Nehemiah 8:1-18 Rebuilding Hearts through Spiritual Reformation



1. 神の民の霊的な改革は、聖書が教えられたときに起こります(ネヘミヤ8:1-8)。

1 民 全体 が、 一斉 に 水 の 門 の 前 の 広場 に 集まっ て 来 た。 そして 彼ら は、 主 が イスラエル に 命じ た モー セ の 律法 の 書 を 持っ て 来る よう に、 学者 エズラ に 言っ た。 2 そこで、 第 七 の 月 の 一日 に 祭司 エズラ は、 男、 女、 および、 聞い て 理解 できる 人 たち すべて から なる 会衆 の 前 に 律法 を 持っ て 来 て、 3 水 の 門 の 前 の 広場 で 夜明け から 真昼 まで、 男、 女、 および 理解 できる 人 たち の 前 で、 これ を 朗読 し た。 民 は みな 律法 の 書 に 耳 を 傾け た。 4 学者 エズラ は、 この ため に 作ら れ た 木 の 壇 の 上 に 立っ た。 彼 の そば には、 右手 に マティテヤ、 シェマ、 アナヤ、 ウリヤ、 ヒル キヤ、 マアセヤ が 立ち、 左手 に ペダヤ、 ミシャエル、 マル キヤ、 ハシュム、 ハシュバダナ、 ゼカリヤ、 メシュラム が 立っ た。 5 エズラ は 民 全体 の 目 の 前 で、 その 書 を 開い た。 彼 は 民 全体 よりも 高い ところ に い た ので ある。 彼 が それ を 開く と、 民 は みな 立ち上がっ た。 6 エズラ が 大いなる 神、 主 を ほめ たたえる と、 民 は みな 両手 を 上げ ながら「 アーメン、 アーメン」 と 答え、 ひざまずき、 顔 を 地 に 伏せ て 主 を 礼拝 し た。 7 ヨシュア、 バニ、 シェレベヤ、 ヤミン、 アクブ、 シャベタイ、 ホディヤ、 マアセヤ、 ケリタ、 アザルヤ、 エホザバデ、 ハナン、 ペラヤ など レビ 人 たち は、 民 に 律法 を 解き明かし た。 その間、 民 は その 場 に 立っ て い た。 8 彼ら が 神 のみ おしえ の 書 を 読み、 その 意味 を 明快 に 示し た ので、 民 は 読ま れ た こと を 理解 し た。



新約聖書の第2テモテ4章で、使徒パウロはテモテに、どのように聖書を宣べ伝え るかを説明しました。パウロはテモテに、会衆が喜んでいようといまいと、聖書を宣べ伝えるように言いました。そして、ある特定の民族にだけ、ある言語で教えるのではなく、他の言語を話す人々にも教えるようにと。聖書は、状況が容易なときにも、困難なときにも宣べ伝えるべきものでした。会衆が説教者の言うことは理不尽で、納得できないと思っても、聖書は説教されるべきなのです。しかし、会衆は聖書が説教されるのを聞く必要があります。聖書は、人々に罪を確信させるために説教されるのです。罪の中に生きることが不都合だから、面倒だからではなく、罪が神の不興を買うからこそ、自分たちの考えや行動を変えなければならないことを、会衆は理解しなければなりません。そして、説教者が彼らの罪に気づくたびに、信徒は戒められなければなりません。多くの説教者は、自分の信徒は神に受け入れられており、変わる必要はないと説教するのが自分の仕事だと誤って考えています。しかし、使徒パウロは、説教者は信徒が罪を犯している時には、それに立ち向かわなければならないと教えています。そして説教を通して、人々が神の御言葉の教えを信じ、従うように促さなければなりません。たとえそれが文化的なコミュニケーションの基準から見て不適切であったとしても、説教者は神に従うよう信徒に圧力をかけなければなりません。聖書は権威あるものであり、それを説明するときには、その権威を人々に押し付けなければなりません。しかし、説教者も罪人であり、その権威を悪用したくなるものです。しかし、聖書の権威と圧力は、悔い改めが起こるように教会に正当に適用されなければなりません。人々は聖書の命令に従うように促される必要があります。聖書の命令を拒否する人もいますが、私たちはその人たちの理由を考慮し、聖書に書かれていることを教えることによって、その理由と向き合わなければなりません。なぜ従わなければならないのかを知るまでは、人々は従わないかもしれません。ですから、私たちは互いに忍耐強くなければなりません。そして、多くの人々がこのような説教に我慢できず、教会を去り、自分たちの罪深い願望を受け入れ、代わりに自分たちを喜ばせることを言ってくれる先生を見つけることを認識すべきです。

2. 神の民の霊的改革は、神の御言葉を受け取ることによって行われます(ネヘミヤ8:9-12)。

9 総督 で ある ネヘミヤ と、 祭司 で あり 学者 で ある エズラ と、 民 に 解き明かす レビ 人 たち は、 民 全体 に 向かっ て 言っ た。「 今日 は、 あなた がた の 神、 主 にとって 聖なる 日 で ある。 悲しん では なら ない。 泣い ては なら ない。」 民 が 律法 の ことば を 聞い た とき に、 みな 泣い て い た からで ある。 10 さらに、 彼 は 彼ら に 言っ た。「 行っ て、 ごちそう を 食べ、 甘い ぶどう酒 を 飲み なさい。 何 も 用意 でき なかっ た 人 には 食べ物 を 贈り なさい。 今日 は、 私 たち の 主 にとって 聖なる 日 で ある。 悲しん では なら ない。 主 を 喜ぶ こと は、 あなた がた の 力 だ から だ。」 11 レビ 人 たち も、 民 全体 を 静め ながら 言っ た。「 静まり なさい。 今日 は 聖なる 日 だ から。 悲しん では なら ない。」 12 こうして、 民 は みな 帰っ て 行き、 食べ たり 飲ん だり、 ごちそう を 贈っ たり し て、 大いに 喜ん だ。 教え られ た こと を 理解 し た からで ある。


III.       神の民の霊的改革は、神の御言葉に従うことによって行われます(ネヘミヤ8:13-18)。

13 二日 目 に、 民 全体 の 一族 のかしら たち と、 祭司 たち、 レビ 人 たち は、 律法 の ことば を よく 調べる ため に、 学者 エズラ の ところ に 集まっ て 来 た。 14 そして 彼ら は、 主 が モー セ を通して 命じ た 律法 に 次 の よう に 書か れ て いる のを 見出し た。 すなわち、「 イスラエル の 子 ら は 第 七 の 月 の 祭り の 間、 仮庵 の 中 に 住ま なけれ ば なら ない。 15 また、『 山 へ 出 て 行き、 オリーブ の 葉、 野生 の オリーブ の 木の葉、 ミル トス の 葉、 なつ め 椰子 の 葉、 また 茂っ た 枝木 などの 枝 を 取っ て 来 て、 書か れ て いる とおり に 仮庵 を 作る よう に』 と、 自分 たち の すべて の 町 と エルサレム に 通達 を 出し て、 知らせ なけれ ば なら ない」 と あっ た。 16 そこで 民 は 出 て 行き、 枝 を 取っ て 来 て、 それぞれ 自分 の 家 の 屋根 の 上 や 庭 の 中、 また 神 の 宮 の 庭、 水 の 門 の 広場、 エフライム の 門 の 広場 に、 自分 たち の ため に 仮庵 を 作っ た。 17 捕 囚 から 帰っ て 来 た 全 会衆 は 仮庵 を 作り、 その 仮庵 に 住ん だ。 ヌン の 子 ヨシュア の 時代 から 今日 まで、 イスラエル の 子 ら は この よう に し て い なかっ た ので、 それ は 非常 に 大きな 喜び で あっ た。 18 神 のみ おしえ の 書 は、 最初 の 日 から 最後 の 日 まで 毎日 朗読 さ れ た。 祭り は 七 日間 祝わ れ、 八日 目 には 定め に したがっ て、 きよめ の 集会 が 行わ れ た。

翌日、さらに多くの御言葉が読まれ、説明されました。聖書の中で読まれた箇所は、幕屋の祭りを守る戒めでした。旧約聖書では、神の旧約の民は、一年のうち特定の時期に守るように神から命じられた特定の日付と祭りのある典礼暦を守っていました。これは、彼らの生活に形と秩序を与え、礼拝を構成するためのものでした。幕屋の祭りは、旧約の民が彼らの祖先の砂漠での放浪と、最も困難な時に神がどのように彼らを養われたかを思い出すのに役立ちました。この祭りは、神が彼らを旧約の民として区別し、捕囚から救い出し、乳と蜜の流れるより良い土地を約束したのです。 この祭りは、私たちの生活を脅かす状況における神の守りと、困難な状況における神の供給を祝うものでした。旧約の律法では、この祭りの間、民は喜びに浸るように命じられていました。人々は丸一週間、この祭りに関して旧約律法が述べていることを学びました。



We learned last week that the book of Nehemiah records the history of the physical reformation of the city of Jerusalem. By God’s sovereign grace, the cupbearer of the King of Persia ended up traveling to Jerusalem and leading a construction project to rebuild the ancient defensive walls that surrounded the city. But just because the city walls were rebuilt, it didn’t mean that Jerusalem was suddenly a spiritually healthy city again. How was spiritual reformation of God’s people to be done?

1. Spiritual reformation of God’s people is done as the Scriptures are taught (Nehemiah 8:1-8)

 1 And all the people gathered as one man into the square before the Water Gate. And they told Ezra the scribe to bring the Book of the Law of Moses that the Lord had commanded Israel. 2 So Ezra the priest brought the Law before the assembly, both men and women and all who could understand what they heard, on the first day of the seventh month. 3 And he read from it facing the square before the Water Gate from early morning until midday, in the presence of the men and the women and those who could understand. And the ears of all the people were attentive to the Book of the Law. 4 And Ezra the scribe stood on a wooden platform that they had made for the purpose. And beside him stood Mattithiah, Shema, Anaiah, Uriah, Hilkiah, and Maaseiah on his right hand, and Pedaiah, Mishael, Malchijah, Hashum, Hashbaddanah, Zechariah, and Meshullam on his left hand. 5 And Ezra opened the book in the sight of all the people, for he was above all the people, and as he opened it all the people stood. 6 And Ezra blessed the Lord, the great God, and all the people answered, “Amen, Amen,” lifting up their hands. And they bowed their heads and worshiped the Lord with their faces to the ground. 7 Also Jeshua, Bani, Sherebiah, Jamin, Akkub, Shabbethai, Hodiah, Maaseiah, Kelita, Azariah, Jozabad, Hanan, Pelaiah, the Levites, helped the people to understand the Law, while the people remained in their places. 8 They read from the book, from the Law of God, clearly, and they gave the sense, so that the people understood the reading.

The historical record of Nehemiah explains for us how the spiritual reformation of Jerusalem occurred. The people gathered as a congregation in the city square to hear Ezra read the Old Covenant law, which was the Word of God that they had at the time since the Bible was still being developed. The people said “Amen” in response to hearing the formal blessing. The meeting lasted the entire morning. The Levite priests also helped people to understand what they read from the Bible, because the Old Testament was written in Hebrew, and most of the people did not understand Hebrew. Instead, they only understood Aramaic. They needed translators trained in Hebrew to help them to understand the sense. The teaches us that the reading and teaching of God’s law is central in the life of a congregation of believers, and there is a need to have teachers who have been educated in how to teach the Bible, and the need for a bilingual congregation to have translators that can help, and the responsibility of the congregation to honor God’s Word and to receive it.

In verse 2, it says that all who could understand would hear the teaching of the Bible. This implies that it is not only men, but also their families, including the women and children, joined in the congregational listening to the Bible being taught. It is not a bad thing for children to sit in church with their parents and hear the Bible being taught. In fact, it is good for them to learn to sit still and quiet in church, for them to see their parents worshiping God, and for them to hear the Bible read and taught. Children are young, but children can also understand and learn. If you have young children who understand, I encourage you to involve your children in the listening to the teaching of the Bible. The building of the wooden platform was done in expectation to the Bible being taught, and that the reading and teaching of the Bible would be the prominent part of congregational worship. The platform, the assistants, and the Levites were all prepared. Some people think that teaching the Bible is unimportant today when the congregation gathers. However, Moses and the prophets preached, Ezra preached, Jesus and Paul preached, and Paul commanded Timothy to preach to the churches (2 Timothy 4:2). However, the congregation did not revere Ezra. Instead, the congregation revered God when the Bible was read and explained. The Bible reveals God to us. That’s what makes the Bible special – it makes God known. We are not to worship the pastor, and we are not to worship the Bible. We are to worship God alone.

In the New Testament, in 2 Timothy chapter 4, the Apostle Paul explained to Timothy how to preach the Bible. He told Timothy to preach the Bible, whether the congregation was happy about it or not. And it wasn’t only to be taught to one specific ethnicity in one language, but even to people that spoke other languages. The Bible was to be preached when circumstances are easy, and when circumstances are difficult. The Bible is to be preached even when the congregation thinks the preacher is being unreasonable and is not happy with what is being said. However, the congregation still needs to hear the Bible preached to them. It is to be preached by convicting people of their sin. The congregation must understand that their thoughts and behavior must be changed not because it is inconvenient or troublesome to live in sin, but because sin displeases God. And the congregation is to be reproved whenever the preacher recognizes sin. Many preachers incorrectly think it is their job to preach that their congregation is acceptable to God and doesn’t need to change. However, the Apostle Paul taught that preachers must confront their congregations when they are sinning. And through preaching, people must be urged to believe and follow the teachings of God’s Word. Even if it is inappropriate by cultural standards of communication, preachers must put pressure on their congregations to obey God, and not to be afraid of it. The Bible is authoritative, and when it is explained, that authority must be impressed upon people. However, preachers are also sinners and are tempted to misuse their authority. But the authority of the Bible and pressure must be legitimately applied to the church so that repentance occurs. People need to be urged to obey biblical commands. Some people will reject the commands of the Bible, and we are to take into consideration their reasons, and confront their reasons by teaching them what the Bible says. Until people know why they need to obey, they might not obey. So we must be patient with one another. And we should recognize that many people will not put up with this kind of preaching, and they will leave the church and find a teacher who will accept their sinful desires and say things that please them instead.

2. Spiritual reformation of God’s people is done as God’s Word is received (Nehemiah 8:9-12)

9 And Nehemiah, who was the governor, and Ezra the priest and scribe, and the Levites who taught the people said to all the people, “This day is holy to the Lord your God; do not mourn or weep.” For all the people wept as they heard the words of the Law. 10 Then he said to them, “Go your way. Eat the fat and drink sweet wine and send portions to anyone who has nothing ready, for this day is holy to our Lord. And do not be grieved, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.” 11 So the Levites calmed all the people, saying, “Be quiet, for this day is holy; do not be grieved.” 12 And all the people went their way to eat and drink and to send portions and to make great rejoicing, because they had understood the words that were declared to them.

When the people heard the Word of God read to them and explained, they wept. As a congregation, they correctly understood and felt that they were guilty of sinning against God and one another. Although there was weeping, it led to a time for rejoicing in God’s faithfulness and mercy. Part of the message of the Bible is God has moral requirements of humanity, and we have rebelled against those moral requirements. We deserve death for rebelling against God’s moral requirements. But the good news is that God has taken joy in making a substitute atonement for our sin, and Jesus willingly died in our stead because of the joy that was set before him. The people took comfort not in their own joy, but in God’s joy. After all, who could be happier than God? Nobody could more effectively provide salvation for his own people from his own joy than God could. God has a joyful disposition to reveal himself to humanity, and a great love towards those who come to have faith in Him. Because of God’s takes joy in himself, and because of God’s grace towards us, we are not to continue weeping over our sin and remain in despair. Instead, we are to recognize that because God has joy, and is merciful and gracious towards us, we also can have joy and celebrate because of who God is and what he has done for us in Jesus. This is how God continues to work among his people today. When God’s Word is read congregationally, and explained, God works in our consciences to convince us of our guilt for disobeying his commands in our thoughts and actions, and God provokes a desire within us to repent of our sins, seek reconciliation with all those who have been affected by our sins, and return to God and follow God with all our hearts. That is how God continues to reform the church today. The meals mentioned in these verses are not a self-indulgent feast, but a joyous occasion in which the poor were welcomed to eat higher quality food and drinks along with the congregation.

3. Spiritual reformation of God’s people is done as God’s Word is obeyed (Nehemiah 8:13-18)

13 On the second day the heads of fathers’ houses of all the people, with the priests and the Levites, came together to Ezra the scribe in order to study the words of the Law. 14 And they found it written in the Law that the Lord had commanded by Moses that the people of Israel should dwell in booths during the feast of the seventh month, 15 and that they should proclaim it and publish it in all their towns and in Jerusalem, “Go out to the hills and bring branches of olive, wild olive, myrtle, palm, and other leafy trees to make booths, as it is written.” 16 So the people went out and brought them and made booths for themselves, each on his roof, and in their courts and in the courts of the house of God, and in the square at the Water Gate and in the square at the Gate of Ephraim. 17 And all the assembly of those who had returned from the captivity made booths and lived in the booths, for from the days of Jeshua the son of Nun to that day the people of Israel had not done so. And there was very great rejoicing. 18 And day by day, from the first day to the last day, he read from the Book of the Law of God. They kept the feast seven days, and on the eighth day there was a solemn assembly, according to the rule.

On the following day, more of the Word of God was read and explained. The section of the Bible that was read to them was the commandment to observe the Festival of Tabernacles. In the Old Testament, God’s Old Covenant people observed a liturgical calendar with certain dates and festivals that had been commanded by God to be observed during certain times of the year. This was meant to give shape and order to their lives and structure to their worship. The Festival of Tabernacles helped the Old Covenant people to remember their ancestor’s wanderings in the desert and how God provided for them in their most difficult times. It distinguished them as God’s Old Covenant people, whom God had rescued and brought out of captivity, and promised them a better land flowing with milk and honey. The festival celebrated God’s protection in circumstances which threaten our lives, and God’s provision when circumstances are difficult. The Old Covenant law commanded that the people be joyful during this festival. For an entire week, the people studied what the Old Covenant law said regarding the festival, including the need to construct shelters out of leafy branches.

When God’s people heard the reading of His Word and God and his law was revealed to them, they confessed their sins, took joy in who God is, and committed to obeying God’s law in response. That is how the spiritual reformation of God’s people took place then and continues to take place today. God’s mighty acts on behalf of his people show them that he loves them. Those mighty acts are then celebrated in the memorials that God commands his people, so that they remember what He has done for them and how he loves them. Have you experienced the joy of the Lord? Do you believe God’s Word? Do you understand what God has done to save you from your sin and death through the death of Jesus and his resurrection? Will you receive God’s Word today, experience his joy, and rest in the finished word of Jesus for your salvation?

Heavenly Father, thank you for your work among your Old Covenant congregation in the days of Nehemiah and Ezra. Help our church congregation to also eagerly hear, understand, and receive the Scriptures. Bless the teaching, convict us of sin, help us to mourn our sin, and find rest and joy in the finished work of Jesus to save us from sin and death. Conform us more into the image of Jesus, helping us to obey your Word more and more as you work in us by your grace through faith. Amen.

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