(Ezra 4:24-5:2; 6:13-22) Overcoming Opposition: Rebuilding the Temple and Celebrating God’s Faithfulness



I. 神殿再建が始まったのは、神の名による預言のためであった(エズラ4:24-5:2

24 こうして、 エルサレム に ある 神 の 宮 の 工事 は 中止 さ れ、 ペルシア の 王 ダレイオス の 治世 の 第二 年 まで 中止 さ れ た まま に なっ た。 5   1 さて、 預言者 ハガイ と イド の 子 ゼカリヤ という 二人 の 預言者 は、 ユダ と エルサレム に いる ユダヤ 人 に対して、 自分 たち の 上 に おら れる イスラエル の 神 の 御名 によって 預言 し た。 2 そこで シェアルティエル の 子 ゼルバベル と、 エホツァダク の 子 ヨシュア は 立ち上がり、 エルサレム に ある 神 の 宮 を 建て 始め た。 神 の 預言者 たち が 一緒 に い て、 彼ら を 助け た。




II. 神殿の再建は、神と王の命令によって完成した(エズラ6:13-15)。

13 ダレイオス 王 が こう 書き送っ た ので、 ユーフラテス 川 西方 の 総督 タテ ナイ と、 シェタル・ボゼナイ と、 その 同僚 たち は、 間違い なく これ を 行っ た。 14 ユダヤ 人 の 長老 たち は、 預言者 ハガイ と イド の 子 ゼカリヤ の 預言 を 通し、 建築 を 行っ て 成功 し た。 彼ら は イスラエル の 神 の 命令 により、 また キュロス と ダレイオス と、 ペルシア の 王 アル タクセルクセス の 命令 によって、 建築 を 終え た。 15 こうして、 この 宮 は ダレイオス 王 の 治世 の 第六 年、 アダル の 月 の 三日 に 完成 し た。


III.       完成は、喜びをもたらす神へのいけにえによって祝われた(エズラ6:16-22)。

16 イスラエル の 子 ら、 すなわち、 祭司、 レビ 人、 その ほか の 捕 囚 から 帰っ て 来 た 人 たち は、 喜び を もっ て この 神 の 宮 の 奉献 式 を 祝っ た。 17 彼ら は この 神 の 宮 の 奉献 式 の ため に、 雄牛 百 頭、 雄 羊 二 百 匹、 子羊 四 百 匹 を 献 げた。 また、 イスラエル の 部族 の 数 に したがっ て、 全 イスラエル の ため に 罪 の きよめ の ささげ 物 として、 雄 やぎ 十 二 匹 を 献 げた。 18 また 彼ら は、 エルサレム での 神 への 026 奉仕 の ため、 祭司 を その 区分 に したがっ て、 レビ 人 を その 組 に したがっ て それぞれ 任命 し た。 モー セ の 書 に 記さ れ て いる とおり で ある。   19 捕 囚 から 帰っ て 来 た 人々 は、 第一 の 月 の 十 四日 に 過 越 を 祝っ た。 20 祭司 と レビ 人 たち は 一人 残ら ず 身 を きよめ て、 みな きよく なっ て い た ので、 捕 囚 から 帰っ て 来 た すべて の 人々 の ため、 彼ら の 同胞 の 祭司 たち の ため、 また 彼ら 自身 の ため に、 過 越 の いけ に え を 屠っ た。 21 捕 囚 から 戻っ て 来 た イスラエル 人 は これ を 食べ た。 イスラエル の 神、 主 を 求め て、 その 地 の 異邦 の 民 の 汚れ から 離れ て 彼ら に 加わっ た 者 たち も みな そう し た。 22 そして 彼ら は 七 日間、 喜び を もっ て 種 なし パン の 祭り を 守っ た。 これ は、 主 が 彼ら を 喜ば せ、 また アッ シリア の 王 の 心 を 彼ら に 向け て、 イスラエル の 神 で ある 神 の 宮 の 工事 にあたって、 彼ら を 力づける よう にさ れ た からで ある。






Last week we read from the book of Zechariah about the promise of God’s coming kingdom which encouraged the Israelites to rebuild Jerusalem, and how God’s kingdom was not ultimately fulfilled by the obedience of the Israelites but is ultimately fulfilled in Christ the only obedient Israelite King who has started God’s kingdom and will complete God’s kingdom at his second coming. Nevertheless, the preaching of the prophets encouraged the Israelites that had returned from exile in Babylon to continue to rebuild the land of Jerusalem and the Jerusalem temple which had been destroyed generations earlier when Babylon conquered Jerusalem. However, the enemies of God living nearby slandered the people that were rebuilding the temple, and King Artaxerxes ordered the builders to stop the construction of the temple. The question is, how would the temple be rebuilt if the King ordered the people to stop building?

I. The rebuilding of the temple started because of prophecy in God’s name (Ezra 4:24-5:2)

Then the work on the house of God that is in Jerusalem stopped, and it ceased until the second year of the reign of Darius king of Persia. 5:1 Now the prophets, Haggai and Zechariah the son of Iddo, prophesied to the Jews who were in Judah and Jerusalem, in the name of the God of Israel who was over them. 2 Then Zerubbabel the son of Shealtiel and Jeshua the son of Jozadak arose and began to rebuild the house of God that is in Jerusalem, and the prophets of God were with them, supporting them.

Because the prophets preached to God’s covenant people even though the government told them to stop, the temple started to be rebuilt. But when they started rebuilding the temple, it wasn’t finished immediately. They went through various difficulties and sometimes it seems as if the temple wouldn’t be completed. In the Israelites’ situation, the temple construction had been put on hold for about 15 years because of government decree. But the prophets Haggai and Zechariah stood up and said what needed to be said. Haggai openly confronted the community in his preaching because they lived in paneled houses and yet God’s temple was in ruins and needed to be rebuilt immediately. Zechariah openly confronted the community and told them they needed to repent of their sins and enjoy the blessings of obeying God’s old covenant law, including the benefits of living in the kingdom of God. Through their preaching, it changed the people of God. Before they were afraid of the government, but after their preaching they become filled with faith, and sought out to be intentionally obedient to God’s law.

In this passage we learn an important spiritual lesson. Even if we are threatened by the government and told not to obey God’s Word any longer, we must resist. At times we must even peacefully speak out like the prophets did and say things contrary to the laws of our country if those laws are in opposition to God’s Word. Also, we should take courage knowing that we should expect such opposition from the government at times, and because of the intervention of government sometimes spiritual growth can seem slow and impeded. However, we must be patient, and not shy away from obeying God’s law.

Ultimately, our obedience to God cannot be perfect, because we are sinners and live among sinners. However, we know that even though at times the government impeded the work on the temple, it was not a permanent defeat. Instead, it was simply a chapter in God’s law, leading us to trust in God who gives the greater victory. The building of the temple did resume, and ultimately a greater victory was achieved through the greater Victor, Christ. This struggle to build a physical temple in a physical land even when earthly leaders opposed them is a mere illustration of the spiritual battle that Paul describes. Paul taught that we do not fight against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places. Paul there is talking about evil spirits that tempt us to sin or believe sinful ideas. Thus, if we consider the larger story, Jesus himself came to fight this battle for us. It is a battle that he won on our behalf. Christ disarmed the spiritual rulers and spiritual authorities, triumphing over them. We are to stand against such evil spirits knowing that Jesus has won, so that by the Holy Spirit, he has sent us we can put on the armor of God and stand firm in the Christian faith. We do not fight a spiritual battle to gain God’s love, but instead we do spiritual battle against false ideas and teachings because he has promised to love us no matter what.

II. The rebuilding of the temple was finished by the decree of God and the King (Ezra 6:13-15)

13 Then, according to the word sent by Darius the king, Tattenai, the governor of the province Beyond the River, Shethar-bozenai, and their associates did with all diligence what Darius the king had ordered. 14 And the elders of the Jews built and prospered through the prophesying of Haggai the prophet and Zechariah the son of Iddo. They finished their building by decree of the God of Israel and by decree of Cyrus and Darius and Artaxerxes king of Persia; 15 and this house was finished on the third day of the month of Adar, in the sixth year of the reign of Darius the king.

King Darius searched through the royal archives and discovered that the King that came before him, King Cyrus, made a decree that the Jews could rebuild the temple. King Darius then commanded the government to allow the Jews to continue to rebuild the temple, and to fund the building of the temple. But the rebuilding of the temple was not motivated by the actions of the government. The rebuilding of the temple continued to be motivated by the Word of God as it was proclaimed by the prophets Haggai and Zechariah. But when the temple was finished being built, it wasn’t merely by the decree of King Cyrus and Darius, but it was also by the decree of God. There are spiritual aspects that motivated God’s covenant people to rebuild the temple. It was the preaching that produced the rebuilding of the temple. And it was God’s decree, showing us that God was faithful to keep his covenant promises. God is faithful even through difficult times, and even wielded great kings of the ancient world to bring partial fulfillment to his covenant promises.

III. The completion was celebrated by sacrifices to God which brought joy (Ezra 6:16-22)

16 And the people of Israel, the priests and the Levites, and the rest of the returned exiles, celebrated the dedication of this house of God with joy. 17 They offered at the dedication of this house of God 100 bulls, 200 rams, 400 lambs, and as a sin offering for all Israel 12 male goats, according to the number of the tribes of Israel. 18 And they set the priests in their divisions and the Levites in their divisions, for the service of God at Jerusalem, as it is written in the Book of Moses. 19 On the fourteenth day of the first month, the returned exiles kept the Passover. 20 For the priests and the Levites had purified themselves together; all of them were clean. So they slaughtered the Passover lamb for all the returned exiles, for their fellow priests, and for themselves. 21 It was eaten by the people of Israel who had returned from exile, and also by every one who had joined them and separated himself from the uncleanness of the peoples of the land to worship the Lord, the God of Israel. 22 And they kept the Feast of Unleavened Bread seven days with joy, for the Lord had made them joyful and had turned the heart of the king of Assyria to them, so that he aided them in the work of the house of God, the God of Israel.

When the temple was rebuilt after seventy years of being destroyed, it was dedicated, and the sacrificial system was restarted according to the requirements of the Old Testament law. The sacrifices were much less than when Solomon first built the temple. For example, they sacrificed far less animals. However, they observed the feasts in keeping with the Old Testament law. We are meant to see that there is continuity between the religious activities that took place in the time of King Solomon, and the religious activities that took place after the rebuilding of the temple. This is because the same God that the Hebrews worshiped in ancient times is the same God they were worshiping after they returned from their exile in Babylon. When the people worshiped God in his sacred presence according to the teachings of the Scriptures, it brought them great joy. The Passover festival marked the beginning of the nation of Israel. Before the first Passover festival, the major threat to Israel was the nation of Egypt. However, during the first Passover festival, the major threat to Israel was the Holy Wrath of God. A chosen lamb was slaughtered and eaten. The slaughtered lamb was a symbol of substitutionary sacrifice made to provide safety to the covenant people of God. Originally the father of the household performed the sacrifice, but by the time of today’s story, the priests sacrificed the lamb. The Passover festival was the most important of all the festivals. All the males were asked to appear. The Levite priests caught the blood of the lamb in a bowl. The bowl was passed from priest to priest until it was passed to the priest standing closest to the altar. The priest before the altar tossed the blood against the base of the altar. This was done during the singing of Psalms 113-118. After the slaughtering of the animal, the meat would be sent back home with the men. The children would ask why this was all happening, and the fathers would recite the exodus story to their children. Ultimately, the Passover festival was a symbol that pointed forward to what Jesus would accomplish in his life and death. Jesus obeyed the law of God the Father even unto his death, offering up himself as a substitute sacrifice to atone for the sins of God’s covenant people once and for all time. In verse 21, we also learn that non-Jewish people from all nations were welcomed to the table to celebrate Passover together, if they had faith in Yahweh.

Today, Jesus is our Passover lamb. He died to exhaust the wrath of God that we deserved for our sins. It is through faith in Jesus as our substitute sacrifice that we from all nations are united to Christ, and his sacrifice has reconciled our relationship with God. Like the returned exiles who began to worship God once again because of the finished work of God, we too can worship God aby obeying his commandments with joy because of the finished work of Christ.

The dedicated temple has all the elements of the community of God’s covenant people worshiping him. The Scriptures had primary importance, and worship happened in accordance with the Scriptures. There were people from other nations that were welcome to worship with them by faith in the Lord. The sacrifices anticipated the perfect sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ on our behalf. These days, in the church we do not celebrate Passover on the same terms, because we have a better sacrifice that has turned away the wrath of God. During the Passover feast, Jesus instituted the Lord’s Supper and taught his disciples to observe it. We observe Jesus turning away God’s wrath by partaking of the bread and bread which symbolize Jesus’s broken body and shed blood. By his broken body and shed blood, Jesus has turned the wrath of God away from us by taking the holy wrath of God that we deserve for our sins. Although there is continuity of faith that we have with the people of the Old Testament, there are also some differences. Nonetheless, it is a great encouragement to see the continuity of God’s covenant people, drawn to him from all the nations. Today, the church worships according to the Scriptures, joyfully proclaiming Jesus Christ by partaking of the Lords Supper in remembrance of Him who instituted a new covenant in his blood.

In today’s story, we saw that the Israelites faced challenges in rebuilding the temple after their return, but with the encouragement of the prophets and God’s decree, they were able to resist anti-biblical orders and patiently continue to obey God’s commands. The completion of the temple was attributed to earthly kings, but ultimately was attributed to God’s decree, which shows us that God is faithful to his covenant. The celebration of the completion of God’s temple was celebrate by the Passover festival, which connects to Jesus as the ultimate Passover lamb. He died to turn away God’s wrath from those from all nations who have faith in his death to atone for their sins. Today, we must worship God with joy and obedience because of Christ’s finished work. Let’s pray.

Heavenly Father, thank you for the lessons from your Word. Because of the finished work of Jesus, help us to resist opposition to your truth, and to be patient when experiencing difficulties. Help us to find joy and obedience in worshiping you through Christ, as we celebrate his death and resurrection. Help us to live in obedience to your Word with courage and faith. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.

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