(Luke 19:26-44) King Jesus Entered Jerusalem in Triumph and Tragedy


1. イエスは、王としての支配に反対するものは裁きを受けると警告されました(ルカ 19:26-27)。

26 彼 は 言っ た。『 おまえ たち に 言う が、 だれ でも 持っ て いる 者 は さらに 与え られ、 持っ て い ない 者 からは、 持っ て いる 物 までも 取り上げ られる の だ。 27 また さらに、 私 が 王 に なる のを 望ま なかっ た あの 敵 ども は、 ここ に 連れ て 来 て、 私 の 目 の 前 で 打ち殺せ。』」




2. イエスの主権者としての治世は、弟子たちには受け入れられたが、パリサイ人たちには反対された(ルカ1928-40)。

28 これら の こと を 話し てから、 イエス は 117 さらに 進ん で、 エルサレム へと 上っ て 行か れ た。 29 118 オリーブ という 119 山 の ふもと の ベテパゲ と ベタニア に 近づい た とき、 イエス は こう 言っ て、 二人 の 弟子 を 遣わさ れ た。 30 「向こう の 村 へ 行き なさい。 そこ に 入る と、 まだ だれ も 乗っ た こと の ない 子 ろば が、 つなが れ て いる のに 気がつく でしょ う。 それ を ほどい て、 連れ て 来 なさい。 31 もし『 どうして、 ほどく のか』 と だれ かが 尋ね たら、『 主 が お 入り用 なの です』 と 言い なさい。」 32 使い に 出さ れ た 二人 が 行っ て 見る と、 イエス が 言わ れ た とおり で あっ た。 33 彼ら が 子 ろば を ほどい て いる と、 持ち主 たち が、「 どうして、 子 ろば を ほどく のか」 と 彼ら に 言っ た。 34 弟子 たち は、「 主 が お 入り用 なの です」 と 言っ た。 35 二人 は その 子 ろば を イエス の もと に 連れ て 来 た。 そして、 その 上 に 自分 たち の 上着 を 掛け て、 イエス を お 乗せ し た。 36 イエス が 進ん で 行か れる と、 人々 は 道 に 自分 たち の 上着 を 敷い た。   37 イエス が いよいよ オリーブ 山 の 下り に さしかかる と、 大勢 の 弟子 たち は みな、 自分 たち が 見 た すべて の 120 力 ある わざ について、 喜び の あまりに 大声 で 神 を 賛美 し 始め て、 38 こう 言っ た。  「 祝福 あれ、   主 の 御名 によって 121 来ら れる 方、 王 に。   天 には 平和 が ある よう に。   栄光 が いと 高き 所 に ある よう に。」 39 すると パリサイ 人 の うち の 何人 かが、 群衆 の 中 から イエス に 向かっ て、「 先生、 あなた の 弟子 たち を 叱っ て ください」 と 言っ た。 40 イエス は 答え られ た。「 わたし は、 あなた がた に 言い ます。 もし この 人 たち が 黙れ ば、 石 が 叫び ます。」





3. イエスは、エルサレムの裁きと破壊が確実であることに涙した(ルカ1941-44)。

41 エルサレム に 近づい て、 都 を ご覧 に なっ た イエス は、 この 都 の ため に 泣い て、 言わ れ た。 42 「もし、 平和 に 向かう 道 を、 この 日 おまえ も 知っ て い たら ─ ─。 しかし 今、 それ は おまえ の 目 から 隠さ れ て いる。 43 やがて 次 の よう な 時代 が おまえ に 来る。 敵 は おまえ に対して 塁 を 築き、 包囲 し、 四方 から 攻め寄せ、 44 そして おまえ と、 中 に いる おまえ の 子ども たち を 地 に たたきつける。 彼ら は おまえ の 中 で、 一つ の 石 も、 ほか の 石 の 上 に 積ま れ た まま 残し ては おか ない。 それ は、 122 神 の 訪れ の 時 を、 おまえ が 知ら なかっ た から だ。」






Intro: We will take a break from teaching the Old Testament and spend five weeks discussing the timeframe surrounding Jesus’ death and resurrection. Today, we are reading about the Triumphal Entry when Jesus arrived in Jerusalem and was welcomed by his disciples as the coming King of Israel. Although his followers anticipated Jesus to establish his physical kingdom in Jerusalem immediately, Jesus knew that humans are sinners and would resist his rule. As he entered the city, he warned those who opposed his reign, received the celebration of his disciples, and wept over the destruction of Jerusalem because the religious leaders opposed his reign.

I. Jesus warned those that oppose his reign as King will suffer judgment (Luke 19:26-27).

Reread Verse: 26 ‘I tell you that to everyone who has, more will be given, but from the one who has not, even what he has will be taken away. 27 But as for these enemies of mine, who did not want me to reign over them, bring them here and slaughter them before me.’ ”

Contextual meaning: These are the finishing sentences of a parable that Jesus taught to those who expected Jesus to immediately consummate his kingdom in Jerusalem. Though Jesus was going to enter Jerusalem and his kingdom was about to be inaugurated, his kingdom was not immediately going to be consummated like his disciples anticipated. Just as Jesus had said throughout his earthly ministry, he was going to go to Jerusalem where he was going to be rejected by the Scribes and Pharisees, and then killed. However, his death was going to be the way in which his kingdom was to be started but not completed. In his parable, there are faithful servants and unfaithful servants who expected the return of their master. The master returned, and found most of the servants to be faithful, but one of the servants to be unfaithful. The unfaithful servant was identified as an enemy and was sentenced to be executed. Because Jesus was on the verge of entering into Jerusalem to be rejected by the religious leaders, we should understand that Jesus means that his disciples were the faithful servants because they had already fulfilled the mission to preach the message of the kingdom to Israel that Jesus had given them, but the Pharisees and Scribes were the unfaithful servant because they opposed the reign and authority of Jesus, even though they had the law of Moses which pointed forward to Jesus (John 5:46). Because Jerusalem’s religious leaders were leading Israel to reject Jesus, God was going to take the connection to God that they had (the temple system) away from them through divine judgment. It didn’t matter that the Pharisees had an established religious tradition, centuries of Bible teaching experience, and the Jerusalem temple in all its beauty. The Pharisees were not going to gain cities, but they were going to lose Jerusalem for opposing God by not submitting to the reign of Christ. However, the disciples of Jesus were going to be made citizens of God’s kingdom and be given even greater responsibilities because they submitted to the reign of Christ by faith in Him.

NT Doctrinal Application: Today, everyone is accountable to respond to Jesus with faith and submit to his reign. Christians are responsible to repent and obey Christ’s and his Apostles’ teachings by faith. Those who do not submit to Jesus’ reign, such as those who associate with God’s covenant people but do not obey Jesus’ commands like the Pharisees and Scribes, will be held accountable by Him at judgment. They will be cast away from God’s temple presence in Christ into a place of everlasting flame and torment because they rejected Christ’s reign in their lives. However, Jesus not only taught about judgment but also about reward for those who were faithful to Him by God’s grace. He promised those faithful more, allowing them to serve Him in even greater capacities. God provides good works for us to walk in, and we have a moral responsibility to be faithful to Christ by walking in those good works.

NT Practical Application: Are you prepared for the second coming of Jesus in judgment? Rebelling against the reign of Jesus has no good reason and only leads to destruction. On the other hand, there are countless reasons to believe in Christ and submit to his reign in every area of your life. Faithfulness to Christ leads to being with Him for eternity and increasing opportunities to reign with Him. Therefore, repent of your sins, believe in Christ as your Lord, obey his commands faithfully, and prepare for His coming in judgment.

2. Jesus’s reign as Sovereign King was received by his disciples but opposed by the Pharisees (Luke 19:28-40).

Reread Verse: 28 And when he had said these things, he went on ahead, going up to Jerusalem. 29 When he drew near to Bethphage and Bethany, at the mount that is called Olivet, he sent two of the disciples, 30 saying, “Go into the village in front of you, where on entering you will find a colt tied, on which no one has ever yet sat. Untie it and bring it here. 31 If anyone asks you, ‘Why are you untying it?’ you shall say this: ‘The Lord has need of it.’ ” 32 So those who were sent went away and found it just as he had told them. 33 And as they were untying the colt, its owners said to them, “Why are you untying the colt?” 34 And they said, “The Lord has need of it.” 35 And they brought it to Jesus, and throwing their cloaks on the colt, they set Jesus on it. 36 And as he rode along, they spread their cloaks on the road. 37 As he was drawing near—already on the way down the Mount of Olives—the whole multitude of his disciples began to rejoice and praise God with a loud voice for all the mighty works that they had seen, 38 saying, “Blessed is the King who comes in the name of the Lord! Peace in heaven and glory in the highest!” 39 And some of the Pharisees in the crowd said to him, “Teacher, rebuke your disciples.” 40 He answered, “I tell you, if these were silent, the very stones would cry out.”

Contextual meaning: Jesus’s triumphal entry began with him teaching about judgment and grace, and he continued to talk about Jerusalem’s judgment immediately afterwards. Therefore, the story of the triumphal entry is framed with the theme of judgment and grace. We must identify those who refuse Jesus’s reign and will have everything taken away in judgment, and those who accept Jesus’s reign and will be given grace. As Jesus approached Jerusalem, he ascended the hill on which the city was built. Jesus sent two of his disciples to get a young donkey from a nearby village, giving them specific instructions on what to say and do. We should not interpret this as Jesus knowing someone in the village and having made prior arrangements, but rather that Jesus had sovereign control over all circumstances. All the circumstances surrounding Jesus’s death (and the circumstances of our lives) down to the smallest details are sovereignly ordained or permitted. Jesus prepared his disciples beforehand by telling them what they would encounter, say, and do when fetching the young donkey. Jesus was not only proclaimed as sovereign King by his disciples, but he is the sovereign king in fact. As both 100% divine and 100% human, he is divine royalty. The events surrounding Jesus’s death, including ascending to Jerusalem, the triumphal entry, and the obedience of his disciples, were all signs that he was royalty in the kingly line of Judah and David. The disciples had evidence that Jesus was the king, based on the mighty works he had done in his earthly ministry. He proved his authority over all heaven and earth, the unclean spirits, diseases, and even death. His disciples celebrated his rule as the coming king, declaring that his reign would bring heavenly peace and glory. However, the Pharisees among the crowd refused to accept Jesus as their king and asked him to rebuke his disciples. Those who had faith in Jesus, his disciples, were the ones who had much and would be given much more in his kingdom.

NT Doctrinal Application: The enemies of Christ don’t like to hear Jesus’s name exalted, they don’t like to hear him praised as their king, they don’t like to hear about the glory of God in Christ. They want to only hear of Jesus being humiliated, not exalted.

Contextual Meaning: The Pharisees identified themselves as the King’s enemies who would face divine judgment for rejecting his reign by telling Jesus to rebuke his disciples. Jesus’s response, that the stones would cry out if his disciples were silenced, was a call for the Pharisees to repent and align themselves with the rest of creation by submitting to and celebrating Jesus’s reign. The disciples, on the other hand, were doing what creation was created to do, and it was the Pharisees who needed to change their thinking.

Practical Application: Today, every congregation must worship God through Christ as King, rightly praising Him through faith in Christ. People exalt Jesus’s name and clap in celebration, for the rocks and trees would cry out and clap their branches if they were silent (v.40, Isaiah 55:12). The mountains sing, and the sky proclaims His handiwork (Psalm 19:1). Everything that has breath must praise the Lord (Psalm 150:6). It is normal for creation to praise God through Christ. Rebelling against their Creator and King by refusing to praise Him through faith in Christ is immoral. Biblically praising Jesus for His inherent worth is paramount, and we should ignore religious people that say Jesus was merely a good teacher, merely the door to salvation, or who deny His kingship or the need to obey His commands. Jesus deserves the highest continual praise and obedience, for He is our Creator and King with all authority in Heaven and Earth.

3. Jesus wept over the ensured judgment and destruction of Jerusalem (Luke 19:41–44)

Reread Verse: And when he drew near and saw the city, he wept over it, 42 saying, “Would that you, even you, had known on this day the things that make for peace! But now they are hidden from your eyes. 43 For the days will come upon you, when your enemies will set up a barricade around you and surround you and hem you in on every side 44 and tear you down to the ground, you and your children within you. And they will not leave one stone upon another in you, because you did not know the time of your visitation.”

Contextual meaning: When Jesus saw the city, he wept because he knew the judgment that would come upon it due to the people’s rejection of him as king. The disciples recognized that Jesus brought heavenly peace and glory, but Jerusalem refused him. Jesus accurately predicted the destruction that would occur, including the Roman Empire’s Jewish wars and the devastation of Jerusalem. The Romans built a barricade wall around most of Jerusalem, forcing its citizens to starve. After the people were weakened and demoralized, the Roman armies used siege weapons to invade and set fire to the temple and the city. They knocked down the walls, razing the city. The religious rulers in Jerusalem failed to recognize that faith in Jesus would bring them peace with God.

NT Doctrinal Application: Today, as Christians, it is normal to grieve when people refuse to hear the message about Jesus that would bring them peace with God and free them from a future of divine judgment. Divine judgment is not a pleasant subject to talk about, and it did cause Jesus emotional pain when he wept for Jerusalem as he thought about its future sufferings. The people were turning down their opportunity to escape God’s wrath and enter into the kingdom of God under the reign of Christ. Jesus warned them of the judgment to come, like the prophet Jeremiah of old, with many tears. That scene of weeping shows us how we should understand the judgment that is to come: it is real, inevitable, painful, and tragic, and something to shed tears about. The reality of such a judgment should motivate us to work together to tell others about Christ.

NT Practical Application: Today, peace with God is found through faith in Jesus Christ. He came to reveal God to us, live a perfect life, die on the cross to atone for our sins, and resurrect from the dead, providing new life so we could obey His reign. Jesus offers more than a temporary feeling of tranquility, but rather a complete reconciliation of our relationship with God. We were all born into rebellion against God, as the sins of our first ancestor Adam separated us from Him. Yet, Jesus took on human flesh and died to turn away God’s wrath for all those who have faith in Him, even while we were yet sinners. Repent and believe the good news about Jesus.

Summary: In summary, Jesus taught a parable about faithful and unfaithful servants, in which his disciples were the faithful ones and the Pharisees and Scribes were the unfaithful ones that would suffer divine judgment. Those who reject Jesus face divine judgment for their sins, while those who submit to his reign by grace through faith will receive reward. The story of the triumphal entry was a celebration by the disciples of Jesus of his reign, but a rejection of his reign by the Pharisees and Scribes. His enemies rejected him, and their judgment was sealed. Today, Christians must continue to submit to the reign of Jesus and prepare for his coming in judgment by walking in Christ-like works.

Closing Prayer: Heavenly Father, we thank you for giving us grace through faith in Christ, and for giving us the power of your resurrection so that we can submit to his commands. Help us to repent of our sins and prepare for your second coming when you will judge, so that we will be rewarded with increased opportunities to serve you. Amen.

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