in the great institutions of mankind to provide salvation when we encounter difficult situations. We tend to trust in strength in numbers, or technology, and we look to those things to provide us with security. However, God knows what is inside the hearts of men. Mankind schemes together in their rebellion against God by making plans to satisfy their greed and commit injustice. The rulers of countries amass armies, train their warriors to develop strength and skill. Generals gather warhorses, and in our modern times they gather missiles, fighter jets, and tanks. However, the militaries of nations are unknowingly dependent upon events that are orchestrated according to God’s sovereign plan, and can be destroyed or sustained by God’s interventions. God does not look down from Heaven and give salvation to those who amass strength. Only those who hope in God receive God’s saving attention.

Today, God continues to work on behalf of his covenant people. I do not mean that Israel is God’s covenant people. Israel was fulfilled by Jesus, who was the only Israelite who ever obeyed God’s covenant law. The modern state of Israel today is not the Israel of the Bible. The Israel of the Bible had judgment pronounced upon it by Jesus, and was destroyed by God’s divine judgment when the temple was destroyed in 70AD. Those Israelites who continued to have faith in God through faith in Jesus were baptized into the church, which is God’s covenant people today. Today, God continues to work on behalf the church. God’s eyes are always on those who trust him, to ensure that they are spiritually nourished and have what they need in order to glorify God by becoming more like Jesus and know the joy of being faithfully loved by God . The New Testament teaches us that Jesus came teaching and healing in order to convince us that it is our Father’s good pleasure to give those that he loves the kingdom (Luke 12:32). He does love all of mankind in a general way, but only his great love is given to his bride, which are all those who believe in Him (John 3:16; 36). Through faith in Jesus’s death on the cross as our substitute sacrifice, we are the recipients of God’s great love, and have all we could ever want or need in Jesus, and it’s all for free because of God’s graciousness towards us specifically. When we come to realize just how much God loves us in spite of our sin, based on the righteousness of Christ in whom God’s acts and word meet, the burdens of our hearts are lifted, and his joy fills our lives. We do this ultimately by thinking about the gospel, the good news of Christianity (Romans 8). When we trust in Jesus alone as the payment for our sins and we are brought into the covenant family of God, God treats us like sons and daughters. And since we are his children, God commits himself to us and ensures that we will always be under his loving care. As we think more about Jesus, we come to know more of God’s joy.

Heavenly Father, thank you for sending Jesus, who fully revealed to us God’s works and words. Thank you that he died as an atoning sacrifice for our sins, and that he mediates for us today in Heaven where he serves as our great high priest. We pray for justice, rescue, provision, and victory. We trust in your sovereignty and providence, that you are working all circumstances together for the good of those who are called according to your purpose, which is for us to become more like Jesus. We pray that you would cause the good news of Christianity to reach all nations, resulting in their repentance, faith, and joining your church. Help us to trust in your omniscience and steadfast love, that it would trust in you for our strength and security. We pray this in Jesus name, Amen.

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