(Judges 13:1-5; 14:1-9; 16:21-22,26-30) The Hope and Descent of Samson: From Promise to Sin


1. ヤハウェの天使は、救い主の誕生を告げて希望を与えた(士師記13:1-5)。

1 イスラエル の 子 ら は、 主 の 目 に 悪 で ある こと を 重ね て 行っ た。 そこで 主 は 四十 年間、 彼ら を ペリシテ 人 の 手 に 渡さ れ た。   2 さて、 ダン の 氏族 に 属する ツォルア 出身 の 一人 の 人 が い て、 名 を マノア と いっ た。 彼 の 妻 は 不妊 で、 子 を 産ん だ こと が なかっ た。 3 主 の 使い が その 女 に 現れ て、 彼女 に 言っ た。「 見 よ。 あなた は 不妊 で、 子 を 産ん だ こと が ない。 しかし、 あなた は 身ごもっ て 男の子 を 産む。 4 今後 あなた は 気 を つけ よ。 ぶどう酒 や 強い 酒 を 飲ん では なら ない。 汚れ た 物 を いっさい 食べ ては なら ない。 5 見よ。 あなた は 身ごもっ て 男の子 を 産む。 その 子 の 頭 に かみ そり を 当て ては なら ない。 その 子 は 胎内 に いる とき から、 神 に 献 げ られ た ナジル 人 だ から。 彼 は イスラエル を ペリシテ 人 の 手 から 救い 始める。」


2. サムソンはイスラエルの圧制者を打ち破りながら、罪に堕ちていった(士師記14:1-9)。

1 サムソン は、 ティムナ に 下っ て 行っ た とき、 ペリシテ 人 の 娘 で、 ティムナ に いる 一人 の 女 を 見 た。 2 彼 は 上っ て 行っ て、 父 と 母 に 告げ た。「 私 は ティムナ で 一人 の 女 を 見 まし た。 ペリシテ 人 の 娘 です。 今、 彼女 を 私 の 妻 に 迎え て ください。」 3 父 と 母 は 言っ た。「 あなた の 身内 の 娘 たち の 中 に、 また、 私 の 民 全体 の 中 に、 女 が 一人 も い ない とでも 言う のか。 無 割礼 の ペリシテ 人 から 妻 を 迎える とは。」 サムソン は 父 に 言っ た。「 彼女 を 私 の 妻 に 迎え て ください。 彼女 が 気に入っ た の です。」 4 彼 の 父 と 母 は、 それ が 主 による こと だ とは 知ら なかっ た。 主 は、 ペリシテ 人 と 事 を 起こす 機会 を 求め て おら れ た ので ある。 その ころ、 ペリシテ 人 が イスラエル を 支配 し て い た。   5 サムソン は 彼 の 父 と 母 とともに ティムナ に 下り、 ティムナ の ぶどう 畑 に やって来 た。 すると 見よ、 一頭 の 若い 獅子 が 吼え た けり ながら 彼 に 向かっ て 来 た。 6 この とき、 主 の 霊 が 激しく 彼 の 上 に 下っ た ので、 彼 は まるで 子 やぎ を 引き裂く よう に、 何 も 手 に 持た ず 獅子 を 引き裂い た。 サムソン は 自分 が し た こと を 父 にも 母 にも 告げ なかっ た。 7 サムソン は 下っ て 行っ て、 その 女 と 話し た。 サムソン は 彼女 が 気に入っ た。 8 しばらく たっ てから、 サムソン は 彼女 を 妻 に しよ う と 戻っ て 行っ た。 あの 獅子 の 死骸 を 見よ う と、 脇道 に 入っ て 行く と、 なんと、 獅子 の からだ に 蜜蜂 の 群れ が い て、 蜜 が あっ た。 9 彼 は それ を 両手 に かき集め て、 歩き ながら 食べ た。 彼 は 自分 の 父母 の ところ に 行っ て、 それ を 彼ら に 与え た ので、 彼ら も 食べ た。 その 蜜 を 獅子 の からだ から かき集め た こと は、 彼ら には 告げ なかっ た。


サムソンの罪は、エデンの園での罪への堕落のエコーであるため、サムソンは(イスラエルの国と同じように)神の介入による救いを切実に必要とする典型的な人間であったと理解すべきです。サムソンの物語の直後には、イスラエルも神の命令に従って統治するのではなく、自分の目に正しいことをした(17:6; 21:25)と書かれています。サムソンの堕落は、国家イスラエルの継続的な堕落の反映に過ぎなかったのである。それにもかかわらず、神の霊はサムソンに殺到し、後にイスラエルの王たちになされたように(1サムエル11:6; 16:13)、偉大な解放の偉業を成し遂げられたのです。


3. サムソンの目が取り除かれ、サムソンはイスラエルの敵を滅ぼした(士師記16:21-2226-30)。

21 ペリシテ 人 は 彼 を 捕らえ、 その 両目 を えぐり 出し た。 そして 彼 を ガザ に 引き立て て 行っ て、 青銅 の 足かせ を 掛け て つない だ。 こうして サムソン は 牢 の 中 で 臼 を ひい て い た。 22 しかし、 サムソン の 髪の毛 は、 剃り落とさ れ てから また 伸び 始め た。[…] 26 サムソン は 自分 の 手 を 固く 握っ て いる 若者 に 言っ た。「 私 の 手 を 放し て、 この 神殿 を 支え て いる 柱 に さわら せ、 それ に 寄りかから せ て くれ。」 27 神殿 は 男 や 女 で いっぱい で あっ た。 ペリシテ 人 の 領主 たち も みな そこ に い た。 屋上 にも 約 三千 人 の 男女 が い て、 見せ物 にさ れ た サムソン を 見 て い た。   28 サムソン は 主 を 呼び 求め て 言っ た。「 神、 主 よ、 どう か 私 を 心 に 留め て ください。 ああ 神 よ、 どう か、 もう 一度 だけ 私 を 強め て ください。 私 の 045 二つ の 目 の ため に、 一度 に ペリシテ 人 に 復讐 し たい の です。」 29 サムソン は、 神殿 を 支え て いる 二本 の 中柱 を 探り当て、 一本 に 右手 を、 もう 一本 に 左手 を 当て て、 それで 自ら を 支え た。 30 サムソン は、「 ペリシテ 人 と 一緒 に 死の う」 と 言っ て、 力 を 込め て それ を 押し 広げ た。 すると 神殿 は、 その 中 に い た 領主 たち と すべて の 民 の 上 に 落ち た。 こうして、 サムソン が 死ぬ とき に 殺し た 者 は、 彼 が 生き て いる 間 に 殺し た 者 よりも 多かっ た。


c. しかし、目をえぐり出すという大げさな命令の他に、サムソンの人生が私たちをキリストに指し示す最も完全な方法は、彼の死によってです。サムソンの死の前に、ペリシテ人は自分たちの娯楽のために彼を嘲笑した。イエスの死の前には、ローマ人が自分たちの娯楽のためにイエスを嘲笑した。イエスとサムソンにはそのような共通点があります。しかし、サムソンとイエスの死には、大きなコントラストがあります。サムソンは盲目で縛られ、死に至った。しかし、イエスは他の人に視力と自由を与え、イエスは自分が死刑になることを承知で進んで宗教当局に身を任せた。サムソンの最後の瞬間、彼はヤハウェに叫び、盲目になった自分の目を復讐するためにペリシテ人を滅ぼそうとしました。サムソンは、物語の最初から、死ぬまで自分のことしか考えていなかったのである。私たちの主イエスは、十字架の上で、敵を滅ぼすのではなく、敵を祝福しようと考えたのである。イエスは、迫り来る自分の死によって、霊的に盲目になることはなかったのです。イエスは、イエスをあざ笑った泥棒がイエスと一緒に死ぬとき、その泥棒の救いを求めたのです。泥棒はやがて悔い改め、イエスは泥棒の悔い改めとキリストへの信仰のゆえに、悔い改めた泥棒はその日、楽園でイエスに会うことができると、泥棒を励まされた。イエスは、弟子のヨハネに母を託して、母の身体の健康を願われた。イエスは、自分の敵の赦しを祈られた。イエスは、私たちの罪のための贖罪の犠牲として自ら進んで死に、息を引き取るときに贖罪の業は終わったと叫ばれた。そして、ご自身の霊を父の手に委ね、息を引き取られたのです。イエスはイスラエルのメシアとしての仕事を成し遂げ、貧しい人に良い知らせを告げ、捕らわれている人に解放を告げ、目の見えない人の視力を回復し、圧迫されている人を解放して、ヤハウェの恵みの年を宣べ伝えた(ルカ4:18-19)。


Intro: One of the warrior leaders that God sent to Israel to deliver them from their oppressors was a man named Samson. Samson’s life is a complex story that starts out with great hope, promise of God’s supernatural empowerment, but then leads to a personal downward spiral into sin. God’s Spirit empowered Samson with incredible strength so that he could liberate God’s covenant people from the oppression of the idol-worshiping nations. However, he never led God’s covenant people against the enemy as he should have. He was victorious over his enemies, but he only engaged in battles against them for personal reasons. Despite God’s Spirit empowering Samson, he greatly sinned worse and worse as he repeatedly violated his vows to God and wasted his calling by God and instead satisfied the sinful desires of his eyes.

1. The Angel of Yahweh gave hope by announcing the birth of a savior (Judges 13:1-5)

Reread Verse: 1 And the people of Israel again did what was evil in the sight of the Lord, so the Lord gave them into the hand of the Philistines for forty years. 2 There was a certain man of Zorah, of the tribe of the Danites, whose name was Manoah. And his wife was barren and had no children. 3 And the angel of the Lord appeared to the woman and said to her, “Behold, you are barren and have not borne children, but you shall conceive and bear a son. 4 Therefore be careful and drink no wine or strong drink, and eat nothing unclean, 5 for behold, you shall conceive and bear a son. No razor shall come upon his head, for the child shall be a Nazirite to God from the womb, and he shall begin to save Israel from the hand of the Philistines.”

Contextual meaning: Israel began to worship the idols of the surrounding nations once again. That was a violation of God’s covenant law, and God gave them up to be ruled by the Philistines for a period twice as long as any of the other periods of oppression. The angel of Yahweh appeared to the barren wife of Manoah. The Angel of Yahweh told the barren woman she would conceive and bear a son. From the moment of his conception onwards, he was to be a Nazirite. That doesn’t mean he was from the city of Nazarene. Don’t confuse the words Nazarene and Nazirite. The Nazirite vow was a special religious vow that people sometimes took only for a short time. However, Samson did not take the vow voluntarily, he was given the vow for his whole life by his mother prior to his conception. The Nazirite vow consisted of three parts: He could not drink alcohol or eat grapes, nor eat anything ritually unclean, nor could he shave his head, nor could he come into contact with a dead body. Additionally, the Angel of Yahweh said that Samson would save Israel from the Philistines. Samson would bring a type of national salvation to Israel. Those components of the Angel of Yahweh’s speech were good news for God’s covenant people and brought great hope that they would be freed from their oppression by idolators. However, the story implies that Samson was not obedient to God’s commands, and he broke each part of the Nazirite vow as an adult (Judges 14:5,10).

2. Samson descended into sin as he defeated Israel’s oppressors (Judges 14:1-9)

Reread Verse: 1 Samson went down to Timnah, and at Timnah he saw one of the daughters of the Philistines. 2 Then he came up and told his father and mother, “I saw one of the daughters of the Philistines at Timnah. Now get her for me as my wife.” 3 But his father and mother said to him, “Is there not a woman among the daughters of your relatives, or among all our people, that you must go to take a wife from the uncircumcised Philistines?” But Samson said to his father, “Get her for me, for she is right in my eyes.” 4 His father and mother did not know that it was from the Lord, for he was seeking an opportunity against the Philistines. At that time the Philistines ruled over Israel. 5 Then Samson went down with his father and mother to Timnah, and they came to the vineyards of Timnah. And behold, a young lion came toward him roaring. 6 Then the Spirit of the Lord rushed upon him, and although he had nothing in his hand, he tore the lion in pieces as one tears a young goat. But he did not tell his father or his mother what he had done. 7 Then he went down and talked with the woman, and she was right in Samson’s eyes. 8 After some days he returned to take her. And he turned aside to see the carcass of the lion, and behold, there was a swarm of bees in the body of the lion, and honey. 9 He scraped it out into his hands and went on, eating as he went. And he came to his father and mother and gave some to them, and they ate. But he did not tell them that he had scraped the honey from the carcass of the lion.

Contextual meaning: The story started out with high hopes for Samson because of the speech given by the Angel of Yahweh to his mother. However, we are told that Samson went down. Although Samson did have to descend geographically to get to the places that are being mentioned, the story uses the words went down as a euphemism for a descent into sin. The very first thing that Samson did in the story was look upon one of the daughters of the Philistines and told his parents that she was right in his eyes. That gives us an important insight into Samson’s heart. He descended into sin by looking at what was forbidden and then he redefined it as good. This is a reminder of what happened to the mother of all the living, Eve, in the garden of Eden. Even though eating the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil was forbidden by God’s command, Eve listened to the serpent, looked at the tree and saw that the forbidden fruit looked good, she took, ate, and then gave to her husband. Eve’s story is repeated in Samson’s actions. Even though God had commanded in his old covenant law that the Israelites could not intermarry with idol-worshipers, Samson saw and took a Philistine woman, even against the advice of both of his parents. The story says that was from Yahweh because Samson was seeking an opportunity against the Philistines. God did not cause Samson to sin, nor does God ever cause anyone to sin. Samson’s desire was sinful, and Yahweh would work through Samson’s sin to defeat the Philistines. In verse 5, Samson once again went down, this time descending into sin at the vineyards of Timnah. The implication is that Samson was at the vineyard to break his Nazirite vow which forbade him from eating grapes or wine. Later, at the vineyard he held a feast with the young men. While he was there, a young lion aggressively approached him, the Spirit of Yahweh came upon Samson, and Samson tore the lion apart with his hands. In verse 7, Samson again went down, this time to talk with the Philistine woman and then he returned to take her. Following the desires of his eyes, he went to see the dead carcass of the lion he had killed and ate honey from it. Touching the dead carcass was yet another violation of the Nazirite vow which had been commanded of him by God from birth, and was a violation of the Old covenant law, which would have made Samson ritually unclean. Like our first ancestor, the mother of the living, Eve, Samson took what was forbidden and gave it to his family to eat, which made them ritually unclean as well. They were deceived, not realizing what they were eating was tainted by death.

Point to Christ: Because Samson’s sin is an echo of the fall into sin in the garden of Eden, we should understand Samson was a type of the person (and the nation of Israel) that was in desperate need of God’s intervention to save him. Immediately after the story of Samson, the story says that Israel also did what was right in their own eyes (17:6; 21:25), instead of governing according to the commands of God. Samson’s corruption was just a reflection of national Israel’s continued corruption. Nevertheless, the Spirit rushed upon Samson to perform great feats of deliverance, just as God’s Spirit later did with the kings of Israel (1 Samuel 11:6; 16:13).

NT Doctrinal Application: Centuries later, Israel was still in need of deliverance from their own corrupt religious rulers, the Scribes and Pharisees. In the New Testament, the Spirit of God came upon Jesus in fullness and remained on Him. Through Jesus’s public ministry he revealed God to mankind, and he publicly confronted the Pharisees many times for their false teachings and disobedience of God’s covenant law. In contrast, Jesus was completely obedient to the Old Testament law and rightly confronted the national leaders of Israel for their disobedience, even though it led to Jesus’s crucifixion. By rejecting Jesus, the Jewish temple authorities had rejected God, and Jesus cursed the Temple and warned of its coming destruction (Matthew 24). Jesus is the better warrior leader that Israel needed, and he publicly defeated Israel’s enemies that were leading the people astray.

3. Samson’s eyes were removed and he destroyed Israel’s enemies (Judges 16:21-22, 26-30)

Reread Verse: 21 And the Philistines seized him and gouged out his eyes and brought him down to Gaza and bound him with bronze shackles. And he ground at the mill in the prison. 22 But the hair of his head began to grow again after it had been shaved. […] 26 And Samson said to the young man who held him by the hand, “Let me feel the pillars on which the house rests, that I may lean against them.” 27 Now the house was full of men and women. All the lords of the Philistines were there, and on the roof there were about 3,000 men and women, who looked on while Samson entertained. 28 Then Samson called to the Lord and said, “O Lord God, please remember me and please strengthen me only this once, O God, that I may be avenged on the Philistines for my two eyes.” 29 And Samson grasped the two middle pillars on which the house rested, and he leaned his weight against them, his right hand on the one and his left hand on the other. 30 And Samson said, “Let me die with the Philistines.” Then he bowed with all his strength, and the house fell upon the lords and upon all the people who were in it. So the dead whom he killed at his death were more than those whom he had killed during his life.

Contextual meaning: Samson was a typical strong leader. He was a trickster with physical strength that could defeat his enemies in direct confrontations, but he could not control his sensual desires. He was extremely reckless by ignoring the potential dangers of thinking that he was sufficient for the task, and he was easily tempted by questionable women and foolishly trusted them. And even though Samson was successfully brought down by his enemies, the means used to humiliate Samson was the means Samson used to defeat Israel’s enemies. At Gaza, Samson’s enemies conspired to assassinate him at the city gate, but Samson tore off the city gate instead. At the valley of Sorek, his enemies conspired with a seductress named Delilah to learn Samson’s secrets so they could bring him down by force. After the seductress learned his secrets, his head was shaven which violated the Nazirite vow, and the Spirit of Yahweh left Samson. Samson was imprisoned by his enemies, who gouged out his eyes. Samson waited for his hair to grow back and prayed to Yahweh for help to defeat the Philistines out of vengeance for his eyes which had been gouged out. Even though he was self-centered in his prayer, he still had a measure of faith in Yahweh (Hebrews 11:32). He then tore down the temple of Dagon where the Philistines were forcing him to entertain them. In tearing down the temple of Dagon and killing so many people who were oppressing the Israelites, he brought a great defeat to Israel’s enemies. No deliverer in the book of judges had the potential that Samson had to liberate Israel from oppression by idolators. And yet Samson accomplished less than any of the other judges. He was an impressive individual, but he never really led God’s covenant people. He never led them in battle or experienced a military victory. All his accomplishments were for his own benefit. He was born and buried and regarded as a hero, but the reality was he was an outlaw, liar, and wasted his life. In the case of Samson, he never really had spiritual sight to rely on God until after his eyes were taken away from him. It was his eyes that tempted him, and it was more beneficial for him and for God’s covenant people for him to lose his eyesight rather than continue to be tempted to sin. In Samson’s life, he was sinfully tempted by his eyes, to chase seductive women rather than marry a woman who was loyal to God and his law.

Biblical Support: Jesus picked up on this theme in his sermons. Regarding committing sexual sin, Jesus taught that if your eye causes you to sin, you should gouge it out. He taught that if your arm causes you to sin, then cut it off. It is better to go to Heaven with one eye or one arm than it is to go to Hell (Matthew 5). Jesus used hyperbole in his sermons. Jesus did not intend that we physically remove our body parts to deal with sexual sin. He took his points too far on purpose to provoke us into understanding that repenting of sexual sin is extremely serious. Continuing in sexual sin will spiritually (and physically) destroy you. If you cannot overcome temptation to sexual sin because something in your life causes you to lust after that person, then if God’s commands allow it, then remove it from your life. This is a common problem among humanity, and as other Christians talk with us, they will inevitably ask for advice on how to deal with sexual temptation if they are honest. The advice must be: eliminate anything from your life that leads to sexual sin. If they have videos, get rid of them. If they are tempted by suggestive commercials, then stop watching television. Install filters on your internet browser. If you bike past an ex-boyfriend’s house hoping to see a glimpse of him, then take a different route. Do whatever you can to cut out of your life that which tempts you to sexual sin.

Point to Christ: However, besides the hyperbolic command to gouge out the eye, the fullest way that Samson’s life points us to Christ is by his death. Before the death of Samson, the Philistines mocked him for their own entertainment. Before the death of Jesus, the Romans mocked him for their own entertainment. Jesus and Samson have that in common. However, there are great contrasts in the deaths of Samson and Jesus. Samson was blind and bound and led to his death. But Jesus gave sight and freedom to others and willingly gave himself over to be put to death. In Samson’s last moments, he cried out to Yahweh as he sought to destroy the Philistines to avenge his own eyes which had been blinded. From the beginning of his story Samson was concerned about himself, even unto his death. How great a contrast this is with our Lord Jesus, who upon the cross thought not to destroy his enemies, but to bless them. Jesus was not blinded spiritually by his own impending death. Jesus sought the conversion of the thief that mocked him as he died alongside him which eventually repented, and Jesus encouraged him that because of his repentance and faith in Christ he would see him that day in Paradise. Jesus sought the welfare of his mother by entrusting her to his disciple, John. Jesus prayed for the forgiveness of his enemies. Jesus willingly died as an atoning sacrifice for our sins, and exclaimed that his work of atonement was finished as he took his final breaths. He committed his own spirit into the hands of his father, and breathed his last. Jesus accomplished his work as Israel’s Messiah, he has proclaimed good news to the poor, proclaimed liberty to the captives, recovered the sight of the blind, and set at liberty those who are oppressed, to proclaim the year of Yahweh’s favor (Luke 4:18-19).

Closing Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank you for reminding us that even in our disobedience, you still work to bring about your redemptive purposes. Help us to remember that your covenant promises which were fulfilled in Christ are true, and that you give us forgiveness of our sins and have brought us into your family because of the finished work of Jesus. Thank you that the promise of salvation was fulfilled in Jesus, and you have delivered us from our greater enemies of sin and death by the death of Christ and his resurrection. Deliver us from temptation, save us from the evil one, and help us to cut out of our lives those things which cause us to sin against you. Help us to be faithful and loyal to you and to obey Christ’s commands. Help us to become more like Jesus, and to not follow the examples of disobedience we saw in Samson. Amen.

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