(Luke 24:13-28) The Christ of the Whole Old Testament: Unveiling the Identity of Jesus


1. 弟子たちは、イエスの生涯、死、復活を知り、イエスが預言者であり、イスラエルの贖い主であることを知っていたが、イエスを認めなかった(ルカ24:13-24)。

13 ところで、 ちょうど この 日、 弟子 たち の うち の 二人 が、 エルサレム から 160 六十 スタディオン 余り 離れ た、 エマオ という 村 に 向かっ て い た。 14 彼ら は、 これら の 出来事 すべて について 話し合っ て い た。 15 話し合っ たり 論じ 合っ たり し て いる ところ に、 イエス ご 自身 が 近づい て 来 て、 彼ら とともに 歩き 始め られ た。 16 しかし、 二人 の 目 は さえぎら れ て い て、 イエス で ある こと が 分から なかっ た。 17 イエス は 彼ら に 言わ れ た。「 歩き ながら 語り合っ て いる その 話 は 何 の こと です か。」 する と、 二人 は 暗い 顔 を し て 立ち止まっ た。 18 そして、 その 一人、 クレオパ という 人 が イエス に 答え た。「 エルサレム に 滞在 し て い ながら、 近ごろ そこ で 起こっ た こと を、 あなた だけが ご存じ ない の です か。」 19 イエス が「 どんな こと です か」 と 言わ れる と、 二人 は 答え た。「 ナザレ 人 イエス 様 の こと です。 この 方 は、 神 と 民 全体 の 前 で、 行い にも ことば にも 力 の ある 預言者 でし た。 20 それなのに、 私 たち の 祭司 長 たち や 議員 たち は、 この 方 を 死刑 に する ため に 引き渡し て、 十字架 に つけ て しまい まし た。 21 私 たち は、 この 方 こそ イスラエル を 解放 する 方 だ、 と 望み を かけ て い まし た。 実際、 それ ばかりでは あり ませ ん。 その こと が あっ てから 三日 目 になり ます が、 22 仲間 の 女 たち の 何人 かが、 私 たち を 驚か せ まし た。 彼女 たち は 朝 早く 墓 に 行き まし た が、 23 イエス 様 の からだ が 見当たら ず、 戻っ て 来 まし た。 そして、 自分 たち は 御 使い たち の 幻 を 見 た、 彼ら は イエス 様 が 生き て おら れる と 告げ た、 と 言う の です。 24 それで、 仲間 の 何人 かが 墓 に 行っ て み た の です が、 まさしく 彼女 たち の 言っ た とおり で、 あの 方 は 見当たり ませ ん でし た。」


2. イエスは、旧約聖書が自分について書かれたものだと信じていない弟子たちを叱責した(ルカ24:25-27)。

25 そこで イエス は 彼ら に 言わ れ た。「 ああ、 愚か な 者 たち。 心 が 鈍く て、 預言者 たち の 言っ た こと すべて を 信じ られ ない 者 たち。 26 キリスト は 必ず その よう な 苦しみ を 受け、 それから、 その 栄光 に 入る はず だっ た のでは あり ませ ん か。」 27 それから イエス は、 モー セ や すべて の 預言者 たち から 始め て、 ご 自分 について 聖書 全体 に 書い て ある こと を 彼ら に 説き明かさ れ た。





III.        イエスは、パンを裂くときに弟子たちに認められた(ルカ2428-35)。

28 彼ら は 目的 の 村 の 近く に 来 た が、 イエス は もっと 先 まで 行き そう な 様子 で あっ た。 29 彼ら が、「 一緒 に お 泊まり ください。 そろそろ 夕刻 になり ます し、 日 も すでに 傾い て い ます」 と 言っ て 強く 勧め た ので、 イエス は 彼ら とともに 泊まる ため、 中 に 入ら れ た。 30 そして 彼ら と 食卓 に 着く と、 イエス は パン を 取っ て 神 を ほめ た たえ、 裂い て 彼ら に 渡さ れ た。 31 すると 彼ら の 目 が 開か れ、 イエス だ と 分かっ た が、 その 姿 は 見え なく なっ た。 32 二人 は 話し合っ た。「 道 々 お話し くださる 間、 私 たち に 聖書 を 161 説き明かし て くださる 間、 私 たち の 心 は 162 内 で 燃え て い た では ない か。」 33 二人 は ただちに 立ち上がり、 エルサレム に 戻っ た。 する と、 十一 人 と その 仲間 が 集まっ て、 34 「本当に 主 は よみがえっ て、 シモン に 姿 を 現さ れ た」 と 話し て い た。 35 そこで 二人 も、 道中 で 起こっ た こと や、 パン を 裂か れ た とき に イエス だ と 分かっ た 次第 を 話し た。

c. 今日も、食事を共にすることは生活の重要な一部であり、特にクリスチャン生活の重要な一部である。食事の時間は、食べ物だけでなく、時間を共にする大切な時間です。これは、イエスの存在がはっきりと伝わる方法の一つです。この食事の時間におけるキリストの存在というテーマは、物語の後半で再び繰り返され、また新約聖書の後半では、私たちの間にイエスが神聖な存在であることを確認する「主の晩餐」でも繰り返されています。私たちが主の晩餐を共に取るとき、それは肉体的でありながら霊的な性質を持つ食事である。食事は、私たちの罪を贖うためにイエスの体が犠牲になったことの記念と宣言であり、私たちがイエスと共にいて、イエスが与えてくださった救いを祝って食事を共にすることになる再臨(黙示録19:9)を予見しているからである。



Intro: The gospel of Luke tells the good news story of the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. It has much in common with the gospels of Matthew and Mark, but also has some important differences. Mark was written from the perspective of a storyteller, Matthew was written from the perspective of an Old Testament scholar, and Luke was written from the perspective of an investigative reporter. Luke was a medical doctor, and paid close attention to getting the facts straight. He wrote for the benefit of people who were not Jewish, but were somewhat familiar with Judaism, and needed to know the story of Jesus, who was both human and deity, and how he taught and performed miracles with authority, and died for sinners, and rose from the dead. In this morning’s story, Jesus had already risen from the dead. Two of Jesus’s disciples were walking to a village named Emmaus and Jesus began to walk alongside them, and taught them something very important that would have a great impact on the rest of human history.

1. The disciples knew of the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus, that he was a prophet and the redeemer of Israel, but they did not recognize Him (Luke 24:13-24).

Reread Verse: That very day two of them were going to a village named Emmaus, about seven miles from Jerusalem, and they were talking with each other about all these things that had happened. While they were talking and discussing together, Jesus himself drew near and went with them. But their eyes were kept from recognizing him. And he said to them, “What is this conversation that you are holding with each other as you walk?” And they stood still, looking sad. Then one of them, named Cleopas, answered him, “Are you the only visitor to Jerusalem who does not know the things that have happened there in these days?” And he said to them, “What things?” And they said to him, “Concerning Jesus of Nazareth, a man who was a prophet mighty in deed and word before God and all the people, and how our chief priests and rulers delivered him up to be condemned to death, and crucified him. But we had hoped that he was the one to redeem Israel. Yes, and besides all this, it is now the third day since these things happened. Moreover, some women of our company amazed us. They were at the tomb early in the morning, and when they did not find his body, they came back saying that they had even seen a vision of angels, who said that he was alive. Some of those who were with us went to the tomb and found it just as the women had said, but him they did not see.”

Contextual meaning: Still on the day of Jesus’s resurrection, two of the disciples left Jerusalem and traveled to Emmaus, a little more than a 11km walk away. The two disciples were talking about the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus as they walked along. Jesus came and walked along with them, but they did not recognize him. Jesus asked them what they were talking about, and with sadness, confusion, and uncertainty, they explained what had happened to Jesus. They rightly explained that Jesus was a prophet, that he had taught with authority, that he had done miracles, and that he was condemned to die, and was crucified. They expressed hope that Jesus was even the redeemer of Israel, and that they had heard he had resurrected from the dead. These things were all true and were all Old Testament hopes that were fulfilled by Jesus. However, knowledge of those things were yet an inadequate knowledge of who Jesus was to see Jesus rightly. They needed Jesus to give them spiritual sight. From Luke’s perspective, they could not see Jesus for who He really was because of the blinding effect of Satan (Luke 9:45; 18:34). This was a continual problem that even the disciples of Jesus that were closest to Him suffered from during his earthly ministry. However, by divine intervention, Jesus was going to break through their blindness using a two-pointed approach.

2. Jesus rebuked his disciples for failure to believe the Old Testament was written about Him (Luke 24:25-27).

Reread Verse: And he said to them, “O foolish ones, and slow of heart to believeall that the prophets have spoken! Was it not necessary that the Christ should suffer these things and enter into his glory?” And beginning with Moses and all the Prophets, he interpreted to them in all the Scriptures the things concerning himself.

Contextual meaning: The first thing that Jesus did was rebuke them, and told them they were foolish, there was a problem with their hearts, for they were slow to believe the Old Testament. The whole of the Old Testament pointed forwards to the humiliation and exaltation of Jesus. The Bible is all Christ-centered in nature, beginning with Moses, all the former and letter prophets, and all the Scriptures. Failure to recognize the Christ-centeredness of the entire Bible was evidence of unbelief in the heart. From the Old Testament, the disciples should have known that it was necessary for Jesus to reach his exaltation through sufferings. For Luke’s original readers who were somewhat familiar with the Old Testament, Jesus’s rebuke was not condemnation, but a call for them to believe the Old Testament is about Jesus, and not fall into the same blindness of unbelief that the disciples had.

Biblical Support: The life, death, and resurrection of Jesus as the fulfillment of the Old Testament is what links the Old Testament to the rest of the New Testament. Without that crucial link, there would be no Scriptural basis for the rest of the New Testament, and there would be no logical basis for the mission of the church. Only when the disciples understood the Old Testament significance of him resurrecting from death in the wider story of God’s plan of redemption did the disciples begin to confess that the Lord had risen (34). Jesus did not only fulfill the Messianic prophecies contained in the Old Testament, he fulfilled the whole Old Testament because it pointed to Jesus as the climax of God’s deliverance of his people. Jesus bridged the Old Testament and New Testament because he fulfilled rather than revoked the Old Testament. Furthermore, the whole of the Old Testament Law comes to us through Christ’s Sermon on the Mount, and his Apostles’ teachings. However, there is a difference between the Old Covenant and the New Covenant, because the New Covenant in Jesus’s blood has completed God’s redemptive plan as contained in the Old Testament. In terms of how we understand the Old Testament, we should now read it considering God’s work through Jesus, and those Scriptures in turn explain the significance of Jesus and his mission. That is how the Apostles interpreted the Old Testament in the New Testament, and it is therefore the apostolic way of understanding the Old Testament.

NT Doctrinal Application: Today, there are many people who have heard about the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. They may even esteem Jesus as a prophet or redeemer that fulfilled a few Old Testament verses. They may talk about Jesus with esteem, but also with despair, confusion, and uncertainty. What is it that leads such people to such selective use of Bible verses, leading to mere confusion and despair? It is the blinding effect of Satan.

NT Practical Application: Be wary of those who call themselves Christians but logically disconnect the Old Testament from the New Testament, say that we should get rid of the Old Testament, or that the Old Testament isn’t relevant, or do not understand the whole Old Testament as pointing forward to Jesus. Their understanding of the Bible is shrouded by their unbelief and only results in despair. They desperately need Jesus to intervene in their lives through being taught that the whole Old Testament is about Jesus. Only then will they have the necessary foundation to understand who Jesus really is and what he accomplished: the anticipated salvation of his saints by his exaltation through his humiliation. He obeyed the Old Testament law perfectly even unto his death on the cross to atone for our sins, and rose from the dead and has been exalted to the right hand of the father where he rules and reigns over his already inaugurated kingdom, and will come again to judge the living and the dead. By emphasizing the anticipated story of Jesus Christ throughout the entirety of the Old Testament, it helps us to avoid misunderstanding individual Bible verses by taking them out of context or reading them in isolation from the broader story of the Bible. Understanding the Old Testament stories while considering Christ helps us ensure that our interpretations are consistent with the overarching themes and purposes of God’s redemptive plan in the Bible. Reading the Old Testament Christologically also helps us to see the relevance of the Old Testament for our lives today. By considering how Christ obeyed the Old Testament law and was better than the Old Testament characters who failed because of their sins, our thinking is informed, helping us to obey Christ’s commands as Christ taught them. Furthermore, this method of reading the Old Testament helps to shape our character in ways that honor and glorify God, as we become more like Jesus Christ.

3. Jesus was recognized by his disciples in the breaking of bread (Luke 24:28-35).

Reread Verse: So they drew near to the village to which they were going. He acted as if he were going farther, but they urged him strongly, saying, “Stay with us, for it is toward evening and the day is now far spent.” So he went in to stay with them. When he was at table with them, he took the bread and blessed and broke it and gave it to them. And their eyes were opened, and they recognized him. And he vanished from their sight. They said to each other, “Did not our hearts burn within us while he talked to us on the road, while he opened to us the Scriptures?” And they rose that same hour and returned to Jerusalem. And they found the eleven and those who were with them gathered together, saying, “The Lord has risen indeed, and has appeared to Simon!” Then they told what had happened on the road, and how he was known to them in the breaking of the bread.

Contextual meaning: In the ancient custom, the big meal of the day was in the late afternoon. Sharing that meal with traveling strangers was an important religious virtue as an act of mercy. The two disciples in Emmaus showed hospitality to Jesus in a way that reminds us of how several Old Testament saints offered meals to angelic visitors. However, there is a plot twist in this story. The two disciples offered for Jesus to stay with them, and the expectation was for the two disciples to host the meal. However, surprisingly, at the disciples’ house, Jesus hosts the meal. Jesus himself blessed the bread and broke it with them. It was only by Jesus’s divine intervention in explaining that the Old Testament was about Him, and through his blessing and breaking of bread that the eyes of the disciples were opened to see Jesus for who he is. It was no accident that the eyes of the disciples were opened to who Jesus was after they sat down together for the meal and Jesus blessed and broke the bread.

Historical Understanding: Today, shared meals continue to be an important part of life, and an especially important part of Christian life. The mealtime is important, as we share not only our food but our time together. This is one of the ways Jesus’s presence comes across clearly. This theme of Christ’s presence during the mealtime is repeated again later in the story, and is also repeated later in the New Testament in the Lord’s Supper, which affirms Jesus’s sacred presence among us. When we partake of the Lord’s Supper together, it is a meal that is physical and yet spiritual in nature, as the meal is a memorial and declaration of the sacrificial death of Jesus’s body to atone for our sin, and it anticipates his second coming when we will be with Him and share a meal in celebration of the salvation he has given us (Revelation 19:9).

Doctrinal Application: Without Jesus blessing and breaking bread, three very important normal means of grace among Christians would be missing. We would not have hospitality, nor fellowship meals, nor would we have the Lord’s Supper. It is important for Christians to show hospitality, offering food to the poor or traveling as a means of mercy, for it is true religion to show Christ-like mercy to those in need (James 1:27). Furthermore, it is important for Christians to meet throughout the week to share meals together. The early Christians devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. Sharing meals together was an important way for the early church to build community, to strengthen their relationships with one another, and to experience the sacred presence of Christ together. Lastly, it is also important for the Christian church to regularly take the Lord’s supper together. The Apostle Paul taught that the bread and wine of the Lord’s Supper represent the body and blood of Christ, and that partaking of those elements together until Christ comes again for judgment is the way that Christ taught us to remember and declare the sacrifice of Jesus to atone for our sins. In these meal-oriented ways, Christ’s presence is made known among us and made known to others, which is important for the continued mission of the church as she seeks to make Christ known.

Closing Prayer:Heavenly Father, we thank you for Jesus opening the eyes of your disciples to see who he was in his resurrection. We pray that we too may have our spiritual eyes opened to the truth of the Old Testament and its Christ-centeredness so that we may know Jesus rightly. Help free us from the blindness of unbelief, and to instead believe the entirety of your word. Please give us discernment to recognize false teachings that seek to separate the Old Testament from the New Testament. Help us to always remember that Jesus fulfills the Old Testament, and to be satisfied in the great salvation that he has accomplished. We pray that we may walk in faith and obedience to your law as Christ and his Apostles taught it. Amen.


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