(Matthew 27-28) The Significance of the Crucifixion: Examining the Events of Jesus’s Death

(This sermon was presented in Japanese and English. For the English, scroll down.)


1. ユダヤ人の王は、苦難を通して就任された(マタイ2727-3134-37)。

27 それから、 総督 の 兵士 たち は イエス を 総督 官邸 の 中 に 連れ て 行き、 イエス の 周り に 全部隊 を 集め た。 28 そして イエス が 着 て い た 物 を 脱が せ て、 緋色 の マント を 着せ た。 29 それから 彼ら は 茨 で 冠 を 編ん で イエス の 頭 に 置き、 右手 に 葦 の 棒 を 持た せ た。 そして イエス の 前 に ひざまずき、「 ユダヤ 人 の 王様、 万歳」 と 言っ て、 からかっ た。 30 また イエス に 唾 を かけ、 葦 の 棒 を 取り上げ て 頭 を たたい た。 31 こうして イエス を からかっ てから、 マント を 脱が せ て 元 の 衣 を 着せ、 十字架 に つける ため に 連れ出し た。


王がその王国を築くために苦しんだという考え方は、現代の私たちにとって重要です。王は王国を導く。したがって、イエス様は、ご自分を信じる人々を苦しみの中に導かれるのです。イエスは高揚する前に辱めを受けましたが、これは神が私たちをどのように救われるかのプロセスのモデルなのです。私たちは天国に行く前に、キリストの名のために苦難に耐えなければなりません。神はその苦しみを、私たちをよりキリストに近い存在にするための手段として用いられる。使徒パウロは、”もし私たちが耐えるなら、私たちも彼とともに君臨することができる “と書いています。(2テモテ2:12) また、別のところでは、「もし子どもなら、神の相続人であり、キリストと同じ相続人であり、私たちもまた、キリストとともに栄光を受けるために、キリストとともに苦しむなら。(ローマ8:17)」と述べています。

2. 神の子の死は、見ていた人々に畏敬の念を抱かせた(マタイ27:45-54)。

45 さて、十二時 から午後 三時 まで 闇 が 全 地 を おおっ た。 46 三時 ごろ、 イエス は 大声 で 叫ば れ た。「 エリ、 エリ、 レマ、 サバクタニ。」 これ は、「 わが 神、 わが 神、 どうして わたし を お 見捨て に なっ た の です か」 という 意味 で ある。 47 そこ に 立っ て い た 人 たち の 何人 かが、 これ を 聞い て 言っ た。「 この 人 は エリヤ を 呼ん で いる。」 48 その うち の 一人 が すぐ に 駆け寄り、 海綿 を 取っ て それ に 酸い ぶどう酒 を 含ま せ、 葦 の 棒 に 付け て イエス に 飲ま せよ う と し た。 49 ほか の 者 たち は「 待て。 エリヤ が 救い に 来る か 見 て みよ う」 と 言っ た。 50 しかし、 イエス は 再び 大声 で 叫ん で 霊 を 渡さ れ た。   51 すると 見よ、 神殿 の 幕 が 上 から 下 まで 真っ 二つ に 裂け た。 地 が 揺れ動き、 岩 が 裂け、 52 墓 が 開い て、 眠り に つい て い た 多く の 聖なる 人々 の からだ が 生き返っ た。 53 彼ら は イエス の 復活 の 後 で、 墓 から 出 て 来 て 聖なる 都 に 入り、 多く の 人 に 現れ た。 54 百人 隊長 や 一緒 に イエス を 見張っ て い た 者 たち は、 地震 や いろいろ な 出来事 を 見 て、 非常 に 恐れ て 言っ た。「 この 方 は 本当に 神 の 子 で あっ た。」


すべてのクリスチャンは、イエスの十字架の死が、イエスの犠牲の上に私たちの救いを達成したことを理解しています。それはキリスト教の信仰の中心的な教義の一つです。正しいイエスは、神の怒り、つまり神の裁きの全重量を、私たちが神の義とされるように、罪人の代わりにご自分の上に使い果たされました。キリストを信じる者には、もう怒りは残されていないのです。私たちの救いを達成するために、子であるイエスは一時的に父である神に拒絶される必要がありました。イエスは、その本質や性質において、三位一体から分離されたわけではありません。結局、イエスは父なる神様のことを “私の神 “と呼んでいます。イエスは、父なる神、聖霊なる神と一体となった子なる神であることに変わりはない。しかし、イエス様は父なる神様の御手の下で、私たちの罪を負ったために受けた罰、つまり、私たちだけが受けるべき罰を受けたのです。イエスは詩篇22篇1節を引用されました。この詩篇は、神に一時的に見捨てられたと感じた苦難の王の立場から語られています。しかし、詩篇の残りの部分では、苦しんでいる王はあがないを経験しています。イエスは、十字架の死後、自分が罰を受けて見捨てられるのではなく、死後、父なる神のもとに行き、3日後に死から復活してあがなわれることを知っていたのである。



3.       死から復活したイエスは、弟子たちの礼拝を受け入れた(マタイ28:1-9)

1 さて、 安息日 が 終わっ て 週 の 初め の 日 の 明け方、 マグダラ の マリア と もう 一人 の マリア が 墓 を 見 に 行っ た。 2 すると 見よ、大きな 地震 が 起こっ た。 主 の 使い が 天 から 降り て 来 て 石 を わき に 転がし、 その 上 に 座っ た からで ある。 3 その 姿 は 稲妻 の よう で、 衣 は 雪 の よう に 白かっ た。 4 その 恐ろし さに 番兵 たち は 震え上がり、 死人 の よう に なっ た。 5 御 使い は 女 たち に 言っ た。「 あなた がた は、 恐れる こと は あり ませ ん。 十字架 に つけ られ た イエス を 捜し て いる のは 分かっ て い ます。 6 ここ には おら れ ませ ん。 前 から 言っ て おら れ た とおり、 よみがえら れ た の です。 さあ、 納め られ て い た 場所 を 見 なさい。 7 そして、 急い で 行っ て 弟子 たち に 伝え なさい。『 イエス は 死人 の 中 から よみがえら れ まし た。 そして、 あなた が たより 先 に ガリラヤ に 行か れ ます。 そこで お 会い でき ます』 と。 いい です か、 私 は 確か に あなた がた に 伝え まし た。」 8 彼女 たち は 恐ろしく は あっ た が 大いに 喜ん で、 急い で 墓 から 立ち去り、 弟子 たち に 知らせよ う と 走っ て 行っ た。 9 すると 見よ、 イエス が「おはよう」 と 言っ て 彼女 たち の 前 に 現れ た。 彼女 たち は 近寄っ て その 足 を 抱き、 イエス を 拝 し た。





This morning, we will explore the significance of the death of Jesus, specifically focusing on the events surrounding his crucifixion. The death of Jesus is often viewed as a tragic and meaningless event, but every detail recorded about his crucifixion was important. Through a careful examination of the events leading up to and surrounding his crucifixion, we will gain a deeper appreciation of the significance of Jesus’s death and its impact on human history.

1. The King of the Jews was inaugurated through afflictions (Matthew 27:27-31, 34-37).

27 Then the soldiers of the governor took Jesus into the governor’s headquarters, and they gathered the whole battalion before him. And they stripped him and put a scarlet robe on him, and twisting together a crown of thorns, they put it on his head and put a reed in his right hand. And kneeling before him, they mocked him, saying, “Hail, King of the Jews!” And they spit on him and took the reed and struck him on the head. And when they had mocked him, they stripped him of the robe and put his own clothes on him and led him away to crucify him. […] 34 they offered him wine to drink, mixed with gall, but when he tasted it, he would not drink it. And when they had crucified him, they divided his garments among them by casting lots. Then they sat down and kept watch over him there. And over his head they put the charge against him, which read, “This is Jesus, the King of the Jews.”

The death of Jesus had significance and was alluded to in the Old Testament. There are four retellings of his crucifixion in the Bible from different perspectives. Matthew focuses on kingly themes and establishes Jesus’s lineage. During Jesus’s ministry, the disciples announced the coming of God’s kingdom. In the crucifixion, components of a kingly inauguration were present. Roman soldiers dressed Jesus as a king, insulted him, and physically abused him. All the actions of a king’s inauguration were done to him mockingly, but they were truly done according to God’s plan. Jesus was given a kingly robe, crown, and scepter. The soldiers kneeled before him, praised him, and he was given a kingly procession. He was charged as Jesus, King of the Jews. He was given wine, and there were attendants on both sides of him. These inauguration components all were done in a way that caused suffering for Jesus, but they led up to his death which accomplished our salvation and started God’s kingdom on Earth. All four gospel writers say that Jesus was crucified, but they do not give details of his physical sufferings because readers of that era were familiar with crucifixion.

The idea that the king suffered in the establishing of his kingdom is important for us today. The king leads the kingdom. Jesus therefore, leads those who have faith in Him into sufferings. Jesus was humiliated prior to his exaltation, and that is the model for the process of how God is saving us. Before we get to Heaven, we must endure sufferings for the sake of Christ’s name. God uses those sufferings as a means to shape us to become more like Christ. The Apostle Paul wrote, “If we endure, we shall also reign with him.” (2 Timothy 2:12) Elsewhere, he wrote, “and if children, then heirs—heirs of God and fellow heirs with Christ, provided we suffer with him in order that we may also be glorified with him. (Romans 8:17).”

2. The Son of God’s death struck awe into those who watched (Matthew 27:45-54)

45 Now from the sixth hour there was darkness over all the land until the ninth hour. And about the ninth hour Jesus cried out with a loud voice, saying, “Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani?” that is, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” And some of the bystanders, hearing it, said, “This man is calling Elijah.” And one of them at once ran and took a sponge, filled it with sour wine, and put it on a reed and gave it to him to drink. But the others said, “Wait, let us see whether Elijah will come to save him.” And Jesus cried out again with a loud voice and yielded up his spirit. And behold, the curtain of the temple was torn in two, from top to bottom. And the earth shook, and the rocks were split. The tombs also were opened. And many bodies of the saints who had fallen asleep were raised, and coming out of the tombs after his resurrection they went into the holy city and appeared to many. When the centurion and those who were with him, keeping watch over Jesus, saw the earthquake and what took place, they were filled with awe and said, “Truly this was the Son of God!”

At noon, a darkness covered the land which lasted for three hours. It could not have been a normal solar eclipse, because this was during the Passover festival which occurred on a full-moon. From the Old Testament perspective, darkness over the land is associated with divine judgment (Exodus 10:21-29; Joel 2:1-2). At about 3pm, Jesus yelled out Psalm 22:1 with a loud voice. We are meant to understand that Jesus is the Suffering King anticipated by the Old Testament. In Aramaic, the first verse of Psalm 22 sounds similar to the Hebrew name for Elijah. The people observing misunderstood him to be trying to summon the Old Testament prophet Elijah to help him down off the cross. However, Jesus did not want to come down from the cross. Instead, Jesus wanted to accomplish the salvation of his people through his death on the cross, which he had anticipated throughout his ministry. Thirst was common for people being crucified, so one of the observers gave him wine vinegar to drink, which was a common drink carried by soldiers, and relieves thirst better than water. Jesus then cried out again with a loud voice, purposefully yielding himself over to death. Jesus had formerly said that he had authority to lay down his life and take it up again, and this proved it true. Jesus was in sovereign control of all the circumstances surrounding his death, including the death itself. Jesus could have kept fighting to survive, but he did not. He laid down his life as an atoning sacrifice for our sins once and for all time. At the moment of Jesus’s death, the curtain in the temple was torn in two from top to bottom. That curtain was twenty meters tall and ten meters wide, and separated the Holy Place from the Most Holy Place inside the temple. The tear signifies the removal of separation between God’s sacred temple presence and his covenant people, which marked the effective end of the Jewish temple sacrificial system. For the next forty years the temple system still operated, but it was meaningless. The temple leaders had rejected their God by rejecting Jesus, bringing themselves under divine judgment. Jesus’s atoning sacrifice had fully reconciled all those who have faith in Christ unto himself. Meanwhile, an earthquake occurred, breaking open tombs and causing certain Old Testament believers to rise from the dead and walk around the city, a symbolic guarantee of the future resurrection of the dead when Jesus comes again for judgment. The centurion and the soldiers that were observing these events became filled with awe. They were accustomed to seeing people die horrible deaths during crucifixions, but no deaths they had ever seen were accompanied by apocalyptic events. When they observed what happened, they realized they had just killed God the Son.

All Christians understand that the crucifixion death of Jesus accomplished our salvation at his expense. It is one of the central doctrines of the Christian faith. The righteous Jesus exhausted the wrath of God, the full weight of divine judgment, upon himself in the stead of sinners so that we might be made the righteousness of God. There is no more wrath left for those who have faith in Christ. To accomplish our salvation, Jesus, God the Son, had to temporarily be rejected by God the Father. Jesus did not become separated from the Trinity in his essence or nature. After all, Jesus still refers to God the Father as “my God.” Jesus still remained God the Son, in unity with God the Father and God the Holy Spirit. However, he suffered punishment under the hand of God the Father, a punishment which he underwent because he bore our sins, but which only we deserved. Jesus quoted Psalm 22 verse 1, which is spoken from the perspective of a Suffering King who felt he was temporarily abandoned by God. However, in the rest of the Psalm, the suffering King experiences vindication. Jesus knew he would not be abandoned in punishment after his death on the cross but would go to be with God the Father upon his death, and would be vindicated by his resurrected from death three days later.

As we reflect upon the death of Jesus upon the cross, remember that he is the Lord, and you are his servant. Remember that Jesus voluntarily suffered and died for you who have faith in Him, so that God’s mercy and grace would be glorified in full, and you would experience all the blessings in Heavenly places in Christ Jesus through him becoming a curse for us. For cursed is every person who hangs on a tree. As horrible as these events were, they occurred for God’s glory and our benefit, for the establishment of the new covenant in which we have forgiveness of sins through his shed blood and broken body.

There is great hope for sinners in Matthew’s retelling of Jesus’s death, not only for new disciples to begin to have faith in Him, but also for people who have been his followers for quite some time. The proper response to personal sin, no matter how serious it is, is not despair. Instead, we must trust in Jesus’ voluntary death so that we could be forgiven and restored to full fellowship with God and usefulness in his kingdom. Jesus died to atone for all of our sins: past, present, and future. His atoning death gives hope for those who want to live for the glory of Christ, but are still painfully aware of their continued need to repent of sin and rely on faith in Christ’s finished work as the effective atonement for their sin.

3. Jesus resurrected from death and accepted worship of his disciples (Matthew 28:1-9)

1 Now after the Sabbath, toward the dawn of the first day of the week, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary went to see the tomb. And behold, there was a great earthquake, for an angel of the Lord descended from heaven and came and rolled back the stone and sat on it. His appearance was like lightning, and his clothing white as snow. And for fear of him the guards trembled and became like dead men. But the angel said to the women, “Do not be afraid, for I know that you seek Jesus who was crucified. He is not here, for he has risen, as he said. Come, see the place where he lay. Then go quickly and tell his disciples that he has risen from the dead, and behold, he is going before you to Galilee; there you will see him. See, I have told you.” So they departed quickly from the tomb with fear and great joy, and ran to tell his disciples. And behold, Jesus met them and said, “Greetings!” And they came up and took hold of his feet and worshiped him. Then Jesus said to them, “Do not be afraid; go and tell my brothers to go to Galilee, and there they will see me.”

Matthew’s retelling of the resurrection story is concise and purposeful. Matthew wants his readers to see that the atoning death and resurrection of Jesus have major implications on human history from that point onwards. The women who had witnessed Jesus’s death at his crucifixion and had seen his burial, returned to the tomb on Sunday morning. Another earthquake occurred, and the Angel of the Lord appeared to roll away the stone that covered the tomb of Jesus. Even though the Roman soldiers were battle-hardened warriors, they were terrified when the angel appeared, which is the normal response to the appearance of an angel (Judges 13:19-20). The angel said nothing to the Roman soldiers, but reassured the women and announced to them that Jesus was no longer in the tomb, but had resurrected from death. By his resurrection from death, Jesus had been vindicated of any wrongdoing, and his resurrection showed that God the Father was pleased with Jesus’s perfect obedience of the Old Testament law unto his death, even death on the cross. The angel told the women to go and immediately tell the disciples about the resurrection and remind them to meet Jesus in Galilee. The women run off, and suddenly the physically resurrected Jesus meets them along the road, and they bowed down to him and grasped his feet to worship him. Jesus did not resurrect as a spirit; he had a physical body. They worshipped him not because he had come back to life, but because his resurrection vindicated and proved his authority and the authenticity of everything that he had ever taught them. Jesus was no mere special man among fellow humans, but the unique manifestation of God to humanity. By his resurrection, he reflected the new way of resurrection life that all his followers would be given the power to walk in. He told the women not to be afraid, and commissioned them once again to tell his disciples to meet him in Galilee.

As Jesus was victorious in his own resurrection, we who have faith in Him have also been raised with Him in newness of life. The Apostle Paul taught that. He said, “Don’t you know that all of us who were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death? We were therefore buried with him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life (Romans 6:3-4). The resurrection is the confirmation that for those who have faith in Christ, death has been conquered by Him, and that Jesus gives new life to all who believe. For thousands of years, the Old Testament believers had hoped for the resurrection of the righteous to new life and the wicked to punishment (Isaiah 26:19; Daniel 12:1). Contemporary Jewish literature in the time of Jesus also anticipated the resurrection. But the resurrection of Jesus was even better than what they were expecting. Jesus was declared with power to be God the Son, through whom all peoples now gain access to salvation through his sacrifice on the cross. With his resurrection, the new age of the gospel of salvation was inaugurated with the sending of the Holy Spirit of God at Pentecost.

In his life, death, and resurrection, Jesus is the best example, the leader of God’s covenant people, who are given new life through faith in Him, and more and more are transformed into his image (Romans 6:1-11; 8:29; 1 Corinthians 15; 2 Corinthians 3:18). Furthermore, the appearance of Jesus to the women alleviates the sadness of Jesus’s death. Even though they witnessed his death, now they had witnessed his new life. The death of Jesus was extremely significant since it was an atoning sacrifice, and the resurrection does not undo that fact. Jesus was not uncrucified. However, he was not defeated by his crucifixion. Jesus is alive today. Without the resurrection, we who believe in Jesus are to be pitied and hopeless, because the crucifixion would not have been effective (1 Corinthians 16:17-19). The crucified Jesus is victorious precisely because he was not merely the crucified Jesus, but now he is the crucified and resurrected Jesus. This is the best news that humanity could ever hear, that someone died to reconcile us with God, and he is alive today to give forgiveness and newness of life to those that believe in Him. The two women were given the commission to go tell the disciples, who were then commissioned to tell the entire world the good news about Jesus. The commission by the Angel, the commission by Jesus, and the commission to all the disciples by Jesus, and then reaffirmed by an Angel, were given with all authority in Heaven and Earth, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. We were commissioned in such a way to make disciples to ensure that we do not become ingrown, complacent, or callous. Even today, we must continue to look outwards to bring the good news of the gospel of the kingdom of Heaven to people of all nations. Matthew’s gospel is a powerful recounting of how King Jesus entered into human history with the purpose of redeeming lost humanity to establish the Kingdom of God under his rule and reign. As our King, he gives us commands, and he leads the way for us to go out to preach the glories of Christ and make new disciples, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey his commandments. Lastly, the resurrection of Jesus also causes us to look to Christ alone as our Master, Teacher, and Lord. No other master can ever usurp Jesus’s authority, because by his resurrection he has proven that he has all authority in heaven and earth. We must never consider ourselves to be the masters of other disciples, giving them commands as if we are in authority. When someone claims to have a special measure of authority over Jesus’s disciples, he has departed from the very commission that Jesus gave as a result of his resurrection. What makes Jesus’s authority possible for us is that the resurrected Jesus has promised to be with us always, to the very end of the age (28:20). The resurrected Jesus assures us that as we live in this age, he continually provides for us the example of his life, the guidance of his and his apostles’ teachings in the New Testament, and the supply of his power to transform our lives and our world from the inside out until he comes again in power and glory to consummate his kingdom on Earth.

Heavenly Father, we are grateful for this time we have spent reflecting on the significance of Jesus’s death on the cross. We thank you for the sacrifice that Jesus made for us, laying down his life to reconcile us with you. We are humbled by the suffering he endured, and we are inspired by his example of humility and obedience. Help us to follow in his footsteps, enduring the sufferings that come our way, trusting that you are using them to shape us into the image of Christ. We pray that we may never forget the weight of what Jesus did for us, and that we may always be grateful for his love and sacrifice. May we go from here with a renewed appreciation for the significance of the cross, and may we live our lives in a way that honors the sacrifice that Jesus made for us. In his name we pray, Amen.

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