1. 神様は、一人ひとりの罪を裁かれるので、クリスチャンは他の人に警告し、罪を無視してはいけません(ローマ2:1-5)。
同性愛と偶像崇拝に傾いたギリシャ人も、道徳主義に傾いたユダヤ人も、神様の命令 に反抗した罪と、神様と他の人々との壊れた関係のために、神の裁きに直面しました。同性愛によって罪を犯すように誘惑された人々は、自分の行動に対する道徳的責任を逃れるために、創造主を捨て、自分自身のために神のより良いバージョンを作ることはできません。自分は他の人よりも道徳的であると主張して罪を犯すように誘惑された人も、神の裁きを免れることはできません。神の裁きは関係なく正確です。パウロが言いたいのは、神に対する反逆のために、すべての人類が非難される立場にあるということです。しかし、だからといって、私たちは決して人の行いを評価したり、人の行いに反対したりしてはいけないということではありません。キリストを信じる者を通して神の恵みが働いているのですから、私たちが知り、愛している他の人々の行動が、信仰とキリストの命令に従って行われているか、それともキリストとその命令に反抗して行われているかを評価する義務が信者にはあるのです。この本の後半、12章と13章では、パウロがこのようなことをしている例があります。ある人は、その罪のために懲戒される必要があるかもしれませんし、仕事をしないために解雇される必要があるかもしれません。職場で、倫理や方針に違反した上司を報告する必要があるかも知れません。教師は生徒に低い評価を下す必要があるかもしれません。有権者は、候補者に反対する必要があるかもしれません。心配性の市民は、政府の不正に抗議する必要があるかもしれません。虐待の被害者は、加害者との接触を断ち、加害者から保護されるよう求める必要があるかもしれません。私たちは神に対して責任を負っているので、他人の行動や意図を可能な限り評価し、必要な場合には行動を起こさなければなりません。だからといって、他人に反対することで、自分を道徳的に優位に立たせるということではありません。他人の罪のために反対するとき、私たちはキリストのような判断を下すように注意しなければなりません。まず自分の罪を悔い改め、そして相手が罪を克服するのを助けるべきです。他人の罪も自分の罪も無視してはいけません。私たちは、他の人々を同じ像の担い手として尊重し、彼らが罪人であり、その罪について神に責任があることを伝え、彼らが悔い改めるのを助けるよう努めなければなりません。クリスチャンである私たちは、たとえ権威ある人に敵対心を抱いたとしても、尊敬と栄誉をもって接する必要があります(1ペテロ3:17、マタイ14:3-4)。さらに、神は人々に罪の責任を負わせ、公共の利益を守るために政府や教会のような権威構造を設けられたので、それらの権威構造が神の命令通りに働かないときには、私たちはそれに立ち向かうべきです(ローマ13章)。キリスト教会は国家から分離されていなければなりませんが、国家の良心として行動し、必要な時にはその指導者に悔い改めを求めなければなりません。
2. 神様は、キリストの十字架上の完成した仕事を信じる信仰によってのみ、罪人をご自分と和解させます。(ローマ3:19-26)
3. 神様は、ご自分の律法に対する部分的な従順を軽んじられます。神様の律法に対する部分的な従順は、神様の裁きを受けることにな ります。神様は、イエス様によって実現された完全な従順を命じておられます。(アモス5:18-24)
イエス様が来られたとき、神様はイエス様のバプテスマで、イエス様を完全に喜んでいると発表されました(ルカ3:22)。イエス様はまた、ユダヤ人の宗教的指導者であるファリサイ派の人々に公然と立ち向かわれました。イエスは彼らに、神を部分的にしか礼拝していないことを悔い改めるように命じられた。ファリサイ派の人々は、神の神殿に犠牲を捧げることに細心の注意を払いながら、不正で、情けなく、不誠実であった(マタイ23:23)。パリサイ人は時々神に従うだけで、神の律法と矛盾する自分たちの伝統を守っていたので、他の罪深い人類と同じように、自分たちも義でない罪人であることが証明されたのです。神は、ご自分への部分的な忠誠を容認されません。神の契約の律法に従って義とされるには、ファリサイ派の義をはるかに超えた完全な従順が要求されます。イエスだけが、神の旧約の律法に完全に従順であった。私たちの誰もが、神の契約の律法に対して完全に従順ではありません。だからこそ、イエスが来て、私たちと同じようにあらゆる誘惑を受けながら、決して罪を犯さないことが必要だったのです。キリストの十字架上の死に至るまでの完全な従順を信じる信仰によってキリストと結ばれることによってのみ、私たちは神によって義と宣言されることができるのです。キリストへの信仰によって義とされた私たちは、同様に、宗教的な行為に関して神が命じたことを行うだけでなく、他の人々に対してキリストのような愛を持つことを使徒パウロによって命じられています(1コリント13:3)。使徒たちはまた、来るべき主の日について警告しています。自らをクリスチャンと呼びながら悔い改めずにいる人々が教会から追放され、それはすでに起こっているのです。しかし、イエスが再び来られるとき、教会は完全に完成されるのです。悔い改めていない者(キリストを信じない者)はすべて、神の神聖な臨在から追い出されるのです。彼らは永遠に苦しみの場に投げ出されます(アモス2:16; 3:14; 4:2; 8:3, 9, 10, 11, 13; 9:11, 13; 使徒2:16-17; 1ペテロ4:17; 1テサロニケ5:1-11; 2ペテロ3:8-10; マタイ28:18-20).
Intro: The Old Testament book of Amos and the New Testament letter to the Romans address the issue of sin in humanity and the consequences of sin, including exile from God’s presence and relationship problems. The letter to the Romans by the Apostle Paul explains how to reconcile with God despite sin, while Amos warns Israel to repent and obey God’s commands to avoid being exiled. Both emphasize the importance of repentance, faith, and obedience to God’s commands.
1. God will judge the sins of each person, so Christians should warn others and not ignore sin (Romans 2:1-5)
Reread Verse: 1 Therefore you have no excuse, O man, every one of you who judges. For in passing judgment on another you condemn yourself, because you, the judge, practice the very same things. 2 We know that the judgment of God rightly falls on those who practice such things. 3 Do you suppose, O man—you who judge those who practice such things and yet do them yourself—that you will escape the judgment of God? 4 Or do you presume on the riches of his kindness and forbearance and patience, not knowing that God’s kindness is meant to lead you to repentance? 5 But because of your hard and impenitent heart you are storing up wrath for yourself on the day of wrath when God’s righteous judgment will be revealed.
Contextual meaning: The Apostle Paul argues that people who try to follow God’s commands or appear moral by keeping religious traditions still sin and face consequences. Paul uses a Greek writing style called diatribe to argue that all people, even the moralist, have a sin problem and need to repent, as sinning stores up God’s wrath for the divine judgment of the living and the dead. Paul stresses that relying on God’s kindness and patience to continue sinning is not enough and will lead to divine judgment. God’s judgment will be consistent with people’s actions and sin, and good works cannot save from judgment.
Practical Application: Both the Greek who was prone to homosexuality and idol worship, and the Jew who was prone to moralism were both guilty for their rebellion against God’s commands and faced divine judgment for their broken relationships with both God and other people. People tempted to sin through homosexuality don’t get to abandon their creator and make better versions of God for themselves to escape moral accountability for their actions. People tempted to sin by claiming they are more moral than other people also will not escape divine judgment. God ‘s judgment will be accurate regardless. Paul’s point is that all humanity stands condemned because of their rebellion against God. However, that does not mean we are to never assess people’s actions or oppose people for what they do. Because God’s grace is at work through believers in Christ, believers have a duty to assess whether the actions of other people we know and love are being done in faith and obedience to the commands of Christ or if they are done in rebellion against Christ and his commands. We have the example of Paul doing this later in the book in chapter 12 and 13. Someone may need to be disciplined because of their sin, or they may need to be fired for not doing their job. At the workplace, someone might need to report their supervisor for an ethical or policy violation. A teacher might need to give a student a low grade. A voter might need to oppose a candidate. A concerned citizen might need to protest a government injustice. A victim of abuse might need to cut off contact with an abuser and seek protection from him. Because we are responsible to God, we must assess the actions and intentions of others to the best of our ability and take action when necessary. That does not mean that we are setting ourselves up as morally superior to others by opposing them. When we oppose other people for their sins, we must be careful to ensure that we render Christlike judgment. We should first repent of our own sins, and then help the other person to overcome their sins. We shouldn’t ignore sin in others or in ourselves. We should respect other people as fellow image-bearers and tell them that they are sinners and are accountable to God for their sins, and seek to help them repent. As Christians, we need to even treat those in authority with respect and honor as we do this, even if they are hostile towards us when we confront them (1 Peter 3:17; Matthew 14:3-4). Additionally, God has set up authority structures such as government and church government to hold people accountable for sin and uphold the public good, and we should confront those authority structures when they do not work as God commands them to (Romans 13). The Christian church must be separate from the state, but should act as the conscience of the state by calling its leaders to repent and have faith in Christ.
2. God only reconciles sinners to himself through faith in the finished work of Christ on the cross. (Romans 3:19-26)
Reread Verse: 19 Now we know that whatever the law says it speaks to those who are under the law, so that every mouth may be stopped, and the whole world may be held accountable to God. 20 For by works of the law no human being will be justified in his sight, since through the law comes knowledge of sin. 21 But now the righteousness of God has been manifested apart from the law, although the Law and the Prophets bear witness to it— 22 the righteousness of God through faith in Jesus Christ for all who believe. For there is no distinction: 23 for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, 24 and are justified by his grace as a gift, through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus, 25 whom God put forward as a propitiation by his blood, to be received by faith. This was to show God’s righteousness, because in his divine forbearance he had passed over former sins. 26 It was to show his righteousness at the present time, so that he might be just and the justifier of the one who has faith in Jesus.
Contextual meaning: Since humans are sinners and cannot achieve righteousness through obedience to God’s moral law, they need God to intervene and provide a way to become righteous and reconcile their relationship with God. This is achieved through grace by faith in Christ, who died on the cross to atone for believers’ sins, releasing them from sin and death. Believers in Christ are declared righteous and their relationship with God is reconciled, as Christ’s sacrifice turns away God’s wrath. Salvation cannot be achieved through obedience to God’s moral law, but through faith in what Christ has already accomplished.
Point to Christ: Although we have all sinned against God by disobeying his moral law, and that can make us feel guilty and sad, as believers we have something to be happy about. God made a special deal called a covenant with Israel’s ancestor Abraham. If Abraham believed in God, he would be considered good in God’s eyes. Now, because of what Jesus did, everyone who believes in Christ gets the same covenant blessing that Abraham did. That means that even though we sin against God, God still sees us as good because of Christ’s perfect obedience unto his death on the cross, because we are united to Christ by faith. Even though God is completely fair and good, he can forgive our sin because of what Jesus did since he died for our sins. That’s something amazing and we should give thanks to God for it. Our salvation can’t be bragged about, because it isn’t our own good deeds that have reconciled us to God. Instead, the entire process of salvation, including our faith, has been accomplished by the finished work of Christ.
Practical Application: Jesus going to the cross and dying to atone for our sins is surprising because even though Jesus is not the sinner, he presented himself as the sacrifice for sins. As sinners, when we sin we should be quick to admit our failings. We can’t make ourselves right, but God does and can work his righteousness and justice through us. In situations where the mistakes and injustices of others cause the problems, we may be able to set things right by sacrificing ourselves as an imitation of Jesus, even if we were not the ones that caused the problem. For example, if your workplace operates based on a culture of blame, the leader of the company might spend all his time trying to blame others whenever problems arise, rather than take the blame himself. If that is true, it might not be your fault. However, we should ask ourselves if we could offer ourselves as a sacrifice in order to bring reconciliation and peace to the workplace. If you stood up and took the blame for something you were partly responsible for, and others followed in your footsteps, then the culture of blame might fall apart. You might end up sacrificing your reputation, your friendship with the leader, or your future job prospects, but it might break the culture of manipulation at the workplace. We should expect that God’s grace could take an active role through the Christ-like sacrifices of believers.
3. God despises partial obedience which leads to judgment. God commands perfect obedience, fulfilled by Jesus. (Amos 5:18-24)
Reread Verse: 18 Woe to you who desire the day of the Lord! Why would you have the day of the Lord? It is darkness, and not light, 19 as if a man fled from a lion, and a bear met him, or went into the house and leaned his hand against the wall, and a serpent bit him. 20 Is not the day of the Lord darkness, and not light, and gloom with no brightness in it? 21 I hate, I despise your feasts, and I take no delight in your solemn assemblies. 22 Even though you offer me your burnt offerings and grain offerings, I will not accept them; and the peace offerings of your fattened animals, I will not look upon them. 23 Take away from me the noise of your songs; to the melody of your harps I will not listen. 24 But let justice roll down like waters, and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream.
Contextual meaning: The prophet Amos used satire to expose the evil in Israel, advocating for the poor and vulnerable and exposing corruption among the wealthy and privileged classes. He reminded Israel that God’s law was the standard of right and wrong and that individuals and society would be held accountable. The priesthood and judicial system were responsible for upholding justice and protecting the vulnerable. Amos criticized Israel for their partial obedience and corrupt worship and warned of divine judgment for their wrong actions. As a result, Israel was exiled and the prophecy of the Day of the Lord was fulfilled when the Assyrians conquered them in 722 BC. God requires perfect obedience to his covenant law, not just the religious institution and festivals that he commanded.
Point to Christ: When Jesus came, God announced at the baptism of Jesus that he was completely pleased with Jesus (Luke 3:22). he also publicly confronted the religious leaders of the Jews, the pharisees, and commanded them to repent for only worshiping God partly. The pharisees went to extreme measures to ensure they were careful to give sacrifices to God’s temple, and yet they were unjust, unmerciful, and unfaithful (Matthew 23:23). Because the Pharisees only sometimes obeyed God and instead upheld their traditions that conflicted with God’s law, they proved themselves to be sinners who were not righteous, just like the rest of sinful mankind. God does not tolerate partial loyalty to him. Being declared righteous by obeying God’s covenant law requires perfect obedience, which goes far beyond the righteousness of the pharisees. Only Jesus was perfectly obedient to God’s old covenant law. None of us are perfectly obedient to God’s covenant law, which is why we needed Jesus to come and be tempted all ways like we are and never sin. Only by being united to Christ by faith in his perfect obedience even unto his death on the cross, can we be declared righteous by God. For those of us that have been declared righteous by faith in Christ, we are likewise commanded by the Apostle Paul to not merely do religious things, but to have Christlike love for other people (1 Corinthians 13:3). The Apostles also warned us about a coming Day of the Lord. It is already happening as people that call themselves Christians but continue in unrepentance are exiled away from his church, but it will be completely perfected when Jesus comes again and all the unrepentant (those that do not have faith in Christ) are cast out of God’s sacred presence into a place of suffering for all eternity (Amos 2:16; 3:14; 4:2; 8:3, 9, 10, 11, 13; 9:11, 13; Acts 2:16-17; 1 Peter 4:17; 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11; 2 Peter 3:8-10; Matthew 28:18-20).
Closing Prayer: Heavenly Father, we recognize and confess to you that we are sinners in need of your grace and mercy. We thank you for the old testament law that you gave to us, which is good as you are good. We understanding that we cannot be righteous by obeying it, because as sinners we cannot obey your law perfectly. But we are thankful for your grace, which is at work through us by faith in Jesus Christ. We thank you that because your Holy Spirit has united us to Jesus by faith, we are considered righteous because Jesus was perfectly obedient to your law. Help us to repent of sin in our lives by faith in Christ. Help us to be obedient to the commands of Christ. Help us to assess the actions and intentions of other people, not from a sense of moral superiority, but with a heart of compassion and a desire to help them to repent. Give us wisdom to take appropriate action when necessary, from a love for you and other people. Help us to uphold the public good and treat others with respect, even those in authority who are corrupt and threaten our wellbeing. We pray for your church to be a conscience of the state and to take a stand for what is right. Father, we know that you are patient and kind, but we also understand that your judgment will be accurate and just. We thank you that you have given forgiveness for our sins because of Christ’s atoning death, and we thank you for the grace that you give us to repent and turn from our sins. Amen.