1. 新しい世代のイスラエル人はヤハウェを捨て、偶像を拝んだ (士師記2:8-13)
第2章は、ヨシュア記から士師記へと読者を移行させる序章の続きです。この章では、”士師記の繰り返し “と呼ばれる文学的な枠組みが紹介されています。まず、イスラエルの民が神の目に悪とされる行いをします。そして、神はイスラエルが偶像崇拝の国から圧迫されるのを許される。そして、民は神に叫び祈る。そして、神様は戦士である支配者を送って、イスラエルの民を解放します。このサイクルが6回繰り返される。人々は祈るが、決して悔い改めることはない。それどころか、彼らの道徳的な腐敗と背教は世代を重ねるごとにひどくなるばかりです。この本を読む前に、私たちは士師記がリアリズムの書であることを理解する必要があります。この物語は罪を見過ごすことなく、直接的に取り上げています。暴力、性的虐待、偶像崇拝、権力の乱用など、衝撃的な内容が書かれています。罪深い人間の最悪の部分を見ることになりますが、同時に神と人間について何か重要なことを教えられるので、覚悟しておいてください。この古代の本は、多くの神々を持ち、キリスト教の側面と他の宗教の側面を混ぜることは良いことであるという日本文化の美徳を否定するものです。本書は、聖書の宗教と人工的な宗教を混ぜることは理想ではなく、社会の中で道徳的な腐敗と抑圧を徐々に悪化させることにつながると教えている。その結果生じる罪は、神に対する恐ろしい反逆として、また人に対する犯罪として軽蔑されるべきものです。また、この物語を読むときに注意したいのは、神が育てた武将をあたかも物語の主人公のように理想化しないことである。神によって育てられた戦士の支配者たちも、それなりに神に反抗していたのである。2章では、神はご自分が契約の約束を忠実に守る方であることを民に思い出させました。神は、彼らが契約の掟に従うならば、カナンの地を約束されました。一方、神は、もし彼らがその契約の律法に従わないなら、カナンの地から滅ぼされ、追放されることを約束されました。民は神からの契約の律法に従わなかった。神は、偶像を崇拝する国々を強制的にカナンから追い出さなければならないと言われました(申命記4:15-31; 7)。そのため、イスラエル人が偶像崇拝の継続を許したので、神は偶像崇拝の国々をイスラエル人のための罠としてカナンに残されたのです。神はヤハウェの天使を通して、イスラエルの民を叱責し、もはや敵を倒すための神からの超自然的な力をそれぞれが持つことはないと告げられました。彼らは喪に服し、ヤハウェに犠牲を捧げて仕えたが、その世代にはもはや敵を打ち負かす力は神から与えられなかった。神の旧約の民は、聖書の神がその憐れみと恵みで人類の歴史に介入し、神のみへの独占的な礼拝に立ち戻らせることを切実に必要としていたのであろう。ヨシュアと次の世代の長老たちが死に絶えた時、新しい邪悪な世代が生まれました。新しい邪悪な世代はヤハウェに仕えず、カナンの民が崇拝していた様々な神々であるバアルとアシュタロテに仕えていた。これらの神々は、豊作、豊穣、快楽、好天をもたらすとされていた。
2. ヤハウェは、不従順な世代に破滅をもたらすという約束に忠実でした(士師記2:14-15)。
3. ヤハウェは介入し、戦士の指導者を送って民を苦境から救いましたが、彼らの偶像崇拝はますますひどくなりました(士師記2:16-19)。
Intro: The book of Judges is not a book about judges, at least not in the western meaning of the word. The book is not a book about legislature, but about warrior rulers that God sent to the people of Israel who had rebelled against God. God sent them the warrior rulers to deliver Israel from their enemies. The text explicitly says several times that it was Yahweh, God himself, that raised up the warrior rulers to deliver the Israelites from its enemies. The warrior rulers did not deliver Israel in their own strength, but in the power of the Spirit of God. The entire book reveals that God’s people need a greater warrior ruler to permanent liberate us from our enemies, an undefeated hero who will never die and leave God’s people to fall back into idolatry. Christ is the true hero that God’s people need, and we are commanded to teach the next generation about Him.
1. The new generation of Israelites forsook Yahweh and worshipped idols (Judges 2:8-13)
Reread Verse: 8 And Joshua the son of Nun, the servant of the Lord, died at the age of 110 years. 9 And they buried him within the boundaries of his inheritance in Timnath-heres, in the hill country of Ephraim, north of the mountain of Gaash. 10 And all that generation also were gathered to their fathers. And there arose another generation after them who did not know the Lord or the work that he had done for Israel. 11 And the people of Israel did what was evil in the sight of the Lord and served the Baals. 12 And they abandoned the Lord, the God of their fathers, who had brought them out of the land of Egypt. They went after other gods, from among the gods of the peoples who were around them, and bowed down to them. And they provoked the Lord to anger. 13 They abandoned the Lord and served the Baals and the Ashtaroth.
Contextual meaning: Chapter 2 continues the introduction which transitions the reader from the book of Joshua to the book of Judges. It introduces a literary framework called “the judges cycle.” First, the Israelites do what is evil in the sight of God. Then God allows Israel to be oppressed by an idol-worshiping nation. Then the people cry out to God in prayer. And then God sends a warrior ruler to deliver the Israelites. Then the cycle repeats itself six times throughout the book. The people pray, but they never repent. Instead, their moral corruption and apostasy just gets worse with every successive generation. Before we read the book, we need to realize that the book of judges is a book of realism. The story does not overlook sin but addresses it directly. There are shocking details of violence, sexual abuse, idolatry, and abuse of power. Brace yourselves, because you will see the worst of sinful humanity, but also you will be taught something significant about God and humanity. This ancient book disproves the virtue of Japanese culture that it is good to have many gods and to mix aspects of Christianity with aspects of other religions. This book teaches that mixing biblical religion with manmade religions is not the ideal, but leads to progressively worsening moral corruption and oppression within society. The sins that result should be despised as horrible rebellions against God and as crimes against people. Also, as you read the story, be careful not to idealize the warrior rulers as if they are the heroes of the story. Even the warrior rulers raised up by God rebelled against God in their own ways. In chapter 2, God reminded his people that he was faithful to keep his covenant promises. God promised them the land of Canaan if they obeyed his covenant laws. God promised them destruction and exile from the land of Canaan if they disobeyed his covenant laws. The people disobeyed the covenant laws from God that said they must force the idol worshipping nations out of Canaan (Deuteronomy 4:15-31; 7). Therefore, God left the idol worshiping nations in Canaan as traps for the Israelites because the Israelites permitted their continued idolatry. Through the Angel of Yahweh, God rebuked the Israelites and told them they would no longer each have the supernatural power from God to defeat their enemies. They responded by mourning and making sacrifices to Yahweh and serving Him, but that generation was no longer given the power from God to defeat their enemies. God’s old covenant people would be in desperate need of the God of the Bible to intervene in human history with his mercy and grace and bring them back to the exclusive worship of Him alone. When Joshua and the elders of the next generation died off, a new wicked generation was born. The new wicked generation did not serve Yahweh, but served the Ba’als and the Ashtaroth, which were various gods and goddesses worshipped by the peoples of Canaan that supposedly could bring good crops, fertility, pleasure, and good weather.
2. Yahweh was faithful to his promise to bring destruction upon the disobedient generation (Judges 2:14-15)
Reread Verse: 14 So the anger of the Lord was kindled against Israel, and he gave them over to plunderers, who plundered them. And he sold them into the hand of their surrounding enemies, so that they could no longer withstand their enemies. 15 Whenever they marched out, the hand of the Lord was against them for harm, as the Lord had warned, and as the Lord had sworn to them. And they were in terrible distress.
Contextual meaning: This continues to introduce the judges cycle. Because of their idolatry, Yahweh was angry with the Israelites. The term for Yahweh’s anger is a covenant term meaning that his nostrils burned with anger. It is a special term that was used for a ruler of a nation who has rage against a less powerful nation that disobeyed him. However, when Yahweh was angry he did not become chaotic or unjust. When Israel was unfaithful to God who had condescended to give Israel a covenant, he rightly became infuriated with them because of his covenant love. Within the bounds of a covenant, God had the legal right to impose even the most severe penalty upon Israel for breaking his covenant when they bowed to or prayed to other deities. They were legally required to remain faithful to Yahweh or suffer the consequences. They were given the necessary means to remain faithful to Yahweh, and to teach the next generation about Him. However, they failed to teach the next generation. Yahweh empowered Israel’s enemies to bring disaster upon Israel because they had forsaken the exclusive worship of Yahweh. When people rebel against what they know about God, God gives them over to worship other things. In other words, instead of being his nation of holy priests ruling creation by obeying God’s commands and forcing out the idols and nations, what they were meant to rule and reign started to rule and reign over them. Instead of forcing out the idolatrous nations, God gave them over to be plundered by the idolatrous nations.
3. Yahweh intervened and sent warrior leaders to save the people from their distress, but their idolatry got worse and worse (Judges 2:16-19)
Reread Verse: 16 Then the Lord raised up judges, who saved them out of the hand of those who plundered them. 17 Yet they did not listen to their judges, for they whored after other gods and bowed down to them. They soon turned aside from the way in which their fathers had walked, who had obeyed the commandments of the Lord, and they did not do so. 18 Whenever the Lord raised up judges for them, the Lord was with the judge, and he saved them from the hand of their enemies all the days of the judge. For the Lord was moved to pity by their groaning because of those who afflicted and oppressed them. 19 But whenever the judge died, they turned back and were more corrupt than their fathers, going after other gods, serving them and bowing down to them. They did not drop any of their practices or their stubborn ways.
Contextual meaning: God sent six successive warrior leaders, called “judges” in English, to liberate the people from the consequences of their sins. However, after each warrior leader died, the people became worse and worse in their idolatrous practices and disobedience to God’s covenant law. God commanded obedience, but the people wanted to follow the cultural practices of idolatry instead. As a result, the people were turned over to the nations to be raped, murdered, and experience civil war.
Biblical Support: Centuries later, under the direction of Israel’s king, a man named Asaph was directed to write Psalm 78. In that song, Asaph expressed a longing that Israel would teach their children the stories about what God had done in the past. The psalmist sang that God had commanded Israel to teach their children about God so that they and future generations might not forget the works of God, but instead keep his commandments, so that they would not be like the wicked generation who was not faithful to God.
Point to Christ: When Jesus finally came, he revealed God and God’s works to his wicked generation faithfully. He was the perfect image of God made known to man. He was the light in the darkness. He was full of grace and truth. He was God the Son and yet he was fully human. He came not so that we would merely know a way to God, but so that we would know God himself. He worked miracle after miracle, and gave teaching after teaching, so that we would know God the Father, which is life eternal. Today Jesus continues to call out through the Bible for God’s covenant people from every tribe, language and nation to repent and to have faith in Him, and he draws them to himself through his being raised on the cross to die as an atonement for their sin, so that they will be raised on the last day. Making God known through teaching people about Jesus is one of the great joys that we have as Christians. God works through us to make disciples of Christ of people that He is taking from this wicked generation, uniting them to Christ by grace through faith in Him, and setting them apart as his nation of holy priests. It is not only our joy, but Christ himself commands it (Matthew 28:18-20), as does the apostle Paul.
NT Practical Application: The Apostle Paul commanded Timothy, a man he had trained as a Christian preacher, to continue to teach what the Apostle Paul had taught, so that the next generation of teachers would teach yet future generations about Jesus. But the Apostle Paul did not limit that teaching to only future teachers. The Apostle Paul taught that fathers are commanded to teach the next generation, to raise our children in the discipline and instruction of the Lord (Ephesians 6:4). In ancient Roman culture, it was the responsibility of the Father to train the next generation for work. But the Apostle Paul taught that raising children is not merely raising them to work, but to know Christ. Discipline of the Lord does not mean physically hurting the child but instead refers to a Christ-like order in which a child must be raised. Instruction of the Lord is the Christ-like way that we raise our children, by raising them with Christ-centered teaching. Parents are the ones that must be orderly and instruct children with words to live in an orderly Christlike way. The ordered way in which Christ lived was according to the Old Testament law, and Christ teaches us today how to live according to the Old Testament law in his teachings in the gospels, and in the Apostles’ teachings in the rest of the New Testament. The apostles do not give free license to Christian parents to use harsh forms of discipline to bring order to their children, such as making unjust demands, nor does it permit Christian parents to break laws by harming their children. Nor do the apostles give us permission to emotionally harm children in raising them. We must not practice arbitrary or unfair punishment, nor constantly nag, nor unduly criticize our children. We are not permitted to humiliate our children by striking them on the face or maligning them before others. Nor may we ignore our children. We must raise the next generation to live orderly lives of repentance and obedient faith in Christ. We must teach our children to live for God’s glory by having faith in Christ and becoming more like Him by obeying Him. If we do not raise our children in the law of the Lord through instructing them about Christ, then apart from God’s intervention in the life of the children through other means, God will turn them over to be mastered by sin and enslaved to the idols of the nations. They will be plundered by the world just as the Israelites were in the book of judges. Like the Israelites, the next generation is at risk of being in terrible distress if they are not taught to repent and be obedient to Christ. Without the intervention of someone preaching the gospel to this wicked generation, they are naturally given over to shameful lusts, a reprobate mind, filled with every iniquity, wickedness, fornication, greed, and all other evils (Romans 1:28-29). Even the person who goes to church regularly but functionally abandons God by continuing to commit shameful lusts must be turned over to Satan for the destruction of his flesh, so that he might repent (1 Corinthians 5:5). It is not only people who never identify as Christians whom God turns over to their spiritual enemies to destroy them, but also people who claim to be Christians but refuse to repent of their immorality.