Matthew 2:1-18 The Child King Jesus: God’s Unstoppable Plan of Redemption



I. マギは長い間待ち望まれていた王を礼拝するためにエルサレムに来たが、それは神の計画を成就させるために意図的に起こったことであった(マタイ2:1-11)。

  1 イエス が ヘロデ 王 の 時代 に、 ユダヤ の ベツレヘム で お 生まれ に なっ た とき、 見よ、 東 の 方 から 博士 たち が エルサレム に やって来 て、 こう 言っ た。 2 「ユダヤ 人 の 王 として お 生まれ に なっ た 方 は、 どこ に おら れ ます か。 私 たち は その 方 の 星 が 昇る のを 見 た ので、 礼拝 する ため に 来 まし た。」 3 これ を 聞い て ヘロデ 王 は 動揺 し た。 エルサレム 中 の 人々 も 王 と 同じ で あっ た。 4 王 は 民 の 祭司 長 たち、 律法 学者 たち を みな 集め、 002 キリスト は どこ で 生まれる のかと 問いただし た。 5 彼ら は 王 に 言っ た。「 ユダヤ の ベツレヘム です。 預言者 によって こう 書か れ て い ます。 6   『ユダ の 地、 ベツレヘム よ、 あなた は ユダ を 治める 者 たち の 中 で 決して 一番 小さく は ない。 あなた から 治める 者 が 出 て、 わたし の 民 イスラエル を 牧 する からで ある。』」   7 そこで ヘロデ は 博士 たち を ひそか に 呼ん で、 彼ら から、 星 が 現れ た 時期 について 詳しく 聞い た。 8 そして、「 行っ て 幼子 について 詳しく 調べ、 見つけ たら 知らせ て もらい たい。 私 も 行っ て 拝む から」 と 言っ て、 彼ら を ベツレヘム に 送り出し た。 9 博士 たち は、 王 の 言っ た こと を 聞い て 出 て 行っ た。 すると 見よ。 かつて 昇る のを 見 た あの 星 が、 彼ら の 先 に 立っ て 進み、 ついに 幼子 の いる ところ まで 来 て、 その 上 に とどまっ た。 10 その 星 を 見 て、 彼ら は この 上 も なく 喜ん だ。 11 それから 家 に 入り、 母 マリア とともに いる 幼子 を 見、 ひれ伏し て 礼拝 し た。 そして 宝 の 箱 を 開け て、 黄金、 乳香、 没薬 を 贈り物 として 献 げた。

ヘロデ王は紀元前37年から紀元前4年まで統治したので、これらの出来事はヘロデ統治の終わり、紀元前6年から紀元前4年の間に起こった。ヘロデ王は自らをユダヤ人の王と称していたが、ユダヤ人の王ではなかった。彼はエドムの出身で、紀元前40年にローマ帝国によって王に任命された。これらの出来事は前4年頃に起こったので、ヘロデ王はすでに36年間統治していたことになる。ヘロデ王は残忍なやり方で不人気な王位を維持していた。ヘロデ王は2,000人の兵士をボディーガードに従え、彼らを使って住民をスパイし、自分の妻や息子を含め、権力を脅かす人物を暗殺した。このような脆弱な政治情勢の中、バビロニアのマギたちが、動く星に導かれて超自然的にエルサレムに到着した。マギたちはゾロアスター教の祭司で、2ヶ月かけてバビロンからやってきた政府高官だった。マギは非常に尊敬されており、古代ギリシャの有名な哲学者の多くがマギに師事するためにバビロンに渡った。マギとユダヤの宗教関係者は、宗教的知識を交換するために何度か正式に会ったこともあった。こうしてマギは、バラムの預言 “ヤコブから星が出、イスラエルから杖が立つ”(民数記24:17)を知ることになった。(民数記24:17)。ユダヤ人はこの預言を、イスラエルに政敵からの救いを与え、イスラエルを支配的な国家として確立するメシアが生まれることを意味していると理解していた。マギたちはその解釈を受け入れた。さらに、占星術はゾロアスター教の重要な一部だった。そのため、新しい星が現れ、イスラエルに向かって動き出すのを見たマギたちは、その星が新しい王のもとに導いてくれることを期待して、動く星を追いかけた。聖書では天使のことを星と呼ぶのが一般的だからだ(ヨブ記38:7; ダニエル8:10; 黙示録1:16, 20; 2:1; 3:1)。聖書の他の箇所でも、天使は人々を遠い国へと導いていたので、前例がないわけではない(出エジプト記14:19; 23:20)。マギが到着したとき、彼らはヘロデ王のような非嫡出王ではなく、ユダヤ人の王として生まれた男の子を見つけることを期待した。ヘロデ王は、よりにもよってマギが現れ、正当な王はどこにいるのかと尋ねたので、当然動揺した。エルサレム全土もまた、その質問に動揺した。サドカイ派とパリサイ派という2つの宗派は、ヘロデ王とやっとの思いで合意に達したところであり、生まれたばかりのユダヤの王は、既成の宗教を不安定にする恐れがあったからだ。そこでヘロデ王は、以前にもしたように、自分の王権に対するこの新たな脅威を排除する計画を練った。ヘロデ王はマギを欺き、ヘロデ王がイエス王も拝みたがっていると思わせたが、ヘロデ王は密かにイエスを殺害したかったのだ。エルサレムが自分たちの正当な王を歓迎すると思いきや、そうはならなかった。しかし対照的に、ベツレヘムのイエスの家に導かれたバビロニアのマギたちは、イエスを正しく礼拝し、黄金、乳香、没薬という非常に高価な贈り物をした。

この物語の超自然的、政府的、外国的な要素は、イエスがまだ小さな少年であったにもかかわらず、イスラエルの正当な王、天においても地においてもすべての権威を持つ王として認められていたことを示している。 マギがイエスを礼拝したとき、イエス王に対する正しい反応はどうあるべきかを示している。イエスは救い主であり、主であるからこそ、あらゆる国の人々がイエスを礼拝すべきなのである。マタイによる福音書が進むにつれて、イエス王がもたらす救いは単なるイスラエルに対する救いではなく、あらゆる国の人々に対する救いであることがわかる。王イエスは、ユダヤ人、バビロニア人、そしてアメリカ人、フィリピン人、日本人など、世界のあらゆる国の人々への祝福となるために来られたのである。なぜなら、神はアブラハム、イサク、ヤコブに、彼らの子孫が諸国民を祝福すると約束していたからである。

II. 天使がイエスをエジプトに導き、神の計画が継続的に成就した(マタイ212-15

12 彼ら は 夢 で、 ヘロデ の ところ へ 戻ら ない よう にと 警告 さ れ た ので、 別 の 道 から 自分 の 国 に 帰っ て 行っ た。   13 彼ら が 帰っ て 行く と、 見よ、 主 の 使い が 夢 で ヨセフ に 現れ て 言っ た。「 立っ て 幼子 と その 母 を 連れ て エジプト へ 逃げ なさい。 そして、 私 が 知らせる まで、 そこ に い なさい。 ヘロデ が この 幼子 を 捜し出し て 殺そ う と し て い ます。」 14 そこで ヨセフ は 立っ て、 夜 の うち に 幼子 と その 母 を 連れ て エジプト に 逃れ、 15 ヘロデ が 死ぬ まで そこ に い た。 これ は、 主 が 預言者 を通して、「 わたし は、 エジプト から わたし の 子 を 呼び出し た」 と 語ら れ た こと が 成就 する ため で あっ た。



III.       ヘロデはイエスを殺そうと殺人まで犯したが、神の計画を妨げることはなかった(マタイ2:16-18)。

16 ヘロデ は、 博士 たち に 欺か れ た こと が 分かる と 激しく 怒っ た。 そして 人 を 遣わし、 博士 たち から 詳しく 聞い て い た 時期 に 基づい て、 ベツレヘム と その 周辺 一帯 の 二歳 以下 の 男の子 を みな 殺さ せ た。 17 その とき、 預言者 エレミヤ を通して 語ら れ た こと が 成就 し た。 18   「ラマ で 声 が 聞こえる。 むせび泣き と 嘆き が。 ラケル が 泣い て いる。 その 子 ら の ゆえ に。 慰め を 拒ん で いる。 子 ら が もう い ない から だ。」

予想通り、ヘロデ王は自分の王権を脅かす者を冷酷に殺害した。彼は、彼に会いに来たマギから子供の年齢を知り、ベツレヘムで2歳以下の男児をすべて殺害させた。人口からすると、おそらくベツレヘムでは12人ほどの2歳児が、王イエスを抹殺しようとして殺害されたことになる。ベツレヘムが経験した悲嘆は、イスラエルが過去に何度も経験した、外国の支配者が子供たちを殺害したときの悲嘆の悲劇的な繰り返し、「成就」であった(エレミヤ31:15-17; 6:10-12; 18:21; 38:33; 哀歌1:16; 4:2; エゼキエル9:6; ホセア1:6; アモス1:13; ミカ1:16)。



Today, we are reading from Matthew’s gospel, which was written by a Jewish author to Jewish readers. He proves that Jesus’s life and substitutionary atonement for our sins were the fulfillment of the Old Testament prophecies regarding the long-awaited Anointed One, the everlasting King. Matthew also wrote to make sure that people interested in becoming a disciple of Jesus understand that his sayings must be believed and obeyed. In the first chapter of Matthew’s gospel, he introduces Jesus by detailing his genealogy, to prove that Jesus has the right to inherit the throne of David as King of the Jews. But there’s a problem. In the time that Jesus was born, Jerusalem already had a king and a dominant religion. How could Jesus’s rule as King possibly be successful? In the second chapter, Matthew tells us about King Jesus as a toddler. This morning we will read how God continued to work out his plan of redemption even through King Jesus’s early childhood.

I. The Magi came to Jerusalem to worship the long-expected King, in continued fulfillment of God’s plan (Matthew 2:1-11)

Now after Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod the king, behold, wise men from the east came to Jerusalem, saying, “Where is he who has been born king of the Jews? For we saw his star when it rose and have come to worship him.” When Herod the king heard this, he was troubled, and all Jerusalem with him; and assembling all the chief priests and scribes of the people, he inquired of them where the Christ was to be born. They told him, “In Bethlehem of Judea, for so it is written by the prophet: “ ‘And you, O Bethlehem, in the land of Judah, are by no means least among the rulers of Judah; for from you shall come a ruler who will shepherd my people Israel.’ ” Then Herod summoned the wise men secretly and ascertained from them what time the star had appeared. And he sent them to Bethlehem, saying, “Go and search diligently for the child, and when you have found him, bring me word, that I too may come and worship him.” After listening to the king, they went on their way. And behold, the star that they had seen when it rose went before them until it came to rest over the place where the child was. When they saw the star, they rejoiced exceedingly with great joy. And going into the house, they saw the child with Mary his mother, and they fell down and worshiped him. Then, opening their treasures, they offered him gifts, gold and frankincense and myrrh.

King Herod ruled from 37BC to 4BC, so these events happened at the end of Herod’s rule, between 6BC and 4BC. King Herod called himself the King of the Jews, but he was not a Jewish King. He was Idumean, and had been installed as King by the Roman Empire in 40BC. These events happened around 4BC, so King Herod had been ruling already for 36 years. He had maintained his unpopular kingship by brutality. He had a bodyguard of 2,000 soldiers, and used them to spy on the population, and then assassinated anyone who threatened his power, including his own wives and sons. It was in this fragile political climate when the Babylonian Magi unexpectedly arrived in Jerusalem, supernaturally led by a moving star. The Magi were Zoroastrian priests, government officials from Babylon, a two months journey away. The Magi were very highly respected, and many of the famous ancient Greek philosophers traveled to Babylon to study under the Magi. The Magi and the Jewish religious officials had even formally met on several occasions to exchange religious knowledge, during which the Magi became familiar with Balaam’s prophecy, “A star will come out of Jacob; a scepter will rise out of Israel.” (Numbers 24:17). The Jews understood this prophecy meant a Messiah figure would be born to give salvation to Israel from her political enemies and establish Israel as the dominant nation. The Magi had learned that interpretation. Additionally, astrology was an important part of the Zoroastrian religion. Therefore, when the Magi saw a new star appear and then start to move towards Israel, they followed the moving star hoping that it would lead them to the new King. The star likely an Angel, since angels are commonly referred to as stars in the Bible (Job 38:7; Daniel 8:10; Revelation 1:16, 20; 2:1; 3:1). Elsewhere in the Bible angels had led people to faraway lands, so it is not without precedence (Exodus 14:19; 23:20). When the Magi arrived, they expected to find a boy born King of the Jews, not an illegitimate king such as King Herod. King Herod was understandably disturbed when the Magi of all people showed up and asked him where the legitimate king was, because it threatened to destabilize Herod’s government. All Jerusalem was also disturbed by the question. The Sadducees and Pharisees, the two ruling religious sects, had finally come to a hard-won agreement with King Herod, and a newborn Jewish King would threaten to destabilize the established religion. So, as King Herod had done before, he devised a plan to eliminate this new threat to his kingship. King Herod deceived the Magi to think he wanted to worship the king Jesus as well, but Herod secretly wanted to murder Jesus. One would expect Jerusalem to welcome their rightful King, but that’s not what happened. But in contrast, when the Babylonian Magi were led to Jesus’s house in Bethlehem, they rightly worshiped Jesus, and gave him very expensive gifts of Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh.

The supernatural, threatened government, and foreign elements of this story demonstrate that Jesus was recognized as the rightful King of Israel, the King with all authority in Heaven and on Earth, even though he was just a small boy. When the Magi worshiped Him, it shows what the correct response to King Jesus should be. People from every nation should worship King Jesus, because Jesus is Savior and Lord. As the gospel of Matthew progresses, we find that the salvation that the King Jesus brings is not a deliverance for mere Israel, but a deliverance for people from all nations. King Jesus came to be a blessing to all nations of the world: to Jews, Babylonians, and even Americans, Filipinos, and Japanese. This was expected ever since the book of Genesis, because God had promised to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob that their offspring would bless the nations.

II. An Angel led Jesus to Egypt in continued fulfillment of God’s plan (Matthew 2:12-15)

And being warned in a dream not to return to Herod, they departed to their own country by another way. Now when they had departed, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream and said, “Rise, take the child and his mother, and flee to Egypt, and remain there until I tell you, for Herod is about to search for the child, to destroy him.” And he rose and took the child and his mother by night and departed to Egypt and remained there until the death of Herod. This was to fulfill what the Lord had spoken by the prophet, “Out of Egypt I called my son.”

The Magi were warned in a dream not to return to King. After that, the angel appeared to Joseph in a dream and warned him to flee to Egypt. But that would have been a major problem for Jesus’s family, because as we learned two weeks ago, Jesus’s family was poor. However, the treasures that the Magi gave could be sold and used to pay for this expensive and sudden family relocation to Egypt.

Throughout this entire story, we see that God was carrying out his plan of redemption even though those directly involved didn’t have the means to contribute anything to it. The Magi were pagan priests from a different religion, and yet they were led by God to find Jesus, worship him, and give him treasures. According to God’s sovereign plan, because Caesar decreed a census, Jesus and his parents were required to travel to Bethlehem where Jesus was born, which fulfilled prophecy. Because of the Magi’s treasure and Herod’s treachery Jesus’s family fled to Egypt, according to God’s prophesied plan. They later moved to Nazareth, all because of circumstance after circumstance that seemingly fell into place, and yet it fulfilled prophesies that were more than one thousand four hundred years old. Wicked powerful men sought their own agendas, and yet the means they sought to oppose God’s purposes were turned against them and ended up being used by God to continue God’s plan without any hinderance. God’s continued interventions to carry out his plan of redemption infuriated the religious establishment and led them to continue in their hardhearted rebellion against God (12:22-32) and against Jesus (26:1-2) as the story continues. And yet through unexpected means, God continued to protect Jesus throughout his life and ministry until all was accomplished according to the scriptures. In the gospel of Matthew, God sovereignly directed all circumstances to send Jesus into the world so that Jesus would reveal God to mankind, die as a substitute sacrifice on the cross to exhaust God’s wrath for our sins, and then resurrect from death three days later. And after Jesus’s earthly life and ministry was accomplished, Jesus then sent his disciples into the world to go make disciples of Jesus, baptizing them, and teaching them to obey all his commands. The same God who sovereignly arranged the Magi to come to Jesus and worship Him is the same God who has sovereignly arranged for you to come to Jesus to worship Him as well. And the same God who sovereignly arranged for you to come to Jesus is the same God who continues to sovereignly draw men from every tribe, and tongue, and nation to Jesus. We trust in God’s sovereignty over these things, but we also believe that we have personal responsibility to teach others about Jesus, what he taught, and what his Apostles taught in the New Testament, and to make disciples for his glory. This is a purpose worth living for, sacrificing our plans for, and our dreams for. We want Jesus to receive praise among all the peoples of the world. Let the nations be glad and sing for joy (Psalm 67:4).

III. Herod even murdered to kill Jesus, but it did not hinder God’s plan (Matthew 2:16-18)

Then Herod, when he saw that he had been tricked by the wise men, became furious, and he sent and killed all the male children in Bethlehem and in all that region who were two years old or under, according to the time that he had ascertained from the wise men. Then was fulfilled what was spoken by the prophet Jeremiah: “A voice was heard in Ramah, weeping and loud lamentation, Rachel weeping for her children; she refused to be comforted, because they are no more.”

As expected, King Herod ruthlessly murdered those who threatened his kingship. He learned the age of the child from the Magi when they came to see him, and had all the male children under two years of age murdered in Bethlehem. Based on the population, probably about 12 toddlers in Bethlehem were murdered in the attempt to eliminate King Jesus. The grieving that Bethlehem experienced was a tragic repetition, a “fulfillment” of the grieving that Israel had experienced so many times before, when foreign rulers murdered their children (Jeremiah 31:15-17; 6:10-12; 18:21; 38:33; Lamentations 1:16; 4:2; Ezekiel 9:6; Hosea 1:6; Amos 1:13; Micah 1:16).

The coming of King Jesus ultimately demands that you make a choice. Because Jesus is the rightful King of Israel, and the rightful King of all heaven and of earth, including king over you, you must choose if you will repent and submit to his authority. In this story, you have been shown a very sharp contrast between the Magi and King Herod. God has sovereignly drawn you to King Jesus, and you need to decide whether you will submit to his authority. Will you worship King Jesus like the Magi? Or are you upset that Jesus has authority over you, and will you rebel against him and hate him and try to eliminate the threat to your rule, like King Herod and the religious authorities did? The coming of King Jesus demands that you choose. This is the major decision that Matthew’s Gospel demands of you. From the perspective of Matthew, those who oppose King Jesus are wicked. King Herod’s wicked opposition against King Jesus is the same wicked opposition that ultimately culminated in the crucifixion of Jesus. But even so, the powerful opposition of the wicked cannot thwart the purposes of God. God’s sovereign plan was fulfilled then, as is evidenced by the prophecies that were fulfilled. And his sovereign plan of redemption will continue to be fulfilled now and in the future. Nothing in Jesus’s life and ministry happened by accident, and nothing in our lives is happening by accident. It is all in its proper place, being worked together for God’s glory as it must be, because God is continuing to work out his eternal plan of redemption. Bow the knee to King Jesus today.

Heavenly Father, we thank you for your plan of redemption that continued to be carried out during the youth of King Jesus, even as powerful people sought to oppose his rule. May it not just be historical facts for us, but be an encouragement to us to respond to King Jesus’s first coming by worshiping Him and obeying Him as our rightful King, like the Magi did. When we face the difficulties of this life, help us to live with faith in Him, trusting that by his sovereign rule and reign nothing can thwart your sovereign plan, even when powerful people oppose you or those who identify with you. Thank you for empowering us to tell others about King Jesus, so that many from all nations will repent and have faith in you as their Savior and Lord. Amen.

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