(Hebrews 6:13-20) The Unshakable Hope: God’s Promise and Oath



I. アブラハムに対する神の約束と誓いは、神の偉大さを示しています(ヘブル6:13-16

  13 神 は、 アブラハム に 約束 する 際、 ご 自分 より 大いなる もの にかけて 誓う こと が でき なかっ た ので、 ご 自分 にかけて 誓い、 14 「確か に わたし は、 あなた を 大いに 祝福 し、 あなた を 大いに 増やす」 と 言わ れ まし た。 15 この よう に し て、 アブラハム は 忍耐 の 末 に 約束 の もの を 得 た の です。 16 確か に、 人間 は 自分 より 大いなる もの にかけて 誓い ます。 そして、 誓い は すべて の 論争 を 終わら せる 保証 となり ます。


II. アブラハムに対する神の約束と誓いは、神の不変の目的を示す(ヘブル6:17-18a

17 そこで 神 は、 約束 の 相続 者 たち に、 ご 自分 の 計画 が 変わら ない こと を さらに はっきり 示そ う と 思い、 誓い をもって 保証 さ れ まし た。 18 それ は、 前 に 置か れ て いる 希望 を 捕らえよ う として 逃れ て 来 た 私 たち が、 約束 と 誓い という 変わら ない 二つ の もの によって、 力強い 励まし を 受ける ため です。 その 二つ について、 神 が 偽る こと は あり 得 ませ ん。


III.       アブラハムに対する神の約束と誓いは、キリストへの信仰を持ち続けるよう私たちを励まします(ヘブル6:18b-20

18 それ は、 前 に 置か れ て いる 希望 を 捕らえよ う として 逃れ て 来 た 私 たち が、 020 約束 と 誓い という 変わら ない 二つ の もの によって、 力強い 励まし を 受ける ため です。 その 二つ について、 神 が 偽る こと は あり 得 ませ ん。 19 私 たち が 持っ て いる この 希望 は、 安全 で 確か な、 たま しい の 錨 の よう な もの で あり、 また 幕の内 側 にまで 入っ て 行く もの です。 20 イエス は、 私 たち の ため に 先駆け として そこ に 入り、 メルキゼデク の 例 に 倣っ て、 とこしえ に 大 祭司 と なら れ た の です。


これらの聖句は、キリストを信じる人々に神様が約束された救いは安全であ るという、非常に重要な真理を示しています。アブラハムは神の約束を信じ、約束を得ました。神はアブラハムに土地を約束されましたが、それはカナンの地だけではありませんでした。カナンの地は、アブラハムが罪とその結果からの真の安息を見出す永遠の地、すなわちイエスご自身がおられる家を予表するものでした。神はアブラハムに星の数ほどの子孫を約束されるところでした。アブラハムは神が約束を果たすのを忠実に待ちました。神が約束された救いを信じるクリスチャンは、神が忠実であるゆえにその救いを得ることができ、約束された救いを忍耐強く待たなければなりません。神は、私たちがまだ罪人であった時に、私たちを憐れんで出会ってくださり、救いの約束に誓いを加えてくださいました。なぜですか?それは、アブラハムとの約束を受け継ぐ者であり、イエスを信じる者である私たちに、強い励ましを与えるためです。神は、イエスが生者と死者を裁くために再び来られるとき、神の聖なる怒りから私たちが救われることの保証を疑うことを望んでおられません。イエスは私たちの代わりに私たちの罪に対する神の怒りを負われたので、私たちはイエスの再臨の時に私たちの罪のために神の怒りを受けることはありません。

多くのクリスチャンは忍耐強くありません。彼らは神の誓いの約束の成就を忍耐強く待つアブラハムに満足していません。そして、そのようなクリスチャンが抱えている問題の多くは忍耐の欠如の問題であり、それはこの節に基づけば、彼らの信仰の欠如を示しています。そのようなクリスチャンが、神がイエスを通して与えてくださる以上のものを受けるに値すると頑なに主張するとき、彼らは基本的に、神の誓いは無価値だと言っているのです。これは非常に深刻な問題です。イエスにある救いの保証は、信仰によって聖書を信じる人々に与えられています。神は、主イエス・キリストを信じる者はすべて救われると言われます。聖書は、彼らがキリスト・イエスにあって、天国のすべての祝福を受けると述べているのではありませんか。もし神がそう言われ、それがアブラハムに対する誓いの意図であるなら、イエスを信じるすべての人は、彼らに対する神の無条件の祝福の問題が解決されるはずです。誓いを立てることは、誰かに約束の確証を伝える力強い方法です。神は誓いを立て、その約束に忠実であることを確認されたのです。このことは、罪とその結果から守られるためにイエスのもとに逃げてきた人々に強い励ましを与えます。神はそれを言われたのですから、嘘をつくことはできません。神は誓っておられ、嘘をつくことはできません。キリストへの信仰を持ち続けることによって、私たちが安全で祝福されることを、これほど確かに断言できるでしょうか。 ですから、イエスへの信仰から離れてしまう人に弁解の余地はありません。神によって与えられ、神の誓いによって証明された神の言葉を固く信じるなら、その人は罪とその結果から救われることを疑うことはできません。約束は確実です。神の約束と誓いは、その人の魂の錨です。イエスご自身が、私たちの魂の錨なのです。イエスは私たちの罪のために確かな贖いをしてくださり、私たちに神の臨在へのアクセスを与えてくださいました。イエスは神の臨在におられ、私たちの大祭司として私たちの前に出て行かれたのですから、私たちが神の臨在に入ることは安全で確実なのです。イエスは私たちを失望させません。


This morning we will be reading from the New Testament book of Hebrews. The purpose of this book is to warn persecuted Christians in the early church period not to turn away from their faith, but instead to endure and continue to have faith in Jesus. The specific group of Christians used to be Jews, but converted to Christianity. Christianity was not a formally recognized religion at that time in the Roman Empire, and therefore Christians were persecuted by the Roman Empire. Because of persecution, they were tempted to give up on Christianity and return to the Jewish religion since the Jewish religion was formally recognized by the Roman Empire. The main lesson of the book is that Christians must persevere and not fall back on a system of religious practices in order. Instead, we must hope in who Jesus is and what has accomplished. In the verses we are reading this morning, we find that we have a sure hope in Jesus alone, because of God’s sure promise to save those whose have faith in Jesus our great high priest that has gone into God’s presence ahead of us.

I. God’s promise and oath to Abraham show God’s greatness (Hebrews 6:13-16)

For when God made a promise to Abraham, since he had no one greater by whom to swear, he swore by himself, 14 saying, “Surely I will bless you and multiply you.” 15 And thus Abraham, having patiently waited, obtained the promise. 16 For people swear by something greater than themselves, and in all their disputes an oath is final for confirmation.

In these verses the nature of God’s promises is explained. When Christians are persecuted, we can persevere with faith knowing that God will save us from judgment at his second coming because God is faithful to his children. We are reminded of the promise that God gave to Abraham in Genesis 22, which is compared to human oaths. When humans make an oath, we swear to an authority that is higher than us that we will uphold our pledge. In Japan we make a legal binding oath based on the authority of a guarantor. If the person fails to keep the oath, the guarantor holds the person to account. In America we tend to make legally binding oaths before a judge, or someone to whom the government has given authority to observe a legally binding oath, such as a pastor of a congregation who observes people making marriage vows. If the person fails to keep the oath, the judge, pastor, or congregation will hold the person to account.

II. God’s promise and oath to Abraham show God’s unchangeable purpose (Hebrews 6:17-18a)

17 So when God desired to show more convincingly to the heirs of the promise the unchangeable character of his purpose, he guaranteed it with an oath, 18a so that by two unchangeable things, in which it is impossible for God to lie,

In God’s case, there is no higher authority than God, so when he made the promise to Abraham to bless him and his heirs, God swore by his own name, for God is faithful and just. Abraham is an important choice of person to use as an illustration of God’s faithfulness. Sometimes God’s commands to Abraham seemed to threaten the promise that God had made to Abraham. For example, God had promised to Abraham that his descendants would be a blessing to the world. And yet, God later commanded Abraham to sacrifice his son, but put a stop to the sacrifice at the last moment. Abraham’s obedience to God’s commands required a firm trust in God’s faithfulness. Even through seeming impossibilities that God sent to Abraham, God’s promise to Abraham was reaffirmed and honored with a confirming oath. The history of what God has done proves that God cannot be unfaithful to his own promises. God’s resolve to be faithful to his promises has been proven time and time again to those that have trusted him by faith. God’s people never have to wonder if God will be unfaithful to his own promises, because God’s purpose is unchanging. God’s purpose is to reveal two things: his own oath, and his own reliability to keep his promises. God is reliable because it is impossible for him to lie.

III. God’s promise and oath to Abraham encourage us to continue to have faith in Christ (Hebrews 6:18b-20)

 18b we who have fled for refuge might have strong encouragement to hold fast to the hope set before us. 19 We have this as a sure and steadfast anchor of the soul, a hope that enters into the inner place behind the curtain, 20 where Jesus has gone as a forerunner on our behalf, having become a high priest forever after the order of Melchizedek.

Because it is God’s unchangeable purpose to reveal his own oath and faithfulness to his promises, it gives us a great hope to continue in our faith in Jesus. The way that God acted with Abraham prefigured the way that God relates to those who have faith in Jesus. The promised salvation secured through Jesus is certain because it is guaranteed by God’s faithfulness. Furthermore, Jesus himself has gone behind the curtain. What that means is that by Jesus’s perfect obedience unto his death on the cross to atone for our sins nearly 2,000 years ago, he has secured a lasting salvation for us, similar to how the high priest would enter into the most holy place of the tent of meeting and offer a sacrifice on behalf of God’s covenant people. Furthermore, Jesus continues his ministry today as our great high priest, by interceding for his people in the presence of God the Father.

These verses have shown us a very important truth, that the salvation that God has promised to those who have faith in Christ is secure. Abraham believed God’s promise and obtained the promise. God promised Abraham a land, which was not only the land of Canaan. The land of Canaan prefigured the eternal land in which Abraham would find true rest from sin and its consequence, a home with Jesus himself. God almost promised Abraham descendants as numerous as the stars. Abraham waited faithfully for God to fulfill his promise. Christians that believe God’s promised salvation will obtain that salvation because God is faithful, and they will have to wait patiently for their promised salvation. God condescended to us to meet us while we were yet sinners, and God added his oath to his promise of salvation. Why? So that we, who are heirs of the promise made to Abraham and believers in Jesus, might have a strong encouragement. God does not want us to doubt the security of our salvation from his holy wrath when Jesus comes again to judge the living and the dead. Because Jesus bore the wrath of God towards our sins in our stead, we will not suffer his wrath for our sins at his coming.

Many Christians are not patient, and want their desires fulfilled immediately. They are not satisfied with Abraham to wait patiently for the fulfillment of God’s sworn promise. And many of the problems that such Christians have are a matter of lack of patience, which based on these verses, indicates a lack of their faith. When such Christians stubbornly argue that they deserve more than God is giving them through Jesus, they are basically saying that God’s oath is worthless. That is a very serious problem. Assurance of the security of their salvation in Jesus has been provided for those who believe the Bible by faith. God says that all those who believe on the Lord Jesus Christ will be saved. Doesn’t the Bible say that they will receive all the blessings in Heavenly places in Christ Jesus? If God says it, and that is the intent of the oath made to Abraham, then all who have faith in Jesus should have the matter of God’s unconditional blessing towards them resolved. Taking an oath is a forceful way to communicate assurance of a promise to someone. God has given an oath, and this confirms that he will be faithful to his promise. This provides a strong encouragement to those who have fled to Jesus for protection from sin and its consequences. God has said it, and he cannot lie. God has sworn it, and he cannot lie. How could he more certainly affirm that we will be safe and blessed by continuing to have faith in Christ? Therefore, there is no excuse for those who drift from their faith in Jesus. If someone trusts firmly in God’s Word, given by God and certified by God’s oath, then that person cannot doubt that he will be saved from sin and its consequences. The promise is secure. God’s promise and oath are an anchor for someone’s soul. Jesus himself is that anchor for our souls. Jesus has made a sure atonement for our sins, and he has given us access to God’s presence. Since Jesus is in God’s presence and has gone before us as our high priest, then our entrance into God’s presence is safe and secure. Jesus will not fail us.

Heavenly Father, we thank you for the promises you made to Abraham, for your faithfulness, and the unchangeable nature of your purposes. We admit that sometimes we too face challenges and temptations to turn away from faith in Christ. We need the truth of the book of Hebrews, which reminds us to persevere, placing our hope in Jesus alone, who has gone ahead of us as our great high priest into your presence. Thank you for the assurance of salvation that you have given to us, based on your unchangeable character and faithfulness to keep your promises. We pray that you would continue to strengthen our faith and encourage us to hold fast to Jesus our Lord and Savior, in whom we have the greatest salvation that you could ever offer, a salvation that has reconciled us unto you and brought us into your kingdom where you bestow all the blessings in heavenly places upon us. By your grace, help us to patiently anticipate the final fulfillment of your promises, when Jesus comes again and we will be with him forever. By your grace, help our lives to be a testimony to your faithfulness, in which we are safe and secure through the work of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Amen.

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