(Matthew 26:17-29; John 13:31-35) The Last Passover and the Institution of the Lord’s Supper

(This sermon was preached in Japanese and English. Scroll down to read it in English.)


1. イエスは、自分が拒絶され十字架につけられるとわかっていても、父に従い、喜ばれたのです。(マタイ26:17-25)

17 さて、 種 なし パン の 祭り の 最初 の 日 に、 弟子 たち が イエス の ところ に 来 て 言っ た。「 過 越 の 食事 を なさる のに、 どこ に 用意 を し ましょ う か。」 18 イエス は 言わ れ た。「 都 に 入り、 これ これ の 人 の ところ に 行っ て 言い なさい。『 わたし の 時 が 近づい た。 あなた の ところ で 弟子 たち と 一緒 に過 越 を 祝い たい、 と 先生 が 言っ て おり ます。』」 19 弟子 たち は イエス が 命じ られ た とおり に し て、 過 越 の 用意 を し た。   20 夕方 に なっ て、 イエス は十 二人 と 一緒 に 食卓 に 着か れ た。 21 皆 が 食事 を し て いる とき、 イエス は 言わ れ た。「 まことに、 あなた がた に 言い ます。 あなた がた の うち の 一人 が わたし を裏切り ます。」 22 弟子 たち は たいへん 悲しん で、 一人ひとり イエス に「 主 よ、 まさか 私 では ない でしょ う」 と 言い 始め た。 23 イエス は 答え られ た。「 わたし と 一緒 に 手 を 鉢 に 浸し た 者 が わたし を 裏切り ます。 24 人 の 子 は、 自分 について 書か れ て いる とおり に 去っ て 行き ます。 しかし、 人 の 子 を 裏切る その 人 は わざ わい です。 そういう 人 は、 生まれ て 来 なけれ ば よかっ た の です。」 25 すると、 イエス を 裏切ろ う と し て い た ユダ が「先生、 まさか 私 では ない でしょ う」 と 言っ た。 イエス は 彼 に「 いや、 そう だ」 と 言わ れ た。

今日の話は、一般的に “最後の晩餐 “と呼ばれています。マタイによる福音書では、物語のクライマックスであるキリストの十字架上の死に近づくと、イエス様は「過越の祭り」と「種なしパン」と呼ばれるユダヤ人の祝祭に参加されます。過越の祭りは、モーセの時代に神が命じられたもので、子羊の血を門柱に塗った家の上を通過させ、イスラエルの民を死から免れたことを記念して毎年祝うものである。一方、パン抜き祭りは、過越の祭りの後に行われ、エジプトでの奴隷状態から神が迅速に解放されたことを祝うものであった。イエスは、祭りを含む旧約の律法をすべて成就し、遵守することを約束された。イエスと弟子たちが祝っているとき、イエスはすべてのことを知り尽くしている神として、弟子たちのうちの一人がイエスを裏切るだろうと告げた。このことは弟子たちを悩ませ、弟子たちは次々とイエスに「自分が裏切るのか」と尋ねるようになった。結局、ユダがイエスに尋ねたところ、イエスは “あなたがそう言ったのです “と答えられた。


イエスの完全な従順は、イエスが、裏切られ殺されることを知りながら、私たちの代 わりに死んでくださった信頼できる正しい救い主であることを証明しています。神の律法に対するイエスの従順は、自分の命といくつかの人間関係を犠牲にし、神の民に対するイエスの大きな愛を明らかにする。クリスチャンである私たちは、イエスが「あなた方の誰かが裏切るだろう」と言うのを聞いています。私たちは謙虚に自分の心を吟味し、本当にキリスト教の信仰を持っているのかどうかを問うべきです。使徒パウロは、第2コリント13:5でもそのように私たちを励ましています。私たちは、自分が信仰を持っているかどうかを見極めるために、ヨハネ第一の手紙にある診断の質問を使うことができます。”私は悔い改め、キリストへの信仰を持ち、キリストのような愛を示し続けているだろうか?” ユダはイエスを拒絶し、罪の意識と悲しみを経験しました。しかし、彼は決して悔い改めず、イエスに回復を求めました。それに対して、ペテロは本当に信仰を持ち、悔い改め、主によって赦され、回復されたのです。キリスト教信仰を持つ者にとって、悔い改めとキリストへの信仰は、罪に対する継続的な反応である。悲しみ、絶望、自傷行為を続けることは、罪に対するクリスチャンの反応ではありません。キリストが死に至るまで律法に従ったのは、神との和解を含む私たちの救いのためであり、悔い改めと信仰を継続するためでもあります。

2. イエスは、ご自分の民の救いのために、受け入れられる犠牲として、ご自分の体と血を捧げられました。(マタイ26:26-30)

26 また、 一同 が 食事 を し て いる とき、 イエス は パン を 取り、 神 を ほめ た たえ て これ を 裂き、 弟子 たち に 与え て 言わ れ た。「 取っ て 食べ なさい。 これ は わたし の からだ です。」 27 また、 杯 を 取り、 感謝 の 祈り を ささげ た 後、 こう 言っ て 彼ら に お 与え に なっ た。「 みな、 この 杯 から 飲み なさい。 28 これ は 多く の 人 の ため に、 罪 の 赦し の ため に 流さ れる、わたし の 契約 の 血 です。 29 わたし は あなた がた に 言い ます。 今 から 後、 わたし の 父 の 御国 で あなた が たと 新しく 飲む その 日 まで、 わたし が ぶどう の 実 から でき た 物 を 飲む こと は 決して あり ませ ん。」 30 そして、 彼ら は 賛美 の 歌 を 歌っ てから オリーブ 山 へ 出かけ た。




III.        イエスは弟子たちに、神の栄光をもたらすキリストのような愛を持つように命じられた。(マタイ26:31-35)

31 その とき、 イエス は 弟子 たち に 言わ れ た。「 あなた がた は みな、 今夜 わたし に つまずき ます。 『わたし は 羊 飼い を 打つ。 すると、 羊 の 群れ は 散らさ れる』 と 書い て ある から です。 32 しかし わたし は、 よみがえっ た 後、 あなた が たより 先 に ガリラヤ へ 行き ます。」 33 すると、 ペ テロ が イエス に 答え た。「 たとえ 皆 が あなた に つまずい ても、 私 は 決して つまずき ませ ん。」 34 イエス は 彼 に 言わ れ た。「 まことに、 あなた に 言い ます。 あなた は 今夜、 鶏 が 鳴く 前 に 三度 わたし を 知ら ない と 言い ます。」 35 ペ テロ は 言っ た。「 たとえ、 あなた と 一緒 に 死な なけれ ば なら ない として も、 あなた を 知ら ない などとは 決して 申し ませ ん。」 弟子 たち は みな 同じ よう に 言っ た。


愛の戒めは、聖書から新しく出てきたものではありません。旧約聖書でも教えられていた。 しかし、キリストは、これまで生きてきたどの人間とも異なる方法で弟子たちを愛されました。旧約聖書の律法が人々に命じた “自分のように隣人を愛しなさい “という方法に従い、成就したのはイエスだけです。キリストの新しい契約において、イエスは、ご自分が完全に愛したように、弟子たちにも愛するように命じ、その命令を今日の私たちに伝えています。イエスは、新約において、私たちがどのように他者を愛するべきかを明確に示しているのです。最後の晩餐に関連して、イエスが愛したように愛しなさいという戒めは、イエスの弟子たちへの直接の大きな愛と全世界に対する一般的な愛を示しています。クリスチャンは、天国やキリストの再臨を待つだけでいいというわけではありません。キリストが弟子たちを愛したように、他の誰も愛せないようなユニークな方法で他者を愛するという戒めが、クリスチャンには残されているのです。




Intro: Many countries have their own unique festivals or holiday celebrations throughout the whole year. In Japan, people go to summer festivals to watch traditional Japanese dancing, watch fireworks, buy some foods at a Yatai to eat while enjoying time with their friends or family. In western countries, Thanksgiving and Christmas are important holidays. Similarly, in the gospel of Matthew it tells the story of an important festival that Jesus participated in. However, the festival is much different than manmade festivals. This festival was commanded by God himself so that God’s goodness towards his Old Covenant people would be remembered by his Old Covenant people every year. By his participation in this festival that God commanded to be observed every year, Jesus continued to perfectly obey and fulfilled the Old Testament, because Jesus is the Messiah King that Israel anticipated.

I. Jesus obeyed and pleased the Father even unto his rejection and death. (Mt 26:17-25)

Reread Verse: Now on the first day of Unleavened Bread the disciples came to Jesus, saying, “Where will you have us prepare for you to eat the Passover?” 18 He said, “Go into the city to a certain man and say to him, ‘The Teacher says, My time is at hand. I will keep the Passover at your house with my disciples.’ ” 19 And the disciples did as Jesus had directed them, and they prepared the Passover. 20 When it was evening, he reclined at table with the twelve. 21 And as they were eating, he said, “Truly, I say to you, one of you will betray me.” 22 And they were very sorrowful and began to say to him one after another, “Is it I, Lord?” 23 He answered, “He who has dipped his hand in the dish with me will betray me. 24 The Son of Man goes as it is written of him, but woe to that man by whom the Son of Man is betrayed! It would have been better for that man if he had not been born.” 25 Judas, who would betray him, answered, “Is it I, Rabbi?” He said to him, “You have said so.”

Contextual meaning: Today’s story is commonly referred to as “the Last Supper.” As the Gospel of Matthew approaches the climax of Christ’s death on the cross, Jesus participated in the Jewish celebrations called Passover and Unleavened Bread. The Passover was commanded by God during the time of Moses, to be celebrated yearly as a commemoration of when God spared the Israelites from death by passing over the houses that had the blood of a lamb smeared on their doorposts. On the other hand, the unleavened bread festival was after the Passover, and was a celebration of God’s speedy liberation from slavery in Egypt. Jesus committed to fulfill and obey all the Old Covenant law, including observing the festivals. While Jesus and His disciples were celebrating, Jesus, in His divine knowledge of all things, told His disciples that one of them would betray Him. This troubled the disciples, leading them to ask Jesus, one after another, if they were the one who would betray Him. Eventually, it was Judas who asked Jesus, and Jesus answered, “You have said so.”

Point to Christ: Rather than giving in to the temptation to disobey God to save His life, Jesus obeyed the law by observing the Passover, even though it would lead to His betrayal and death. In the book of Exodus, God commanded each family to sacrifice a spotless lamb and put its blood on the doorposts of their houses so that they would be spared from the Angel of Yahweh. These events foreshadowed Jesus, the spotless lamb of God, whose blood was shed so that God’s wrath would pass over those who have faith in Him. Jesus’s commitment to obey the law even unto His death on the cross atones for our sins and proves that He is the only one who could die as an atoning sacrifice to turn away the wrath of God from His sinful people. He taught that faith in Him alone is the way to the Father (John 14:6).

NT Doctrinal Application: Jesus’ perfect obedience demonstrates that He is a trustworthy and righteous Savior who died in our stead, despite knowing that He would be betrayed and killed. His obedience to God’s law, which cost Him his life and some relationships, reveals the great love He has for His people. As Christians, when we hear Jesus say that one will betray Him, we should humbly examine our hearts and ask whether we are truly in the faith, as the Apostle Paul exhorts in 2 Corinthians 13:5. We can use the diagnostic questions in 1 John to help us discern whether we are in the faith. “Am I continuing to repent, have faith in Christ, and demonstrate Christ-like love?” Judas rejected Jesus, experienced guilt and sorrow, but never repented or sought restoration with Jesus. In contrast, Peter was truly in the faith, repented, and was forgiven and restored by our Lord. For those who are truly in the Christian faith, repentance and faith in Christ are the continued response to sin, not continued sorrow, despair, and self-harm. Christ’s obedience to the law unto His death was for our salvation, which includes our reconciliation with God, but also our continued repentance and faith.

2. Jesus gave his body and blood as an acceptable sacrifice for the salvation of his people. (Mt 26:26-30)

Reread Verse: 26 Now as they were eating, Jesus took bread, and after blessing it broke it and gave it to the disciples, and said, “Take, eat; this is my body.” 27 And he took a cup, and when he had given thanks he gave it to them, saying, “Drink of it, all of you, 28 for this is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins. 29 I tell you I will not drink again of this fruit of the vine until that day when I drink it new with you in my Father’s kingdom.” 30 And when they had sung a hymn, they went out to the Mount of Olives.

Contextual meaning: Despite Judas’s betrayal, it did not hinder Jesus from fulfilling God’s sovereign plan of salvation. Betrayal was part of God’s ordained plan to atone for the sins of his people. God was fully in control of all events that led to Jesus’s crucifixion, including the institution of the Lord’s Supper during the final Passover. The Lord’s Supper is an ordinance that believers observe to remember Jesus and proclaim his death until he comes again. Jesus redefined the bread and the cup to symbolize his body and blood. It is important to note that the bread and wine do not physically transform into Christ’s body and blood during the Lord’s Supper. The doctrine of transubstantiation taught by the Roman Catholic Church is a false teaching that lacks Scriptural or physical evidence. The correct understanding of the Lord’s Supper is that it serves as a symbolic reminder of what Jesus has done for our salvation.

Point to Christ: The shed blood of Christ not only secured God’s forgiveness of sins for those who have faith in Him, but it also binds us to Christ in a new covenant relationship. Christ’s death was the only way to atone for our sins, just as by the Old Covenant law, the lamb was killed for the sins of the people. Through grace and faith in Christ, we are adopted into God’s family in this New Covenant in his blood. The Lord’s Supper serves as a reminder of Christ’s sacrifice, as well as a means of spiritual nourishment and sustaining our faith. Our imperfect obedience to God’s law makes it impossible to achieve reconciliation with God based on our efforts. Only Christ sacrifice satisfied the wrath of God towards us.

NT Practical Application: Now, if you think that you deserve to partake in the Lord’s Supper because of your works, you must repent! It is not because of your own works that you partake in the Lord’s Supper, but rather, it is because of Christ’s works.

3. Jesus commanded his disciples to have Christ-like love for God’s glory. (Mt 26:31-35)

Reread Verse: 31 When he had gone out, Jesus said, “Now is the Son of Man glorified, and God is glorified in him. 32 If God is glorified in him, God will also glorify him in himself, and glorify him at once. 33 Little children, yet a little while I am with you. You will seek me, and just as I said to the Jews, so now I also say to you, ‘Where I am going you cannot come.’ 34 A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another. 35 By this all people will know that you are my disciples if you have love for one another.”

Contextual meaning: Compared to Matthew, John’s gospel emphasizes Jesus’ deity and ability to give eternal life to believers. John presents Jesus as God the Son, sent by the Father to save those who have faith in Him. After Judas left, Jesus gave his final words to the remaining disciples, revealing the character of God throughout his life and telling them that they cannot follow him. Instead, they must remain and love one another as Jesus loved them, in a God-glorifying way that will identify them as his followers.

Point to Christ: The commandment of love is not something new from the Bible. It was also taught in the Old Testament (Leviticus 19:18). However, Christ loved differently from any man who ever lived. Only Jesus obeyed and fulfilled the ways the Old Testament Law commanded people to “love your neighbor as yourself.” In the new covenant in Christ, He brings forward that command to us today by commanding His disciples to love as He perfectly loved them. Jesus is the clearer way of how we should love others in the new covenant. In connection to the Last Supper, Jesus’ commandment to love as He loved shows His great love directly for His disciples and his general love towards the whole world. Christians are not left to only wait for Heaven or for the second coming of Christ. Christians are left with a commandment to love others in a unique way like no one else can love, like Christ loved his disciples.

NT Practical Application: Today, disciples of Christ continue to be identified by the unique way that they love others. Jesus’ disciples are commanded to love as Christ loved them. The way Jesus loved should be how the world sees us love one another and our enemies. Christ’s obedient love for his disciples uniquely glorified God. Because of his great love for his elect, Christ voluntarily died so that those who have faith in Him would have life eternal and be restored so they could reveal God’s character by their actions. Therefore, when we think about Christ-like love, we should not think about love as the world defines love. We must love like Christ, which is a love that uniquely gives glory to God. Loving like Christ does not mean that we merely have a community of friends who will listen and support one another. Someone who practices Christ-like love uniquely gives glory to God by bringing sin into the light, using the Bible to rebuke the unrepentant and call people to continue to repent and have faith in Christ. When we love someone like Christ loved, we should not give glory to ourselves but remind them it is how Christ loved. He is the giver of the great commandment, and he called us to repent and have faith in Him, to change our sinful thinking and instead love like he loved.

Summary: The last Passover of Jesus with his disciples teaches us about the sacrificial obedient love of Christ, the spotless lamb of God who is the only acceptable atoning sacrifice to satisfy God’s wrath against sinners. Jesus delighted in obeying the Old Testament Law, which no one obeyed ever since our first ancestor Adam. The obedience of Christ reminds us that our obedience is corrupted by our sin, but Christ has truly and fully obeyed the Law even until the last moments of his life. The Lord’s Supper reminds us that we needed Christ, we needed his atoning death so that we could have life with God. Jesus redefined the components of the Passover, replacing the sacrificial lamb with himself as the spotless lamb who was slain for the sins of the world. Through repentance and faith in him, we are spared from the wrath of God. In his love for us, he gave his body and blood for us and our salvation, and his love for his disciples glorified God. As part of the community of the new covenant in his blood, we are commanded to love others as he loved his disciples until we see him face to face in glory. The sacrifice of Christ was not meant for us to passively wait for death but to actively glorify God by obeying his commandments through his grace and by faith.

Closing Prayer: Lord, we give thanks to You for Your mercy and grace that we do not deserve. We are grateful that Christ lived a perfect life that we can never achieve and then died the death we all deserve. Although we face suffering and temptation every day, we are thankful that we are not alone. Christ, who has a great love for his elect, commands us to love like He loved his disciples. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, help us to love like Christ and be transformed to be more like Christ. Empower us to rejoice in knowing the grace we have in Christ and to proclaim the gospel wherever we are.

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