(Ezra 1:1-11; 2:1-2) Sovereign God’s Promises and the Miraculous Exodus from Exile


旧約聖書と呼ばれる聖書の最初の部分では、神の民は守らなければならない契約の律法を与えられました。もし彼らがその掟に背くなら、神は彼らを神の神殿の前からバビロンに追放して呪うと脅しました。イスラエルとユダの人々は神の戒めを破ったことを悔い改めようとしなかったので、神の約束通り、彼らはバビロンに追放されました。しかし、70年間の捕囚生活の後、神はご自分の民に恵みと憐れみを与え、バビロンを征服したペルシャのキュロス王を使い、何世紀も前に預言者たちを通して約束されたように、彼らをイスラエルに送り返されたのです(イザヤ45:1-5,13; エレミヤ5:11-12; 29:10)。

I. 神は、民をエルサレムに送り返すという約束を果たすために、キュロス王を用いられました(エズラ1:1-4)。

1 ペルシア の 王 キュロス の 第一 年 に、 エレミヤ によって 告げ られ た 主 の ことば が 成就 する ため に、 主 は ペルシア の 王 キュロス の 霊 を 奮い立た せ た。 王 は 王国 中 に 通達 を 出し、 また 文書 にも し た。 2 「ペルシア の 王 キュロス は 言う。『 天 の 神、 主 は、 地 の すべて の 王国 を 私 に お 与え くださっ た。 この 方 が、 ユダ に ある エルサレム に、 ご 自分 の ため に 宮 を 建てる よう 私 を 任命 さ れ た。 3 あなた が た、 だれ でも 主 の 民 に 属する 者 には、 その 神 が ともに い て くださる よう に。 その 者 は ユダ に ある エルサレム に 上り、 イスラエル の 神、 主 の 宮 を 建てる よう に せよ。 この 方 は エルサレム に おら れる 神 で ある。 4 あと に 残る 者 たち は みな、 その 者 を 支援 する よう に せよ。 その 者 が どこ に 寄留 し て いる に し ても、 その 場所 から、 その 土地 の 人々 が、 エルサレム に ある 神 の 宮 の ため に 進ん で 献 げ る もの に 加え、 銀、 金、 財貨、 家畜 を もっ て その 者 を 支援 せよ。』」


この聖句は、イスラエルの国が最初に形成されたイスラエルの出エジプトを思い起こさせるように書かれています。出エジプトでは、神が契約を結ばれたアブラハムの先祖がエジプトでの奴隷状態から解放され、神がアブラハムとその先祖に約束されたカナンの地に戻ることができるように、神は多くの奇跡を用いて様々な人々の心を動かされました。エジプトからの脱出において、神はファラオの心を硬くして働かれました(出エジプト7:3; 9:12)。神は贖いの計画を継続させるために、王たちに対してもこのようなことを何度かなさいました(申命記2:30; ダニエル5:20)。王の心は主の手にある水の流れのようなもの: 神の御手の中の水の流れのようなもの。この物語では、神の契約の民もまた、奇跡的な出来事によってバビロンへの追放から解放されていました: 神がキュロス王の心に働きかけ、彼らを解放したのです。その意味で、亡命者がバビロンからイスラエルに戻り、神殿を再建することによって、イスラエルは神の契約の約束に従って、再び国として生まれ変わったのです。この国の再生は、神の主権的な恵みの奇跡的な行為でした。最初の3節は第二歴代誌の最後の3節と同じで、これは人類史における神の大きな贖いの物語の続きであることを理解することを意味しています。



II. 神は、民をエルサレムに送り返すという約束を守られ、民を奮い立たせ、彼らを養われました(エズラ1:5-11

  5 そこで、 ユダ と ベニヤ ミン の 一族 のかしら たち、 祭司 たち、 レビ 人 たち は 立ち上がっ た。 エルサレム に ある 主 の 宮 を 建てる ため に 上っ て 行く よう に、 神 が 彼ら 全員 の 霊 を 奮い立た せ た ので ある。 6 彼ら の 周り の 人々 は みな、 銀 の 器、 金、 財貨、 家畜、 選りすぐり の 品々、 その ほか 進ん で 献 げ る あらゆる 物 を もっ て 彼ら を 力づけ た。 7 キュロス 王 は、 ネブカドネツァル が エルサレム から 持ち出し て、 自分 の 神 々 の 宮 に 置い て い た 主 の 宮 の 器 を 運び出さ せ た。 8 ペルシア の 王 キュロス は 財務官 ミテレダテ に 001 命じ て これ を 取り出し、 その 数 を 確かめ させ、 ユダ の 首長 シェシュバツァル に 渡し た。 9 その 数 は 次 の とおり で あっ た。 金 の 皿 三十、 銀 の 皿 一 千、 香炉 二十 九、 10 金 の 鉢 三十、 予備 の 銀 の 鉢 四 百 十、 その他 の 器 一 千。 11 金 や 銀 の 用具 は 全部 で 五 千 四 百 あっ た。 捕 囚 の 民 が バビロン から エルサレム に 上る こと を 許さ れ た とき、 シェシュバツァル は これら の 物 を みな 一緒 に 携え て 上っ た。



III.       神は、ご自分の民を解放し、ご自分のもとに帰らせるという約束を繰り返し守られました(エズラ2:1-2

1 バビロン の 王 ネブカドネツァル が バビロン に 引い て 行っ た 捕 囚 の 民 で、 その 捕 囚 の 身 から 解か れ て エルサレム と ユダ に 上り、 それぞれ 自分 の 町 に 帰っ た この 州 の 人々 は 次 の とおり で ある。 2 彼ら は、 ゼルバベル、 002 ヨシュア、 ネヘミヤ、 003 セラヤ、 レエラヤ、 モル デ カイ、 ビル シャン、 ミス パル、 ビグワイ、 レフム、 バアナ と 一緒 に 帰っ て 来 た。   イスラエル の 民 の 人数 は 次 の とおり で ある。


この章に登場する多くの名前は、私たちにはなじみがなく、退屈で読むのも熱中するのも難しいと感じるかもしれません。 しかし、このリストは、神がご自分の契約の民の一人一人について私たちを大切に思っておられること、そして、時代を超えて、世代から世代へと神の民の連続性があることを知らせる役割を果たしています。これらの名前とこの章にあるすべての数は、たとえ彼らが以前は神への信仰を持っていなかったとしても、神がご自分のために民を守るために、豊かな信仰を持っておられることを証明しています。しかし、この章では、彼らの人生に神様が働いてくださったので、彼らは信仰を持ち始め、神様の御言葉に従って自分自身を整え、神様の御前で神様に仕え、神様をあがめることを目標として、神様の働きに身をささげたことがわかります。



In the first part of the Bible, called the Old Testament, God’s people were given a covenant law that they had to obey. If they disobeyed that law, then God threatened to curse them by sending them away from his temple presence into exile in Babylon. The people of Israel and Judah refused to repent of breaking God’s commandments, and so they were sent by God into exile in Babylon, just as he had promised. However, after 70 years in captivity, God was gracious and merciful to his people, and wielded King Cyrus of Persia, which conquered Babylon, to send them back to Israel, as he had promised through the prophets centuries earlier (Isaiah 45:1-5,13; Jeremiah 5:11-12; 29:10).

I. God kept his promise to send his people back to Jerusalem by wielding King Cyrus (Ezra 1:1-4)

1 In the first year of Cyrus king of Persia, that the word of the Lord by the mouth of Jeremiah might be fulfilled, the Lord stirred up the spirit of Cyrus king of Persia, so that he made a proclamation throughout all his kingdom and also put it in writing: 2 “Thus says Cyrus king of Persia: The Lord, the God of heaven, has given me all the kingdoms of the earth, and he has charged me to build him a house at Jerusalem, which is in Judah. 3 Whoever is among you of all his people, may his God be with him, and let him go up to Jerusalem, which is in Judah, and rebuild the house of the Lord, the God of Israel—he is the God who is in Jerusalem. 4 And let each survivor, in whatever place he sojourns, be assisted by the men of his place with silver and gold, with goods and with beasts, besides freewill offerings for the house of God that is in Jerusalem.”

These events take place in 538BC, about two hundred years after they were predicted to occur by the prophet Isaiah. King Cyrus was a progressive ruler at the time and was known for valuing religious liberty, freeing captives of nations that he conquered, and funding the building of their religious buildings. This is an example of a secular government implementing policies that enable the kingdom of God to advance without any hinderance. By restoring the Israelites to Jerusalem, Cyrus was behaving according to his historical character. However, it was also God’s spirit that moved King Cyrus to make this proclamation that the Israelites would be restored to the promised land. Humans do things, but God works in them to accomplish his purposes. God had promised through the prophet Jeremiah that the exile would last for 70 years, and God’s promises never fail. The book of Ezra begins with this wonderful reminder that God is faithful and gracious and can be trusted even when the nation is suffering dark days.

This section of scripture is written in such a way that it is meant to remind us of the Exodus of Israel, when the nation of Israel was first formed. In the Exodus, God used many miracles to move the hearts of various individuals so that the ancestors of Abraham to whom God gave a covenant were delivered from slavery in Egypt and return to the land of Canaan which God had promised Abraham and his ancestors. In the exodus from Egypt, God worked in Pharoah’s heart by hardening it (Exodus 7:3; 9:12). God did this several other times with Kings as well to continue his plan of redemption (Deuteronomy 2:30; Daniel 5:20). What Proverbs 21:1 says is true: “A king’s heart is like streams of water in the Lord’s hand: God directs it wherever He chooses.” In this story, God’s covenant people were also being freed from exile in Babylon by a miraculous event: God working in the heart of the King Cyrus to set them free. In this sense, by the exiles returning from Babylon to Israel to rebuild the temple, Israel was being reborn as a nation once again, according to God’s covenant promises. This rebirth of the nation was a miraculous act of God’s sovereign grace. The first three verses are also the same as the last three verses of 2 Chronicles, meaning that we are meant to understand that this is the continuation of God’s big story of redemption in human history.

God’s plan of redemption was continued for many generations through Abraham’s descendants and more specifically though the tribe of Judah, until God’s promises ultimately were fulfilled in the person and work of Jesus. Even though God’s covenant people were sinful, and even though they had been exiled for their idolatrous rebellion against God, God’s covenant promises did not fail. God did not abandon his people but led them towards the blessing of dwelling with them in his presence. That characteristic of God also finds its fulfillment in Jesus, who will dwell with us forever when he comes to judge the living and the dead. In eternity, those who had faith in Christ in this life will be with him forever.

This world is God’s stage. There are wicked people that maintain certain structures of power which they use to rebel against God, however, our sovereign God can even work through the hearts of wicked men. His plan of redemption will continue onward, and no one can thwart his plans, regardless of how evil people are. Look at the influence that God has! Are there members of your family who are uninterested in becoming part of God’s temple today, the church? Ask God to stir their hearts. Do you have friends or neighbors or people you encounter on a regular basis that you would love to see join the cause of bringing glory to Christ? Do you see the rulers of the world and are concerned by their decisions and the effect it could have on Christianity? Then ask God to stir their hearts. He can do this great work for his own glory. Satan cannot derail God’s plans. The kings of this world cannot derail God’s plans. The Bible shows us that God can move the hearts of wicked rulers in whatever way he wants to. God can move the hearts of wicked rulers such that life gets worse for God’s covenant people so that he can grow his people to be more like Jesus through the hardships. And God also has the ability to stir up the hearts of wicked rulers so that God’s people are blessed with the ability to live quiet and peaceful lives full of devotion to God and respect for him (1 Timothy 2:2). We are commanded to pray for our rulers to that end, by the Apostle Paul.

II. God kept his promise to send his people back to Jerusalem by stirring them to go and providing for them (Ezra 1:5-11)

5 Then rose up the heads of the fathers’ houses of Judah and Benjamin, and the priests and the Levites, everyone whose spirit God had stirred to go up to rebuild the house of the Lord that is in Jerusalem. 6 And all who were about them aided them with vessels of silver, with gold, with goods, with beasts, and with costly wares, besides all that was freely offered. 7 Cyrus the king also brought out the vessels of the house of the Lord that Nebuchadnezzar had carried away from Jerusalem and placed in the house of his gods. 8 Cyrus king of Persia brought these out in the charge of Mithredath the treasurer, who counted them out to Sheshbazzar the prince of Judah. 9 And this was the number of them: 30 basins of gold, 1,000 basins of silver, 29 censers, 10 30 bowls of gold, 410 bowls of silver, and 1,000 other vessels; 11 all the vessels of gold and of silver were 5,400. All these did Sheshbazzar bring up, when the exiles were brought up from Babylonia to Jerusalem.

God had promised to restore his covenant people to the promised land, but it looked impossible. It looked impossible because even if King Cyrus approved their return, they couldn’t possibly afford to return to Jerusalem and rebuild the temple. The temple and everything that went into the temple such as the required sacred utensils to worship God were far too costly as they needed to be made from precious metals. However, God stirred up the hearts of everyone, both the king, the goers, and those that stayed behind, so that they gave what was necessary. Also, King Cyrus of Persia returned all the sacred pots and pans and utensils that were taken from the temple when Jerusalem had originally been conquered and the people were taken as exiles. However, what is noticeably missing is the Ark of the Covenant, the stone tablets which contained the ten commandments, the jar of Manna from the wilderness, and Aaron’s staff. Those historical artifacts were lost. However, because of the continuity of artifacts that were being returned to Jerusalem were formerly used in the temple, we are meant to understand that same God who had delivered his covenant people from Egypt to establish the nation of Israel and worship Him was the same God that was with them in spirit as they were returning to Jerusalem to rebuild the temple to worship Him once again. We notice an important pattern here. It was God who initiated the salvation of his covenant people, and it was also God who was with them to sustain them spiritually as they traveled towards the promised land.

Today, the continuity of the Christian religion and the continued sustenance of the people whom God has brought to faith in Christ does not rely on external factors such as physical pots and pans and utensils or physical temple buildings. Instead, the continuity of the Christian religion from generation to generation rests solely on the endless life of our high priest Jesus, who is resurrected from the dead (Hebrews 7:16), and who has promised to be with us until the end of the age as we baptize people and teach them to obey the commandments of Jesus (Matthew 28). The same God who has initiated our salvation by faith in Christ is the same God who continues with us spiritually as we travel towards God’s sacred presence in Christ. Nothing can derail the us or the next generation of Christians from our trajectory of heading towards Christ because God’s spirit with us sustains us. You might look at the next generation and think that it is impossible for them to turn to the Lord. But look at the Israelites in exile. It was impossible that the king would issue a decree for them to return. It was impossible for them to pay for the building of the temple. It was impossible for them to worship God in the way that God commanded. If you had suggested that those things could happen, people would call you crazy. But look at God’s power and faithfulness and mercy as he works out his sovereign plan. God keeps his word.

III. God repeatedly kept his promise to free his people and bring them to himself (Ezra 2:1-2)

1 Now these were the people of the province who came up out of the captivity of those exiles whom Nebuchadnezzar the king of Babylon had carried captive to Babylonia. They returned to Jerusalem and Judah, each to his own town. 2 They came with Zerubbabel, Jeshua, Nehemiah, Seraiah, Reelaiah, Mordecai, Bilshan, Mispar, Bigvai, Rehum, and Baanah.

The author of this book, Ezra, was a scribe, and that is fully evident by the lists of people and the historical events that are chronicled in the book. This same list of names is also given in Nehemiah chapter 7. This is a reminder that the Bible is a historical document in which real events and real people are shown to matter to God and be the recipients of his sovereign grace. The 12 leaders that are listed in Nehemiah 7 are listed in Ezra 1:1, minus one leader. This is not due to an error in the originals, but due to a copyist error in later centuries. Despite the copyist error, we can reconstruct what happened from Nehemiah 7. 12 leaders led the people back to Jerusalem. The 12 leaders are meant to represent all of Israel, since Israel had twelve tribes. God had punished Israel for their rebellion against him by their time in captivity in Babylon, and God was also restoring all Israel from a captivity that they could not escape on their own, returning them to the promised land which was a covenant blessing from God so they could live in his sacred temple presence once again.

Many of the names in this chapter are not familiar to us, and we might find boring and difficult to read or be enthusiastic about. However, this list serves to inform us that God cares us about one of his covenant people individually, and that there is continuity of God’s people from one generation to the next throughout the ages. These names and all the numbers in this chapter prove that God is abundantly faithful to preserve a people for himself, even though they previously did not have faith in Him. However, in this chapter we find that because of God’s work in their lives, they began to have faith and order themselves according to God’s Word, and gave themselves to God’s work with the goal of serving and glorifying God in his presence.

In Ezra there are several returns of exiles to Jerusalem. Since Ezra chapter 1 is structured as a new type of Exodus, we should also notice that the return in Ezra 7-8 is also structured as another exodus. This repetition of the theme of the Exodus in the Old Testament provided the people of Israel with an expectation that there would yet again be another Exodus from exile. The authors of the New Testament picked up on the expectation, for when they wrote, they presented the first coming of Jesus as a new exodus and return from exile. Additionally, the second coming of Jesus in John’s apocalypse is also written as a new exodus and return from exile, when God’s people will be with him forever. Because Jesus came, lived a life of perfect obedience to God the Father, bore our sins in his body upon the cross, and suffered the wrath of God in our stead, resurrected, and ascended to the right hand of God the Father, he has led a host of captives (those that have faith in Him) into the presence of God and given us good gifts (Ephesians 4:8). We still continue to live in the stage in which God is carrying out his plan ofredemption. Rebels against his will do give him occasion to display the glory of his justice. But those who trust in Jesus will experience the glory of His mercy. So the question ultimately is not whether you will glorify God, but how will you glorify God? Let me encourage you to continue to repent, have faith in Jesus, and fill his stage with praise because he is worthy, and live in ways that demonstrate the that you have been freed from slavery to sin and death and have been freed instead to live according to his word.

Heavenly Father, thank you for giving freedom to your covenant people who were once living in exile away from your sacred presence because of their rebellion against you. Stir our hearts also to continue to repent, have faith in Jesus, and obey his commands for your glory. According to your sovereign grace, continue to intervene in the hearts of those who are your elect but who are rebelling against you, and bring them back to yourself through the preaching of the gospel. We pray this in Jesus’s name, Amen.

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