Malachi 3:7-18


ヤコブ 手紙 2:10 律法 全体 を 守っ ても、 一つ の 点 で 過ち を 犯す なら、 その 人 は すべて について 責任 を 問わ れる から です。 11 「姦淫 し ては なら ない」 と 言わ れ た 方 は、「 殺し ては なら ない」 とも 言わ れ まし た。 です から、 姦淫 し なく ても 人殺し を すれ ば、 あなた は 律法 の 違反 者 に なっ て いる の です。


1. 邪悪な者は、個人的な繁栄を得ようとして献金をやめる(マラキ3:7-12

7   あなた がた の 先祖 の 時代 から、 あなた がた は わたし の 掟 を 離れ、 それ を 守ら なかっ た。 わたし に 帰れ。 そう すれ ば、 わたし も あなた がた に 帰る。 ─ ─ 万 軍 の 主 は 言わ れる ─ ─ しかし、 あなた がた は 言う。 『どの よう に し て、 私 たち は 帰ろ う か』 と。 8   人 は、 神 の もの を 盗む こと が できる だろ う か。 だが、 あなた がた は わたし の もの を 盗ん で いる。 しかも、 あなた がた は 言う。 『どの よう に し て、 私 たち は あなた の もの を 盗ん だ でしょ う か』 と。 十 分の 一 と 奉納 物 に おい て だ。 9   あなた がた は、 甚だしく のろわ れ て いる。 あなた がた は、 わたし の もの を 盗ん で いる。 この 民 の すべて が 盗ん で いる。 10   十 分の 一 を ことごとく、 宝物 倉 に 携え て 来 て、 わたし の 家 の 食物 と せよ。 こうして わたし を 試し て み よ。 ─ ─ 万 軍 の 主 は 言わ れる ─ ─ わたし が あなた がた の ため に 天 の 窓 を 開き、 あふれる ばかりの 祝福 を あなた がた に 注ぐ か どう か。 11   わたし は あなた がた の ため に、 食い荒らす もの を 叱っ て、 あなた がた の 大地 の 実り を 滅ぼさ ない よう に し、 畑 の ぶどう の 木 が 不作 と なら ない よう に する。 ─ ─ 万 軍 の 主 は 言わ れる ─ ─ 12   すべて の 国々 は、 あなた がた を 幸せ 者 と 言う よう に なる。 あなた が た が 喜び の 地 と なる から だ。 ─ ─ 万 軍 の 主 は 言わ れる。

神の民がこの悔い改めの呼びかけを聞く必要があったのは、彼らがまだ罪深いやり方を変えていなかったからです。民は神殿で宗教的な働きをする祭司を支えるためにささげることを怠り、社会の貧しい人々を助けることも怠っていました(民数記18:31; 申命記14:28-29)。旧約の律法に従って命じられた献金は、単に金銭的な献金だけではありませんでした。農作物の十分の一(レビ27:30-22、申命記12:6,11,17)、収入の十分の一を祭司とレビ人に(民数記18:21-32)、三年目の十分の一を社会的に恵まれない人々に与えることが義務付けられていました(申命記14:28-29、26:12-15)。gimuの一は、ヤハウェが全地の神であり、その民を養うことを認めるものでした。民はまた,自由意志によるささげ物も捧げることができました。自由意志によるささげ物とは,農作物,物資,個人の貴重品など,自発的なささげ物であり,主やその神殿への強制的な贈り物でした(出エジプト記25:2; 29:27; 民数記5:9; 31:29; 申命記12:6)。自由意志によるささげ物は、神が善良で寛大であるゆえに、神への感謝のささげ物として捧げられたものです。献金に関する神の掟に従わなかったために、彼らは旧約の呪いを受けました(申命記28章)。もし彼らが悔い改めるなら、神は彼らを回復させ、旧約で約束された祝福に従って祝福することを約束されました。その祝福には、土地に豊かな雨を降らせて彼らの農業を繁栄させ、近隣の国々が彼らに注目し、彼らを祝福された者と呼ぶことも含まれていました。


マラキの時代、旧約の民は悔い改めを通して神と和解する必要がありました。彼らは考え方や行動を変え、神の律法に従うように戻る必要がありました。しかし、悔い改めは単に考え方や行動を変えるだけではありません。誰かが悔い改めるとき、それが神に対する悔い改めであれ、罪を犯した相手に対する悔い改めであれ、相手に対する決意を新たにすることによって関係を回復することを目的としています。悔い改めは、罪を犯した相手に向かって身を乗り出すのであって、罪を犯した相手から身を乗り出そうとしたり、相手に取って代わろうとするのではありません。この場合、イスラエルの民は、神との関係を回復させるために、神への約束を新たにするよう招かれていたのです。しかし、自分がどのようにして罪深い混乱に陥ったかを知らないなら、罪が起こる前の状態に戻ることは難しいでしょう。罪深い混乱の中にいて、自分が罪を犯していることにさえ気づかないなら、なおさら困難です。イスラエルの民はそのような困難な状況にありました。神の前では、自分たちは迷ってもいないのだから悔い改める必要はないとさえ宣言していました。しかし、彼らの傲慢さと無知を嘲笑する前に、私たちも同じような状況に置かれている可能性があることを理解する必要があります。私たちは毎週日曜日に教会に行くので、自分が神から遠く離れているとは思っていないかもしれません。平日は子供たちに聖書について話しています。人々を祝福するために友情を築き、イエスについて話そうとします。なぜ私たちは、”私たちは神から遠く離れている “と考える理由があるのでしょうか?罪は私たちを真理から見えなくする傾向があるからです。幸いなことに、聖霊は聖書を通して、また他のクリスチャンを通して、私たちに聖書を思い出させてくださいます。神様御自身が、そのように私たちの霊的な状態を理解するのを助けてくださるのです。



2. 邪悪な者は、無情にも神に従わないために繁栄を期待する (マラキ3:13-15

13   あなた がた の ことば は、 わたし に対して 度 を 越し て いる。 ─ ─ 主 は 言わ れる ─ ─ あなた がた は 言う。 『私 たち が 何 と 言っ た という の です か』 と。 14   あなた がた は 言う。 『神 に 仕える のは 無駄 だ。 神 の 戒め を 守っ ても、 万 軍 の 主 の 前 で 悲しん で 歩い ても、 何 の 得 に なろ う。 15   今、 私 たち は 高ぶる 者 を 幸せ 者 と 言お う。 悪 を 行っ ても 栄え、 神 を 試み ても 罰 を 免れる』 と。」




3.       悔い改めた者は主を恐れ、その名をあがめる (マラキ3:16-18

16   その とき、 主 を 恐れる 者 たち が 互いに 語り合っ た。 主 は 耳 を 傾け て、 これ を 聞か れ た。 主 を 恐れ、 主 の 御名 を 尊ぶ 者 たち の ため に、 主 の 前 で 記憶 の 書 が 記さ れ た。 17  「 彼ら は、 わたし の もの と なる。 ─ ─ 万 軍 の 主 は 言わ れる ─ ─ わたし が 事 を 行う 日 に、 わたし の 宝 と なる。 人 が 自分 に 仕える 子 を あわれむ よう に、 わたし は 彼ら を あわれむ。 18   あなた がた は 再び、 正しい 人 と 悪しき 者、 神 に 仕える 者 と 仕え ない 者 の 違い を 見る よう に なる。」




– あなたの献金の習慣は、あなたの心に働いている神の恵みを現していますか?

– あなたの献金習慣は、あなたの心に働いている神の恵みを現していますか?なぜですか?

– 神を操るために、神にささげたり、従ったりしていませんか?悔い改めるためにどのようなステップを踏みますか?

– 新約聖書における神の命令は重荷だと思いますか?なぜですか?

– 恵みは罪を犯す自由を与えてくれると思いますか?悔い改めるためにどのような手段を取りますか?

– 他の人に罪を犯させないために、伝統を押し付ける必要があると思いますか?悔い改めるためにどのような手段を取りますか?


(James 2:10-11) For whoever keeps the whole law but fails in one point has become guilty of all of it. 11 For he who said, “Do not commit adultery,” also said, “Do not murder.” If you do not commit adultery but do murder, you have become a transgressor of the law.

The book of Malachi was written near 100 years after Nehemiah had rebuilt the wall around Jerusalem and the community had gone through their religious reforms. It is the last book in the Old Testament. The book of Malachi, therefore, is a transition to the New Testament. The events in the New Testament happened a mere 400 years after the events in the book of Malachi. The point of the book of Malachi is to remind God’s people, who had once again fallen into halfhearted religion, that divine judgment comes when God’s people do not obey God’s laws, but divine blessing comes on those who obey God’s laws. The sinful temptation that God’s old covenant people were believing was that the life of faith in God is a life filled with wearisome religious burdens. This wrong way of thinking led them to sin in the way they spent money, married, raised their families, and the way they lived. The prophet Malachi wrote satirically to surprise God’s people by exposing their sins, and convincing them to change their way of thinking and what they desire, and go live according to who God is and what he has commanded, which is a better and blessed way of living.

1. The wicked stop giving to try to gain personal prosperity (Malachi 3:7-12)

From the days of your fathers you have turned aside from my statutes and have not kept them. Return to me, and I will return to you, says the Lord of hosts. But you say, ‘How shall we return?’ 8 Will man rob God? Yet you are robbing me. But you say, ‘How have we robbed you?’ In your tithes and contributions. 9 You are cursed with a curse, for you are robbing me, the whole nation of you. 10 Bring the full tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. And thereby put me to the test, says the Lord of hosts, if I will not open the windows of heaven for you and pour down for you a blessing until there is no more need. 11 I will rebuke the devourer for you, so that it will not destroy the fruits of your soil, and your vine in the field shall not fail to bear, says the Lord of hosts. 12 Then all nations will call you blessed, for you will be a land of delight, says the Lord of hosts.

God’s people needed to hear this call to repentance because they had still not changed their sinful ways. The people were failing to give to support the priests for their religious work in the temple, and they failed to help the poor in their society (Numbers 18:31; Deuteronomy 14:28-29). The giving that they were commanded to do according to the Old Covenant law was not merely financial giving. They were required to give a tenth of their agricultural produce (Lev 27:30-22; Deuteronomy 12:6, 11, 17), a tenth of their income to the priests and Levites (Numbers 18:21-32), and a third-year tithe given to those who were socially disadvantaged (Deuteronomy 14:28-29; 26:12-15). The tithes were an acknowledgement that Yahweh is God over all the earth and provides for his people. The people could also give freewill offerings, which were voluntary offerings and mandatory gifts to the Lord or his temple, including agricultural produce, material goods, or personal valuables (Exodus 25:2; 29:27; Numbers 5:9; 31:29; Deuteronomy 12:6). The freewill offerings were done as thank-offerings to God because God is good and generous. Because they failed to obey God’s laws about giving, they suffered the old covenant curses (Deuteronomy 28). If they repented, God promised to restore them and bless them according to Old Covenant promised blessings, which included sending abundant rain on the land so their agriculture would prosper, and their neighboring nations would take notice and call them blessed.

Today, we are not under the old covenant as a binding covenant per say. The Old Covenant law does come to us through Jesus, but often in new and unexpected ways. We are no longer called to support the temple priests by paying tithes. However, the Apostles that Jesus appointed commanded us to be both content with what we have, and to be generous to others (1 Timothy 6:6-8, 18). The Apostles also command us to financially support those who preach the gospel well (1 Corinthians 9:14), to financially support missionaries (Romans 15:24), and to financially support the poor and vulnerable in societies (Acts 11:29; Galatians 2:10).

In Malachi’s era, the Old Covenant people needed to reconcile with God through repentance. They needed to change their thinking and behavior, and return to obeying God’s law. Repentance is not merely a change of thinking and behavior, however, because it also involves a restoration of a relationship. When someone repents, whether it is repenting towards God or repenting towards a person they have sinned against, it aims to restore the relationship by renewing the commitment to the other person. Repentance leans in towards the person that has been sinned against, and does not seek to lean away from or replace the offended person. In this case, the Israelites were being invited to renew their commitment to God with the aim of having the relationship with God restored. However, if you’re unaware of how you got into your sinful mess, going back to where you were at before the sin occurred can be difficult. It is even more difficult if you are in a sinful mess and don’t even realize that you’re sinning. The Israelites were in such a difficult situation. Before God, they even proclaimed that didn’t need to repent because they were not even lost. But before we mock them for their arrogance and ignorance, we need to realize that we might likewise be in the same situation that they were in. We might not think that we are far from God, because we go to church every Sunday. We talk to our children about the Bible during the week. We try to build friendships to bless people and talk to them about Jesus. Why would we think that we are far away from God. And yet God might see us as having strayed from Him because sin tends to blind us to the truth. Fortunately, the Holy Spirit works through the Bible and through other Christians reminding us of the Bible. God himself helps us to understand our spiritual condition in that way.

For the Israelites, the problem wasn’t merely their lack of giving. Their problem was in their thinking. God had blessed them, and they chose to give God less than the best. They only gave God what was defective. That indicated their hearts were wicked.

People often think that money has nothing to do with Christianity. However, how people spend their money, and the quality of their giving, is an indicator about what they want, and what is going on in their thinking. Jesus does not lessen the requirements of the law in the New Testament. Instead, Jesus increases the expectation in the New Testament (Matthew 5:21-22, 27-28). Instead, because we are under grace, the demands are qualitatively higher. We should seek to show our worship to the Lord through our giving, motivated by the finished work of Jesus, and never be satisfied with a quality of giving that meets the absolute minimum. God doesn’t need your money. He deserves your heart. He wants you to understand that a heart that refuses to give is a heart that is refusing God’s work of grace upon the heart. If you refuse to give to support the work of ministry or support the poor, you are rebelling against God. Confess your sin, trust that Jesus died to atone for your sin, change your thinking to agree with Jesus and his Apostles, and walk in obedience to the commands of Christ and the apostles by the power of Christ’s resurrection.

2. The Wicked Expect Prosperity for Heartlessly Obeying God (Malachi 3:13-15)

13 “Your words have been hard against me, says the Lord. But you say, ‘How have we spoken against you?’ 14 You have said, ‘It is vain to serve God. What is the profit of our keeping his charge or of walking as in mourning before the Lord of hosts? 15 And now we call the arrogant blessed. Evildoers not only prosper but they put God to the test and they escape.’ ”

The people of God had several complaints about God that are mentioned in the book. The fifth complaint is that they had done so much to serve God, and yet God had not rewarded them. They sinfully thought that God is somehow in their debt because they did religious actions. At the same time, they looked at wicked people, and saw that the wicked were not serving God, and yet those wicked people seemed to be prospering. Basically, they were trying to use God for their own selfish desires rather than devoting themselves to God’s desires. Because of their wicked thinking, they considered God to be useless, because he wasn’t fulfilling their desires. They were merely performing their religious obligations to try to manipulate God. They walked around with the appearance of sorrow, hoping that God would hear them because of they looked like they were repenting, but they really weren’t. They had given into the sinful temptation that God will act based on reciprocity, but that is not true. They wanted God to do something for them because they had done something for God. That is not how God works. The Israelites appeared to be doing the right thing, but they had the wrong motive entirely. Because they desired prosperity, and not God’s desires, they became jealous of the wicked people around them who seemed to live in prosperity.

The Israelites had begun once again to do religious obligation but show contempt for God. The law had become burdensome to them. But how did this happen? God’s old covenant law is perfect and was designed for the good of the Israelites. They were supposed to love the law. It was meant to reveal to them how they were to live. This concept is very different from how people tend to understand the law today. When people think of the law, people dread getting red-carded or receiving a speeding ticket from a police officer. People don’t wake up and excitedly exclaim how they’re looking forward to obeying the law today. But that’s how God’s Old Covenant law was meant to be used. God’s Old Covenant law was meant to be obeyed from the heart, from a joyful attitude. Today, even many people who call themselves Christians view God’s Old Covenant law according to one of two false teachings. One false teaching that people tend to believe is called antinomianism. Antinomianism basically means that the law has been completely abrogated, and we have freedom to sin because God is gracious. However, the Apostle Paul strongly opposes that false teaching in Romans 6:1-2. Christians do have freedom in Christ, but we are not free to indulge in sin. Since God’s desires is what Christians are to want, we cannot go on disobeying the commands that he has given us in the Scriptures. The other false teaching that many people that call themselves Christians believe is legalism. This is the idea that we need to institute human traditions and demand that others keep them as well to keep from disobeying God’s commands. Guarding ourselves from sin isn’t a problem. However, when we set up guardrails to keep ourselves from sin and impose those guardrails on others as the solution to obeying God’s laws, we end up obscuring God’s law and replacing it with the guardrails. Jesus spoke against both antinomianism and legalism (Matthew 23:23-24; Matthew 5:17-20). So then, what is the proper response to God’s law? The proper response to God’s law is to obey it. However, that is impossible on our own, but we also know that Jesus made it possible. The Old Testament showed us that no one is righteous under the law. Thankfully, Jesus obeyed the Old Testament law perfectly.

However, because of the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus, we now can fulfill the perfect law of God. It is not because of our own righteousness that we can do this, because we have no righteousness in ourselves. But when we repent of unbelief and put our faith in Jesus, he gives us Jesus’s absolute righteousness. By faith in Christ, we no longer look to obeying the law to achieve our righteousness. Instead, we can trust that Jesus fulfilled the law of God, and because of our unity to him, we can respond with a heart of reverent fear for God, bringing glory to Jesus’s name as we obey his and his apostles’ commands, which are the law of God brought forward to us today in the new covenant.

3. The repentant fear the Lord and glorify his name (Malachi 3:16-18)

16 Then those who feared the Lord spoke with one another. The Lord paid attention and heard them, and a book of remembrance was written before him of those who feared the Lord and esteemed his name. 17 “They shall be mine, says the Lord of hosts, in the day when I make up my treasured possession, and I will spare them as a man spares his son who serves him. 18 Then once more you shall see the distinction between the righteous and the wicked, between one who serves God and one who does not serve him.

Even though the prophet Malachi was confronting the wickedness among God’s old covenant people, there were still some people who feared God among them. Some of them had returned to the Lord by repenting and obeying the law when Malachi confronted them, and they honored God’s name. God writes a scroll of remembrance for them. Malachi is probably talking about the book he was writing. When God comes in divine judgment, he promises that his people will see the distinction between the righteous and the wicked. The wicked will burn like chaff and be destroyed, but those who revere God’s name will be given righteousness, healing, freedom, and vindication over their enemies (Malachi 4:2-3).

The divine judgment that Malachi spoke of came when Jesus died on the cross, when he suffered God’s wrath for our sins (Galatians 1:4). However, Jesus has promised to come again to judge the living and the dead. When he comes again, he will bring the final divine judgment upon all mankind. Until that time, it is the responsibility of Christians not to cringe in fear of God’s wrath towards us, because Jesus absorbed God’s wrath in our stead when he died on the cross. The fear that believers have for the Lord is one of respect and awe, resulting in us listening to the Lord and gaining his wisdom. In the New Testament letter to the Colossians, we are told that we have all wisdom in the person of Jesus. This reverence and awe of who God is, and thus receiving the person and words of Jesus Christ results in obeying the teachings of Jesus. In his sermons, Jesus taught that it is the foolish man that rejects the sermons of Jesus, but the wise man hears his teachings and obeys them.

Through the book of Malachi, today we have seen that the wicked stop giving in order to gain personal prosperity, and they try to relate to God via reciprocity as if God is like an idol that can be manipulated. We also learned that the repentant do neither of these things, but instead they show a healthy reverence and awe of Jesus and glorify his name by obeying his teachings. As we think through how to obey the book of Malachi as Christians, we should ask ourselves the following questions:

  • Do your giving habits reveal God’s grace at work in your heart?
  • Do you have a healthy reverence and awe of God, or are you afraid of God? Why?
  • Do you give or obey God to manipulate him? What steps will you take to repent?
  • Do you think that God’s commands in the New Testament are burdensome? Why?
  • Do you believe that grace gives you freedom to sin? What steps will you take to repent?
  • Do you believe that you need to impose traditions on others to keep them from sinning? What steps will you take to repent?

Heavenly Father, we repent for any wrong thinking and selfish motives. May we give generously, not for personal gain, but to honor you. Grant us a healthy reverence for you and joy in obeying the commands of Jesus and his Apostles. Help us discern our hearts, repent where needed, and live as a testimony to your transformative love.

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