Daniel 1:8-21 Faithfulness in Babylon: Navigating Culture with Holiness and Wisdom


先週、私たちはエレミヤ書の物語を読んだ。ユダがバビロンに追放された時のことを読んだ。今朝はダニエル書から読み始めます。ダニエル書の前半は物語風に書かれており、ネブカデネザル、ベルシャザル、ダリオスの王権の下、バビロン、そしてペルシャの国々でのダニエルの人生が語られています。後半はユダヤの黙示録的なスタイルで書かれており、バビロンからローマ帝国までの時代を正確に予言している。ダニエル書の黙示録的な部分は、この時代の終わりまで続く善と悪の勢力間の一般的な闘争も予言している。今朝私たちが見るダニエル書の部分は、その問いに答えている: 聖書の宗教に敵対する社会に生きながら、神に従う者はどのようにして神への忠誠を保つことができるのか?

1. 神の契約の民は、自分たちが聖なる民として召されていることを認識していた(ダニエル1:8-16

8 ダニエル は、 王 が 食べる ごちそう や 王 が 飲む ぶどう酒 で 身 を 汚す まい と 心 に 定め た。 そして、 身 を 汚さ ない よう にさ せ て くれ、 と 宦官 の 長 に 願う こと に し た。 9 神 は、 ダニエル が 宦官 の 長 の 前 に 恵み と あわれみ を 受け られる よう にさ れ た。 10 宦官 の 長 は ダニエル に 言っ た。「 私 は、 あなた がた の 食べ物 と 飲み物 を 定め た 王 を 恐れ て いる。 あなた がた の 顔色 が 同年輩 の 少年 たち よりも すぐれ ない のを、 王 が ご覧 に なる のは よい こと だろ う か。 あなた がた の せい で、 私 は 王 に 首 を 差し出さ なけれ ば なら なく なる。」 11 そこで ダニエル は、 宦官 の 長 が ダニエル、 ハナンヤ、 ミシャエル、 アザルヤ の ため に 任命 し た 世話役 に 言っ た。 12 「どう か 十 日間、 しも べ たち を 試し て ください。 私 たち に 野菜 を 与え て 食べ させ、 水 を 与え て 飲ま せ て ください。 13 その よう に し て、 私 たち の 顔色 と、 王 が 食べる ごちそう を 食べ て いる 少年 たち の 顔色 を 見比べ て、 あなた の 見る ところ に したがっ て、 この しも べ たち を 扱っ て ください。」 14 世話役 は 彼ら の この 申し出 を 聞き入れ、 十 日間、 彼ら を 試し た。 15 十日 が 終わる と、 彼ら は、 王 が 食べる ごちそう を 食べ て いる どの 少年 よりも 顔色 が 良く、 からだ つき も 良かっ た。 16 そこで 世話役 は、 彼ら が 食べる はず だっ た ごちそう と 飲む はず だっ た ぶどう酒 を 取り下げ、 彼ら に 野菜 を 与える こと に し た。




2. 神の契約の民はバビロンで学んだが、神の知識が優れていることが証明された(ダニエル1:17-21

17 神 は この 四人 の 少年 に、 知識 と、 あらゆる 文学 を 理解 する 力 と、 知恵 を 授け られ た。 ダニエル は、 すべて の 幻 と 夢 を 解く こと が でき た。 18 少年 たち を 召し 入れる ため に 王 が 命じ て おい た 日数 が 終わっ た ので、 宦官 の 長 は 彼ら を ネブカドネツァル の 前 に 連れ て 行っ た。 19 王 が 彼ら と 話し て みる と、 すべて の 者 の 中 で だれ も ダニエル、 ハナンヤ、 ミシャエル、 アザルヤ に 並ぶ 者 は い なかっ た。 そこで 四人 は 王 に 仕える こと に なっ た。 20 王 は、 知恵 と 悟り に 関わる 事柄 を 彼ら に 尋ね た が、 彼ら が その すべて において、 国中 の どんな 呪法 師、 呪文 師 よりも 十 倍 も まさっ て いる こと が 明らか に なっ た。 21 ダニエル は キュロス 王 の 元年 まで そこ に い た。


人類の歴史の大半において、文化的な反対にもかかわらず、忠実であろうとし、神の命令に従おうとした人々は、喪失、孤独、絶望、時には殉教の危険を冒してきた。神は、神を敬おうと努力する者に常に安全と保護を与えてくださるわけではない。しかし、時に神は安全と保護を与えてくださる。貧しさのような一見失ったように見える状況でも、富のような一見得たように見える状況でも、信仰によって、神の主権的御手がご自身の民の益のために働かれ、神に栄光をもたらすのを見ることができる。 神の民は常に、人ではなく神に従うように召されてきた。そして神は、ご自分の目的に従って召された人々の益のため、ご自分の栄光のために、ご自分に敵対する人々を振り回し、敵に思いもよらない態度を鼓舞する自由を常に保ってこられた。しかし、短期的には多くの苦しみがあっても、長期的には良い結果がもたらされることもある。イスラエルの民がカナンに到達する前、荒野で定期的な糧を奪われたのは、人はパンだけで生きるのではなく、神の語る言葉によって生きるのだということを示すためだった。ダニエルも同じような試練を受けた。王の恵みや汚れた命令に依存するのではなく、神の命令に従うことの優越性を示すために、10日間通常の食事を奪われたのだ。王の宮廷で仕えるために、彼は自国の滅亡に苦しみ、新しい言語を学び、バビロンの文学と知恵と宗教を学ばなければならなかった。それなのに、彼らが王の学校で教わるように命じられたバビロンの知識と比べても、神が与えた知識が優れていることが王に証明された。ダニエルと若者たちが与えた助言は、国の最高の助言者が与えることができる助言をはるかに超えていた。



Last week, we read the story from the book of Jeremiah of when Judah was taken exile to Babylon. This morning we will begin to read from the book of Daniel. The first half of the book of Daniel is written in narrative style and tells the story of Daniel’s life in the nations of Babylon and then Persia under the kingships of Nebuchadnezzar, Belshazzar, and Darius. The second half of the book is written in Jewish Apocalyptic style and accurately foretold the eras between the Babylon up until the Roman Empire. The Apocalyptic portions of Daniel also foretell the general struggle between forces of good and evil which will continue until the end of this era. The portion of the book we will look at this morning answers the question: How can followers of God maintain their loyalty to God while living in a society that is hostile to biblical religion?

1. God’s covenant people recognized they were called to be a holy people (Daniel 1:8-16)

8 But Daniel resolved that he would not defile himself with the king’s food, or with the wine that he drank. Therefore he asked the chief of the eunuchs to allow him not to defile himself. 9 And God gave Daniel favor and compassion in the sight of the chief of the eunuchs, 10 and the chief of the eunuchs said to Daniel, “I fear my lord the king, who assigned your food and your drink; for why should he see that you were in worse condition than the youths who are of your own age? So you would endanger my head with the king.” 11 Then Daniel said to the steward whom the chief of the eunuchs had assigned over Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah, 12 “Test your servants for ten days; let us be given vegetables to eat and water to drink. 13 Then let our appearance and the appearance of the youths who eat the king’s food be observed by you, and deal with your servants according to what you see.” 14 So he listened to them in this matter, and tested them for ten days. 15 At the end of ten days it was seen that they were better in appearance and fatter in flesh than all the youths who ate the king’s food. 16 So the steward took away their food and the wine they were to drink, and gave them vegetables.

When Daniel was taken as a captive to Babylon, he encountered a new culture and way of living than what he was accustomed to in Israel. In Israel, the nation was generally aware of the Old Covenant law and some parts of their culture had been informed by it. But Babylon was a pagan nation, and the culture was not informed by the Old Covenant law. In Babylon, the Israelites were strongly tempted to conform to Babylonian culture, including seemingly unimportant differences such as dietary customs, which were opposed to the Old Covenant Law. When people prepared to serve in the king’s court, they were fed from the king’s table. This was the king’s method of manipulating people into serving him by making them dependent on the King’s incredible favor of eating the best food and wine in the nation. However, the temptation to conform to seemingly unimportant differences in culture by eating the king’s food and drinking his wine was ultimately a temptation that challenged loyalty to God and God’s law. Rather, God’s covenant people should obey God’s commands no matter what culture or society they live in, and trust that God will provide what they require no matter the risk, even if the king himself tries to force dependence upon him. Because Daniel’s loyalty to God was challenged, he and his three young friends bravely asked to be tested to see if their faithfulness to God’s law would yield a blessing to the king’s court. Keep in mind that Nebuchadnezzar II was the most powerful king in the world at the time. And yet Daniel asked the king’s eunuch not to religiously defile him with the king’s food.

For God’s covenant people, total assimilation into culture and societal norms was forbidden by the old covenant law, even if the culture was a strong culture known for destroying the people and religious cultures they conquered. The old covenant people were commanded to remain holy and distinct. Under the old covenant, one of the ways that the old covenant people of God were to maintain their distinction as a holy nation was to avoid food that was identified by the old covenant law as religiously unclean, and to avoid foods that were part of a false religion’s feast (Numbers 25). In the case of Daniel, he accepted his involvement in the world, his responsibility to help the nation, his responsibility to help the king, and yet he recognized that he had to maintain a holy distinction by resisting the king’s demands and societal norms when they opposed God’s law. Because God was gracious to Daniel, after eating only vegetables and water for ten days, Daniel and his three friends were fatter than the others, which was more suitable for service in the king’s court.

The story of Daniel serves to challenge our unfaithfulness and need of a Savior in Jesus. For which of us ever stood up to the king himself and obeyed God’s law instead? Thankfully, that is exactly what Jesus did when he was falsely accused and brought before the roman prefect, the king, falsely tried by the religious authorities, and before the crowds. He obeyed God’s law even when pressured by the crowds and the kings, even unto his death on the cross to atone for our sins. For those that have faith in Jesus, we have our disobedience of God’s law forgiven and Jesus’s righteousness imputed to us. We have been made holy by the finished work of Jesus. And yet, even though we are holy, we are commanded to be holy as God is holy. Holiness means that we have been distinctly set apart for God’s glory. We have been commanded by Jesus and the Apostles to maintain holy distinctness no matter what culture or society we live in. However, under the new covenant in Christ’s blood, he has declared all foods to be clean because the gospel is now to be declared to both Jews and Gentiles. For example, pork is now a religiously clean food, and pork eaters who have faith in Jesus are declared to be religiously clean people because of their unity with Jesus. Pork does not make us religiously defiled by eating it. Yet, the New Testament does give us several commands regarding dietary restrictions in the new covenant. We have been recommended by the Jerusalem Council not to eat meat with blood still inside of it, for the sake of the Jews that live nearby to us (Acts 15). That does not mean that we cannot eat medium-rare meat. Instead, the blood must be removed, which thankfully is already done to meat in our modern age. We are commanded by Jesus to not eat food that has been sacrificed to idols (Revelation 2:4, 20). Furthermore, the Apostle Paul commands us to avoid idolatry or anything that looks like idolatry. If another Christians perceives something as idolatry because of their conscience, we are forbidden from flaunting our freedoms to mislead that fellow Christian (Romans 14). That is how the dietary laws have come to us through Christ. Like Daniel and more importantly like Jesus, there will be times when we will have to resist the cultural norms and societal norms that we live among and obey the commands of Jesus instead.

2. God’s covenant people learned in Babylon, but God’s knowledge proved superior (Daniel 1:17-21)

17 As for these four youths, God gave them learning and skill in all literature and wisdom, and Daniel had understanding in all visions and dreams. 18 At the end of the time, when the king had commanded that they should be brought in, the chief of the eunuchs brought them in before Nebuchadnezzar. 19 And the king spoke with them, and among all of them none was found like Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah. Therefore they stood before the king. 20 And in every matter of wisdom and understanding about which the king inquired of them, he found them ten times better than all the magicians and enchanters that were in all his kingdom. 21 And Daniel was there until the first year of King Cyrus.

Daniel and his three friends were in Babylon, but despite being in a different country, they also experienced God’s grace there. That is because God is always present everywhere. God gave them exactly what they needed to glorify Him. It is a very strange thing that the King’s eunuch accommodated Daniel’s religious requests. It is a very strange thing that they got fatter when fasting on vegetables and water for ten days. It is a strange thing that despite having to learn the Akkadian and Aramaic languages from scratch, they had better knowledge of literature and wisdom than the native members of the king’s court. When the King of Babylon, King Nebuchadnezzar, evaluated the four Hebrew boys who had been loyal to God instead of being loyal to the king by disobeying God’s law, he found that they were superior to any of the others that were serving him. God also granted them knowledge and insight that was superior to those around them, even superior to the world-famous magi. At first, it seemed that King Nebuchadnezzar was the one giving everything to these needy Hebrews living in exile, but it turns out that the God of these four Hebrew young men was really the one with the power to give, even in a way that surprised the king. God’s faithfulness to give his people what they need in any given time to fulfill his covenant promises gives us a great hope to act faithfully even when circumstances seem hard.

For most of human history, those who tried to be faithful and obey God’s commands despite cultural opposition have risked loss, loneliness, despair, and sometimes martyrdom. God does not always grant safety and protection to those that strive to honor him. Yet, sometimes he does grant safety and protection. In both situations where there is seeming loss such as poverty or seeming gain such as wealth, by faith we can see the sovereign hand of God at work for the good of his own people, and to bring glory to God God’s people have always been called to obey God rather than man. And God has always maintained the freedom to wield people who oppose him and even inspire quite unexpected attitudes in his enemies for the good of those who are called according to his purpose and for his own glory. Sometimes, however, the good outcome is the long-term result, when in the short-term there is much suffering. Before the Israelites reached Canaan, they were deprived of regular provision in the wilderness to show them that people do not live on bread alone but by the word that God speaks. Daniel submitted to a similar test in that he deprived himself of normal food for ten days to show the superiority of obeying God’s commands rather than being dependent upon the King’s grace and defiling commands. He had to suffer the destruction of his own country, learn a new language, and learn Babylon’s literature and wisdom and religion to serve in the King’s court. And yet even in comparison with the Babylonian knowledge they were commanded to be taught in the King’s school, the knowledge that God gave was proven to the king to be superior. The counsel that Daniel and the young men gave far exceeded the counsel that the best national counselors could give.

Daniel and his three friends were public recipients of God’s providence and grace as they sought to be faithful to him rather than to the king. They were forced to leave the comforts of their own country to show God’s glory to kings and nations in a faraway land. Six hundred years later, a much greater person by the name of Jesus came to earth, a land which was foreign to him, to learn the language and grow in the knowledge of men, and publicly show us the glory of God. Like Daniel and his friends, he remained holy and distinct and was not defiled (2 Cor 5:21; Hebrews 4:15; 1 Peter 2:21-25). He found favor with God and man. And even when he was young, the religious teachers in the temple were amazed at his understanding and his answers (Luke 2:47). And Jesus did not merely have superior knowledge and wisdom, he himself was the very wisdom and knowledge of God to humanity (1 Corinthians 1:30; Colossians 2:3). Jesus refused to compromise even when he was tempted by Satan himself with food after fasting for forty days in the wilderness. And yet there is an ironic contrast in the life of Jesus. Daniel glorified God in a small way and was brought into the King’s presence. And in contrast, Jesus glorified God to the fullest measure before the King and was sent outside the city to be nailed to a cross. And yet by Jesus’s death, he has atoned for our sin, and brings any who trust in his finished work for salvation into the sacred presence of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords for all eternity. Because of the finished work of Jesus, be strong and take courage Christian, in however God calls you to be holy, in whatever land in which you live. He is with you, and is wielding all circumstances for your good and his glory.

Heavenly Father, thank you for your grace to Daniel and his friends. Because of the finished work of Jesus, his death, and his resurrection, we ask for power and grace to obey his commands. Jesus has commanded us to be holy like you are holy. Therefore, help us to live in obedience to his commands, which is the holiness that you require of us. As we pursue knowledge and wisdom in this world, help us to most of all pursue the person of Jesus Christ, who is the wisdom and knowledge of you. Strengthen us to be faithful, to resist cultural demands that oppose your commands. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.

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