(Esther 4:13-17, 8:1-8, 9:1-2) Divine Design: Courage, Providence, and Victory in Weakness

English comes after the Japanese


I. 神はご自分の民を養われる一方で、私たちが指導者たちの前に立たなければならな い時には、勇気を持つようご自分の民に呼びかけられます(エステル記4:13-17)。

13 モル デ カイ は エステル に 返事 を 送っ て 言っ た。「 あなた は、 すべて の ユダヤ 人 から 離れ て 王宮 に いる ので 助かる だろ う、 と 考え ては いけ ない。 14 もし、 あなた が この よう な とき に 沈黙 を 守る なら、 別 の ところ から 助け と 救い が ユダヤ 人 の ため に 起こる だろ う。 しかし、 あなた も、 あなた の 父 の 家 も 滅びる だろ う。 あなた が この 王国 に 来 た のは、 もしか する と、 この よう な 時 の ため かも しれ ない。」 15 エステル は モル デ カイ に 返事 を 送っ て 言っ た。 16 「行っ て、 スサ に いる ユダヤ 人 を みな 集め、 私 の ため に 断食 し て ください。 三日 三 晩、 食べ たり 飲ん だり し ない よう に し て ください。 私 も 私 の 侍女 たち も、 同じ よう に 断食 し ます。 その よう に し た うえ で、 法令 に 背く こと です が、 私 は 王 の ところ へ 参り ます。 私 は、 死な なけれ ば なら ない の でし たら 死に ます。」 17 モル デ カイ は 出 て 行っ て、 エステル が 彼 に 頼ん だ とおり に し た。



新約聖書には、イエス様についてのメッセージを伝えるために、指導者や権力者 の前に連れて行かれた人々の例がたくさんあります。私たちの人生には、自分よりも高い地位や名誉を持つ人がいます。イエスがその民の救いを確保するためにしてくださったことを伝え、悔い改めて福音を信じるように励ますことができる状況にあるときには、たとえ危険を感じても、その人たちに伝えるべきです。

II. 不可能に見える状況でも、神は民を導かれる(エステル記8:1-8)

1 その 日、 クセルクセス 王 は 王妃 エステル に、 ユダヤ 人 を 迫害 する 者 ハマン の 家 を 与え た。 モル デ カイ は 王 の 前 に 来 た。 エステル が 自分 と 彼 との 関係 を 明かし た からで ある。 2 王 は ハマン から 取り返し た 自分 の 指輪 を 外し て、 それ を モル デ カイ に 与え、 エステル は モル デ カイ に ハマン の 家 の 管理 を 任せ た。   3 エステル は 再び 王 に 告げ て、 その 足もと に ひれ伏し、 アガグ 人 ハマ ン が ユダヤ 人 に対して 企ん だ、 わざ わい と その 計略 を 取り除い て いただき たい と、 泣き ながら 嘆願 し た。 4 王 が エステル に 金 の 笏 を 差し 伸ばし た ので、 エステル は 身 を 起こし、 王 の 前 に 立っ て、 5 言っ た。「 もしも 王様 が よろしけれ ば、 また 私 が 王様 の ご 好意 を 受ける こと が でき、 この こと を 王様 が もっとも だ と お 思い になり、 私 の こと が お気 に 召す なら、 アガグ 人 ハメダタ の 子 ハマ ン が、 王 の すべて の 州 に いる ユダヤ 人 を 滅ぼし て しまえ と 書い た、 あの たくらみ の 書簡 を 取り消す よう に、 詔書 を 出し て ください。 6 どうして 私 は、 自分 の 民族 に 降り かかる わざ わい を 見 て 我慢 し て い られる でしょ う。 また、 どうして、 私 の 同族 が 滅びる のを 見 て 我慢 し て い られる でしょ う。」 7 クセルクセス 王 は、 王妃 エステル と ユダヤ 人 モル デ カイ に 言っ た。「 見 よ。 ハマン の 家 を 私 は エステル に 与え、 彼 は 柱 に かけ られ た。 ハマ ン が ユダヤ 人 たち に 手 を 下そ う と し た からで ある。 8 あなた がた は、 ユダヤ 人 について あなた がた の よい と 思う よう に 王 の 名 で 書き、 王 の 指輪 で それ に 印 を 押し なさい。 王 の 名 で 書か れ、 王 の 指輪 で 印 が 押さ れ た 文書 は、 だれ も 取り消す こと が でき ない。」




III.       神は恥と弱さを通してご自分の民に勝利を与えられます(エステル記9:1-2

1 第 十 二 の 月、 すなわち アダル の 月 の 十三日、 この 日 に 王 の 命令 と 法令 が 実施 さ れ た。 ユダヤ 人 の 敵 が ユダヤ 人 を 征服 しよ う と 望ん で い た まさに その 日 に、 逆 に、 ユダヤ 人 の ほう が 自分 たち を 憎む 者 たち を 征服 する こと と なっ た。 2 ユダヤ 人 たち は、 自分 たち に 害 を 加えよ う と する 者 たち を 手 に かけよ う と、 クセルクセス 王 の すべて の 州 に ある 自分 たち の 町 々 で 集まっ た が、 だれ も ユダヤ 人 に 抵抗 する 者 は い なかっ た。 彼ら への 恐れ が、 すべて の 民族 に 下っ た からで ある。





This morning we will be reading from the Book of Esther. The purpose of the Book of Esther is to explain how the annual Jewish celebration of the Feast of Purim began. When God’s covenant people refused to obey God’s covenant law and were sent into exile in Babylon as a result, eventually Babylon was conquered by Persia. Life in Persia was not easy, and the strength of the Persian culture threatened to eliminate the spiritual identity of the Israelites that were captives there. Although God is not explicitly mentioned in the book, we can see that God continued to work circumstances together provide to provide what the Israelites required and gave them what was necessary to resist evil and rely on God, especially in life-threatening circumstances. When ungodly cultural pressures intensify, we should maintain our spiritual identity by becoming more holy in the way that we think and act. Today, this is accomplished by becoming more like Jesus rather than conforming to the ungodly culture around us.

I. God provides for his people, yet calls his own to take courage when we need to stand before leaders (Esther 4:13-17)

 13 Then Mordecai told them to reply to Esther, “Do not think to yourself that in the king’s palace you will escape any more than all the other Jews. 14 For if you keep silent at this time, relief and deliverance will rise for the Jews from another place, but you and your father’s house will perish. And who knows whether you have not come to the kingdom for such a time as this?” 15 Then Esther told them to reply to Mordecai, 16 “Go, gather all the Jews to be found in Susa, and hold a fast on my behalf, and do not eat or drink for three days, night or day. I and my young women will also fast as you do. Then I will go to the king, though it is against the law, and if I perish, I perish.” 17 Mordecai then went away and did everything as Esther had ordered him.

At the beginning of the story of Esther, the kingdom of Persia was in power, and the Persians were even ruling the promised land of Canaan. King Xerxes had just deposed his queen and was seeking a replacement. Eventually, the king chose a Jewish girl named Esther to become the new queen. However, they did not know that Esther was Jewish. One of the members of the king’s government named Haman became angry with Esther’s relative Mordecai. When Haman discovered that Mordecai was Jewish, he came up with a plan to kill all the Jews. The king issued a royal decree to destroy the Jews on a certain date. Since the Persian kingdom included the land of Israel, Haman’s plot also threatened to destroy all the exiles that had already returned to the land of Israel. And since God had promised to provide a redeemer from among the Israelites, Haman’s plan threatened the promise of coming salvation. Mordecai knew that Esther would need to risk her life to convince the king to protect the Jews. If she remained silent and did nothing, she and all the Jews would die. And yet Mordecai believed that God’s promise of coming redemption would occur even if all the Jews died. Mordecai rightly believed that God will be faithful to his covenant promises, even though those covenant promises seemed threatened by powerful governments. Esther, of course, was reluctant to approach the king. After all, the king had just deposed his former queen. Esther also risked being deposed by even coming into the king’s court unannounced. Mordecai challenged Esther for being reluctant and then convinced her that God had sovereignly worked circumstances together so that she would be the queen for the very purpose of providing relief and deliverance to God’s covenant people. Mordecai came up with a plan for Esther. The Jews in Susa would not eat food and pray for several days. Esther would then go before the king without being summoned, which was a great risk and could result in her being executed unless the king was gracious to her. Like many figures throughout the Bible’s larger story, such as Joseph, Daniel, and the Apostle Paul, it was God’s plan for her to go before the governor of a foreign land to bring salvation to God’s people.

It brings God great pleasure to raise up deliverers for his covenant people when they need him most. The Apostle Paul taught that God chose what the world considers to be foolish to bring shame upon the wise, and God chose the weak in the world to shame those who are strong. God chose what is low and despised in the world, so that no human being might boast in the presence of God. Jesus was lowly, of poor estate, and was not esteemed by men. He was not received by his own people but was rejected by them even unto his death on the cross. Jesus became to us wisdom from God, righteousness and sanctification and redemption, so that the one who boasts, may boast in the Lord. Esther was given by God as a great deliverer, but she had a serious moral flaw. Esther did not act for the deliverance of her own people until she felt threatened herself (4:16). But Jesus is a greater deliverer with no moral flaw, even giving himself up as a substitute sacrifice to die for our sins. Jesus died for his enemies to bring them unto himself by grace through faith, which has led us to repent and follow Him.

 In the New Testament, we find many examples of people who were taken before leaders and powerful people, so that the message about Jesus could be told to them. We all have people in our lives that hold positions of higher status and honor than ourselves. When we are in circumstances where we can tell them about what Jesus has done to secure the salvation of his people, and encourage them to repent and believe the gospel, we should tell them even if we feel threatened.

II. God leads his people through seemingly impossible situations (Esther 8:1-8)

1 On that day King Ahasuerus gave to Queen Esther the house of Haman, the enemy of the Jews. And Mordecai came before the king, for Esther had told what he was to her. 2 And the king took off his signet ring, which he had taken from Haman, and gave it to Mordecai. And Esther set Mordecai over the house of Haman. 3 Then Esther spoke again to the king. She fell at his feet and wept and pleaded with him to avert the evil plan of Haman the Agagite and the plot that he had devised against the Jews. 4 When the king held out the golden scepter to Esther, Esther rose and stood before the king. 5 And she said, “If it please the king, and if I have found favor in his sight, and if the thing seems right before the king, and I am pleasing in his eyes, let an order be written to revoke the letters devised by Haman the Agagite, the son of Hammedatha, which he wrote to destroy the Jews who are in all the provinces of the king. 6 For how can I bear to see the calamity that is coming to my people? Or how can I bear to see the destruction of my kindred?” 7 Then King Ahasuerus said to Queen Esther and to Mordecai the Jew, “Behold, I have given Esther the house of Haman, and they have hanged him on the gallows, because he intended to lay hands on the Jews. 8 But you may write as you please with regard to the Jews, in the name of the king, and seal it with the king’s ring, for an edict written in the name of the king and sealed with the king’s ring cannot be revoked.”

When Esther went before the King, the king was gracious to her. She requested that the king and Haman attend a banquet with her. During the banquet, she invited Haman and the king to meet for dinner the following day. In the time between those two meals, Haman decided to have Mordecai hanged, so Haman rushed to visit the king. However, Haman’s visit did not turn out the way that he had expected. During the night, the king was unable to sleep, and asked to hear someone read the royal records to help him fall asleep. The royal record that was read was how Mordecai once stopped an assassination plot against the king. When Haman finally arrived to see the king, the king ordered that Mordecai be given royal honor. At the second banquet, Esther exposed Haman as a treacherous man, and the king ordered that Mordecai be executed on the gallows that Haman had prepared for Mordecai. Esther could not withstand thinking about the destruction of her own ethnicity and family members, so she approached the king and asked him to revoke the order to destroy the Jews. However, the law could not be revoked, and so a new royal order was given that would effectively protect the Jews. Through Esther’s intervention, God provided relief and deliverance for God’s covenant people.

Through these verses we see how the sovereign plan of God overcomes what seems like an impossible situation for his people. This demonstrates the nature of God so that we will trust him when he promises that his mercy and provision for his people continues even today, as God knows what is best for us. Back then, and today, God refuses to abandon those who are his children, those who have made the children of God through repentance and faith in Christ.

In the New Testament, the Apostle tells us to endure through hardships recognizing that God is lead us through them to make us more like Jesus. We are told not to give up and disobey God to find a way out of our difficult circumstances. That is a common temptation. But instead, we should follow Jesus who was tempted in all ways like we were, and yet he never sinned.

III. God provides victory to his people through shame and weakness (Esther 9:1-2)

 1 Now in the twelfth month, which is the month of Adar, on the thirteenth day of the same, when the king’s command and edict were about to be carried out, on the very day when the enemies of the Jews hoped to gain the mastery over them, the reverse occurred: the Jews gained mastery over those who hated them. 2 The Jews gathered in their cities throughout all the provinces of King Ahasuerus to lay hands on those who sought their harm. And no one could stand against them, for the fear of them had fallen on all peoples.

On the date that was formerly appointed for their destruction, the Jews successfully defended themselves and killed those that tried to kill them, in self-defense. Even some of the noblemen, governors, and royal administrators aided the Jews, because Mordecai had been given royal honor. The King also granted permission for Haman’s ten sons to be executed, and for the Jews in the capital city of Susa to defend themselves again the following day. The Israelites then established the festival of Purim so that each year they could remember how they had been rescued from destruction. The fact that God preserved the Jews in this story shows how God is a promise-keeping God.

Not only did God give deliverance to his people once again in the story of Esther, but much later in time the promised seed of the woman who would crush the head of the serpent came from the descendants of the Jews who were protected in this story. The deliverance that is described in this story is wonderful, but even more wonderful is the deliverance from sin and death that Jesus provided for God’s people through his perfect obedience of God’s law even unto his death on the cross to atone for our sins. Just when God’s enemies thought that they had finally gained victory, the reverse occurred, and God’s people were given the victory. Again, we see that the way God does things is not the way that we would do things. Weakness is the means that God used to manifest his divine power. This is demonstrated the most through Jesus, who won the greatest victory over sin and death, just when his enemies thought that they had been victorious over Jesus. Even today, God continues to show his divine power through Christians, who are often weak and lowly and fragile as jars of clay, to display the glories of God’s grace.

Ultimately, the purpose of the book of Esther is not to tell us a story of how destruction came upon the enemies of the people of God. The book was written to explain the moral obligation of the celebration of the festival of Purim. The book doesn’t just explain that the festival had started, but that it should be celebrated. From this, we learn an important spiritual lesson from the book. It is not only normal for God’s covenant people to celebrate the victories that God has given, but it is morally obligated of us. In the New Testament, there are two ordinances that were commanded by our Lord Jesus Christ to his disciples. We have been commanded to baptize believers, and we have been commanded to observe the Lord’s Supper together. Both baptism and the Lord’s supper are signs and seals, which serve as proclamations of the finished work of Jesus and confirm that the participant has been made part of the New Covenant in Christ’s blood by God’s grace through faith in Jesus’s death, burial, and resurrection. It is a moral obligation for those who have faith in Christ to remember what God has done through partaking of the two ordinances in the way prescribed in the New Testament.

Heavenly Father, thank you for your grace to us that we receive through being united to Jesus. Teach us Christ-like courage to obey you even when in the presence of people who have authority over us. Help us to trust in your sovereignty and divine intervention to bring Christ-likeness in our lives. Thank you that when we are weak and in shameful circumstances, we do not have to give into temptation, but we can follow Christ through the difficulties. In every aspect of our lives, guide us and bring about your sovereign plan in our lives. May your will be done, and may your kingdom come. Amen.

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